I'm Midnightsky0612, known by the How to Train Your Dragon fandom and the Yuri on Ice fandom so I hope I do not fail to entertain you Voltron fans.

Shiro: *enters my room* Where are we?

Lance: I don't know but I sense it's Keith's fault

Keith: Are you serious? Again?

Hunk: Uh guys, I don't think we should've agreed to be part of Midnight's fanfictions

Pidge: How come?

Me: *turns to audience* Welp guys I hope you enjoy this first chapter of the orphanage/school AU so remember that I don't own anything at all! Also, I'm going to have Shiro: 25, Allura: 25, and Lotor: 26. They will be the adults here along with Coran.

But in this chapter, Shiro is 18, Allura: 18, and Lotor: 19



A blanket was wrapped around Allura's trembling figure as she looked up to see the one who handed it to her. "Lotor?" An umbrella was then handed to her by another person next to Lotor. "Shiro?"

"Mourning in the rain seems a little too predictable for you," Lotor commented as he sat beside her on the stairs of her mansion. The rain continued out of the porch roof of the front doors as they looked out at cars passing through the front gates of the garden. "It's been a month since they died in that accident. Coran is worried that you haven't been eating enough and is afraid that you might do something drastic."

"If it helps, my family and I can stick around here for as long as you need," Shiro quietly offered. "I'll help you guys any way possible."

"What's the point? I'm all alone here. Mother and father, they wanted to end the corruption in those cities..." Allura muttered, unwilling to look at Lotor or Shiro straight in the eyes. Just thinking about her peacemaking parents was painful enough. "Eventually you'll have to go and leave me. You have college-"

"Coran arranged us to do courses online, we'll still get our degrees," Lotor responded without hesitation.

"Shiro has his apartment-"

"I've arranged Shiro's new home to be here and his rent is covered for the time being by yours truly," Lotor added while ignoring Shiro's shocked expression.

"It still doesn't change anything," Allura mumbled.

They were in quiet once more, then Lotor spoke up. "You're not the only one who lost a family in those corrupted cities. You're lucky you at least have Coran. There are others out there who have it worse than we do. We are lucky to have each other somewhere safe and protected. You're lucky you have a home with somebody who cares."

"But the house is too big for the three of us. There's no point in being in an empty house without a family," She glared at him with her red-shot eyes."What are you trying to tell me with all this?"

"That's up to you," Lotor simply sighed. "Besides, your black dress doesn't suit you."

"You're one to talk, I don't see you getting off of that black suit of yours either," Allura stuck her tongue out as Lotor simply shrugged.

Before Lotor could comment back, Shiro tapped his shoulder while looking curiously ahead. That was when Lotor looked up ahead as well to see a tall dark figure walking forward towards the gate entrance. This person was wearing an oversized black hoodie, holding onto something tightly while looking down. "Hey, you!" The figure looked up but her face was covered by a scarf only to reveal their eyes to be shining violet glaring at him. Lotor got up and rushed towards the gate with Allura looking up as well, spotting the figure setting something down so of course, she went running right behind him.

"Stop! Who are you!?" She called out, but the stranger took that as a cue to make a run across the street where a long black limo was parked. Opening the passenger seat door, the person entered and within seconds the car drove away once Lotor and Allura reached the gates.

"Who was that person?" Allura asked out loud, trying to catch her breath. She looked up at Lotor, who was glaring down the road where that car drove off to. "Do you think she left a dangerous weapon here?"

"I don't think so, otherwise it would have ignited by now," Shiro observed, trying to figure out what just occurred until their thoughts were interrupted by soft sniffingly.

The trio was silent, opening the gate and taking a peek at wherever the sniffling came from. Shiro and Lotor were in front of Allura to make sure whatever it was didn't harm her as they took a few steps closer. At the sight of the source made them all gasp out of shock.

There, laying against the wall of the mansion was a small boy with a messy dark mullet shivering from the rain, his eyes closed but sniffingly from a runny nose. From the way his flushed cheeks appeared and short breath, he not only was abandoned but he was running a fever. Allura was the first to step forward but she didn't realize she stepped on a twig until it snapped. The boy's eyes immediately opened wide as backed away quickly from the group and snarled.

"Mommy's coming back! L-Leave me alone!"

He soon broke into another fit of coughing before he swayed and collapsed but he didn't hit the ground. Shiro was quick to step forward and catch the boy in his arms, his hand over his forehead before retracting it back in horror. "He's burning up really bad, we have to get him inside to Coran!"

"N-No," The child held a tight grip onto Shiro's sweater, trembling under the rain. "M-Mommy is coming back for me...S-She said so..."

"I'm sorry but this is for your own good!" Shiro responded, holding on to the child tightly before getting up to head into the mansion as he called back to Allura and Lotor. "We have to save him! Come on!"

"M-Mommy said she is coming for me," The boy whimpered but he was too sore to fight back. "She said she will come back...She is getting help...M-mommy is coming back."

Allura was just about to run right behind Shiro but Lotor held her back as the youngest of the trio entered the mansion with the doors shutting behind him. Before she could demand an explanation, Lotor spoke up while his eyes were on that road again. "That kid's mom isn't coming back for him..."

"He's abandoned?" Allura whispered, staring back at the spot where the boy was once on.


"I managed to get the little spitfire in one of the guest rooms," Coran sighed from exhaustion, collapsing on the couch of the living room. "He put up a good fight for a sick little child.."

"How did you even get him to fall asleep?" Allura asked cautiously.

"Same trick as always madam. A lullaby." He smiled quite pleased with himself even though Allura and Lotor made such a blank expression at that response. Only they knew that Coran's singing voice isn't pleasant but it was unpleasant enough to make themselves force sleep onto them. They could assume that the sick little boy did the same but the medicine must have helped make the sleep process faster.

"But what's going to happen to him? We didn't even get a name," Shiro spoke up worriedly.

"I'm afraid that nearest orphanage in our town is in those corrupted cities," Coran frowned. "The reason for the lack of orphanages here is mainly because the child has friends and relatives to take them in and a low rating in orphans actually existing here."

"But we can't abandon him in those corrupted cities he'll be killed!" Shiro protested. "His mother must have left him here for a reason. Maybe we're the reason."

"She must be from a different town. Maybe from one of the cities that are burning down because of high rating of criminals." Lotor suggested quietly. "Anyone from those parts isn't allowed to go to the safer towns like ours unless they have the money to pay for entrance fees. That woman most likely snuck through city borders to probably bring that boy to a much safer home. She probably thought that this mansion looks like an orphanage suitable enough to leave a sick child with a knife at the gates."

"That cannot be true," Allura objected. "She went inside a limo and her hoodie was from those pricey brands that only the high class could afford. That woman is a rich upper-class citizen in plain daylight, definitely not from those corrupted cities. Besides, the borders are now more secure than ever before the moment the chaos got worse."

"You have a point," Lotor nods. "There have been stories of rich high-class women having children then dropping them off at random homes in these parts. Perhaps this child is another victim. But regardless of the mother's intentions, I agree with Shiro. The corrupted cities orphanages are not an option."

...A WeeK Later...

"Mommy will come back," The boy repeated to himself. He held onto the carefully wrapped knife that his mother had given to him just before he ended up all alone with a bunch of strangers. "She will. She promised she will."

"There you are!"

He jolted up, his treasure ready to attack until he realized that it was that Shiro boy went out through the gate holding two strange balls of rice. Shiro held his free hand up, grateful that he figured out that the little boy would be sitting at the same spot he was found. After all, he has been doing it every time someone looked away from him ever since he got better. The kid wouldn't tell anyone his name, only that his mother was going to come back for him no matter what.

Shiro sat right beside him, handing him the food, "It's called a rice ball. You looked hungry."

The boy cautious grabbed the riceball, staring at it suspiciously before taking a cautious bite. He slowly chewed before he munched into the rice ball with larger bites, chewing quickly to take another bite. Shiro quietly ate his, he didn't want to trigger the tempered boy any more than he had towards Lotor, Allura, and Coran. The only person the child was quiet around was with Shiro but that was when they're alone.

He didn't expect the boy, in the midst of eating, to begin crying.

It first started out with heavy tears then muffled sobs and hiccups.

"W-Was the riceball that bad?" Shiro panicked, he wasn't sure what to do since he never dealt with handling small three-year-olds crying out of nowhere. The boy just kept sobbing out loud as he finished gobbling his riceball up. He then snatched Shiro's unfinished rice ball to gobble up as he continued to sob. "Are you okay?"

"M-Mommy...M-Mommy is not coming back, is she?" The boy whimpered. His large teary eyes stared back at him. "W-What's going to happen to me?" Suddenly he pointed to a brown corner of a box hidden in the bushes beside him. Shiro looked up at the cardboard box that he didn't notice at first then gasped in shock to see what was inside.

The small boy sniffled, with his finger still pointing at the small sleeping newborn baby girl wrapped in a green blanket. "W-What's gonna to happen to us?"


Hunk: AH! I knew it, she's going to torture us all through angst like all those other fandom characters testified! We're all going to die!

Shiro: Calm down Hunk, I'm sure that Midnight would not dream of harming us

Hunk: She already made Keith suffer right off the bat! And that's baby Pidge in that Box! T_T

Keith: I don't see anything wrong with that *shrugs*

Pidge: It might not be that bad Hunk *turns to audience* Midnight hopes you enjoyed this first chapter and make sure to give a ton of reviews, follows, and favorites to continue this new story.