(Yo! Sorry this took kinda long, I've been writing this and another fic, university has me pretty busy, and I've been working hard at my other writing endeavors as well! In fact, I just published Volume 4 of my book series on Amazon today, so if you like my writing and wanna support a struggling author, check it out! I've got both a kindle version and a paperback of each one. It's called 'Those Who Dwell in the Dark' if you're interested, just search that on Amazon and it'll take you there (Content wise it's also pretty similar to the Persona stuff I've written) But I also wanted to take the time to thank each and every reader of both this story and my other one. The feedback has been incredible and it's been so encouraging to see people like this, so it's done a great job at motivating me and I've loved every minute of it, so seriously, thank you. I hope you all enjoy!)

Chapter 2:

Ann had cuddled up in a blanket on Akira's futon in his room, sipping the cup of coffee made by her boyfriend's capable hands. He may not have had a large variety of recipes in his cooking repertoire, but the boy was practically a savant when it came to coffee and curry. It would've gotten old quick, but somehow he managed to make everything taste a little bit different each time he made something for her.

She sat in his room waiting on him, as he said he was making a surprise for her, and it took every ounce of willpower she had not to sneak a peek. He was getting in the habit of doing these spontaneous little things for her that, no matter how minor, made her whole day better, simply because she knew he was thinking about her in some capacity. Her sense of inquisitiveness and latent curiosity however, that was always a bit at odds with surprises. She figured it was some kind of food, an unfamiliar scent lingered in the room, but she couldn't tell what due to her coffee and because the scent itself wasn't all that strong, only just creeping up to Akira's room.

She took another sip of the coffee as she glanced out the window. It had been about an hour since Sojiro left them alone, and the snow hadn't slowed down in the slightest. She knew it was probably a pain in the ass for a lot of people, but she would have been lying if she said she wasn't excited a bit. She had more experience with others when it came to weather of this nature because of how often she had traveled, but even then, the snowiest corner of Canada couldn't compete with this. She was just there, with the person she cared about the most, basking in the snow-tinted morning glow that made her feel like it was perpetually Christmas morning. Nobody on earth was as happy as she was, huddled in her large fluffy blanket, slightly chilly, but happily siphoning the warmth from her coffee. And she thought Hawaii was paradise.

"Ann? Have you peeked?" Akira's voice rang out from downstairs.

Ann rolled her eyes.

"I haven't! Get up here already I'm cold!" she jokingly demanded.

She couldn't hear Akira make his way up to his own room. He hadn't lost his ability to be uncannily light-footed. His coordination and reflexes were unparalleled, he just had difficulty sometimes channeling his charisma to the right places, with Ann at least. Because of the people he helped and everyone's high opinion of him, he was fairly well-liked now at school, but around Ann? It varied. Significantly. Something that Ann highly enjoyed, he didn't let it all go towards inflating his ego. He was still just himself, and everything that entailed.

Funnily enough, Akira felt similarly. Ann was a model. An actual, legitimate, successful model. It wasn't a secret that every guy in a 9-mile radius was rendered slack jawed by her mere presence. The girl didn't even have to try. He wasn't sure why Ann hadn't yet attracted the attention of someone semi-decent before he came along, he didn't want to believe that everyone was a total scumbag, but then again, it probably had to do with Kamoshida. He remembered hearing the foul comments about her before they had even met. Had he encountered a situation similar to that now, whoever made those comments would have a broken nose and gotten a swift kick in the balls. All that didn't matter though, what did was how down to earth Ann was. She enjoyed her indulgences, sure, but what person wouldn't after traveling all over the world? She always took time to hang around with those she cared for, she never bragged outside her more sarcastic quips, and she managed to still retain a healthy amount of pride in what she did. She maintained a perfect balance.

Akira swung open the door triumphantly, wearing his work apron and an oven mitt, carrying a metal tray with him, though Ann couldn't see exactly what. He got up the stairs and bowed, still holding out the tray.

"Nothing but the finest for you, mademoiselle," he said, really stretching for that french accent.

A tray full of chocolate chip cookies. Ann gave him a smirk and narrowed her eyes.

"If you're trying to butter me up, it's working,"

Akira stood up normally flashing his smile, one that rode the line between playful and mischievous.

He pulled out a small fold-out table he kept on the other side of the futon near his couch, and put it right in front of the bed for easy access, placing the tray on there. He tossed aside his apron onto the floor, and jumped on the bed, immediately placing his head on Ann's shoulder, grabbing some extra unused blanket and covering himself, snaking one of his legs around hers.

Ann took one of the cookies apprehensively, shoving it into her mouth because it was a bit too hot for liking immediately.

"Oh yeah, those are hot," Akira added.

"Mmmhm, -ouwa dick Akeewa," she said, cookie in mouth.

He stifled some laughter at Ann's complete lack of caring that her mouth was stuffed with food. She quickly swallowed the cookie, almost choking from her own laughter. Akira was infectious.

"Akeewa? That's a new one. I think that nickname gets a B-," he said playing up his snobbery.

"I'm gonna wait until you grade a nickname with an F and then call you that until you die,"

Akira briefly considered the prospect that she may not be joking.

"So," Ann began before stuffing a cookie in her mouth, wolfing it down like an animal, "What are we gonna do today?"

Akira paused. He had only gone as far as the cookies and it was still early morning. There wasn't exactly a lack of things to do, Ann surprisingly enjoyed just about everything he did, a luxury he was quite thankful for.

"Well I still have plenty movies, bought some new games since you were over last time, and… yeah that's all I got, my creativity has been depleted so the ball is mostly in your court. I'll do whatever you wanna do," he said giving her a wink.

He may have just been his usual, playful self, but in the context of the conversation, Ann almost felt like he was hinting at something. Or maybe it was just her picking up some not-entirely-clear signals.

"Yeah I guess we're a bit limited… we'll have to get creative," she said, gears in her head turning.

Akira laughed.

"Oh? And what's THAT supposed to mean?" he asked, employing maximum sass.

Ann was strangely relieved to see that her mind wasn't the only one orbiting the gutter. It made her feel like less of a perv. However, this tugged at something that had bothered her for a little while, something she was afraid to bring up. She figured now that they had all this time, she might as well use it to clear the air a bit.

She picked up another cookie, almost examining it.

"Akira, can I ask a question? Like, a real question?" she asked, quickly shoving the cookie in her face in anticipation to respond to Akira's answer.

He sat up and straightened himself a bit, even putting his arm around her. His ability to discard one side of his personality and quickly hop onto another, more serious side, was one of his finer attributes.

"Of course, Ann," he said.

She curled her lips, and stared off to the side a bit.

"Does it bother you that we haven't had sex?"

Akira was just as surprised as Ann was that she managed to ask that question.

He shifted a bit, settling himself, but moving away from Ann so that he could directly face her and make eye contact. Ann knew she flipped his 'serious switch' whenever he changed his body language like that. He held onto her hand she wasn't using to pick up cookies.

It wasn't as if neither of them had thought about it until that moment. They had mentioned sex in passing or joked about it in the way normal teenagers would, but the actual component it played in their relationship? It was never talked about. It wasn't exactly like either of them weren't sexual beings by nature, in fact quite the opposite. Both of them were afraid that they would somehow frighten the other on mentioning it. Akira's trepidation was increased because of the Kamoshida incident. Ann had made it clear she moved on, and he believed her, but the last thing he wanted to come across as was someone who wanted to physically manipulate her, so he figured it would be better that he waited until she expressed interest. Ann on the other hand was nervous simply because she never knew how to act in a sexual context. She was used to being looked at because of her modeling, and she heard the way some guys had talked about her, especially at the beginning of last year, but she wasn't exactly forward. She had desires just like any other teenager did, but she just didn't know how to approach her boyfriend without coming across as pressuring him. The two had been physical, kissing and making out whenever they got the opportunity, but much to both of their surprise, the other was reserved and strangely chaste when it came to that sort of thing.

"Well, no not really," Akira said, "It's not exactly something I lie awake thinking about at night. Things have just been so good lately,"

"Do you think if we did it would ruin things?" she asked with concern.

Akira shook his head.

"No! It's not that, I just… I'm a guy. I know how a lot of guys are. And I know… how you've been treated in the past. I love you and I trust you, but the last thing I want to do is seem pushy. I'm just happy that we're… us, you know?"

Ann knew she had him flustered, his eloquation was far less elegant than it normally was.

"Do you think I wouldn't say something if I felt like we were going too far?" she asked.

Akira felt a bit put on the spot, even though Ann's inquiry was as honest as could be.

"No, I know you'd assert yourself. You're tougher than I am," he said nervously chuckling, "It's more of a 'me' problem. I overcompensate so I can make sure everything is copacetic,"

There it was. His trademark chivalry that Ann both loved and hated. Putting himself into a box so he couldn't hurt anybody even if it meant shutting them out. It was hard for him to abandon that entirely, but Ann wanted them to be honest about everything, he couldn't walk on eggshells like that all the time, even when it came to riskier stuff. Ann valued communication, and she knew he did as well, he just didn't value it above his own well-being.

"Akira, I love you. Please, just, don't do that thing where you assume you're the bad guy. I know you aren't. I know you trust me. I know that you know that I trust you. You have to give me some credit here. You aren't most guys, you're you, and that's why I love you. So just, no bullshit, we've got all the time in the world, just talk to me," she paused, noting he looked a bit defeated, "Does it bother you?"

He sighed.

"I mean… yes and no. I don't care about the 'rules' or 'standards' people have with relationships because I think we can both agree they're stupid constructs that aren't conducive to how real people interact. It's different for everyone. I genuinely want to be respectful of you, Ann. I'm not fighting back desire in order to be a good boyfriend, I just want to be a good boyfriend… if that makes sense. It's just complicated. I don't really know what I'm doing, you're the first person I've ever been involved with. However, just as a general thing, yeah, you're the person I care about the most in the whole world and I think you're drop-dead gorgeous, so sure it would be nice, I won't lie, I get urges, it happens, but it's not like it's a result of impending doom. The universe isn't gonna split apart. I just like being around you. Maybe I didn't want to give the wrong impression. And in case I wasn't crystal clear, I think you're the sexiest thing that's ever walked the earth, and if I ever came across like that wasn't the case, then I'm really sorry,"

Ann felt like she was about to cry. He certainly regained his confidence a bit because that was just about the most well-articulated he had ever been with his emotions.

It definitely made Ann feel better.

"Okay," she said, smiling and letting out a sigh a relief, "I just wanted to know. We haven't talked about it and I just thought it was kinda strange that we hadn't. I hope you know I feel the same way. I trust you completely. And I think you're pretty cute. Y'know, occasionally,"

Akira was relieved to hear her kid around again. He was worried that for a moment things would become really awkward before either of them really had any measure of fun while being in each other's company. Akira leaned over, planting a kiss on Ann's cheek, and then swiping two of the cookies off the tray. Ann rolled her eyes and smiled, but her face quickly changed as she looked like she was pondering something once again.

"J-just to be clear, I want to," she said.

Akira was mid-bite, and looked mildly out of sorts. He quickly swallowed it, almost coughing.

"Want to?"

Ann's face turned a bit redder, which was all the more pronounced in the white glow of the bedroom.

"Sex," she said, "Just in case I wasn't clear,"

"Oh," he said, blankly staring, "I mean, yeah, so do I,"

Ann closed her eyes and smiled, and then proceeded to bury her head in the blanket.

"Ugh why does this have to be so weird? I'm so awkward," she huffed, sounding a bit muffled.

"Well I'm a bit out of my wheelhouse too, Ann, to be fair,"

She rose back up, blanket falling off her head.

"So, you don't have any experience?" she asked.

He didn't have to think long about that one. He nervously laughed.

"Nope. You're the first girl I ever kissed, actually,"

Ann was in shock. She had just said she completely trusted him and now she was in utter disbelief. She knew he was good-looking, she was far from the only girl who thought that, but really?

"So can I both compliment and insult you by saying I find that hard to believe?" Ann asked, without sounding rather serious to avoid awkwardness.

Akira blushed.

"Well I'm flattered. I think. But no I'm serious. I was always a wallflower to be totally frank,"

She knew that was more or less the case, it just felt so strange to her. Akira had been the first boy she had kissed, but that didn't seem odd to her. Was she holding a double standard, or just lacked the proper perspective? She wasn't sure.

"Well," Ann began, not making eye contact, "Then, I have a question, I guess,"


She cleared her throat.

"Well, we've kinda gotten lucky with all the snow and stuff. It's giving us a ton of time where we get to be totally alone without any chance of interruption, which may not happen again for a long time… so… what if we did it today?"

Akira almost felt his brain leak out of his ears. Both of them were immediately blushing redder than a rose.

"O-Or tomorrow!" she added hurriedly, "I mean, don't wanna rush things and all. I just think that- you know, we gotta take advantage of the opportunity… is all,"

Akira new she was right. Chances like these were something they were rarely afforded. Putting that out there was just very… daunting. In theory, Akira (and Ann for that matter) was completely down for the prospect. The stars had aligned and they were in the midst of a miracle. They had so much time they'd be able to take things at the slowest possible pace without worry, which would more than likely happen since they were both so inexperienced.

They both had been silent for way too long.

"I mean you obviously don't have to if you don't want to!" she blurted out, "I didn't mean to… put you on the spot like that… ugh,"

She was clearly frustrated, Akira could tell this was something she had been thinking about for longer than just the few minutes they had spent discussing it. She was taking initiative, and he had to admit, she looked pretty incredible that morning, the light was so flattering to her it didn't seem fair.

"Okay," he said plainly, holding onto her hand a bit tighter.

She looked up, almost shocked.

"What?" she asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, you're right. Everything is pretty perfect. It would be a waste. And you really look pretty this morning," he said blushing.

Ann was taken aback. Akira always tried to be more flowery when it came to his compliments, simple vernacular like 'pretty' weren't used, so it felt weirdly genuine, especially when accompanied by his notably more nervous tone.

She immediately reached forward and kissed him on the lips, almost pushing him backwards. She broke the kiss, and looked into his eyes. He smiled.

"You're pretty perfect too, you know," Ann said.

"I do, thank you for reminding me," he said flippantly, obviously faking.

She sat back down, sticking her tongue out at him.

"Well before we decide to do anything, I say we watch a movie and relax for a while. Sound good?" she asked him.

Akira nodded in agreement, and began to get up to look at their options as Ann hungrily snatched another cookie. Butterflies permeated both of their stomachs.

The two of them were about as excited, and about as nervous, as they had ever been.