The fallen grains in the hourglass do not rise. They fall as they have been, since dawn of existence. The Keeper of Time knew this along with the fact that it was not something to tampered with.
The Keeper could see what no Living person could see -the infinite cobwebs of silvery strands that stretched throughout space indefinitely, connected with lives of those who are bonded. Thin and wavering, as delicate as the slightest strand of silk, but infinitely stronger than any metal. These strands represented Time itself, bonding with those who are meant to be.
The Keeper scoffed ag the idea of coincidences. There were none. He looked over at the three imposing shadows huddled alongside, spinning the yarn, and threading them together. The Fates. Eons and eons have passed with them spinning down every soul's life, and they could still weave as tirelessly as though they had just begun.
But something was wrong.
The Keeper stopped.
And being Time's Guardian caused it to stop as well. This was a minor situation, occurring maybe once or twice in a thousand years. The Keeper paused the grains of Time to double check the Strands.
The Keeper followed one particular Strand, an extraordinarily fine one, almost invisible to the Keeper himself. The Strand was more chaotic than most – usually the Strands flowed in a smooth curve, gracefully entwining with its Chosen Ones.
This one, however, was completely haywire.
It seemed to zigzag into forever.
It belonged to sixteen-year-old Anastasia Reynolds, currently scowling at her bossy dance partner behind his back.
The strange part was a little further ahead, where it collided with another set of Strands - pale and gold, belonging to another realm. This was not supposed to happen. The Fates, it seemed, were getting bored of their monotony and the Time Keeper could only hope for the girl to survive through the odds.
This is more like fun-fiction. I hope you have a happy read.