A/N: Hey guys! Enjoy the last chapter of this Reunion Fic! I'm so happy for all the support and encouragement you guys gave me of this one. I couldn't thank you any more. The Sequel's first chapter should be up in no time, so keep an eye out for that- You might want to Follow me as an Author, so you can get the update about the sequel when it becomes available. Let me know what you thought about this story, and maybe even leave me some helpful tips for the next one! Thanks guys, enjoy!

Simon vs. The Reunion

Chapter 10- Final

"More dear?" the waitress asked me. I looked at my mug that was half full of coffee and nodded.

"Yes, please," I say, watching her practically dump the whole pot.

"You, hon?" she says to Bram. Bram shakes his head, tight lipped. Ugh, he's so cute. She leaves us alone again, and I can't help but smile at him. This is crazy! Like amazing crazy. I'm sitting across from Bram- now knowing things about him I didn't think I'd ever know.

"So, I guess I already know that little fetus is a boy," I laugh, thinking back to the many Facebook pictures I've seen. He laughs back with me. He nods as he pulls out his phone. He swipes through it a while until he turns it around to me with the biggest smile. It's a picture of him and his brother holding hands on a beach, probably somewhere close to where his dad lives. They look a lot alike aside from the skin color. Bram's milk chocolate skin tone comes from his mother's umber skin, and his fathers' pale skin. Given that his step mom is just about as colorless as me, his brother is very much white.

"He's going to be ten in June, and I almost can't believe it," he says.

"Oh my god, yeah! She did have him right before we graduated, didn't she?" I respond, vaguely remembering the time line.

"Yeah, I think I almost missed graduation because of it," he smiles, looking back at the photo. "Caleb is worth it all…I didn't think I'd love him this much, but-" he takes a deep breath, holding it for a moment. He's lightly blushing, and my heart tightens. The way he talks about his family makes me feel all types of fuzzy inside. I thought I was the only one who loved my family enough to get choked up like that. When he exhales, he closes his phone and puts it in his pocket.

"Anyway," he says, "how is your family doing?"

"Good. My parents wish I would visit more, and my sister is basically on her way to being an iron chef. My dog on the other hand…well, he's getting up there in age," I shy away, feeling sad all of a sudden. Bram's over here beaming about his family, and I can't stop thinking about how I have to leave mine tomorrow… and him.

"Yeah, my mom has similar remarks. She knows how much I love it here, but it was hard living here after school," he explains.

"Why?" I ask.

"You really want to know?" he asks, raising an eyebrow in question. He looked reluctant to tell me, so I left the choice up to him. "I was afraid of running into you…" he seemed to trail off.

"Wow..." I start laughing out of nowhere. "I moved away because of you too," I admit. "Even though I had no idea it was you,per say- I did try to move away from what happened."

"I'm sorry Simon," he frowns with his eyes down. He picks at his fingers, and I lean forward to place my hands over his. His eyes trail up to mine, and he's still.

"I couldn't be any happier than I am right now- you know this," I say. He doesn't respond, but rather looks around at the empty tables around us. There are a few people seated at the counter, but they aren't looking at us. We're in public, and I'm holding his hands. Part of me wants to pull away, but then another part wants him to know how 'OK' I am with this.

"I'm happy too, Simon, but I keep feeling bad about everything. It's going to take a little while, but it will get better," he explains. I nod, and sit back. I plop my hands into my lap and now I'm frowning- but I don't mean to.

"With me being a little ways away…when did you want to go on our date?" I ask after a minute of us sulking. He bats his long eyelashes softly, visibly contemplating.

"Would you count this?" he asks, looking around the Waffle House.

"Would you?" it comes out a little more condescending than I would have liked, but I ask it.

His eyebrows are raised and he bites his lip, "No," he chuckles.

"Alright then," I nod with a laugh, shrugging my hands up. They flop back into my lap again, and I feel overwhelmed.

"So…I guess we'll have to set a date to have our date." Bram says. It's a funny way of phrasing it, but I hold back from laughing.

"I guess so," I say, and watch as he whips out his phone again.

"Should we have it here?" he asks, looking at his phone.

My voice cracks as I begin to speak, "At the Waffle House?" I furrow my brow at him. His eyes flick up at me and he looks annoyed. I tense, but relax as soon as his smile widens and he starts laughing at me.

"No, Simon- not here," he pokes the table hard. "Here," he expressively wags his hands around.

"Oh, like Shady Creek?"

"Yes," he rolls his eyes, but it seems playful. I blush at my stupidity, and glance away.

"Oh," I nearly mouth.

"Si, you're adorable."

As if his words were a magnet, my head snaps back in his direction. I can't look away from him. I want to hear him say it again, knowing he means it. Not in a Leah way- but in a Bram way. When Leah calls me adorable, it's because I've said something stupid, or I'm being weird. When Bram calls me adorable, it's special because he's being flirty and cute. Something I'm lacking at the moment.

"So?" he speaks up again.

"Oh, right. Yeah, when were you thinking?"

"Are you able to drive up next week?"

"Hmm…I'm pretty booked with clients. It'd have to be on the weekend," I shrug, leaning my chest into the table.

"Hmm," he hums, biting the tip of his thumb. He's locked on his phone, trying to figure out how to tell me it's over and we're never going to see each other again.

"How about the Sunday after next?" he offers up, giving himself a second to study me.

"I have to wait two weeks to see you again?" I groan, sitting back. I stretch my arms out onto the table and lay my hands flat. "Are you available this coming Saturday?" I ask.

"I might be able to move my showings to the morning hours," he says, with a smile.

"Okay, good. Do that," I say, feeling excited. My stomach is all a flutter, and I have all this energy that I have no idea what to do with.

"Okay," he smiles. He looks back at his phone and after a minute he's frowning.

"No-no, frowning is bad," I sigh.

"I'm sorry, Simon. I forgot this was the week I'm showing back to back. I'm trying to hit my quota before the end of the month…If only I knew I'd get this far with you, then I would have tried for that weeks ago," he said, basically cursing himself out. My cheeks were burning with the thought of him thinking this was even a possibility weeks ago. Oh god, Simon- pull yourself together.

"Alright…how about this then- you just owe me-"

"Simon, I've owed you this date for ten years- we're going on this date and soon," he presses, locking eyes with me. "Even if it has to be three weeks from now- we're going."

"Okay," I nod, knowing I was probably as red as a lobster.

Bram and I walk out to his car, and get in. He turns the key and the car comes to a rumbling start.

"When did you get rid of the civic?" I ask.

"Right after college. It broke down one-too-many times, so as a graduation gift my dad went half with me on a new car. It's nice, but one day I'll get something nicer," he says, massaging the leather of the steering wheel.

"I like it, it's very you," I say, looking around it. We drove here in it, but I was too flustered to take it all in.

"It's very me?" he laughed.

"Mhmm," I answer. He doesn't know what to say, so he just shakes his head with a smile and pulls out of the parking lot. We arrive back at the fire hall, and he stops out front.

"Hold up, is that Martin?" I ask, peering out the window. He's sprawled out on a bench with his mouth hanging open.

"He looks dead," Bram grimaces. I look from him to Martin, and shrug.

"Yeah…he kind of does."

It's quiet as we observe him, then we both shrug and Bram parks beside my car. He shuts it off, but leaves the keys in the ignition. We're silent again, and it's awkward, but I don't mind it cause I'm content being beside him. There is plenty we still need to work out and talk about, but right now this is nice. I don't want it to end.

"So," he speaks up.

"So," I say back. We erupt into nervous giggles, and refrain from looking at each other.

"I don't know why it's so hard to talk to you, but so easy at the same time," he explains.

"I know…I feel the same way," I admit. We couldn't stop talking at the Waffle House, but sometimes we end up in these weird awkward silences. I don't know if it's because we're still feeling each other out, or if it's because there is hidden tension between us…the good kind of tension…

I find myself studying Bram- making a mental note of sorts so I don't forget what he looks like in person. The next three weeks is going to feel like a lifetime. I want to grab his face between my hands and kiss it. I want to kiss him forever, and never stop. After a while he'd get annoyed with me, but I wouldn't care. He is persistently either licking his lips, rolling them together, or letting his mouth hang open slightly.

"Simon…" I shiver at the way he says my name.


"I know this is a lot at first, and it honestly hasn't hit me yet that we're actually doing this, so if taking it slow works for you- it works for me."

"Have you been thinking about how to say that the whole time?" I ask. Not because I'm nosy, but because I want to know how he sees this.

"Yes, actually," his voice trails off as if saying it embarrasses him.

"I'm fine with taking things slow, Bram…but if you're also referring to the 'I love you' thing…well- I do still have the strongest possible feelings for you as Blue. It's just… you're the same person if anything, only older and even better," I say, batting my lashes anxiously. His smile is small, and it fades quickly.

"I really don't want to screw this up," he worriedly furrows his brows.

"You're not going to. I'm all in if you are," I shrug my shoulders.

"I'm all in," he nods, reaching across the center console to lay his hand over mine. I turn my palm up, and his hand engulfs mine as we lace our fingers together. We lean in at the same time, surprising one another before proceeding with a tender kiss. It develops into something much more in a matter of seconds. His hands are holding closely to my face, as his thumbs caress my jaw line. I tug him closer to me by slipping my hands down to his waist. Soft moans escape his lips as we kiss, and I can't help but smile. I let a moan slip past my own lips, but it mortifies me. I can only imagine what's running through his head. To me, his moans are sweet and sensual. My moans- let's just say they remind me of a cow- can't I be cute for at least a millisecond?

Bram pulls away, nearly gasping for air. My lips feel dry and over worked, but I could do this all night with him.

"If I don't go right now, I don't think I'll be able to leave you," he whispers, resting his head back against the seat. He closes his eyes, but his hand finds mine and seems to grip onto it. He smiles, and flops his head to the side to catch my eye.

"Three weeks," he says.

"Three weeks." I lean my shoulder into his car seat. My head rests against it, and my eyes are locked on his. We're both smiling at each other, holding hands- wishing the night doesn't have to end. Truthfully it doesn't, but I'm pretty sure I know where it would lead if we didn't end it here. We're not ready for that, and the like

We share one more kiss, and I take in everything I can of him. His smell, his smile when we pulls away from our kiss, and the gentle way he speaks as he tells me, "I'll see you soon."

"Soon," I murmur to myself. I get out of the car, and wave to him before shutting the door. His engine revs, and my heart jumps inside my chest. Three weeks is going to go by so freaking slow –it's not even funny.

I get home to my parents house around twelve, and they are already in bed. Nora on the other hand is sitting on the couch watching television. I walk in and flop down beside her. Of course she's watching food network, and it's one of those challenge shows.

"I'd take these guys down in seconds," she smirks. She shakes her head at the TV, and then turns to me.

"How did it go?" she asks. Without warning she shoots up in her spot and turns to me. Her excitement is through the roof and for a moment I can tell we're related. "Oh my god! You were supposed to meet Blue, how'd it go? Did he show!?" she pressed, shoving my arm aggressively.

"Nora…it was a total shit show," I start and she frowns. I glance up at her and my smile widens. "But he showed," I added. She squeals and bounces beside me.

"Oh my god, yes! Who is he? Did you guys talk? DID YOU KISS!?" she freaks, animatedly punching my arm.

"Calm down! Yes, we kissed," I say, which causes her to squeal again and continue with the punching. I shove her off, and laugh. "Stop it! And he turned out to be my friend Bram from high school."

"Your friend? You mean to tell me you knew him the whole time?!" she exclaims.

"Yes, Nora. It's a long story, and I got most of it…he wasn't ready to be out and he couldn't get himself to tell me cause he figured I was mad at Blue. He wasn't wrong, but I got over it in time," I shrug.

"Simon, I'm so happy he came forward. You needed this," she smiles, taking my hand into hers.

"Thanks, Nora…yeah I think I did too," I agree.

"So do you have plans to see each other again?" she asks.

"Yeah, in three weeks," I whine, resting my head back against the couch.

"Three weeks? Why so long?"

"Busy schedules."

"Well that sucks, but are you at least going to text or something?"

"Yeah I have his number now, and we plan to talk a lot," I say. Nora listens as I ramble on and on about Bram. She wanted to hear all about him, so that's what she's getting.

The doorbell rings, and Nora jumps up to answer it.

"Oh, hey. Come on in," Nora says upon opening the door. She comes back in and Leah trails in behind her. When I see her I perk up, and straighten my back.

"Leah," I say. I'm not particularly happy to see her, but I feel some comfort knowing she showed up after everything.

"Si, I was going to give you space, but I can't do that knowing you're leaving tomorrow. Can we talk?" she asks, wringing her hands apprehensively. Nora gives me a look and mouths 'fill me in later'. She turns off the TV, collects her things and leaves us be.

"Goodnight, Lee," she says before disappearing into the hall. Leah waves to her, and then turns back to me on the couch. I move over and pat the cushion next to me. She cautiously takes a seat, and inhales through her mouth.

"I can't believe you lied to me," I finally speak up. Her shoulders drop, and the deep breath escapes her.

"I know, and I'm so sorry. Si, you know that if I have to lie to you it's important. I would never keep anything from you, and I'm sorry I did with this. If I had told you right away maybe the whole thing with Jenson could have been over before it started. I know what I did was wrong, but Bram asked me to keep quiet. This was his thing, and I-"

"Leah, it's okay," I quiet her. "If you told me you knew, without giving him away, I maybe would have been less upset with you," I said.

"What? Simon, I'm sure that would have been way worse!" she exclaims. I think about it a moment and sigh.

"Okay, yeah maybe."

"Not maybe- yes. If you knew that I knew- you'd press me for the answer."

"This is true," I shrug my hands up in defeat.

"And you know I would cave," she laughs.

"Also true," I tease, leaning into her. We sit in silence again, and I almost say something when she leans her head against my shoulder, but I don't. I take the time to appreciate being in the same room as her, and listen to her breathing.

"I know this didn't happen the way you would have liked, and I'm partially to blame for that, but I'm happy you and Bram found each other."

"Thanks…it's kind of surreal actually," I chuckle, thinking about the night I've had.

"So are you guys dating?" she picks her head up and runs her eyes over my face.

"We're taking things slow, but I'm sure with everything considered we'll be dating in no time," I blush, feeling the knots twisting in my stomach. Thinking of Bram was enough to send me over the edge.

"Oh, Simon, I'm so happy for you," she chimes, holding onto my arm. She cuddles up to me and sighs happily. "So are we okay?" she asks.

"Of course we're okay, but don't you dare lie to me ever again!" I warn her. She nods, and grips tighter to my arm.

"I promise, scouts honor!" she says, throwing up her hand and separating her fingers in two's.

"Leah…that's the star trek sign," I laugh. She shrugs and I can feel her giggling against my arm.

"Whatever, just take it," she shakes her head. I roll my eyes at her, and relax into her. "Oh! I almost forgot- Martin," she sits up and grabs my arm with her hands.

"Martin?" I raise an eyebrow at her.

"Martin beat the crap out of Jenson tonight," she exclaimed with wide eyes.

"What?" I reposition myself to face her better. "But he helped Jenson with the whole thing, didn't you listen?"

"I know, but when he finally woke up, I sat him down and Garrett and I grilled him for answers."

"Oh, yeah…why was he passed out on the bench outside?" I cocked my head at her.

"I think he has low blood sugar or something," she waived it off, and went back to explaining. "Anyway, apparently- and I apologize again- he got roped into helping Jenson plan a proposal for you because… I sent Jenson over to Martin," she hesitated, gritting her teeth. I took a breath, but pushed away my comments. "I claimed you were good friends with him, and that if he was looking for someone to talk to- to talk with Martin." She closed her eyes, and grimaced. "That was when Jenson asked him for help…Martin style."

"That explains a lot actually," I reply.

"Yeah…but then- Martin explained that he found out who Blue was because he overheard Bram talking to Garrett about it at the picnic. Long story short, he accidently revealed it to Jenson, who then used it against Martin as a way to keep you away from Bram all weekend. So basically I knew, Martin knew, and Jenson also knew…while all having different motives. Martin actually had every intension of helping you find out Bram was Blue, but Jenson kind of ruined that. Jenson told Martin some fucked up story about how you guys were fine after the carnival, as a way to get his help for the whole reveal," Leah took a breath, and started up again.

"Basically Martin was trying to help because he thought you were over Blue and in-turn was helping in making you- what he thought to be- happy. So, Martin tried to redeem himself for messing up the first time, but in the end royally fucked up again- only to beat the living shit out of Jenson for you," she ended, taking a deep breath.

"Wow." I was speechless, and couldn't even believe what Leah was telling me. "I mean…I guess I'm glad Jenson got the shit kicked out of him, but Martin really did that?" I questioned.

"Yeah- I was there, he wasn't making it up. Garrett and I originally went after Jenson, and I was sure Garrett would have won, but then Martin just jumped him flying squirrel style." She shrugged her hands up, just as amazed as I was.

"Damn…okay," I nodded, looking at my hands.

"I know, I couldn't believe it," her eyes were wide as she zoned out.

"I still can't," I snorted.

"I-Me either," she shook her head.

We joked about it for a while, and when I got the mental image of Martin jumping at Jenson like a flying squirrel, I couldn't stop myself. Physical tears were streaming down my cheeks, and my stomach was twisted into a knot from laughing so hard. Eventually the novelty of it wore off, and we fell silent.

"Leah…I'm thinking of moving back," I admitted.

"Really?" she smiled, grabbing my hand.

"Yeah, I want to be closer to my family and you."

"And Bram," she sang his name in a teasing manner. My cheeks flared up making me want to turn away from her.

"Sure, him too," I say shyly. It was the truth. I'd love to be closer to home in order to see where this goes. I'm closer to him from here, and if I move back that means I don't have to wait three weeks for future dates.

"I'm so glad you can finally stop obsessing about Blue," she expressed, melting into me.

"Oh, it's going to be worse now. All you're going to hear is me talk about him," I laugh.

"Did you kiss him?" she asks.

"I did," I say and again my fair complexion fails me. My cheeks are a burning red, and I can feel dense heat flowing off my body.

"Aw, Si- that's so cute!"

"Yeah, I know," I bite my lip, thinking about the impression he left of me. I'd give anything to make out with him right now. If I could just rewind time and do it all over again I would. Leah stayed until three in the morning, and we said our goodbyes. I wouldn't be seeing her tomorrow, so tonight was really our last time till the next time I see her. I wasn't happy about having to leave my family, but life is calling me back home. I certainly had one hell of a weekend, and even though I'd ask for a few things to go differently, I wouldn't want to change it for the world.

"So you'll be home in a few weeks?" Mom asked, watching as my dad and I threw bags into my trunk.

"Yeah, and I'll be sure to call you when I get home," I say, giving her a hug. She hugs me back, but holds on for much longer than I expected.

"I love you," she whispers before letting go.

"I love you too, mom. Dad," I nod, hugging him too. He pats my back, and pulls away. He places his hands on my shoulders and smiles.

"Drive safe kiddo, give us a call when you get there," he says, fighting back tears.

"I will," I say. I close the trunk after shoving my duffle into it and I take a deep breath. I look around the front yard, and it feels like I'm stalling. It's not even six thirty- but a part of me feels like Bram could show up unannounced. I think it's really just me wishing that, and I know he said he'd see me soon, but soon would have been better if it were today.

I turn my music on, and drive with the windows down. I stop at the Dancing Goats to grab an ice coffee and start my drive home. It's ten before I'm even parked in my spot. I start dragging my bags up the stairs and when I'm finally at the door I drop my stuff and unlock it. I push the door open and begin kicking my stuff inside. I close the door behind me and throw my keys into the dish on the hall table. I look around and it's eerily quiet.

Right off the bat I notice a few things missing like Jenson's stereo in the living room corner, and the painting on the wall in the kitchen. He took the nightstand in our bedroom, which held all my crap, so now that's lying on the floor beside the bed. He purposely threw my dirty clothes on the floor to take the hamper, and I no longer have a kitchen table. Oh- and the coffee pot… he took my coffee pot. I don't mind the things that were originally his, but my coffee pot- really?

I sigh deeply, feeling utterly defeated. I'm okay with living alone, and I thought I'd feel okay being here by myself, but I kind of miss the company. Not his company of course, but just having someone here to come home to, knowing I can decompress with them by my side. It's making me miss Bram even more. I'm bitter that we're separated by weeks, but I'll be looking forward to it. I walk into the kitchen and start taking inventory on the food he swiped. I guess I'll be making a grocery trip sooner than I wanted to.

I begin unpacking my clothes and start some laundry. I turn on the TV to drown out the silence and get into my zone. I slip into some comfortable sweatpants, and a t-shirt before settling onto the couch. My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I retrieve it to see Bram's name. My heart skips a beat, and I chew on my bottom lip.

'Hey you,' he sends me with a winking emoji.

'Hey to you too,' I answer, with a smiley face.

'How was your drive?' he asks.

'Good, I didn't hit traffic, so that's a plus.'

'I'd say.'

'Yeah, how was your morning?' I ask back.

'Pretty good, I actually spent most of it driving around.'

'Oh? I thought you said you weren't leaving until Tuesday?'

'Yeah that's what I thought too, but then I realized something...'

I read to myself, I was about to start typing a response when there was a knock at my door. I slipped my phone into my sweatpants pocket and jogged over to answer it. I pulled it open and stared in disbelief.

"I can't wait three weeks to see you again," he said, finishing the text in person. My legs were jelly by time my brain caught up to what was happening. Bram was standing at my front door, basically taking part in the most romantic gesture ever. He stepped forward, grabbing my face between his hands and kissing me. It wasn't innocent by any means, but he was still sweet about it. I kissed him back once I realized I could, and my hands found their way around to the small of his back. I pulled him into me, and his body was hard against mine. I was definitely hard- there was no hiding that. Curse you sweatpants!

Bram bit at my lip before pecking light kisses down my jaw line until he was at the curve of my neck. He kissed the heated skin causing rough moans to rumble in my throat.

"Bram, hold on," I breathed. I stopped him so I could kick the door shut and lock it. I don't need my neighbors walking by catching me in the act. I jumped right back into kissing him, and he continued sucking on my neck, which then became my collarbone.

"Is this too fast?" he asked, drawing himself away from me in a daze. I looked at him with wide eyes and my mouth fell open.

"Are you serious?" I griped, burying my face into his chest. He chuckled with the cheesiest of smiles. He held me closer to him, and I couldn't let go. I was mesmerized by his looks, and his smell -the smell I promised I wouldn't forget. The aroma I didn't realize I already missed so badly that it hurt. My chest ached with the idea of him holding me like this.

"I can't believe you're here right now," I said, nuzzling my face against his neck. He breathed contently, and rubbed my arm with his hand.

"I got to your parents house around seven, and your dad said you just left," he explained.

"So I was right! I had this feeling you were going to show up," I grinned, looking into his eyes.

"Oh did you?" he asked playfully. "I guess that's a sign," he chuckled.

"I guess it is," I bit at my lip, resting my head against his chest once again. He held me close, and we stood in my foyer happily wrapped in each other's arms. We stood like that for sometime, until I decided to welcome him into my home and show him around…spending most of the tour in the bedroom. I guess we are ready for this…and the like.

1 Year later…

I carried a box into the three-day-old apartment and placed in on the kitchen table. This was thankfully the last of it. I'm finally done moving, and now all that is left is to unpack and situate everything.

"Is that the last one?" Bram asked, coming up behind me. He placed his hands on my shoulders and kissed the back of my head.

"Yeah," I smiled, turning around to face him. I pecked his lips, which turned into a long, slow kiss. Our breath combined fogged my glasses, blinding me from his beauty.

"Mmm, good. I'm so sick of moving these boxes from place to place," he broke away with a whine. I chuckled at his response and watched as he took a seat at the table. I cleaned off my glasses and placed them back on my face.

"We're finally done," I say, resting against the box.

"Wait, when did you put on glasses?" Bram questioned, finally noticing it.

"Um, when I ran out of contacts and happened to find these while I was cleaning out my car," I warily smiled, knowing he was bound to yell at me for losing the glasses in the first place. He rolled his eyes at me, but a smile peaked through it.

"Holy crap, what time is it?" I asked, searching for my phone. Bram looked at his watch, and jumped from the chair.

"Crap! We have to go, it's almost eleven!" he announced. I got myself together and reminded Bram to grab the present.

We arrived just on time, but of course everyone was already here before us.

"I feel like I'm always missing a secret, 'be here at this time' announcement," I whispered to Bram. He leaned in to listen, and retracted with a smile.

"I know, same," he laughed.

"Simon! Bram!" Abby chimed from her seat across the room. She got out of her brightly colored chair with help from Nick, and waddled herself over to us.

"You made it!" she pouted happily, pulling us both into hugs.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," I told her. She stood looking us over with her hands on her pregnant belly. She was wearing a cute pale yellow dress with white flowers and a white sash that read 'Mommy To Be' across her chest.

"Congratulations," Bram beamed from ear to ear, handing over the gift box to her. She was so excited we made it, she could have cried. She kissed our cheeks before looking it over. "I'll put this on the gift table, thank you so much," she smiled, gripping it to her.

"How was the move?" Nick asked, cross his arms over his chest.

"It wasn't bad actually. The movers did most of it Thursday, and then we did the last of it these past two days," he explained to Nick. I rubbed my hand across Bram's back as he spoke.

"I'm so glad it went well!" Abby added. "Simon come with me," she said, grabbing my hand. She walked us over to where she was before we arrived and set the gift down.

"Look who's here!" she announced me. Leah turned around and her smile was so genuine.

"You said you'd text me when you got here!" she spat, playfully slapping my arm.

"Sorry, it didn't take very long and I felt like we were already running late," I explained.

"Whatever, how was the move?" she asked, smiling.

"It was good. A little stressful the first day, but we handled it like pro's," I nodded.

"Did you christen the new room?" she winked at me. I blushed and looked around nervously.

"Leah," I warned. She stood, waiting for a response so I gave my best answer by flashing my eyes at her.

"Nice," she gave me a tightlipped grin with a knowing nod. I rolled my eyes at her, and looked over to where Bram was talking to Nick. I couldn't be any happier that he decided to grow out his curls again. It was the most familiar thing about him, other than his beautiful eyes, and nobly hands. I couldn't get enough of him. Now that we're living together, it's going to be different- but a good different. The past year has been beautiful getting to know each other. It didn't take very long before we knew the other like the back of our hands.

"Are you nervous to be living together? You're going to learn a lot about each other very soon." Leah asked, resting her hand on her hip. I glanced over at Bram again and tried to come up with any reason why I would be nervous to live with him. He makes me feel safe, and happy and when I'm with him it's nothing but laughs, cuddles, and soft-spoken words. There isn't a doubt in my mind that I belong with him.

"I'm ready to learn everything I can, so no- I'm not nervous," I smiled at her. Bram caught my eye from across the room and gave me a gentle wave. I waved back, and still after a year he's able to take my breath away.

"Ew, you're so in love it's sickening…I love it," Leah winked, before turning away to help Abby with something.

"Yeah, I know," I whispered. I couldn't stop grinning, thinking about the amazing future that was just ahead of me.

A/N: AHHHHH So much fluff, this story was so much fun to write. I can't even believe it's over! But more fun to follow for the next one! Like I said before, Follow me so you can get the alert when the sequel becomes available. Thanks guys! I'm so proud of this story, and of course it wouldn't be possible without you guys!