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First Story

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I just feel that there aren't enough Hanabi Hyuga fanfics. So, this is one of them.

Everyone in this world is 14 when they become genin.


I awoke with a start. I looked around and saw myself sleeping on the ground and in an apartment with tatami mats. It looked like a Japanese apartment. It was the middle of the night, so I went back to sleep. Next morning, I woke up to the sound of banging on my door. "Hey, Masaru-kun, open up. It is time for the academy."

I got up, thinking, "What academy?" I went out through the bedroom door and found myself in a kitchen. The knocking was repeated. "Who is it?" I called out. Going towards a door way on the right to find myself in the living room and then to a hallway with the main door.

"What do you mean 'who is it'? It's me, Sarada." Sarada? I opened the door. There she was. Undoubtedly, Sarada Uchiha was had been knocking on my doorway. She was wearing her glasses, her red and white outfit and sandals. Only thing missing was her leggings, but never mind those. One of her hands was on her hip and the other setting her hair. I literally gaped at her. "What is up with you?" she said. She put her hands on my shoulders and shook me. Somehow, I was living in the anime that I had been dreaming about in my sleep. I silently thanked God and blinked thrice. I moved Sarada's hands off my shoulders and nodded, closing the door behind me.

Sarada flicked my forehead. "Change out of your PJs." I nodded, embarrassed. I went in and invited her in, too. She came in, while I searched for the bathroom. It was the third door in the kitchen. There, in the closet, I found some jeans, track pants and some loose t-shirts. I called out to Sarada. "What do I usually wear to training?" She was in the kitchen, eating some carrots. She said, "You wear tracks. Why?" I put on the black tracks and red t-shirt. I went out and said, "Nothing. Just checking if you know enough about me." I grinned like an idiot. She raised an eyebrow and shook her head. She offered me the carrot and I refused.

We walked out of my home and I locked it behind me. She said, "You have a nice place." I thanked her for the compliment. I said, "You look good today." She blushed to that but she managed to thank me. We went on to the Academy. It stood grand before us and all I could do was to stop my mouth from dropping to the ground. Sarada turned to me and said, "You ready for the allotment of teams?" I was a genin! I squealed, "Yes. Of course!" We went into the class. Waiting with ten other students.

As we went in, a shout came from the back of the class. "HEY MASARU!" I turned towards the voice to see Boruto. He rushed up to me and held his fist out. I bumped it. Then, he turned to Sarada. "I just don't wanna end up on your team," he said with disgust. "Same here," said Sarada. They went separate ways, both turning to look at who I was gonna follow. Since, Sarada had been the first to have been met by me, I was more comfortable with her. So, I followed her, which got Boruto a smug smile from Sarada. Four instructors came in after five minutes along with Shino Aburame. There were Konohamaru Sarutobi, Udon, Moegi and Hanabi Hyuga.

Konohamaru announced, "Mitsuki, Iwabe, Denki, with me."

Moegi announced, "Inojin, Shikadai and Cho-Cho, I will be leading you." Inojin ran down to join Moegi and wrapped around her. Inojin loved Moegi.

Udon said, "Wasabi, Metal Lee and Sumire."

This left only Boruto, Sarada and me. Shino said, "You will stay here." He left. Boruto and Sarada glared at each other, while Hanabi introduced herself. She was wearing a kimono, which was odd. She asked us for our introductions.

Boruto stood up, "I am Boruto Uzumaki. The son of the Hokage. I want to beat my dad and nothing will bring me more satisfaction." He sat down.

Sarada stood up, "I am Sarada Uchiha. I want to become the Hokage and I will want to be strong like him and my mom." When she said 'Hokage', Boruto scoffed.

I stood up, at last and said, "I am Masaru Rai. I don't know what I want to do, but I think being Hokage would be cool." I sat down and Sarada flicked my forehead again. She narrowed he eyes.

Hanabi-sensei walked over to the three of us and said that we would start training tomorrow for a test of out strengths. We were dismissed. Boruto rushed off, leaving Sarada, Hanabi-sensei and me alone. Sarada told me that her mom had told her to ask the sensei and me to dinner. I happily complied. I did not know how to cook. We went back together. Hanabi-sensei left us in between and told us that she would come by later. She walked off in the other direction, her long ,smooth hair twirling with her. When she was gone, Sarada said, "She is so pretty." I said, "I like her, too. Plus ,she was so gentle." Sarada said, "Wasn't she? I want to be like her." I imagined Sarada growing her hair long and her wearing a kimono. "You sure would look sexy," I muttered. "What?" Sarada said. I said, "Nothing."

On our way to Sarada's home, it got dark. Out of an alley way, a dog came running at us and barked. Sarada clung to me and screamed. I tried on some signs that I remembered and managed a small flame, similar to a lighter. But that seemed to do the trick. Sarada laughed but clung on. I forgot about her being so close and we walked all the way back like that. At the entrance, a voice surprised us. "You two love birds done? Can we go in without shocking Mrs. Sakura?" Sarada noticed that she was too close and froze but I jumped away landing on Hanabi-sensei, both of us falling backwards. As I was going down, I tried to grab something and after the fall, I heard someone clearing her throat. "Are you done with my breast, Masaru? Seriously, kids nowadays," said the voice of Hanabi-sensei. I let go, quickly and apologised, over and over. She gave me a serious look and laughed suddenly, surprising me. "What would a day be for a beautiful woman without some groping? It is ok Masaru, but next time, please ask." I could only nod to that.

After everyone had recovered, Sarada rang the doorbell and Sakura-san opened up. She bowed to welcome us and Hanabi-sensei and I thanked her for inviting us over. We talked about many things. We had plates of hamburger and some pizza. I asked, "You made this all by yourself?" She nodded. I smiled, "That's awesome." Sakura-san said, "You know, Sarada helped a lot." I turned to Sarada and looked her into the eyes. I said, "You did! That's cool. You have to teach me. I suck at it." She started blushing and managed to say, "Ya! I would be happy to."

Sensei, Sarada and I discussed our training schedules, team formations and many such things. Sakura-san sat with us and listened to every ordeal. She chimed in some of her suggestions every now and then and kept on smiling. Once, she remarked, "You make a nice team." She was totally beckoning at me and Sarada. Sarada didn't seem to notice but I had the grace to blush. Such hints were dropped six more times, before the night drew to an end. Sakura-san and Sarada saw us out. At the doorway, Sakura-san said, "You could stay the night, you know. Sarada gets lonely sometimes." To that, we both blushed and Sarada said, "Maaaaaa!" She laughed and said, "Just joking. Don't hit me like that. Ha ha ha ha." Yup, it was definitely weird. It was like Sarada liked me or something. I waved that thought out of my mind.

I went home, with Hanabi-sensei dropping me off. On the way, she asked me, "What do you think of your teammates, Masaru?" To that, I responded, "Boruto is a troublemaker. Everyone knows that. But, I value his friendship as I know he would die for his friends and I would do the same for him. He is pretty good as a person and I know, he will do everything in his might to help others. He does stuff awesomely when he puts his mind to it." I paused. Hanabi-sensei raised her eyebrows and asked me, "Now, tell me about Sarada." I shrugged, "Thinking about this weird night we just had, she likes me. Being of the Uchiha blood makes her a valuable asset to the team and I love her loyalty to the rules and to her friends. Having Sarada and Boruto on the same team is like having Hokage-sama and Sasuke-san again on the same team. Moreover, their ideologies are like those of Kakashi Hatake and Obito Uchiha when they were on the same team. Plus, Boruto has the Hyuga decendancy. The team is the best that I could hope for." We reached my home and I went inside. I went straight to bed, waiting eagerly for the next day..

When on bed, I thought back on the day's events. I had woken up from my world and had ended up being on a team in my fantasy world. This was the best day of my life. Moreover, I had also ended up on the same team as the offsprings of the legendary Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha. I lived it


So, guys. How was it. First story. I would love it if you review this chapter and tell me how I could improve this. Please check out future chapters and follow for future updates, fvourite for spreading this story and review to get your voice heard and have your idea turn into a reality in this story.

Thanks for your support.