Disclaimer: If Cardcaptor Sakura were mine, then Clear Card wouldn't be sidelining Touya so much.

Touya would have been happy to rack up the overtime cleaning up the aquarium, but there was only so much a part-time employee was able to do. The animal caretakers were rushing around, trying to save as many of the fish from the ruptured tank as possible, and make sure the salinity of the water in their temporary containers was exactly right. Touya's method, before they arrived on the scene, had been to catch fish in empty cups and bowls from the café, before the tank water had drained from the room.

The scientists had only been marginally impressed with his efforts. Apparently after the café had flooded, anything could have mixed into the water. Touya supposed that if he were a fish, he wouldn't want to swim around in a strawberry parfait, but at least they were safer in clean dishes than on the tiled floor.

So, without the expertise necessary to save the fish, or the ability to rebuild the tank, Touya spent a soggy hour moving soaked furniture and supplies up to a dry area and then was sent home.

When he came into the house, he could hear Sakura's voice coming from her room. It sounded like she was on the phone. Touya didn't hear the voice of any of her friends – most notably the brat. Touya was a little glad. It was one thing if their date was ruined, but he didn't want the two of them in the house alone together.

Well, time to face up. Touya headed upstairs and gave a token tap at her bedroom door before pushing it open. "Hey."

That living stuffed animal of hers dropped abruptly to the bed. He'd thought they were over this.

"I'll call you back, Tomoyo-chan," Sakura said quickly into the phone. "My brother just came in. Yeah, okay. See you tonight." She turned around to face him. "What do you want?"

Touya came the rest of the way into her room and leaned against the doorframe. "You doing all right?" he asked. "After today."

"Oh! I'm fine. It's okay." She smoothed down her t-shirt. She must have changed as soon as she got home. Lucky her. Touya's socks were still squelching. "Are the fishes doing okay?"

"Most of them, i think. What about the brat?"

"Syaoran-kun isn't a brat!" she exclaimed, jumping off the bed. Touya fended her off, grinning.

"Okay, okay, but how are you really doing?" he asked.

Sakura blinked at him, righteous indignation stalled for the moment. "What do you mean?"

Touya sighed. "Don't play games with me, Sakura. You came clean eventually last time, so be straight with me now. I know the tank didn't crack from water pressure or something like that. It was something magical. Wasn't it?"

Sakura deflated under his big-brother-knows-all stare. "It's nothing you need to worry about, really."

Touya snorted. "Tell that to someone who didn't just have a giant fishtank explode all over him."

Sakura winced. "That's . . ."

"And you're going back there tonight, aren't you? That's where you're meeting Tomoyo," he prodded.

"No, no!" Sakura defended herself wildly. "There'd be no point! The aquarium's closed! I wouldn't be able to get in!"

Touya rolled his eyes at her flailing. "I'm not gonna get mad at you. Just tell me what's going on."

When she still hesitated, Touya lost patience. "You know i still remember what happened a couple years ago, right? I know about Yuki and Yue and Clow Reed and all that. And i can tell something's starting up again. So talk to me."

The not-quite-a-toy floated up from the bed. "No fooling you, huh?"

"Kero-chan–" Sakura started, but the toy waved her away. "Nah, it's fine. It's not the first time i've sensed he was onto us. No point hiding forever."

The corner of Touya's mouth lifted in a grin. "You can't keep secrets from big brother."

"Guess so."

Sakura drooped. "Are you mad?"

Touya sighed and flicked her in the forehead. "Stupid. Why'd i be mad?" He'd just said so.

"'Cause you lost your job and–"

Touya cut her off. "Obviously you weren't the one who broke the tank. I'll find another job, don't worry about it. But what's going on?"

Sakura bit her lip. "I'm not sure."

Touya raised an eyebrow at her and waited.

"The cards are acting strange," she admitted. "My cards aren't working at all – they've gone clear and i don't know what's wrong with them. And these new cards keep appearing, but i can capture them and use them. Don't worry," she added hastily. "I'm taking care of it, and i'll figure out what's going on. It'll be okay."

Touya grunted. "Are you in danger?"

"No!" Sakura exclaimed. "Maybe a little. It's nothing i can't handle, don't worry."

"And she's got us looking out for her," boasted Kero. "We'll take good care of her."

"Right." Touya nodded at the little creature, then looked back at his sister. "Is there anything i can do?"

"No, i don't think so."

Touya nodded. He'd expected as much, but he wasn't really happy with it. "If there is, let me know. And keep me in the loop."

"But–" Sakura started, but he overruled her. "If you don't, i'm gonna bring Dad in. I know you don't want us to worry, but it's worse when i don't know what's going on. Got it? If nothing else, i can cover for you."

Sakura gave in. "Okay. You don't have to be such a jerk about it."

Touya grinned loftily. "Of course i do. I'm your brother, remember?"

Sakura stuck her tongue out at him, and Touya went on. "I don't know how much i can do since i gave my power away. But i've got your back, no matter what. Remember that."

Sakura flushed and mumbled, "Thank you."

"Right." Touya pushed up from the wall. A thought occurred to him, and he patted his pockets. "There you go." He fished out a key ring, and tossed it underhanded. The key bounced off Sakura's shoulder. "What–" she started.

"The key to the aquarium. The boss hasn't asked for it back yet – i'll probably get the official notice in a couple days."

Sakura held it in both hands. "Thank you!"

"Sure thing." That done, Touya turned to head out.


He looked back over his shoulder at her.

"I'm really sorry about your job."

"'S okay," Touya replied. "I'm sorry your date got ruined."

Sakura predictably went bright red and squealed at him. Touya laughed and went to take a shower.

A/N: Gods i need this to happen. I don't know why they're still hiding from and dancing around Touya, since the end of the original series established that they explained to him about Clow Reed and everything, and he figured it out about Yue on his own. Sure, he doesn't have his magic anymore, but he's as much a part of this as anybody. (Tomoyo doesn't have magic either, and CLAMP have no problem bringing her in on things!)