Hey, guys! BD and GOTA, here, with another installment of "connected_by_your_strings ." Yes, we do plan to get to the big moment with Jaune and the Belladonnas. However, we want to tie loose ends on the events that led to Jaune's discovery about Blake. Stay tuned and enjoy!
Lie Ren was on his third cup of coffee. He was fortunate that he had a coupon, or else the refills would have been pricey. Caffeine was his substitute for nicotine. Even though it was a lie to himself. Even before entering the establishment, he was half a pack finished with his Mevius. So, be that as it may from the milligrams of tar ingested in his lungs or staining his fingers and the number of coffee beans entering his central nervous system, it was safe to say that he was, in a lack for a better word, rattled.
The bank called him about the overdraft from his account. He was running out of his family's inheritance. Financial aid threatened to default him from further courses unless he pays the outstanding balance in his account. Options on rather paying for the overdue electric bill or keeping the rent on his apartment loomed onto his troubled brain. So many things tackling the young adult at once. It mattered not on how highly intellect the lone wolf of the Ren clan was. It mattered not how much grace and mercy he could acquire money from surrogate family and friends. Strings were being pulled, lessening and lessening by every tiny thread. He didn't know what to do. In what he gained from a rigorous system of studying techniques and obtaining the intellect of becoming a huntsman, he lacked the responsibility of common sense.
He licked the dryness around the corner of his mouth, wettening it up with more caffeine. He wasn't at this ritzy coffeehouse for a social call. No way did the teen could afford bagels and frappuccinos at these prices. At those prices, he could buy a tank of gas. Quite unfortunate that he had to sell his vehicle for collateral of debts from previous debts. He gripped his hand tightly around the edge of the table. He tried his best not to hide his imperfections. Didn't want to publicly show his emotions. With his best friend, Nora traveling the world, he needed to do anything and everything to not let it afflict her. She didn't come from the best life. She, too, encountered the suffering of being a dejected reject. As if care overlooked her, Ren compensated as he didn't want her to have broken dreams.
A few days ago, Ren received mail by courier. According to the envelope, it was time-sensitive. Normally believing it to be a ruse of timeshares, fixed botches of purchasing a vehicle in lieu of a grand prize, he would have thrown it in the trash can. However, feeling the texture of the envelope and its embroidery, something about it made it atypical. He ripped the letter and read its contents. The letter, more so of the contents contained in it, seemed like the answer to his prayers. When recognizing the embroidery and its emblem, it was from the Belladonna family. Familiar with the Belladonnas, he looked to them as a highly trusted source. Whatever offer they presented to him, he would take it. Rather being a ward, housekeeping, or simply a servant, debts were running high.
Time was of the essence. Not even a few minutes after receiving the letter, he phoned the Belladonna family.
While scraping any change from his pocket in hope of purchasing a bagel, the ring from the door sounded. Immediately, his eyes darted to the person-in-question. Like a bolt from the blue, he recognized the very people who could possibly become his benefactors.
Ghira and Kali Belladonna were appearing as though they were lawyers instead of being a typical married couple. Ghira kept his stance smooth and professionally. Wearing his obviously expensive business suit and hiding his expression behind those Ray-Bans sunglasses, he kept his arms closed and folded. Kali glared onto the area, appearing as if she was scoping. In Ren's mind, why discuss business in the public eye if one would think there would be a prying ear? Wearing a matching business suit, which was black and white. She wore slacks. However, the tightness was slick onto her ravenous body, giving her strong sex appeal. Ren wouldn't be liar to see that Kali Belladonna was unattractive. In actuality, he found the Belladonna couple attractive - in both looks and in power. He knew that Ghira was a powerful man. Behind the days of working for White Fang, he also knew that Ghira was responsible for importing Irish Crystal in the town. Menagarie became highly profitable thanks to the import Ghira placed behind its ports. In the end, the brunet knew that the Belladonna dynasty showed importance.
So much so that Ren was prepared to take whatever offer they gave him. Even if it meant selling out.
In a triangular pattern, Ren was centered between husband and wife. Kali sat to the right, seating first before Ghira accompanied her to the left. Kali pressed her finger to her nose. She took off her glasses, neatly placing them to the table. Ghira didn't fold. He remained silent. Now, as if the shift of lawyers turned into bodyguard and powerful mob boss, Kali observed the area to ensure that there were certainly any prying ears or eyes.
Ren was reaching for his coffee until he saw a passing barista walking toward the door. Upon doing so, he turned the open sign to close. He lowered the blinds, closing them, giving the area a moment of intermittent darkness. Another barista jumped over the counter, rushing to turn on the lights to allow the Belladonnas appropriate lighting. Ren watched in amazement on how quick and swift these people were. Not even much so in which Ghira or Kali done anything verbally.
That alone gave Ren a rattle in his throat.
"Thank you for coming on this short notice." Kali spoke calmly. She pressed her lips while reaching for something beside her. "Just so you know, Mr. Ren, that you are in good hands." Kali explained to Ren that this establishment was ran by them. The people who work for them were under the White Fang organization. So, Ren knew that whatever reason to keep this as closed and discreet must be something serious.
That alone gave Ren another rattle in his throat.
Ghira raised his hand. In a quick snap, there approach another barista. He stood attentively as he awaited their orders.
Ghira wanted a black coffee. Kali wanted a glass of lemon water. Kali offered Ren something to eat or drink, but Ren declined. Instead, he wanted to keep his appetite suppressed. An unsteady feeling was approaching in his gut.
Back then, even he believed that he was entering the lion's den.
"You weren't followed, were you?" Ghira finally spoke while reaching for a cigarette lighter. The sound of the flickering cigarette lighter made Ren tense. Lighting a few puff from his cigarette before returning the lighter at its place, Ghira blew the smoke into the air.
"No, sir. I wasn't!" Ren didn't tell anyone of his whereabouts. Matter of factly, what friends? He kept to himself at the University. Any acquaintances that joined him from Beacon Academy or Haven Academy were now dust in the wind, moving onto the newer places to settle. Ren still lived in the world of the Beacon days. Days in which there was a family. A comfort, a safe space, a routine to know that when he fell asleep and wake up, there would be his teammates/roommates.
Just like his family and his past, the yesteryear were now passed away.
"We aren't trying to scare you, Ren," said Kali as she kept her eyes locked onto his. Ren knew that he was being read. Her eyes were too intricate, too indicative, as if she was looking through him from an observant's point of view. It made him feel uneasy. As much as he tried using signal cues against her, it was failing. The moment he blinked to avert his eyes, he knew then that she can figure him out. "We say these things because we want to be sure that our affairs are going to be kept here. I am certain in the letter that what we are discussing is going to stay here." She blew into the air. "Am I correct?"
Ren stared blankly at the eyes of the Faunus. He once again looked away, keeping a direction to her nose. Ren gripped to his coffee cup to drink his now lukewarm sugary substance.
"Ren, I do need an answer," said Kali assertively. A change of tone was being changed. "Yes or no?"
Ren nodded. "Yes, ma'am. No one is aware of my actions." He sighed nervously. "Just so you know, whatever you guys want of me, I am at your disposal."
Kali looked over to Ghira. At that time, Ghira was inattentive as he was focusing on the time expectancy of his coffee. Kali drew her attention back to Ren. "In the letter, we have stated that you were in a bit of a rut."
Ren sucked as much air one could inquire. No genius was needed to indicate the severity of his self-esteem taking a plunge. He was in debt. He didn't even have anything to his name unless it was a property of someone's company or bank. "How could you have tell," he asked gently.
The moment was interrupted when the barista returned with a tray of drinks. Quickly the barista gave Kali her lemon water and Ghira his coffee. To Ren's surprise, he was presented a drink of lemon tea. "I don't recall ordering this," said Ren.
"No," retorted Kali. "I do recall a certain teen picking the lint into his pockets in hopes of having said drink." She reached for the water, sipping it loudly with a raised pinky finger. "So there wouldn't be any nervousness, this coffeehouse is a subsidiary of our company. White Fang and the family business is in control of this establishment. So, therefore, we are aware of what consumers want and desire." She flicked her finger. "So, remain humble and drink your tea before it gets cold."
Ren was astounded, if not at the same time offended. By statistics, it meant that he was being watched. Ren always thought that the stories of video cameras secretly watching consumers was merely more than pulp fiction. However, he would confess that lemon tea was what he wanted if they weren't pricey on their refills. Nevertheless, he wouldn't admit that to the Faunus wife. His pride was already turn down a notch. He didn't want his descent to go further.
"Ren, we know that you are currently in a tight spot at this time." Kali was taking another sip of her drink. "My condolences toward your family by the way for being placed in this tight position. However, I am not here to comfort you, but to inform you of your current situation." She took steady breaths, not once losing her composure. "If you may, Ren, I am aware that you are several thousand dollars in debt with various companies." She clicked her tongue. "For a young age, having this kind of debt is very detrimental. Not even the mightiest of soldiers would preform harakiri with this."
Ghira flicked the ashes into his empty coffee cup. He scratched under his scruffy beard. "If I may interject, Kali." He coughed and briefly grunted. "Ren, you have acquired much debt that you can become penniless and homeless in the matter of weeks. Also, because of your struggling of maintaining your education and way of life, you have involved yourself with people that can be very unkindly to those who don't pay their debts." He took a sip of his coffee. "People who don't believe in grace and mercy."
"We know, kid. You're young, trying your best to live with what you got," said Kali. "We can't say we know the feeling, but we can understand." She began to light a cigarette.
"Your balance of obtaining an education, living expenses, and the occasional fun is catching up with you," informed Ghira sternly while taking a puff of his cigarette. "Frankly, kid, I couldn't really care what happens to you, but with the people you have indebted yourself with." Ghira briefly paused as he whistled. Ren lowered his head. The feeling of his an insincere whistle made him somewhat regret of having this meeting. "I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy."
Kali blew the cancerous smoke into the air as she flickered the ash into the ashtray. "Let's say that we are aware of this situation because we happen to be friends with the people that you owe money to." She took another puff. "And the fact that you have an acquaintanceship with our daughter, Blake."
Ren didn't answer. Honestly, he felt that he didn't have permission to answer. The only formidable thing he could do was nod in compliance.
"A friend of Blake's is a friend of ours," retorted Kali. "And those debtors are also our friends." She cracked her knuckles. "What we can say is that what if we can make peace between parties?"
Ren stood attentively. By now, his hands were tightly wrapped around his coffee cup.
"I am not sure if there is a god or Oum or the Christian God, but did it say somewhere in the good book about the absolving of sins," questioned Kali.
Ren nodded in compliance while keeping his best composure he could have. All in the while his throat continued rattling.
"Drink some of that tea," informed Kali. "It can take care of your nervousness." Ren raised his eyebrow, immediately giving Kali the right information that she was a great observer of body language. Even as he raised his cup, the hint of shakiness stirred from his hand.
"Let's say we can that type of person that can absolve your sins," said Kali. "A new beginning. A fresh start. Wiping the slate clean for you and Nora."
Ren's cheek turned instinctively red when the name of Nora Valkyrie entered into his ear canals.
A tiny smile was produced from Kali. "Nora is a special lady to you, isn't she?" She nodded her head. "It's okay, you are permitted to dialogue."
He stuttered momentarily before his brain could finally reach for an answer. "Nora and I have each other's backs. I am like her sunrise and she is my sunset." He took a sip of his tea. "We look out for each other. She is meaningful, dearing, and a great comrade to be around."
A tiny glare was formed as Kali flickered the ash from her cigarette. "It seems that you have extended some line of credit for Nora to acquire her dream of attending University in another country." She clicked her tongue. "Way too high for your budget. Way too unrealistic for you guys." She lowered her smile. "I can't ever think of a friend as dedicated as you unless there was some conditions."
This time, Ghira interjected. "C'mon, Ren. You can't tell me that you haven't got a taste of the pink pudding. Did she have to give something for it? Was it the F-word you wanted." Ghira leaned back while keeping a stare to Ren. "I understand, Ren. We are men. Men have needs. No way in hell would you provide something platonically unless you were fucking Nora."
"Don't say things like that!" Ghira and Kali turned to each other before simultaneously turning their sights onto Ren. Ren's voice nearly faltered. "I love Nora. She is my best friend. She means a lot to me. She is like a surrogate sister. Hell, she is my sister."
Ghira slapped his thigh. "Kids! Love he says. Sister he says." He flickered the ash into his coffee cup. "Unless you are fond of the same sex or a eunuch, that is a lie!"
Ren slapped the table. "What I do with my love life is none of your concern. Why is this even in this conversation?"
Ghira immediately gripped Ren's collar. Ren watched the angry eyes of the Faunus searing into the windows of his soul. "I would learn not to raise your voice when talking to me, boy!" He, then, blew smoke onto his face. "Especially when your life is hanging by a thread!"
As if the roles went from businesslike to the hierarchy between prey and predator, Ren looked mercifully to the man that could rip him in half with a single hand. Straining by Ghira's mighty hands, it was Kali's turn to transition into a negotiator. "Pardon my husband, dear." Kali gave Ghria a strong look until he released Ren. Out of reluctance, he released him, not without a rough push back to his chair.
Kali lightly dabbed her cheek with a napkin, apparently wiping the bit of water from her cheek. "As you can see, Ren, my husband is highly dedicated about his job." She snapped her fingers. "Look at me, Ren! We don't say these things so we can create a ruse." She retreated back to her seat. It didn't go without an audible smirk. "It goes without saying that no one indebtedly gives another person a helping hand without some kind of incentive."
Ren was choosing his words carefully. "What makes you think I would do this unless it involves wanting sexual favors? Or any other favors?"
"You can't tell me that you have gone all throughout high school without developing some kind of feelings for a woman," explained Kali. "Nora Valkyrie is a mighty fine dime piece. If I were bi, I would pursue such a delicate little flower myself."
"Nora is my sister. I look out for her best interest as well as putting myself out there for her to be successful."
Kali crossed her legs. "Seems no different than a lover. Alas, if you want to stay in that particular closet, then be my guest."
Ren took steady breaths. He knew what they were throwing at him, and he didn't want any part of it. It was embarrassing to accept their offer for a meeting. He didn't mind being belittled. However, inviting Nora into this was an option.
"What you do with Nora is your business, but the debts you have inquired are my business," said Kali. She swayed her hands. "Those friends you owe money to are my friends. If they don't have their money from you, then that is a problem for me." She pressed her face closer to him. "And that is something that I find ve-ry un-a-ccept-able." The latter was in a whisper. "Are we clear?"
Ren nodded in compliance, feeling a tingling sensation in his loins.
Ghira reached into the fold of his blazer. It was an envelope. "There are two things that is going to help you absolve those sins you call debt. One is a blank check and another is a person that needs to be checked." Ghira roughly slid the envelope to Ren's direction. Feeling the shaking sensation of his fingers, he reached for the envelope.
"The money serves as an absolving of sins and financing you under our guardianship," said Kali. "And the picture is the collateral for certain insurances."
Ren was listening half attentively when recognizing the picture-in-question.
"Jaune Arc," questioned Ren.
Kali nodded with a confirmative look. "I know you and Jaune Arc are well-acquainted."
"Yeah! Served as my leader during my time in Beacon."
"Very well-informed," said Kali. "Acquainted with everyone at the Academy, including yourself and my daughter. However, I am not moved by foolish trivia." Kali took a slight breath, pulling herself momentarily. "However, in this case, he is going to be under subjection, if you know what I mean."
It was Ghira's turn to interject. "The Belladonnas and the Arcs go way back. You can say that we were once a family, friends if you will. However, John and I aren't what you call the best of friends anymore."
"I don't want to make this personal as it is business," retorted Kali. "However, our stint with the Arc was one of the worst. Not only a bad business move, it nearly destroyed our business."
Ren never put himself in the position of business and politics, or unless without the proper research. The brunet was aware of Jaune's father being in the business of imported Irish Crystal. However, Jaune never liked discussing business. My father was involved in some businesses. Some good, some bad. Anything my father finds corrupt or poor roots, he prunes. Jaune's family wasn't rich, but well-off to support themselves. Despite their success, their grassroots remained the same, or at least what Ren found on the company's website.
"There are certain things we need to know about Jaune," said Kali. "Just for analyzing and checking over our assets."
"Analyzing and assets," questioned Ren.
"We just need you to watch over him," said Ghira, this time with a lowered tone. "Day-by-day basis, being up-to-date on his every move."
"Like spying," questioned Ren.
"Not spying," said Kali. "Observation, like you should have done before placing yourself in debt." She took another sip of water. "If you were to do this, then all debt is gone. A new slate. Us being your priest to wipe the clean sate. Enough to take care of you and your precious Nora, dear."
"We can call the boys off if you tail Jaune for us," said Ghira.
"What are you going to do to him," said Ren worriedly. Then, he saw the returned anger from Ghira until Kali extended her arm from reaching Ren again. "Sorry," he said as he bowed apologetically to the Belladonnas.
"Who says that we are going to harm him," retorted Ghira. "What says we just want to check on his welfare?" He turned to his wife. "Why place harm on a man that is fancied by our daughter, Blake?" He waved his arms. "However, that isn't the point. What we want from you is recon work. Nothing more, nothing less."
Kali reached into her briefcase where she retrieved a file folder. The blue folder was slid toward the brunet. "There is a little pizzeria in town where we run our business. It is also where Jaune attends University. What we want you to do is be our birdie for Jaune. And since you guys are the best of friends, then I know you know what to do to make things happen."
"Your assignment is simple. We want to know his routine, his schedule, his everything. Even to the little point when he wipes his own ass or sneezes into a tissue. We want it all," said Ghira. "Your job is to act casually and inform us of anything."
"Inside are tax forms and employment information of your job at the pizzeria," said Kali. "On certain days, you will provide us with information." She pointed at the blank check. "All of your work will be rewarded on that check."
His heart began beating rapidly. He stared at the check as if it was a contract. "You're just going to monitor him?" He was becoming bewildered. Why wasn't he doing anything to stop this? Was he really going to sell his best friend out over a debt?
"No, we're not!" Kali said as she pointed her finger at Ren. "But you are."
Ghira nodded in compliance. "I suggest calling Jaune within the next few days. Summer is coming!"
Kali concurred with Ghira's statement. "Jaune lives alone in a two-bedroom apartment. He is going to pining for a roommate. Call him and volunteer your services. Anything from his social media to his daily habits, report them to us. Do this and you will be set." She used her fingers to push the check. "Do you feel being our ward to absolve your sins?"
Ren watched as Ghira slid a pen toward his direction. The pen was the color red. He was nervously shaking his hand as he grabbed the pen. Why was he doing this? There should be another way, he thought. Was he really going to sell his soul in order to clear his debt?
Ren signed his name on the back of the check. He slid it back to Ghira. "I know you know how much I owe."
Ghira, for the first time, cracked a smile. "You will be hearing from us. Money will be placed into your account." He wrote on the check, then sliding it back to Ren. "We will let them know to give you a grace period. An angel definitely came to absolve you." He scanned his fingernails. "As I recall, weren't you a day away before a certain creditor was going to pay your Nora a visit."
Ren stomped his foot. Ghira noticed and smile.
"And I know this certain guy definitely believes in providing Nora with the F-word to pay her debt," said Ghira. "If that happens, then that is completely out of my hands." He made a chuckle as he looked to his watch. "Thanks for conducting business, Mr. Ren. You will be hearing from us in the near future."
Signaling this a cue, Ren stood and pushed his chair. As he walked away and passed the couple, he was suddenly grabbed by Ghira. "Make no mistake, son. Cross us, inform others, and even try to run away, we will find you. We will get you and your precious Nora. I am going to save this once." Ghira's eyes narrowed. "Cross me once, shame on me and you." He released his tight grip, showing sudden redness on Ren's arm. "Don't let me down. Dismiss!"
Immediately, Ren rushed out of the coffeehouse. Ren felt like a vacuum immediately took away everything. In one swoop, he had sold himself to protect his interest and Nora's interest. He felt bad. That was really what he was feeling. What more could he say? Everybody has a price!
Hey, Nora. I have what you need for your excursion.
Don't worry about how I got it. Just know that I am providing for you.
The rhetorics of judgement is at a close. We have to live. We need to eat. The bills need to be paid.
I know! I know! Nora, we are adults. This kid game is over. Is Jaune putting any food on our table?
Just know that I did this for us. I was at a crossroad. Sink or swim, eat or be eaten.
Thank you for understanding.
Yeah, I am on my way back home.
I love you, too, Nora!
Later that night….
The sound of the moving windshield wipers made its presence known in the Audi as Kali waited on Ghira to "wash his hands" on silencing the mistakes of their poorly demented daughter. "Hey Love" was playing low on the radio. Rain was cascading heavily. According to the meteorologist, expect torrential downpour for the rest of the evening. If the meteorologist could only predict the possibly dangerous situation looming onto her troubled mind.
She needed to keep her cool. What was the point of making these arrangements without having to go straight to the source? She wanted blood. Revenge wasn't foreign on her supple lips. It was quite appetizing, especially when one family threatened to destroy a franchise, an establishment that they have spent every tooth, nail, and bone to create its success.
The sound of the alarm made its presence known as Ghira entered the vehicle. He carefully tried not to get Kali wet. He knew how frustrated she would be if that were to happen.
"Is everything on the hush." Her eyes were glued to the road the moment she asked her husband that question.
"Enough for another month," said Ghira. "It isn't as easy as it used to be. So many hands to wash." He cursed under his breath. "A debt to pay for our daughter."
"Is Blake a handful, yes," retorted Kali as she put the car into drive. "An expensive handful? Yes! Nevertheless, she is our daughter and we are going to be certain that retribution will come out of her."
Ghira and Kali were smart enough to keep mum for they weren't sure if certain people were listening. Although the case was closed, there were certain people that needed their beaks wettened so it wouldn't go to the press on Blake regarding her involvement with Roman Torchwick and his deceased girlfriend.
"I still don't know what Blake sees in that pig farmer," said Ghira disgustingly. "To think she is in love with the enemy." He scoffed harshly. "That fucking pig farmer bastard!"
Kali consoled her husband. "All in time. Things are going according to plan. The dominoes are starting to ripple. We got to Auntie dearest and now we have his dearest friend." Kali pursed her lip. "One percent better! One step closer to see the dominoes fall and trust me, we will get what is ours." She proceeded to change lanes. "Were Fukuda and Pine on board for this assignment?"
Ghira nodded in compliance as he lowered the window to light a cigarette. "All they are waiting on is the word, and they are dedicated to serve."
Kali released a tiny smile. "Especially if they were former members of the good old boys."
"They have put in work to become productive members of a society to protect and serve," retorted Ghira. "Let's see if they remain true to their word." He shifted his head to his wife. "Their lives depend on it on the name of White Fang."
"They have their role. Now, we see things fall into place."
"What is next on the agenda?" Ghira felt her digits suddenly rubbing delicately onto his upper thigh.
"I think a reprieve is in order since you are proving your loyalty and devotion in pleading for my forgiveness," said Kali.
GOTA: Ren sold out his best friend!
BD: Everybody has a price. You don't know what you would do in that situation.
GOTA: Fight until the end.
BD: You're eating for two now, baby! Let's focus on this fiction.
GOTA: Yeah yeah! In the next chapter, we are going to return to Salem and then Ren.
BD: Once tying loose ends, then the ultimate chapter of Jaune facing the Belladonnas.
GOTA: What about the Arc sisters?
BD: I won't say they are dead. Their fate currently remains unknown.
To be continued….