Garou stood in front of the shed, staring down his opponent. Death Gatling glared back at him. A confident and cocksure grin adorned Garou's face. As Gatling's arm-mounted mini gun spooled up, Garou's posture lowered, his arms out, and his face was set in a look of strained determination.

Death Gatling 's minigun roared to life, sounding like an incessant, heavy rainstorm. A flurry of fists was their counter. However, Gatling could feel something. Something strange and unnatural, and he was not thinking about the monster before him, a mad swirling tornado of skill. Suddenly, without warning, Death Gatling could feel a sensation, almost as if his arm was being hijacked by some unknown force. A thick black mist coiled around the barrels as they were spinning.

As the hailstorm of gunfire continued, the bullets began to leave trails of black mist. This was immediately noticed by Garou, but he couldn't afford to lose even a second of concentration, or else he would be cut down. The black mist began to coil around his hands as he was deflecting the bullets.

His previous look was one of determination and survival, but now his face bore the all too common signs of confusion. This confusion was responsible for a few bullets finding their target, burying themselves in his torso.

At last, the bullets ceased, but Garou was still immersed in the cloud of mist. He could see Death Gatling staring at him.
Garou clicked his tongue. He knew that barrage was Gatling's final attack. If he survived that, he would have won.
The mist spread out, covering his entire body. Soon all that was left was his eye, staring out from a gap in the cloud, staring out hatefully.

As the mist expanded, before he was consumed completely, he quietly muttered.

"What did you do to me?"

His quiet voice belied his simmering anger at being outplayed.

Garou rushed towards Death Gatling. The black cloud clung to his body, like the physical appearance of his rage. The bullets embedded in his torso did not seem to slow him. As a fist sped out to Death Gatling, Garou felt the sensation of being pulled.

Then, as quick as you could snap your fingers, the mist almost popped out of existence, leaving nothing behind. The Hero-Hunter Garou had been vanquished. Death Gatling fell to his knees as sweat relentlessly ran down every inch of his body. He'd won.

He thought as he looked around at his downed comrades.
"We won"
He had finally proven that A and B ranked heroes were finally worth something.

Garou was swallowed by a near limitless blackness. No sound. No sensations in the slightest. Just nothing. But, suddenly, Garou felt himself step forwards out of the darkness.

Light overwhelmed him as his eyes adjusted. The enclosed blackness opened up into what appeared to be the inside of a large structure. Garou raised a hand as he squinted to look around further. There seemed to be various kinds of terrain dotting the area. There also appeared to be a large amount of people and monsters staring at him.
As he looked slightly down, he saw three kids staring at him in confusion and fear.
Turning his head slightly, he cocked an eyebrow.

"The hell you looking at kids?"

"Oi oi oi. Who the hell are you?"

Turning his head slightly, he saw the source of the voice.

Another kid. Great.

A bolt of pain shot through him as the poison from the two arrows embedded in his shoulder began to take hold.

"I asked who the hell you are!"

Looking at this kid better, he certainly looked strange. Behind him was a figure made of black mist, doubled over in seeming pain.

Black mist. Garou's eyes narrowed as he approached the downed figure. As he approached the downed figure, he felt a hand tightly clasp his bandaged shoulder.

"You don't get to walk away from me. Intruder."
The kid's tone was indignant, like another child had stolen his spotlight for even a second.

As all five fingers touched his shoulder, Garou immediately felt his skin begin to crack and disintegrate. The bandages covering his upper body unraveled and crumbled into dust.

Quick to react, Garou immediately twisted around.
He seized the kid's wrist, removing the source of the dissolving, and delivered a brutal left hook directly into the kid's face. The weird hand slightly cushioned the blow, and Garou was already weakened from all the fighting, but the punch was already strong enough to knock out the attacker.

The black mist figure yelled out as Garou struck the kid.


Shigaraki Tomura's unconscious form flew off for some distance, before finally coming to a rest in a unconscious heap.

"Straight into more fighting I guess."
Garou cracked his neck as he analysed all of the present threats.

Garou's brow furrowed as he noticed that all of these kids were rather strangely dressed. They were almost dressed like heroes...

Suddenly a mighty crash drew everyone's attention from the strange new man.

Garou's attention immediately switched to the entrance. He could sense a presence. And what a presence it was. Had an S-class hero arrived finally?
As he stepped forwards, toward the stairs to face his new challenge, his knees gave way from under him. He could hear one of the three kids exclaim in worry.
Raising his head to get one last look, he could see the a figure at the top of the stairs. Trying to push himself to his feet, he only succeeded in falling back down and into definite unconsciousness.