Yu-Gi-Oops! : Season #2
The Night Before
Scene : Eating dinner
Joey and Tristan : *scarf, munch munch*
Tea : If this was a duel munchers competition, you'd win!
Yugi : *gobbling food at twice the rate of Joey and Tristan*
Tea : *sweatdrop* Not you too…
Scene : Croquet and those announcements
Croquet : To make tomorrow's tournament interesting, you host has added a special ingredient to your soup…
All : Huh????
*millennium eye look-a-likes float to the top of the soup*
All duelists : Whaaa!!!
Tea : It's staring at me!
Tristan : Hey…my soup's eyeball free!
Joey : Hey!!! Dis is worse than a fly in my soup!!!
Croquet : Open up the eye and look inside it if you will…Each of you has been randomly assigned a letter…
Almost all duelists : *open the eyes*
Yugi : Hey! Mine won't open!
Millennium Eye (in Yugi's hand by the way) : *suddenly seals Bandit Keith's soul in a Glory of the King's Opposite Hand card*
Bandit Keith : *slumps over, lifeless*
Yugi and Bakura : O_o
All others : O_O;;;???
Pegasus : (ranting in some random tower) I JUST TOOK IT OUT TO CLEAN IT AND NOW IT'S LOST!!! . ARRRRGH!!!
Yugi : ^_^
ElViRa : ^_^
DNS : ^_^
Scene : Same
Croquet : …Your host has added a special ingredient to your soup….
All : ???
Croquet : Wasabi paste!!!!
All : O.o;;; *breathe fire in a cartoonish way*
Croquet : Hehe…
Scene : The duelists are set
Yugi : I guess it's you and me, Mai!
Mai : I'm looking forward to this duel.
Yugi : Yeah! Me too! And may the best duelist win!
Yami Yugi (inside puzzle) : And that's me!!!
Yugi : -_-U
Mai : ???
Scene : Pegasus sitting at table
Pegasus : And so it has begun…hmmhmmhmmhmmhmm…(what kinda laugh is that?!)
Seto (soulless) : *dressed in a pink tutu and tights with a tiara in hair*……
Mokuba (soulless) : *dressed in a cute little dress with lotsa frills and lace*…..
Pegasus : Are you enjoying our little tea party, Kaiba-boy? ^_^
Seto (empty shell) : *nods blankly*
Pegasus : Please pass the sugar, Mokuba.
Mokuba (shell) : *does*
Pegasus : Kaiba-boy…Please get up and do a pirouette.
Seto : *spins around in a graceful ballerina fashion*
Kaiba-haters : KODAK MOMENT!!! *takes pictures*
ElViRa : *curled up in some corner, rocking back and forth* Nonononononononono….
DNS : Hey! ^_^ I don't hate Kaiba…but I'm still gonna take the pictures!!! ^.^
Scene : Glory of the King's Hand
Yugi : *shows Joey card* Just think of it as an early birthday present!
Joey : Well…ya know Yug…at this rate yer not gonna be givin' me a present on my birthdays…
Yugi : Hmm…That's right…I did give you a star chip too……Hmmm…
Scene : Tristan talking
Tristan : Pegasus is as bogus as a three dollar bill! He's a punk! You can't trust that guy…
Bakura : *picks a dictionary out of…somewhere* Tristan…I think you should look up the world "punk"…
Tristan : *does* …O_O…
Bakura : I know…
{ElViRa : In case you'r wondering…Yugi would be a punk in a yaoi Yugi/Pegasus fic…*shudder*
DNS : *looks up the word on the Internet dictionary* O_O!!!!!!!!!! ~_~ These are the exact words : "Slang. A young man who is the sexual partner of an older man. Archaic. A prostitute." . *shudders*}
Scene : Yugi's dream – in his bedroom
Grandpa (ghostly voice) : Yuuuuugggiii!…..Yuuuuuuuggiiiii!!!….
Yugi : *covers ears with pillow* AAAAH!!! THIS CASTLE'S HAUNTED!!!!
Grandpa (ghost) : -_-;
Scene : Same
Yugi : Grandpa! Where are you?!?!!
Grandpa : Follow my voice!….
Yugi : But your voice sounds like it's coming from everywhere!!!
Grandpa : -_-
Scene : Tristan looking through hole in wall
Bakura : What do you see?
Tristan : There's a tower right across the courtyard-…*falls abruptly off ledge, onto Tea and Bakura*
Tea : Oww…
Bakura : I can't feel my spine…
Tristan : @_@
Scene : Wandering in the hallways
Tea : This place is like a maze!
Bakura : Well…I've had very bad experiences in mazes…
*flashback to when they were looking for Joey and Bakura getting run over by boulder {Arena of Lost Souls #1}*
Bakura : *shudder* Bye guys! *zooms off, leaving an anime dust cloud in his wake*
Tea and Tristan : *sigh*
Scene : Yugi's dream – Outside castle in courtyard
Yugi : Where are you grandpa?! I can't find you!
Grandpa (ghostly voice) : Yuuugiii…beware of Pegasus!…
Yugi : *looks down and sees gramp's soul card* *picks it up* *walks back to his room, grinning*
Pegasus : *tearing his hair in a random tower* BAD DAY BAD DAY BAD DAY!!!
Scene : Yugi's dream – soul cards stuck to pillar thingies
Yugi : This is wrong! This is terrible!
Grandpa : Save me Yugi!
Seto : Buzz off Yugi!
Yugi : O.o;
Scene : About same
Seto : You're next, Yugi…
Mokuba : He wants you, Yugi!…
Yugi : AAAAAAHHHH!!!! I KNEW THIS PLACE WAS HAUNTED!!!! *in a fit of terror, leaves island and swims all the way back to Domino City*
Grandpa : -_-U
Yugi's friends (the next day) : ???
Scene : Up in the tower
Tristan : You've been spying on Kaiba's cards from up here! The jig is up!-?
Pegasus : *dances a random jig*
Tristan, Tea, and Bakura : *facefault*
Scene : About same
Pegasus : You three should have stayed in your rooms, instead you will now be disciplined…
*Tea, Tristan, and Bakura suddenly disappear, then reappear in a chairs facing different corners of the room*
Pegasus : You're all getting a time out!
Bakura, Tea, and Tristan : O_oU;;;
Scene : About same again
*walls turn dark and floor looks…uh…weird*
Tristan : What's happening?!
Tea : The floor!….
Bakura : @_@ It's turning into grape jelly…
Tristan : @_@ So that's what Pegasus put in our soup…
Tea : @_@ Thee roommmeee iss stretchching….
Pegasus : O.o; What the?! I didn't drug the soup!!!
Bakura, Tristan, and Tea : *falls through the floor* WHEEEEE!!!!!!!! @_X
DNS : Yum yum…^_^ Grape jelly.
Scene : Chanting people in big room :P
Weird hooded dudes : Realm of shadows in this twilight hour, accept these soups and give us showers…
Pegasus (hooded) : o.O;
Tea, Bakura, and Tea : O.o;
ElViRa : ???
DNS : -_- Dude, ElViRa…you can't spell.
ElViRa : ¬_¬;;;
Scene : Yugi's dream – still talking to those pillars
Grandpa : Unlock the power of the Millennium Puzzle, Yugi…
Seto : Yugi!…
Mokuba : Yugi!…
Yugi : *starts singing David Bettingfield* I gotta get through this, I gotta get through this, I gotta make it, gotta make it through…
Bakura : *zooms randomly in carrying a guitar* *starts playing background music*
Yugi : (singing) …Said I'm gonna get through this, I'm gonna get through this, I gotta take, gotta take my mind offa you…Give me just a second and I'll be alright…Surely one more moment couldn't break my heart…
Three pillars with soul cards : *crack in half and fall over* {a.k.a. facefault}
Yugi : -_-
Bakura : ~_~
ElViRa : ^__________^
Scene : Yami Bakura awakens!
Pegasus : What's this?!?!
Yami Bakura : *head down, looking eyeless*
Tea and Tristan : O.o Bakura is eyeless!!!
ElViRa : Stating the obvious!!!
Pegasus : o.O
Yami Bakura : *sweatdrop*
Scene :Same
Pegasus : (looking startled and started) Can it be?! I sense the dark soul within your ring!!!
ElViRa and other Pegasus haters : KODAK MOMENT!!! *click, snap, flash, click* *pictures @_@*
Scene : Same…again
Yami Bakura : You may indeed sense me now, but you won't remember any of this later…erase their minds!!!
(Millennium light show)
Tea and Tristan : @_@ Ooooo…..
Weird hooded dudes : @_@ Oooooo….preeeettttyyyyy….
Yami Bakura and Pegasus : *sweatdrop*
Scene : Bakura in his room
Yami Bakura : *sitting on bed with the Ring glowing with flames* You cannot hide from me Pegasus…-!!!!
*and he suddenly realizes that the flame from his Ring has spread to his clothes*
Yami Bakura : Hot HOT HOT HOT!!!!! You take over, hikari! *disappears into Ring*
Bakura : O_O;;;
ElViRa : Squirtle! Watergun attack!
Bakura : (now soaking wet) Whew! Much better! Thank you! Where did you get the pokemon anyway?
ElViRa : Oh…I…Um…Borrowed it from some dude in a red and white hat…
Ash : *yelling at Team Rocket* Gimme back my Squirtle!!!
Jesse, James, and Meowth : We don't have it!!!
Scene : Same
Yami Bakura : You cannot hid from me Pegasus…Your Millennium Eye will soon be mine…*suddenly starts stroking his Millennium Ring and speaking like E.T./Gollum* It came to me…My own…My precccciioouusssssss…
Bakura (in Ring) : *sweatdrop* Must you always do that?
Scene : Bandit Keith doing petty thievery…naughty, naughty…
Bandit Keith : *takes the Glory of the King's Hand card out of Joey's coat pocket*
Joey : (sleeping) Hey! Leggo a that!…Dat's my pizza!…
Bandit Keith : Keep dreamin', dweeb…
Joey : (still asleep) *suddenly gets up, socks Bandit Keith in the solar plexus, grabs the card, and plops back into bed* I said dat's my pizza!….
Bandit Keith : (winded) O.o
DNS : *cracking up badly* XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXD!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!
ElViRa : ¬_¬U Loud…
Scene : Mai has made a strategy! -_-U
Mai : Sorry, Yugi, but your next duel's your last!
Yami Yugi : *suddenly materializes on windowsill* Get real!!!
Mai : O_O *sweatdrop*
Yami Yugi : *falls off windowsill into ocean* GAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!
Mai : o_O;;;
Yugi (the next day) : O_____OU;;;;;;!!!!
Scene : Yugi in bed – morning
Yugi : That wasn't just an ordinary dream…
*Ordinary Day starts playing in background*
Radio : Just a dream, just an ordinary dream…As I wake in bed…
ElViRa : *whacks radio to smithereens with her mallet*
Yugi : O.oU;
Radio : X_x;
ElViRa : O_o;
DNS : ~_~ Waste of money…
Elvish Violinist of Ra : So…Didja like it? Well…whether you did or didn't, press the little rectangular button down there and review…PLEASE!!! ~_^ And send me your blooper suggestions too!
DNS : I'll get back to posting all the rest of the chapters…But I'm missing Keith's Machination #1…;_; I can't find it.
Elvish Violinist of Ra : *cussing randomly in Elvish* Noooooooo!! My reviews…My fanfic….;_; I don't have a copy! _
DNS : *pat, pat* It's okay…Um, right ^_^ REVIEW PLEASE!!! AND THANK YOU VERY MUCH~!!!