I am finding the time to right. Miraculously. I wanna get to the juicy stuff but I am not going to rush it. Let me know what you think. His dream states will come to an end soon.

Disclaimer: I own Nothing.


Elio sat on the twin beds and played with the yellow sheets. To Elio, it felt like years and nothing was happening. They wanted him to fight but fight what? He didn't understand what was going on.

Elio stood from the bed and walked to the window. The window he first saw Oliver through. He laid his hand against the cool glass and watched the trees sway.

A sudden punch in his gut sent him back and on the floor. He was assaulted with pain beyond any he had felt before and he opened his mouth to scream. Nothing came out. Elio suddenly found himself falling through the floor and into an endless hole. He tried to grab onto something, anything but found nothing.


Oliver sat in the waiting room and stared at the clock. It had been 2 hours since they took Elio back to surgery and all they could do was wait. He ran a hand through his hair and looked around.

A child sat in an area with toys, playing with content. He had a hospital gown and a scar running from the middle of the back of his head down to the end of his neck. He looked so small in that gown, too young to be here at all.

Pro was back in the observation area due to his request. He wanted to see that his child was okay. Annella had gone home to gather some stuff to bring back for Elio.

Oliver knew she couldn't handle waiting like Oliver was. She was strong but this was an impossible situation to handle in her position.

Oliver's head snapped up as the door to the operating room opened and Pro came out with a tired look on his face. Oliver stood to meet him halfway and searched his eyes.

Pro gave him a forced smile and gestured to the chairs. Oliver sat with him. "How is he?" He hated how weak he sounded but didn't try to change it.

"They almost lost him on the table but he came back to us. They are finishing up with his chest and then going to his brain. They expect to be done by noon tomorrow. The brain is a delicate thing and they need all the time they can to fix him up."

Pro put a hand on his shoulder and spoke one more time. "He is fighting for us. Be brave for him."

With that, Pro stood and went back into the operation area. Oliver closed his eyes and bowed his head. He clung to Pro's words and opened his closed fist to look at his anchor. He closed his fist once more and pressed the fist to his lips.


Elio sat curled up in the dark, crying softly. He was exhausted and scared. Nothing made sense here.

"Fight, Elio. Your parents need you to fight. Breathe in and out. Fight. There is a man in the waiting room. Waiting for you. What's his name? Dirty blonde. Broad chest. Blue eyes. Oliver I think."

Elio's head snaps up at the name Oliver. "Oliver. Oliver!"

He jumped up and looked around frantically.

A white door appeared out of nowhere and Elio ran to it. He tried the door knob but it wouldn't budge. He slammed his fist on the door. "Oliver! Let me out! I need to get to Oliver!"

The door burst open and Elio fell through. He was in a garden. He turned to look at the door but it had vanished. Elio frowned and looked back to see Marzia. She was looking at the roses in fascination. She wore a white dress that moved with the wind.

"Marzia? What is this place?" Elio stood slowly and began to join Marzia.

"Oh, Elio. Mi amore. This is whatever you want it to be." She turned to him and he let out a sigh of relief. She was his oldest friend and her smile always warmed him inside.

"Je suis peur, Marzia. They tell me to fight but don't tell me how or what I am fighting. Help me understand?" He brushed his fingers against the petals of the roses in front of him. He looked to Marzia.

She smiled sadly and pulled him into a gentle hug. "I am afraid to overwhelm you. I am able to help, but only so much."

Elio frowns and pulls back slightly. "I am already overwhelmed, Marzia. I need to know how to get out of here. Where ever here is."

Marzia turns back to the rose and plucks it from its bush. She hands the white rose to Elio and he studies it curiously. A lone thorn knicks his finger and he draws it back as if burned. A drop of blood falls on the white petals and turns the rose blood red.

Elio steps back and the room morphs into a dim white room. A steady beep filled the room and more people, doctors began to appear. They were standing around a bed. Someone was having surgery?

Elio moves closer to get a better look and his heart drops.

There, on the lone bed was himself. Weak and frail looking as a doctor stands by his head with tools. "What the.."

A nurse near his feet turns and looks right through him. Her brows furrow and she turns back to her work.

"Am I dying?"


Oof. Elio just dived right into the truth. But now he knows and will it give him courage to fight or bring him defeat? I love all the reviews and kind comments. More to come soon. Peace and Chicken Grease.