Greetings fellow fans of Loud House. So about two weeks ago, it was the anniversary of the infamous "No Such Luck", an LH episode which is currently the most widely-hated episode in the fanbase due to the mean-spiritedness aimed towards Lincoln, Lynn's jerkassiness, and the OOC demonization of the Loud family. And so the plethora of NSL AU stories were born. Some were great such as ThatEngineer's "What Is A Person Worth?" and TvFan2244's "Losing Him", others were so badly written I wish I forgot they exist like the ones of the LH wiki website (fucking amateurs).

Now, I want it to be clear that I'm not going to let one (two if you count Brawl In The Family) bad episode of an awesome cartoon show like The Loud House hinder my love for the show. Even great shows are gonna spit out some duds once in a while, like Fairly Odd Parents "It's A Wishful Life", Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends "Everyone Knows It's Bendy", The Powerfpuff Girls "Town and Out", modern Spongebob Squarepants, you get the idea. Heck that was even that MLP: Equestria Girls Holiday Special comic that caused a lot of fanfics to be made due to its negative reception by fans. And I was honestly scared that when it was announced that series creator Chris Savino was to be fired from Nickelodeon for sexual harassment, I and a lot us fans were scared it would mean the show's cancellation. Thank God we were wrong because that would've been a serious jackass move on Nick's part.

Anyway, this story is not only my first attempt at a Loud House story. But it's also a Loud House and Sekirei crossover, the first of its kind (I checked, there aren't any). I'd also like to give a shout out to my friend TvFan2244 who's been helping me write scenes for this first chapter just as I have been doing for him. So be sure to give him a shout out to for helping me out.

PS. Important message at the end. Now enjoy.

Chapter 1: The Loud Ashikabi

Lincoln Loud strolled through the city of Shintou; cars whizzed by as men and women went about their daily lives. The city life was everywhere, he was no longer in his quiet neighbourhood Royal Woods. Or rather… his former neighbourhood. See, about a week ago, Lincoln got kicked out of his house by his own family on the basis that they believed he was bad luck. Granted, this was partly Lincoln's own doing; before all of the messy business of his family believing him to be bad luck started, Lincoln's older sister Lynn threatened him with a baseball bat into attending a game she was playing. When Lynn's team just so happened to have lost that game, Lynn automatically declared Lincoln to be bad luck, on the basis that it was the first game that Lincoln ever came to, and thereafter barred Lincoln from ever coming to any of her games ever again. Lynn soon spread her belief of the sole Loud boy being bad luck to the rest of the Loud clan, which made them bar Lincoln from coming to any of their events as well.

At first it seemed like a good idea to Lincoln to go along with her accusation and have more time to himself, but the lie got out of hand when Lynn manged to convince the whole family that Lincoln was jinxed and refused to let Lincoln go anywhere with them including going to fun places like the movies. Then it got worse when Lana boarded up his room and he was forced to eat and sleep outside like a dog, he then tried to convince his family that he was never bad luck at all and that he was lying about being jinx, but they didn't believe him. Lincoln was upset that his own family would do this to him over some ridicules superstition.

They kicked him out of the house, without so much as a shred of hesitation, all because he wanted some time to himself. Was it really that much of a sin for Lincoln to want to be alone for a few hours? To rest and recharge doing the things that he wanted to do after having to go to so many of his sisters' events? If the events starting on the day of that fateful game of Lynn's was anything to go by, then yes, it was a sin for Lincoln to want to be by himself for a few hours. And the sole Loud boy's family had forced him to pay for that sin of his by all but saying that he was no longer a member of the family.

And so the former son and brother of the Loud family decided that if his family believed they were better off without him, then he'd get as far away from them as possible. He didn't know where to go but he didn't care as long as it was nowhere near Royal Woods. Ever since he was 6 or so years old, Lincoln has had a secret hidden stash of money made up of past allowances, which he buried under the house where not even Lisa's hidden cameras can see it. And for 5 years, Lincoln has been saving up that stash in case of an emergency. By now, he saved enough money to buy a plane ticket which could take him to a country far enough from his former home and on the other side of the world: Japan.

And now here he was, ready to start a new life for himself.

Lincoln walked down a sidewalk and heard a jumbo tron on one of the tall buildings, as it was blasted the latest news to the citizens below.

"Hiroto Minaka, CEO of the conglomerate organization called MBI, announced today that his company bought up 80% of Shintou Teito stocks."

Lincoln glanced at the huge television screen and raises an eyebrow at the strange attire Minaka was wearing. He looked like a cross between a mad scientist and a comic book super villain. A White suit and cape, his collar rising high above his neck, and white sunglasses which completely obscured his eyes.

"A company buying out the entire city? What's up with that?" he inwardly mused as he strolled along the pathway, the idea of MBI still in his mind. His hands were shoved deep in his pockets as he entered the train station.


On a faraway rooftop, a strange battle had commenced. A figure jumped to evade electrical blasts as two other figures were in pursuit.

The train comes to a halt and Lincoln exits. He proceeded down a flight of steps and sighed, he was thinking about his old friends and former family. A part of him couldn't help but feel homesick.


The ground shakes as his eyes dart from left to right, his hands are automatically out of his pockets and balled into fist, he was poised for a fight, but it wasn't. He hears a feminine scream from above, his eyes dilate as he looked into the blue asher sky.

Lincoln hears a feminine scream from above, his eyes dilate as he looked up into the blue asher sky.

"AHHHHH!" An image of a girl comes into view, her eyes were bulging out in terror as she descended from the heavens, almost like a fallen angel. Lincoln was frozen, his feet felt like they were glued to the floor, he was like a deer caught in the head lights. The woman screamed at the top of her lungs.


Then Lincoln's entire view went black and a huge, yet soft, weight forced him onto his back on the pavement as the woman landed right on top of him.

The woman let out a groan from her rough landing as she sat up "Ow... I should have known that building was way too high to jump off of..." The girl mumbled. She was almost certain that she landed on someone so she looked around but didn't see the person.

That's when she heard some muffled screaming, along with a squirming feeling from underneath her, causing her to look down to see a pair of legs kicking hysterically underneath her butt.

Screaming in surprise, the woman got off and saw that she landed on a little boy with white hair who was breathing heavily as he was nearly cut out from oxygen. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry, little one!" she apologized frantically as she kneeled down to his level. "I didn't mean to jump on you!"

Lincoln's mind could barely process what just happened. Here he was in Japan then suddenly some girl jumped from a tall building and landed right on top of him. Once he got his sense straightened out he couldn't help but notice the admittedly beautiful woman before him. She had long brown hair tied up and eyes of the same color, while her most notable feature was her curvaceous and well developed body which included a very well-endowed chest that made him drool a little. Her attire comprised of a white gi with red string decorating it, a short red skirt, mid-calf brown boots, upper thigh-high white stockings and fingerless red combat gloves. "Buh...buh...buh..."

The woman tilted his head. "Hey, is something wrong? You're head's not too just, right?" she then heard a sound from behind and tackled the boy to the ground. "Watch out!" she held him close to her bust to protect him from a blast of lightning that came from a tall building.

"What was that?!" Lincoln shouted.

"There's no use running." the two looked to the building and saw two other women with tall, slim builds. They were both identical twins with long black hair tied into two ponytails and hazel eyes and were wearing revealing skintight bodysuits, only one's color was purple while the other's was blue, another notable difference was that one seemed to have a larger breast size than the other. "We'll just find you again, so just fight with us." the one in purple demanded.

Lincoln was hopelessly confused by these turn of events, who were those women? And what did they mean by fight? His attention was then focused on the woman who fell on him as she held him in a protective manner. "I can't fight. Well, at least not yet!" she told them as she looked at the two with a mild glare.

From the way she spoke to the pair, Lincoln was able to deduce that these two girls had been chasing the brunette. He wasn't quite sure why, aside from the fact that the twins apparently wanted to fight her. Of course, that brought out a whole new line of questions. Why did these girls want to fight the one who had landed on him? Was there something going on in this city that he was unaware of and had just randomly stumbled across.

If so that would really suck since it was only his first day in this city.

However, the twins weren't backing down in the slightest. "You may not feel like fighting right now, sweetie." the blue one smirked as she and her sister's hand began charging with purple electricity. "But we do!" both jumped from the building.

'How are they doing that?!'
Lincoln's musings were cut shorts as the woman began running away at very incredible speeds as she continued to carry him in her arms.

"Hold it!"


Try as they might, both twins knew it would be pointless to pursue them, their target was just way too fast for them.

When most people ran they normally didn't go much faster than a light jog, usually around five to eight miles per hour. The girl that had grabbed Lincoln took off at such insane speeds that the world around him was a blur. Lincoln was too surprised by her speed that he didn't have the sense to stop her as she rushed through the city like a bullet.

After about ten minutes of running, the girl carrying Lincoln finally came to a stop. The two were now on a sidewalk adjacent to a river and a bridge. The girl was panting heavily, trying to regain her breath. She smiled and looks down at the boy in her arms.

"We should be safe for now," she informed Lincoln but then gasped upon noticing his barely conscious state; his face was dazed and he looked a little green like he was about to puke. Being carried by such a fast moving girl was like riding on the world's smallest rollercoaster.

"AAHHH! Please forgive me for this!" the girl said in a panicky manner as she proceeded to shake Lincoln awake, grabbing his shoulders and vigorously shaking him, forcing him awake.


The girl sighed in relief before gently placing Lincoln down on the edge of the sidewalk by the grass before plotting herself right next to him.

"I shouldn't have gotten you involved, I'm so sorry. I didn't know what I was thinking, I could've just ran off by myself, but for some reason, I just scooped you up and took you with me without thinking."

"It's okay, Miss, really," Lincoln told her in an assuring tone. Truthfully though, it did kind of bother him, he had just been minding his own business when this girl had crash-landed on him, then took off with him after a pair of twins tried to fight her. Despite his slight inconvenience, Lincoln found he couldn't muster up enough emotion to get truly angry at this girl. And from the tone of her voice, her apology was sincere.

She stood up and opened her mouth in realization, she turned towards Lincoln and smiled.

"Oh! I almost forgot, we haven't been formally introduced yet. My name's Musubi. What's yours?" She asked, her face radiating with friendliness.

Lincoln stood up to introduce himself, "My name's Lincoln Loud, nice to meet you Musubi." Lincoln said as he extended a handshake to Musubi, which she accepted with a warm smile.

"'Lincoln', hmmm I like that name. It's very nice to meet you too!" she said with a very formal bow. Placing her hands in front of her. This however, had the added effect of making her breasts push themselves together. Lincoln found himself unconsciously staring at her chest, before turning his head away in a shy manner. But his attention returned to Musubi as her body suddenly started to slowly fall before collapsing onto the sidewalk.

"What?! the-" Lincoln panicked as he examined Musubi's unconscious form. "Hey Musubi?! Musubi, helloo?!" she was passed out and was sleeping like a baby. Lincoln panicked, what was he going to do with her? He certainly couldn't just leave her alone out here. Since Lincoln didn't have the upper body strength to carry an adult, he grabbed Musubi by her armpits and dragged her unconscious body towards a road where he could call a taxi. He needed to find a place to stay, a hotel or something, at least for the night. He could worry about getting a more permanent residence after tomorrow when he went apartment hunting. Right now taking care of Musubi was more important.

Soon enough, Lincoln was able to find a hotel with a vacant room which came with the essentials; a kitchen, living area, bathroom and a bedroom with two futon beds. He placed Musubi's unconscious body on one of the futon beds where she remained for the rest of the day and slept through the night.

The following morning, Musubi woke up and upon finding herself in a new environment, Lincoln explained to her how he secured a hotel for them to stay in for the night and how he didn't want to go apartment hunting while dragging her unconscious body around.

Lincoln then proceeded to show some kindness and hospitality to Musubi by feeding her. He knew she'd be hungry when she woke up from her strange fainting, evident from a nasty dinosaur-like growl originating from the pit of Musubi's stomach. So Lincoln went ahead and brought her some breakfast sandwiches from a fast food joint down the block.

Musubi now had a sandwich in each hand, she nibbled at each one simultaneously and chewed her food.

"That must be it. You passed from hunger." He chuckled as Musubi stopped chewing, her cheeks were filled with food, resembling a chipmunk's, her eyes started to bubble in sadness, she was on the brink of crying. Her eyes seemed so sad, but to Lincoln she just looked plain adorable.

"Oh Lincoln! I really, truly owe you; I honestly don't how I'll ever repay you, not only did you let me stay with you but you fed me too." She pouted, her voice sounding like a little girl's, Lincoln just shook his hand, smiling at her assuring.

"Musubi, you don't have to repay me. Hehe, please just eat as much as you want."

"Okay." She went back to eating her sandwiches, Lincoln's eyes started to stare through Musubi, as if she was a transparent glass window. His mind tried to grasp the events that transpired.

"Okay so let's recap, a girl with strange clothes comes falling out of the sky. Then there were explosions, zapping electricity and girls in weird costumes. This must be a joke, I mean, you would only see those types of things in a comic book or sci-fi movie!"

His musings were suddenly interrupted by her voice.

"Lincoln?" Her voice was gentle as ever, he snaps out of his thoughts, and returns his attention to Musubi.


She was sulking once again, this girl was being too hard on herself, she looked so embarrassed, her shoulder slumped in defeat, it was really unsettling him.

"Can we talk?" His eyebrows furrowed in concern as he looks intently into her eyes,

"Sure." He replied.

"I-I was hoping I could stay here with you. You see, I don't have any place to stay so I was hoping you would let me at least stay here with you for another night." He pleaded to the white-haired boy.

Lincoln could sympathize with Musubi's situation. After his being disowned by his former family, Lincoln was at a loss on what he should do and where he was going to live since Royal Woods was no longer his home. And even though he had only met Musubi today and knows nothing of her background prior their first meeting, he could deduce that she too was a wandering soul with no home to call her own. He couldn't leave someone like Musubi out in the cold weather, no, he couldn't allow that. He was not like… them. Besides, those two thunder twins were after her, he was going to protect her no matter what.

"Ok Musubi. I'll let you stay." He grinned, he felt that he was doing the right thing.

Musubi's face lit up in joy, "Oh, thank you Lincoln!" she cheered as she wrapped her arms around the preteen boy, pulling him into an affectionate hug and causing his head to be practically engulfed by her large breasts. Lincoln began panicking since he couldn't breathe so he struggled to push against Musubi who didn't seem to notice the fact that he couldn't breathe as she continued hugging him tighter as her face lit up.

Finally, Lincoln got his head free and took in large gulps of air. "How's about a warning the next time you do that?!" he stated as he looked back at Musubi, who was staring back down at him with a light blush staining her cheeks.

"Um...Musubi are you okay?" Lincoln asked her, knowing that people's face usually go red when they have a fever.

"You're such a wonderful, kind, and giving person, Lincoln," She said in a voice that can only be described in awe, "I just wish someone like you would be my Ashikabi."

Lincoln raised an eyebrow, this 'Ashikabi' sounded like some kind of title he never heard of. Must be a Japanese thing he guessed.

"Ashikabi? What's that?" He inquired.

"The special person I'm supposed to find." She explained as she put one of his hands in both of her hands. . "I've been looking for mine for so long. Even though we've never met, our Ashikabi is the one we are meant to serve."

Lincoln's eyes dilated as she guided his hand towards her chest.

"It's our job to guide them, to the higher sky above." Musubi's compassionate voice seemed to put Lincoln in a trance; her voice was a smoothing melody that calmed his nerves and worries. She put his hand over her breasts, more specially her heart. His brained kicked into gear, causing him to let out a startled gasp. Musubi was shocked as well, realizing she must've done something wrong. Her mouth opening in disbelief.

Lincoln swiftly pulled his hand away from Musubi's breasts, embarrassment written all over his scarlet red face. He decided to dissolve the awkwardness by changing the subject once he found his speaking voice.

"S-s-s-o uh, anyway… since you're done eating and we'll be staying here for two nights, why don't we go to the store and pick up some supplies to make dinner for later?"

"Okay!" Musubi said cheerfully as she ran into the bath room. However, despite her cheerful demeanor she was wondering…

'What was that heat I was feeling in my chest just now?'

Lincoln and Musubi found themselves walking along the road as they searched for a place to live. It was very difficult, due to the fact that most of the places they checked for vacancies denied them due to both his lack of employment and how they couldn't give rooms to a minor.

"Sorry it's taking so long to find a place, Musubi," he sighed as he looked over at the girl he was walking with.

"There's no need to apologize," Musubi assured with a smile. She didn't seem to be bothered at all by their lack of success. If anything, Lincoln got the feeling that she was rather happy, though what she was happy about was anyone's guess. "If anything I'm grateful to you for being with me and being willing to help me. I've spent all my time alone, trying to find my Akishabi that I haven't gotten to speak with too many people."

"In that case I'm glad you're here as too," Lincoln grinned at the girl, "I've been alone for a while too, so having someone keep me company is nice. Especially when it's someone as nice and pretty as you, Musubi."

"Do you really think I'm pretty?" asked Musubi, pressing her hands to her cheeks as she smiled at him, happy to receive a compliment.

"I wouldn't have said it if I didn't think it," Lincoln replied with a shrug. He looked at Musubi and saw her bubbly eyes and her pouted expression. "What's wrong?"

"I'm really hungry again." She whined in a voice reminiscent of a child.

Lincoln stared at Musubi in surprise, before shifting to a deadpan look.

"Of course you are."


It was an hour later that a despairing Lincoln and a happy Musubi exited a small restaurant. He had taken his new friend out to get something to eat... and promptly wished he hadn't.

"Ah! That was delicious!" Musubi said with a content and happy sigh. The excitable girl began to pat her now full belly, though you could never tell since it still looked as slim and slender as it had before she had eaten.

"I'm just glad you enjoyed it, so are you full now?" He reached into his pocket and took out his wallet, it was empty. He literally saw a fly come out of the leather wallet. He closed his eyes and his lips turned into a quivering frown, almost if he was going to cry. This was just embarrassing.

"I hope she is, those 10 full course meals drove me into bankruptcy! I mean come on, this girl has an appetite!" He lowered his head, knowing that he was in a financial hole, and probably never going to get out of it. Musubi looked at Lincoln, her face with pride and joy.

"So Lincoln, I was wondering if I could make you dinner tonight." He looked up her in surprise.

"Really, I mean, sure if you like." He didn't realize the smile on his face.

"Great! It will be wonderful!" she raised her arms in a playful manner

"But first. I gotta get some money from the bank. I could meet you at the grocery store, is that ok?"


As Lincoln advanced down the street, he began to hear two somewhat familiar voices. The preteen boy stopped in his tracks and looked ahead before his jaw dropped as he tried to piece together the enigma before him. There was a little girl, no more than 6 or 7 years old. A hand gave her a balloon, she smiled happily and took the red colored balloon, thus making her day. Suddenly he sees papers being passed out, probably promoting some restaurant.

"Donnamonda's family restaurant is having its grand reopening. Please, come visit." The voice was clearly a woman's, but it was eerily familiar to Lincoln's ears. The boy walks closer, slowly the gears start turning in his brain.

"Wait? Haven't I heard that voice before?" He stepped closer, and it hits him. "No way!" It was the twin sisters from yesterday, the tallest and probably the oldest one was passing out papers to a group of pedestrians, while the younger and slightly shorter sister was carrying multi colored balloons. The two were wearing maid's outfits, the older one in purple, and the younger one in red. But their different attire wasn't the only thing that baffled Lincoln. It was also their smiles. They seemed... more friendly? Just the other day they were wearing nasty menacing smiles. A sweat drop grew in size as the oldest one turned her head, noticing something strange at the corner of her eye, she basically felt his presence.

"Oh Shoot! They saw me!" He froze on the spot as he clenched his teeth hard warily.

"Hey! You're that little squirt who ran off with that Sekirei!" shouted the oldest.

"Y-You were those girls wearing those… weird costumes yesterday!" Lincoln shouted back.

"Where's that Sekirei at, kid?!" demanded the younger one.

Lincoln was speechless, what were these girls talking about?

"Se-Sekirei?" he repeated in confusion.

"Hey Lincoln!"

His eyes dilated as he turned around to the source of the familiar bubbly voice.

"Uh oh..." he muttered. It was Musubi, running towards him with that carefree smile of hers, oblivious both to the situation he was in, and the danger she was drawing close to.

"Silly me! I almost forgot what you wanted for dinner tonight!"

"Musubi STOP! Turn around!" Lincoln yelled at the brunette urgently. Musubi stopped dead in her tracks, her mouth dropping in disbelief. Lincoln turned back to the twins, their fingers were laced together with the other, while their opposite hand was emitting purple electricity. Lincoln cautiously stepped back.

"This is the second day in a row that you've run into us," said the younger sister, her tone was scary and mischievous.

"This city is pretty small," added the oldest, her tone matching her sister's.

"It's you two again!" shouted Musubi in alarm, stepping back in shock.

The oldest one flicked her hands towards Musubi, "Your too slow!"

The lightning blast hit Musubi directly, causing her to scream out as her white gi was torn a little, revealing a bottom portion of her breasts. She fell down on the sidewalk with pain, much to Lincoln's concern.

"Musubi, no!" he turned to the two lightning controlling twins and while he was amazed at what they could do, he didn't like seeing his friend hurt. "Please, don't hurt her!" he begged. "Whatever problems you have, can't we work it out?!"

His pleas fell on deaf ears as the one in blue smirked. "Stay out of this, runt, we're just doing what we're told. But you know, we assumed she would emerge when we saw her run off with you, yesterday."

"Looks like that hasn't happened." her sister observed. "Lucky us."

Musubi didn't want to fight, especially with Lincoln present since the possibility of him getting harmed was very much in the air and that was the last thing she wanted. But at the very least, she'll make sure these twins' attention would only be on her, that way they wouldn't bother with her little friend, so she returned to her feet and got into a fighting position.

Lincoln watched tensely at both his new friend and at the pair of twins, wondering just what the heck was going. Who were these two and why were they so intent on fighting? And he thought fights at his former home were deadly. Using their power, the twins sent a lightning attack at Musubi, but then Lincoln decided to act by rushing to Musubi and pulling her by the arm to get out of the way of the attack, and they fell down on the ground from the force.

"Lincoln..." Musubi stared at the boy in amazement. "You're so brave..." she started to get red in the face.

"Wouldn't call it bravery, more like instinct." Lincoln replied with a bashful look then noticed the twins were still there. "Look, why do you want to fight her so bad? Can't you just leave her alone? She doesn't even want to fight." he asked them both, not wanting to see Musubi hurt in any way, plus this reminded him of when a certain sporty sister of his would keep pushing him to train with her despite his many pleads against it.

"Sorry kid, but it's not that simple." The younger twin said with a hand on her hip. "As Sekirei, there's no option for us that isn't fighting. Now do yourself a favor and run back home to your mommy or something, you'll only get in the way."

Any sane person would comply, but Lincoln just couldn't, not when his friend needed him the most, even if he's not as powerful as them. Musubi saw this and couldn't help but be touched by this boy's willingness to protect her and felt her heart flutter, she knew what this feeling meant and knew she had to protect him. Before Lincoln could react, Musubi scooped him up in her arms bridal style and promptly ran away.

"Not again!"

"Get back here!"

Musubi carefully dodged all the lightning blasts aimed towards her and Lincoln whom she had a firm grip on, she took a turn into a dark alley and ran at top speed, escaping the twins.

"Dammit, they're giving us the slip again!" the blue twin cursed. "We gotta cut them off, Hibiki!" she told her sister.

"Right, Hikari!"

Both twins jumped into different directions to find their prey and end this silly little chase of theirs, once and for all.

Once they were far enough away from the lightning twins, Musubi had gently laid Lincoln down and both took a moment to catch their breaths as that whole experience had enough adrenaline for the both of them, especially the kid.

"That was way too close for comfort." Lincoln panted. He then noticed something about his friend. "Hey, you alright? Your face is a little red." he observed.

Musubi looked down at her young friend, the courageousness he displayed earlier was still fresh in her mind. They had only met yesterday and he was intent on coming to her defense. Once she laid her eyes on his pure and innocent face, she found her heart beating. She crouched down to his level and pulled Lincoln in for a hug to her busom much to his shock. "Help me...I don't know what's happening..." she breathed "My body is so hot right now and I can feeling it rise!"

Lincoln was blushing furiously at the close proximity, he's never been this close to a woman before and didn't know what to do in this type of situation, he usually asks guys like Bobby about what he should do. "Are-Are you sick or something?"

Musubi looked to his face and began to lean in closer. "Lincoln..."

Unfortunately, this tender moment was interrupted by a familiar voice. "Aw, are we interrupting."

They saw Hikari, the blue maid with her fingers charging with purple electricity, on the other side, the one in red named Hibiki landed down with a jump. "You're trapped like rats, so give up!" she demanded.

Panic started to swell inside Lincoln and he tried to tell his friend that they needed to go, but then her hand caressed his face. "Musubi?" she once again leaned closer with her eyes closed, he didn't know why but he didn't do anything to stop her.

Both twins' eyes widened in shock as they both saw what she was doing and knew what would come next.

"Hikari, look!"

"This is bad!"

They immediately ran to stop her, time seemed to slow down as Musubi continued to lean in ever so closer with her lips puckered up and Lincoln could only stand there as her lips made contact with his own.

"Oh no, she's done it!"

Then all of a sudden, a bright pink glow enveloped Musubi and behind her a strange symbol appeared. The symbol represented a bird with a yin and yang circle under it and two tomoes on either side, making that four total. Musubi separated herself from Lincoln and found herself being powered up by this sudden surge of energy. From her back, ten beautiful and elegant wings sprouted out. She sighed in contentment as she finally found the person she's been looking for.

She found her Ashikabi.

"Really!? Out of all the places here, this was the place she just had to emerge." Said Hikari who was now a couple inches behind Lincoln.

"I know, right! And we almost had her too. Complained the younger one.

Before anything else could be said, the light surrounding Musubi's form died down and she returned to her feet, she stood tall and ready to fight. She first set her sights on Hikari, her eyes forming an uncharacteristically fierce glare.

"Lincoln, get behind me," Musubi instructed the boy in a voice that was calm yet commanding at the same time. It was not the happy-go-lucky Musubi voice anymore, and Lincoln could detect a dangerous edge to it as she stared down the eldest of the lightning twins. This was clearly a brand new side to Musubi he's never seen. As stunned as Lincoln was with this sudden 180 fierceness, the boy still complied with Musubi's orders and moved behind her, giving her an unobstructed view of Hikari.

The two sisters grinned, they weren't sure they the sudden toughness came from out of this girl, but they didn't really care. They were looking for a good fight all, that was sort of the purpose of hounding this girl in the first place.

Hikari throws a lightning bolt towards Musubi, which she dodges and literally comes flying towards the twin at an alarming speed. Lincoln's jaw dropped in awe. This couldn't be real. He even pinched himself to check if he was dreaming or not, but he definitely wasn't. All of this was happening right now, right in front of him no matter how hard it was to believe.

Hikari throws another bolt, causing a black cloud explosion of dust and debris. She stops, believing she hit her target before…

"HEADS UP, HIKARI!" shouted Hibiki.

Hikari looked up at the last minute to find Musubi hurling a punch towards her face. She swiftyl generates an electric force field, absorbing the force of the punch instantly. Musubi tries hard to penetrate the shield but it's too strong.

"Not bad, you could really challenge my sister and I." Hikari commented, admittedly impressed by the power displayed by Musubi, before she pushed her opponent back, she charged, but the sister wound up a bolt and hurled it at Musubi again. There's a blinding light, and a short pause.

Lincoln uncovers his eyes and notices the twins were now on a roof top.

"But we don't fight Sekirei who've already emerged!" shouted Hikari.

"Well good luck guiding your guy to the higher sky above!" Hibika added, and with that said the two jumped off into the distance, doing elaborate jumps off walls and incredibly hard leaps.

Musubi and Lincoln are left confused. Well… the latter was anyway.

Hikari and Hibiki landed in another alley a few blocks away. The twins were clearly unhappy, for two reasons; 1, their hunt for that girl was a total waste, and 2, they were promptly fired by the manager of that restaurant they were working at for running off instead of doing their jobs.

"Ugh, did they have to fire us?" moaned Hibiki.

"Damn it!" Hikari snarled in anger, "That girl, this is all her fault!"

"No, it's yours for chasing after her," a voice said behind them. Both of the female Sekirei whirled around to find themselves staring in shock at a masked woman with white hair and outfitted with a black coat and face mask.

"Homura!" Hikari growled, a fierce scowl lighting her face. "You were watching us the whole time, weren't you?" she accused.

"You only go after the ones who haven't emerged yet. As the guardian of that kind I should teach you two a lesson." Homura replied in a nonchalant tone that pissed Hikari off. She had never liked this woman or her self-righteous attitude.

Hibaki looked at her sister incredulously, "Are you insane, Hikari!?" the younger twin hissed as she grabbed her sister's arm. "Do you remember what happened the last time we fought her? We got charred pretty bad!" Despite herself Hibiki gulped as flames encased the white haired Sekirei's hand.

"But now that girl has finally met her Ashikabi," Homura said as the flames dispersed and she began walking away. "And fights between emerged Sekireis are something I have no interest in."

The two twins looked at each other as the white haired Sekirei left, both giving a heavy sigh of relief.

"I don't get that girl at all," Hikari said in exhaustion.

"Yeah, well I'm sure she wasn't the only one watching us back there," Hibaki noted, "All we're doing is getting in a little practice before the real battle begins."

Musubi's smile returned while Lincoln's pointed at the roof in utter bewilderment.

"What. Was. That?" his voice was barely a whisper as she turned around and offered her hand to Lincoln.

"Are you alright Lincoln?" she asked in her ever familiar sweet and kind voice.

"I'll live," he replied as he took the hand and is helped up his feet. "So… you mind telling me what exactly you and those other two girls are? 'Coz I'm starting get the suspicion none of you are human."

"You're right, we're not; we're what you would call…Sekireis."

Later that night, Lincoln found himself sitting at a small table in the same hotel room as before, since they had been unable to find an apartment with all the excitement that had happened today.

Lincoln looked into the kitchen, first thing he saw was the nice size of Musubi's butt rock back and forth. He gazed upwards, and noticed her wearing one of the bathroom towels around her breasts as a makeshift bra, and an apron while she was stirring something delicious in the pot while humming a cheery tune.

"Dinner will be ready soon 'kay." Musubi informed the boy without turning around as she continued to cook, while swaying her perfect butt to a rhythm. Most guys with hormones would find the sight hypnotic, but since Lincoln didn't have any yet, he instead felt awkward.

He looked aside to avoid being embarrassed. 'Well, compared to the craziness that happened yesterday, this is pretty nice.' he mused, glad that they're not running for their lives, but then thought about something. 'What did Musubi say she and those oddly dressed girls were called? Sekireis?' he looked up at her and wondered just who or what she is. 'I saw it with my own eyes and I still can't believe it, it was like something out of a comic book or something.'

Musubi hummed a happy tune as she continued to stir the ingredients inside the pot, then he slightly jumped once he heard a trumpet noise, followed by a man shouting. "Ta-da!" turning around, he saw the TV which was on and showed a strange man with glasses, a white business suit and grey hair.

"The TV? Has it been on the whole time?" he picked up the remote to turn it off, but then...

"Hey wait, don't turn off that TV!" he dropped the remote in shock. "Dear boy, you've just become partners with a Sekirei. Congratulations!"

Musubi noticed Lincoln staring at the TV and once she saw the man, she smiled upon recognizing him. "Professor."

Lincoln turned to her. "You know that guy?"

"Of course, he's my professor and the company's president." Musubi answered as if it were obvious.

The man continued. "It's no surprise that you don't know who I am, after all I only air my broadcasts in Japan, so of course an American child such as yourself would be unfamiliar, Lincoln Loud." said white haired child was surprised that he knew his name. "I must say, there must be quite a story on how a kid from across the world managed to find himself here, but that's not important right now. I'll no doubt learn why another day. For now, let me formally welcome you to the Sekirei Plan, it's the name of the game of which you have become a participant of as of today."

Lincoln frowned a little. "A game?" sure didn't feel like a game yesterday.

"Now, I imagine that you know the rules?"

The kid nodded in response. "For the most part. I know that Musubi here is a Sekirei and that she has to secretly fight other Sekirei that are probably all over the city and I'm her partner I guess, called an Ashikabi. Though I can't help but feel there's more to it than just that."

"Well, aren't we perceptive? I guess I should tell you that this game is an extremely confidential project, you cannot tell another soul about it, so keep your mouth shut or risk suffering the consequences such as me sending MBI representatives who will deal with you accordingly and it won't be pretty so keep that in mind!"

Lincoln's eyes widened as he realized that this guy was threatening him. "Hold, can't we talk about this?!"

"I'm quite busy, so you two will have to excuse me for now. Now take care Number 88, AKA Musubi and do take care of your young Ashikabi. This game wasn't made for kids." he advised in a teasing manner.

Musubi nodded. "Yes, professor."

With that, the professor cut off the connection. Lincoln found himself staring at it for several seconds as his mind slowly digested everything he had just heard.

He had just gotten himself involved in some kind of competition, which was essentially a battle royal, that involved the girl he had just winged and several other Sekirei like her. Sekirei were people who needed to find their Ashikabis who, according to Musubi, were the ones that Sekirei like herself were destined to serve, though if the kiss they had shared a few hours prior was anything to go on then their relationship was more than that of a master and his servant.

With a small frown, Lincoln sat down as he finally came to terms with what had just happened and found he did not like it one bit.

Suddenly, a loud knock came to the door. With a confused frown, the white-haired boy walked over to the door and opened it. Standing in front of the doorway was a large man in a black suit with an MBI badge on his collar, he wore sunglasses and had a neutral, stone-faced expression.

The man's intimidating physique caused Lincoln to step back slightly. "Um… can I help you, sir?" he asked tentatively.

Instead of a verbal response, the man curtly handed Lincoln over the box her was carrying, then shut the door without saying a word. Lincoln stood there for several seconds, blinking before he looked down at the box in his hands.

"I wonder what this is," the white-haired boy said to himself as he opened the box to see its contents. He saw separate pairs of Musubi's clothing, a card that had the words MBI on it, and a very high tech cell phone. Lincoln sighed since he knew Minaka now had a connection to him which could be abused by the company.

He called for Musubi to come into the living room. "Alright, here you go, Musubi. I got more pairs of clothing for you as well as this card...what does it do anyway?" Lincoln asked her.

Musubi leaned over his shoulder to get a better look at the card. "Oh that's a MBI card. All Ashikabi get one. It basically lets them buy anything using it since the MBI are wealthy enough to pay for basically anything." She explained before took notice of her clothing.

"They've sent me new clothes too!" she perked up before she started to undo the towel covering her breasts, causing Lincoln to immediately leaves the room to give her privacy.

A few minutes later, after Musubi finished changing, she and Lincoln sat to eat dinner, which was curry and rice specially prepared by Musubi. While Musubi consumed her share in a matter of seconds, Lincoln only took like three to four bites and spent the majority just staring at his plate as he was deep in thought. Musubi noticed this and grew concerned for her Ashikabi.

"Are you okay, Lincoln? You barely touched your food." She observed.

"Musubi, can you tell me something?"

"What is it?"

"I'm your Ashikabi right? But… why me?"

"I'm not good enough. I'm nothing special, no money, I'm not strong or athletic, I've got no special talent and…" Lincoln trailed off as he choked down a sob, raising Musubi's concerns even more. "I mean, an Ashikabi is supposed to be someone special right? Well…I'm not special at all." Lincoln said solemnly as tears threatened to fall from his eyes.

Musubi couldn't help but frown at Lincoln's words, she didn't like how he was being so hard on himself. She suddenly got an idea of how to cheer him up. Getting off her chair, Musubi walked over to Lincoln and gently took her little friend's hand.

"Come with me, Lincoln." Musubi instructed the boy and guided him towards a glass door that led to their room's balcony.

"You can't tell cause of the rain now, but there's supposed to be a beautiful moon out tonight." She said before she looked down at Lincoln with a loving smile. "You're wrong, Lincoln. You're incredibly special. You being you is what makes you special, so never forget that." She said "You're a good boy, Lincoln. The way you stood up for me

"To me, you're the most special person in the world." She knelt down to Lincoln's level, wrapped her arms around her waist bringing him close and causing her large breasts to softly press against his chest, and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. Musubi's heartwarming display of affection caused Lincoln's heart flutter like a butterfly. He could see the pink glowing wings emerging from her back. She was a true angel.

Musubi pulled away and stood back up. "I swear. I would do anything for you, whatever you could possibly wish for." She turned and looked up at the dark grey rain clouds and raised her hands towards the sky.

"I would even break through those clouds, to reach moon, and someday…the higher sky above." Her body soon glowed pink, her eyes were closed and her arms were crossed.

Lincoln stared up at the beautiful brunette in absolute wonderment. Never has he met someone so devoted, so caring, and so wonderful to be around. Musubi was a beckon for happiness, and was glad that he found her.

"By my fist of the contract. My Ashikabi's perils will be shattered." Her voice was reminiscent as if this was a prayer. Her smile returned, she grabbed Lincoln's hands and started to spin.

"Well, shall we go!" her voice enthusiastic as ever, Lincoln's saw dropped as she spun faster, soon his legs weren't even touching the floor. The spin started to turn into a tornado and she leaped off the balcony. The former member of the Loud family screamed like a girl the whole way while Musubi just laughed. The two were soaring into the clouds, and Musubi did it. She broke through the black nasty clouds. Lincoln finally snuck a peek at the happy Musubi as the glided through the empty sky. He was in awe at the sight of the beautiful full moon. Its luminescent glow was simply breath taking. If anything, this felt like a fantasy.

Maybe his experience in this city wouldn't be so bad after all.

And the Loud Ashikabi was born.

Like I said, this is the first ever crossover story made with these two shows so please tell me what you think.

Now I have an important message to those who are waiting for me to update "The Ultimate Legend". I haven't abandoned the story, repeat, I HAVEN'T, abandoned the story. My proofreader Lutbarg and I have been doing some thorough planning for my Ben 10 and Legend Of Korra crossover story and I want to make sure I give you guys the best reading experAshience with it. Since my writer's block is over I've even been working on some scenes for future chapters of The Ultimate Legend. My friend TvFan2244 can vouch for that. Speaking of whom, again, thanks for helping with this chapter buddy. Be sure to PM him and thank him for his contribution, as well as read his stories.

And that's all, so I'll you again later for the chapter 2.

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