The Niwatoko Timeline

AN: Ok so basically, first cross over I'm writing and first fic in this site. I usually use my AO3 account. So far I find the space for a summary very limited, but then again I suck at summaries so... yeah. I hope to get some reviews for this soon since I'm still not completely sure on how the concept will be received. I find the four character format a bit stiffing since I'll be using many more than those, but it's understandable XP. Feel free to correct any bad spelling. I'm not a native speaker so I will appreciate any help I can get.

As for the story itself: I still don't have much of a plot, I'm just going a bit with the flow with very few scenes I want to write. Timeline wise this happens just after the battle of Hogwarts though the scene I settled on is a mix of both the movie and the book.

When it comes to the Elder wand in the book Harry uses it to fix his holly and phoenix feather wand before placing it back inside Dumbledore's tomb claiming that the legacy of that wand would die with him (which had a logical flaw since it would mean that all it would take was for someone else to defeat Harry for the ownership of the want change again, the only difference would be that it would be harder to track down the Elder wand). In the movie Harry simply breaks it, meaning it can no longer cause discord, but forgets to fix his original wand. I made him fix it this time.

As for Naruto timeline-wise, it starts just a couple of months before the Kyuubi attack.

There will be eventually a romantic subplot and I do have one pairing in mind already, ok maybe two. I'm definitely a NaruHina fan so if that is a pairing you don't like then I don't recommend this story to you, but it'll still a long time before that happens in a way that becomes relevant to the story so I guess feel free to enjoy it until then? yey?

Anyway. Enough awkwardness! Enjoy your read.

Prologue: Three Shades

Things had been going great for a post war civilization. Sure, there was still a lot of tension and suspicion between the hidden villages from opposing sides, but that was to be expected. The scars of war are supposed to be deep, after all.

Even inside the villages you could still feel this tension.

From shinobi to civilians, everyone walked from side to side very much aware of their surroundings.

That was why everyone had immediately been on high alert that summer after a sudden burst of chakra from outside the village. At first, they thought that it had something to do with the Red-Hot Habanero and her bijuu. Though she did keep an impressive control over the Kyuubi, Uzumaki Kushina was known for her temper.

But such suspicions where quickly put to rest once it was verified that she was taking a nap with her very pregnant belly at home and thus, had nothing to do with it.

ANBU teams were quickly deployed to explore the area where the burst had originated from, only to realize that something there was clearly messing with their minds. The teams came back confused and uncertain of what had happened. They remembered being in one place searching for answers and suddenly where waking up in another completely different place with no memories of going from point A to point B. Others were simply wandering around the forest looking for the other teams, insisting that that was their assigned task, even if it wasn't.

Eventually they did manage to send a team that scoured the area uninterrupted by any mind shenanigans and trickery. The only thing they found was a small crater with a finely carved, yet broken, stick at its center that let loose sparks or red blue and green from it's fracture point. The ninken found signs of at least three unknowns around the crater that extended for a bit, followed by some signs of struggle leading away from it, probably from the confused teams. Eventually the traces disappeared altogether, as if the people had simply vanished into thin air. There where no hints as to who those unknown people were, where they came from and what their intentions were.

That was concerning to say the least.

For a few weeks everyone was on high alert. The civilians eventually attributed it to shinobi testing new ninjutsu skills on the forest and relaxed a bit, but the higher ups were very much concerned. The one most concerned of all was the Yondaime Hokage. With his wife's labor drawing closer and closer, he could not afford any mishaps in security.

With all the concerns regards a potential attack, no one noticed small out of place things happening throughout the village.

Pawnshop owners and jewelers found themselves in possession of large sizeable disks of pure gold and a written transition of a money exchange. It wasn't unusual to find similar transactions with smaller disks of pure silver, and even smaller disks of bronze. They were all etched with weird engravings depicting winged lizards, weird pointy hatted people, among other weird imagery.

Still, there was no indication of theft, even if the owners didn't remember ever having made such purchase, so such matters weren't addressed with any sort of emergency. It was more of a weird story exchanged with drinking buddies. Thought less common, some merchants also noticed having sold more produce than they thought they had. Those were mere weird facts that weren't really talked about extensively, especially when compared with the weird coins case.

Some younger ninken, the ones belonging to academy-aged Inuzuka kids, had noticed the scent of strangers entering the classroom but hadn't been able to point out their whereabouts. Those stories weren't really taken seriously. Young pups were still in training so as to properly use their sense of smell, after all. And why would anyone need to enter a classroom while invisible after all? The reports of weird scents stopped after a month or two.

Summer ended and Fall started with no other signs of anything wrong. Aside of the occasional weird coin showing up or a slightly dazed shop owner that could remember having as much sales as what he had registered. There were some signs of someone breaking into the library after the first two months, though. Books would go missing for a day or two and they would suddenly show up on the front desk. It was assumed that an orphan might have done it, having no money to get themselves a library card. The fact that the books were returned meant that at least the kid was honorable enough so as not to steal them. Because of that no further reports aside from the first few were filed.

September quietly passed by. There was a report of strange lights from the Forest of Death but weird things happened there all the time. It was probably a Chunin or Jounin secretly practicing a new jutsu, though the location was very much unorthodox.

October started like any other month before. Then the tenth day came, Uzumaki Kushina, the famed Red Hot Habanero, jinchuuriki to the ninetails and wife to the 4th Hokage, went into labor, a stranger attacked and the Kyuubi was freed.

Details of that day were murky at best when it came to the civilians and even most of the shinobi did not know everything that had happened that day. All that most people knew was that when the gigantic fox started attacking the village, three people in black capes appeared and shot red beams of light towards it. The Kyuubi clearly reacted to the beams and tried to crush the caped trio with it's massive hand. They shunshined away just in time and one landed on its snout, attacking its eyes with some more beams while the other two attacked from behind.

The one on the snout jumped away when the Kyuubi tried to claw at him. In another situation it might have been amusing to see the massive facepalm the beast had unwittingly preformed. As things were, several shinobi took the moment of its distraction to land a few hits with their jutsu while the remaining others helped evacuate the civilians and children.

The now irate Kyuubi swiped it's massive hand-like paw towards the hospital, intending on causing as much destruction as possible. One of the black caped shunshined in front of it, used a beam that slowed its arm and then created some sort of barrier. If the arm had still been going as fast as before, it could have broken both the barrier and the building. Instead, only the barrier was shattered and the caped man was sent hurdling towards the wall behind with great force.

One of the other two caped people tried to go after their fallen comrade but was then violently attacked by the fox and had to jump to the side. They shot a beam at the hand-paw and created a relatively large gash that was probably comparable to a paper cut on a hand so large. They then shunshined to a safer location and continued attacking.

The other caped person shunsined to the Kyuubi's head again and started attacking the ears. It was then that the 4th Hokage finally returned and took the fox away to another location. Unfortunately for the caped person on its head, they were taken with them.

The one that was left behind and was still standing looked around in alarm, searching their teammate's whereabouts. Upon seeing no immediate danger, they must have assumed their other teammate had gone to their fallen comrade and shunshined towards there.

They approached the unmoving man.

His cape had fallen and a ginger head of hair shone against the grey pavement, looking like a flame. The features were clearly male, his cheeks dusted with freckles. He was young, probably late teens.

His eyes were staring out vacantly as he laid in a pool of blood.

Some of the braver medics had fearfully approached in an attempt to keep him alive but it had been in vain.

His comrade screamed in agony in a voice that was clearly female, falling to her knees, begging and pleading in an odd and foreign language for his life. Grief and desperation didn't need translation. Everyone there had suffered enough losses with the war, and now with the fox demon attack, that they all understood her pain.

They let her sit there, staring numbly at her dead friend, as they began gathering the surviving and injured people to transport them to the hospital.

Only a few still curious gawkers noticed her other teammate return in their odd shunshin with a pop. They froze upon seeing the state their comrade was in and knelt down near the weeping woman. They only needed a few moments to gather themselves. It was clear that this third figure was used to the feelings of loss far more than his female companion.

They took hold of their female companion and shunshined her away with another pop. They returned moments later, this time alone. They gathered a few belongings from the fallen man, probably items of personal nature, and then tried to position the body in a far more composed manner instead of the disjointed pose from before. They shuddered when, upon moving a broken arm, they felt shattered bone grind against shattered bone but they were determined on finishing their self-imposed task.

They then pointed a carved stick to their own throat and, with some foreign gibberish, they zapped themselves. They then turned to the closest person and finally spoke something they could understand, their voice revealing him to be a man.

"Can I bury him in your graveyard?" He asked.

The 3rd Hokage returned in time to hear that question. He looked as grief struck as the caped man sounded.

"Your friend is a hero to this village. He gave his life to save our hospital. We shall bury him with all the honor he deserves." He swore, placing a well-meaning hand on the stranger's shoulder.

"Make sure you do. I need to go now. My other friend needs me. I'm trusting you with this." He then shrugged off the hand on his shoulder, stood up and vanished with a twirl and a popping sound.

The caped figures weren't sighed again for a few days until their friend's burial and, even then, only from afar, since a crowd had gathered to pay their respects to the savior of their hospital and all it's residents. No one knew the man's name, nor his teammates' so he was put in a grave with an unnamed but finely sculpted marker.

The female approached only when it was time for someone to toss the dirt into the gaping hole scouring the earth. She deserved to be the one to do it more than any on the spectators that were closest to the grave. Her male companion took that chance to approach their dead friend too.

Once the burial was complete and the headstone finally placed the male took a step forward and took his carved stick out. Muttering a few words, he used the wand to write something in a language no one understood. The female then stepped forward and did the same, but this time in characters they did understand.

'Uīzurī Ron' it read.

The two caped figures left before anyone could approach them. Though they did a lot for the village, they were still strangers and the ANBU were pretty interested in knowing about their skills. So, they had to leave before the ceremony was over.

They disappeared from sight but, for the next few years, there would still be signs of their presence in the village everywhere. No one ever found out where they were living no matter how much they searched. Ron's name was added to the Memorial Stone, even though he didn't belong to the village and probably wasn't a shinobi, and it didn't take long for flowers that definitely didn't come from the village's flower shops to begin showing up there.

End Notes: So there you have it, folks. This is just the Prologue. I'm uploading the official first chapter soon since just a prologue is such a small thing to judge my work-style by.