A/N Thanks for your your reviews and support. This is the final chapter. A possible sequel will come later.

Teito's POV

When he returned to consciousness the first thing he noticed was that he was laying something hard. The next thing he realized was that whatever he was laying on was moving in a steady rhythm. He was laying on someone. Something he had never done before. Not even with Mikage...

That's when the memories hit him. Mikage was dead. He had died in Teito's arms. His breathing hitches as he tried to stop himself from crying.

He didn't know who held him but they could be an enemy. If they were crying would only be a sign of weakness.

Opening his green eyes he recognized the face of Chun. The man held him securely but not painfully. He could hear the man's heartbeat was slow and steady.

He tried to pull away as he felt tears try to escape him. Mikage... his friend was dead. Dead because of him.

The arms tightened around him and the man began to rouse. Sky blue eyes blinked up at him as they tried to focus on him.

Chun said softly, "Easy now. You're still recovering from the fight. You're safe now."

Teito shook his head and cried, "It's my fault. I couldn't protect him. That man wanted me and killed my friend for it."

"Shhhhh... it's not your fault kid. Guardians and Heavenly Ways Masters have been enemies for centuries. I'm sorry he killed your friend. I should have stopped him."

Guilt was eating at Chun as well. Teito still didn't remember much of the man. He did however trust his words.

Chun touched his dark hair and said carding his fingers through Teito's hair, "Your friends were worried about you. The red haired one barely left your side. The military ones had to be forced to leave. Hyuuga and Ayanami in particular."

Teito's nose wrinked at the thought of Hyuuga. That man was annoying even in the short time he had known him. Yet he had been kind to Teito. This only further proved that both men cared. Though he had yet to meet Ayanami.

Chun moved him so that Teito was on the bed and he was sitting up. The man stood and said, "Stay here. I'll go get the bishops. No doubt they want to talk to you."

"Why did I wake up on your chest," came his soft inquiry.

"When you passed out three days ago you would let go," came the sigh, "All I did was look after you."

With that he was gone. Teito was left to his thoughts. They were not kind ones.

There was little doubt in his mind that he had to leave. There had to be someone out there that could teach him how to control his powers. Then he would find the bastard that killed his friend.

His attention was drawn to the door as it opened. Frau, Castor, and Labrador all entered quickly. Both Castor and Labrador looked relieved to see him awake. Frau looked tired and as if he had not slept in several days.

Castor said his eyes softening, "Teito, it seems you have finally awoken. We were wondering when you would wake up."

Teito looked away unable to meet their eyes. They had been nothing but kind to him. Now he would have to leave.

Frau said reaching into his coat, "Be grateful, brat. I had to search for three straight days to find his soul."

He tossed a pink object at Teito who on instinct caught it. Teito was surprised when the object began to move.

It was a baby Fyulong. When he looked at it closer he noticed it had an xshaped scar on its cheek. In the very same place as Mikage's. It couldn't be?

Frau said gently, "His pure soul allowed him to be reborn earlier. He could have been reborn as a human. If he had then he would not kept his memories. This way he could continue to look after you. Even if he isn't human any longer."

Tears welled up behind Teito's green eyes. His breaths shuddered as he tried to control them. A gentle hand pat the top of his head. It's weight a warm comfort as he was losing the fight with his emotions.

"A friend once told me something, Teito. It took me years to understand what he meant. Maybe it will help you as it did me. Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. For goodbyes are necessary to meet again. Whether it be after moments or lifetimes meeting again is certain for those who are friends."

He could no longer hold back the tears. Clutching Mikage to his chest he let them flow. The bishops watched with looks of sadness. They hated to see him in such pain. Especially Castor who had been nothing but kind to him.

Castor said, "Never forget your friend, Teito. He will always be with you as long as you wish him to be."

Wiping away the tears he gave a short nod. He would never let Mikage be hurt because of him again. It hurt too much.

Hugging the little creature close again he said, "Castor, I can't stay here. I want to avenge Mikage's death but to do that I need to find a teacher. One who knows about what I am. One who knows about the weaknesses of a man like the one who killed Mikage."

"Is that your final decision, kid? I might not be the right teacher, but I do know someone," came Chun's voice from the doorway.

Teito's watery green eyes met Chun's cool blue ones. Without an ounce of hesitation he nodded. This was his decision and his decision alone.

Castor sighed his brown eyes holding worry but no anger, "Then you may go but a bishop will go with you. There is little doubt in my mind you will need the extra protection before this is done. I have to oversee the bishop exams in less than a month so I cannot go. Frau I believe is free however."

"Castor! Don't volunteer me for this," Teito flinched and Frau's voice softened slightly, "But I guess if it will get me out of the exams. I'll go."

It was decided then. Who would tell the military, though? While he didn't have any memories of being in the military he was still apart of them. The moment he left the boundaries of the church they could pick him up.

Castor said answering his thoughts, "We will speak with the military. They may wish to speak with you after that but without your memories it would be best for you to go. In time your memories will likely return. For now we leave you to rest."

The three bishops then left him to rest. He curled around Mikage and let the pain rush through him. It was best to let it happen while he was alone. So that he could begin to heal.

It was until three days later that he was allowed to leave. The military conceded to allow him to travel in an effort to regain his memories. They like the church required him to take a member with him.

They chose Hyuuga because of their previous closeness. Ayanami would not be able to leave the squadron for the long period of time required. So it fell to his major. Not that the man seemed put out by it. In fact he seemed content to watch Teito's back.

Chun said shaking hands with the bishops, "I'm sure we will be seeing each other again. Good luck residing over exams."

Teito said bowing his head, "Thank you, Castor, for everything you have done. Goodbye."

Teito was surprised when the man pulled him into a hug. For a moment he basked in the man's warmth. Unlike Frau he wasn't cold but warm almost like a heater.

As quickly as it began the hug ended and Castor said, "This won't be the last we see of each other, Teito. Try to keep Frau in line, would you? He is known for making trouble."

Frau snapped, "I am not! Castor stop telling him that!"

Teito smiled and Chun nodded. It was time to go. Hyuuga stood off to the side of the gates. His onyx eyes watching with a mixture of amusement and sadness. They exchanged a look of understanding. Despite not remembering much of the man he felt a kinship with him. Maybe a bond would form later on. For now they had to go.