Dedicated to my best friend and the conversation that led to this prompt.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter he belongs to J.K.R.

Draco Malfoy searched through the shop for the books he needed, pretending not to notice the stares and mutterings of the people around him. They followed him everywhere he went. He scoffed to himself as he realized that this must be how Potter always felt. He wouldn't have set foot in Diagon Alley except he was going back to Hogwarts for an eighth year and he needed supplies.

He looked back down at his list and picked up one of his required books with disdain. What did school matter after everything he had been through? What was this book even about? He looked down to read the back as he turned the corner and promptly ran into something. Or more accurately, someone.

"Sorry." He muttered. His eyes moved up to casually scan the person's face and he froze. "Granger." He swallowed. "Malfoy." She acknowledged and he noticed the distinct lack of animosity in her tone. "How are you?" Years of pureblood upbringing couldn't have kept his jaw from going slack. "How am I?" "Yes that is a silly question I suppose." She responded, ignoring his astonishment. "I don't know how anyone could be alright after what we went through."

He continued to gape at the witch in front of him, utterly perplexed. She finally noticed and quirked her mouth into a grin. "You're catching flies." He deftly closed his mouth. "You shouldn't be around me, it'll ruin your reputation." She rolled her eyes. "Good. I'm so sick of prats who think that the sun rises and sets on my face because I'm a so-called war heroine. Besides, that sort of nonsense is what started the war last time."

"You're a remarkable person Granger. A little swotty maybe, but remarkable." She fought a smile. "Thanks Malfoy. You're not such a horrible person either. Most of the time that is." He smirked at her, reveling in the familiarity of the barbs even though they lacked any of their previous bite.

She turned away from him. "I expect you're looking for the eighth year books as well?" "Yes." She turned around and noticed he was a ways behind her. "Well come on then, let's get them." He shook his head and followed the crazy witch.

"My house was demolished and I lost my umbrella. I loved that umbrella. Now what will I do if it rains? I wanted to buy one but the umbrella store was closed." He raised an eyebrow, he had no response to that. "Granger, why on earth are you being nice to me?" She turned. "Because I'm head girl and I was informed that you were head boy and the only way to get through this year without killing each other is to be civil. And I saw what you went through when I was at…your house. You aren't evil, you were just surviving."

"Thank you." He whispered. "But don't think that means I'm going to go easy on you Malfoy. You'll always be ferret boy to me!" He narrowed his eyes. "Swot." She grinned. "Snake." "Lion." "Rich boy." "Know-it-all." They were inches apart and he found himself staring into Hermione Granger's eyes. Her beautiful brown, expressive, warm eyes.

Right at that moment a crack of thunder sounded and they jumped away from each other. "Damn." She muttered. "I knew this would happen. It's raining and I don't have my umbrella!" They paid for their books and she stopped a few feet away from the door and sighed. "Time to get wet."

He watched her in amusement as she walked outside and flinched, waiting for the rain to hit her. Her brow wrinkled in confusion when she stayed completely dry. He however, was soaking wet as he held his waterproof coat above her head. "Well it's a little unconventional, but you got your umbrella."

She gave him a genuine smile. "I guess I did." He smiled back. Maybe this wouldn't' be such a bad year after all.