Well, let's see. I had an idea! *Crowd yelling* I hope y'all like it. No flames please.

Disclaimer: For once I don't own any characters! I only own the plot.

Story Summary: Well, Crystal Tokyo has been established, and the populace purified. The Shittenou have been brought back from the dead, courtesy of Serenity. They've been reunited with the Inner Senshi, and everyone's all lovey-dovey and junk. Everyone except for Setsuna and Hotaru. What's going to happen when trouble comes walking through the Time Gates?

Chapter Summary: In this chapter, we learn what's happened since the last StarS manga, as well as Setsuna's take on it all.

Oh, hey, everyone looks different! Here's a guide.

Neo-Queen Serenity: she's still the same, only her hair's silver.

Neo-King Endymion: Still the same

Sailor Venus/Aino Minako/Queen Cynthia of Venus: Hair's knee- length, and dark gold, and her eyes are deep blue. She's five eight.

Sailor Jupiter/Kino Makoto/Queen Juno of Jupiter: Her hair is down to just above her behind, and streaked with shades of green. Her eyes are still the same color, but are flecked with bronze. She's five ten.

Sailor Mercury/Mizuno Ami/Queen Athena of Mercury: Her hair is still the same length, but is a shade lighter, with black streaks running through it. Her eyes are flecked with pale blue, and she's five seven.

Sailor Mars/Hino Rei/Queen Fury of Mars: Her hair is dark purple, streaked with black, and her eyes are black-purple, streaked with crimson. She's about five six.

Sailor Pluto/Meioh Setsuna/Queen Persephone of Pluto: She's about five eleven, with calf-length black hair streaked with deep green and deep purple. Her eyes are streaked with silver.

Sailor Saturn/Tomoe Hotaru/Queen Demona of Saturn: She's five eight, with ebony black hair that goes down to her shoulders and is streaked with dark purple and dark green. Her eyes are lavender gray and streaked with silver.

Sailor Neptune/Kaioh Michiru/Queen Amphitrite of Neptune: the same, only her hair is down to her waist and streaked with baby blue.

Sailor Uranus/Ten'oh Haruka/Queen Gaea of Uranus: the same, only her hair's streaked with navy blue and her eyes with gold.

That said, on with the fic!

Garnet and Diamond; Amethyst and Ruby Chapter 1-Crystal Tokyo

Setsuna Meioh, Queen of Pluto, and Sailor Pluto, was bored, although she didn't show it. She was watching the Time Gate, a job she found boring and tedious, but someone had to do it. There was absolutely nothing to look at. Crystal Tokyo had come to pass, and the remaining population, all two million of them, had been purified by Neo-Queen Serenity. Now everyone lived in peace and harmony, with the Crystal Palace at the center.

"Damn her to hell." Setsuna muttered. The 'her' in question was Setsuna's queen, Serenity. A few months ago, Serenity had revived Endymion's Shittenou, for multiple reasons, the foremost being because the Inner Senshi were lonely. Now, according to Serenity, everyone was with the person they deserved.

"Why should she have him? She's young, inexperienced, and unintelligent. I'm everything he could have ever wanted." Setsuna let these lies roll from her rose-red lips, wishing that she could trick herself into believing them. Mamoru, Neo-King Endymion now, had never seen her than more than a sisterly figure. It made Setsuna sick just thinking about it. She rolled her eyes in exasperation. It seemed that Serenity's belief of all her Senshi being happy was erroneous. Setsuna was truly unhappy. Serenity had conveniently left her out of the joyful little love fest. The only other person who might have any idea how she was feeling was Sailor Saturn, or Tomoe Hotaru, but she seemed completely at ease with the arrangement.

"Don't I deserve someone? Must the Time Guardian be forever alone?" Setsuna often talked to herself, to allay the nerve- wracking silence of the Gates of Time. "Why is it that everyone has someone but me? Where does it say that I must always be alone?"

"It doesn't. You've just always lusted after Endymion." A new voice spoke up, and Setsuna spun around. A tall, ebony-skinned woman emerged from the shadows. Her eyes were a bright shade of white, and her close-cut hair was jet-black.

"Fate." Setsuna said, bowing.

"My daughter, you've always lusted after Endymion, which is why you've never loved someone else." Another person emerged from the shadows. Her skin was pale white, and her eyes fathomless jet- black. Her waist-length hair was ebony colored.

"Destiny." Setsuna said, bowing. "I have never found any person to love, miladies."

"Because you would not let yourself. You distanced yourself from possible suitors, always hoping that Endymion would fall for you." Fate said, moving towards Setsuna.

"Now it is time for the truth to be told. Endymion will never see you as more than a sister-figure, the family he never had. He loves Serenity Setsuna, and there's nothing you can do about it." Destiny said; her voice was firm and truthful.

Setsuna began to cry, big tears rolling down mocha-complexioned cheeks. She saw and felt the truth in the words of Destiny and Fate. It hit her like a ton of bricks.

"You see the error in your ways, child? You must forget Endymion, hard as it will be." Fate said kindly. She placed her hand on Setsuna's cheek.

"What did you come here for?" Setsuna asked. "You did not come just to tell me what I need to do to find love."

"We have a request to make of you." Destiny said.

"We need Sailor Saturn here as well." Fate said, shooting Destiny a quick glance. Destiny nodded.

"I'll get her." Setsuna made a few gestures, and Hotaru stepped into the realm of the Gates. "Taru-chan, this is Destiny and Fate. They have a request to make of us."

Hotaru bowed to the two immortals. "I will help in any way I can."

"Good." Destiny said. "We need you to shelter two people, until we see fit to place them to live amongst the people of your solar system."

"Who are they?" Setsuna asked, garnet eyes narrowed.

"First things first. Do you know why we asked for you and Hotaru to do this?" Fate asked, looking from one woman to the next.

"No." They chorused, exchanged glances.

"You are half-sisters." Destiny said frankly.

"What? How?!"

"Your mother, Setsuna, had an affair with the King of Saturn. That affair resulted in the birth of Hotaru. Cronus raised you, Hotaru, as a princess, after telling his wife that he had adopted you as a favor to an old friend." Fate said.

Hotaru nodded. "It seems sensible."

"Now, for the reason you are both here." Destiny beckoned to the shadows, and two figures stepped out. One was a tall man with white hair and eyes of the most crystalline blue, while the other had two-tone red hair, and eyes of brown. Hotaru had never seen the men in her life, but Setsuna tightened her grip on the Time Staff slightly.

"Demando and Rubeus." She said softly, garnet eyes never leaving Demando's blue ones.

"Who are they?" Hotaru asked.

"The black moon, before the Outer Senshi came forward. Demando, with his brother Safiru, and his minions Rubeus and Esmeralda, tried to kidnap Sailor Moon. They were defeated by Sailor Moon and the Senshi. Demando was the last to die, as a result of his love for Sailor Moon. Wiseman tricked them all, and he too was destroyed."

"What are they doing here?" Hotaru asked, tilting her head slightly.

"We need you to shelter them. Safiru and Esmeralda have been healed and are living with the Four Sisters, but Demando and Rubeus are not quite ready. We ask that you shelter them until we see fit to place them in Crystal Tokyo." Fate explained.

"But Hotaru does not stay here." Setsuna pointed out.

"She can. As your sister, she can also withstand the loneliness and repression that goes with the Time Gates. Simply tell your Queen that Hotaru will be in training for an unknown amount of time." Destiny suggested.

Hotaru and Setsuna exchanged long glances. Setsuna looked away and nodded. "We will do as you request."

"Good. We will contact you when we see fit." Destiny and Fate disappeared, leaving four people staring at each other.

"Where will we stay?" Hotaru asked.

Setsuna looked over her shoulder, and everyone turned to see a house loom out of the mists. "There."

"Setsuna, how long has that been there?" Hotaru asked, staring at the small house.

"Since I put it there five minutes ago." Setsuna's voice sounded a trifle smug. Hotaru stuck her tongue out at her sister, and walked into the house. It was your average house, about four bedrooms and two bathrooms, with a white exterior and lavender shutters.

"Sets-chan, this is really nice!" Hotaru said, taking stock of her surroundings by turning around slowly. Everyone filed into the house. Setsuna looked around. The main motif of the living room was a blend of Setsuna and Hotaru's tastes, basic black with splashes of deep purple and crimson here and there.

"I think I did pretty well."

"Excuse me, but where are we going to stay?" Demando inquired.

"Up the stairs on the left. Hotaru, our rooms are up the stairs to the right." Rubeus and Hotaru climbed the stairs, leaving Demando and Setsuna.

"Why did you agree to take us in?" Demando asked. His voice was toneless and unemotional.

"I had no choice. Serenity's life would have been at stake if you had just gone back to Crystal Tokyo."

Demando tore his gaze from Setsuna's silver-streaked eyes. "I wouldn't hurt her."

"I don't know that."

"Like you, I have accepted the fact that Serenity and Endymion are in love and that nothing can come between that."

"How did you know?"

"I heard Destiny and Fate talking."

Setsuna pressed her lips together to keep them from trembling. It was then that Demando did something totally unexpected. He placed an arm around Setsuna's shoulders, just as the dam broke and Setsuna began to cry. She buried her head in Demando's shoulder and sobbed. He led her to the couch, where they sat, Setsuna crying, Demando lending a shoulder.

From another realm, Fate and Destiny watched. "Fate, do you think that they'll fall in love?"

Fate gnawed her lower lip. "I hope so. It's the only way Setsuna's scars will ever heal."

"What about Hotaru and Rubeus? Are you sure we can't give them a little nudge?"

"No, it wouldn't be right. They have to fall in love of their own accord. There is little else we can do but watch."

"Well, while we're watching, you want some popcorn?"

"The kettle corn please."

The immortals settled down to watch the scene unfold.

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That was kinda a prologue, just setting the stage for what's going to happen later. The next chapter will probably be from Setsuna's point of view, but I'm not making promises. Hopefully it'll be longer, but I'm still not making any promises. Till then, review please, but no flames. There will be some Senshi/General in here, but the main focuses will be the budding romances between Hotaru and Rubeus, and Setsuna and Demando. Till then, Ja Ne!

Isis Aurora Tomoe