A/N: Hello there! I hope you will all enjoy this chapter.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto or Akashic Records of a Bastard Instructor. Characters respectively belong to Masashi Kishimoto and Taro Hitsuji.



Ch. 20

"Watch your mouth...I'm in an extremely bad mood." Wrath Itachi said

"...well, i'm in an extremely good one. Do you know why...?" Itachi said as he lightly laughed "Because this is the perfect chance for me to prove just how much stronger I am than you! Pride against Wrath!"

Both Itachi's, Pride and Wrath extended an arm out to the side.

"I beseech creation, grant unto my hands a great blade of destruction and carnage..."

Blood dripped onto the magic circle as red lightning flickered and lashed out around them. A sword began to rise out of the magic circle as it was sheathed and chains wrapped around it. Wrath in a swift motion broke the chains and took hold of the weapon as he unsheathed it. The wrappings around the hilt is black adorned with a red dragon moving up the blade. "...Muramasa!"

"Answer my will, divine sword... "

The inside of the cube a bright light engulfed the area as the magic circle shined a bright yellow color and a uniquely-shaped broadsword with violet blade and golden edge ascended. The sword semicircular guard on the left side of the handle that extends to the bottom just above the pommel, with a small extension on the right side of the handle. "...Durandal!"

Itachi(Pride) grabbed hold of the large broadsword as his eyes narrowed and could feel the tremors of the sword.

"You will be helping me whether you like it or not, Durandal." Itachi(Pride) said

Itachi(Wrath) chuckled. "To think you still have that divine piece of crap."

Itachi(Pride) could feel the tremors of the Durandal stop as he began to feel heat storing up. 'Looks like you're finally seeing things my way.'

"Well then..." Itachi(Pride) said as he smiled "Go on and struggle all you like."

He swiftly lifted Durandal over his head and brought it down on his Wrath counterpart as the attack shook the ground beneath them and dust covered the area inside the cube.

Albert and Mikoto stood their ground ass their eyes slightly twitched. The other two mages alongside Re=L and Akane were finishing off the rest of the Angel Dust users which gave Albert and Mikoto less things to worry about.

"They've started." Albert said

"This is going to be bad." Mikoto said

"What's going on?!"

They looked to the side as Glenn and Sistine ran towards them while Glenn took out the Angel Dust users in the way. Glenn looked at Albert and Mikoto then at the cube as his eyes widened.

"He used it, didn't he?" Glenns' eyes narrowed as the other two nodded "I'll help."

"Deal with the Angel Dust users first." Albert said as he looked at his two comrades "Then you and the others can help."

"Is it that difficult to keep him in there?" Glenn asked

"What are you talking about?" Sistine asked as she looked at Rumia who looked worriedly at the cube "Rumia..." Sistine then looked at the cube as the dust settled as her eyes widened "Itachi..."

Glenn looked at the cube and his eyes widened as well. "What's going on?"

"Before Itachi lost full control he split his being in two. Wrath took over and the other who is trying to hold him back for an opening is Pride." Mikoto explained as she looked back at Rumia "I just hope he can do it quickly, this spell takes up a lot of magic."

Rumia walked up to them as she kept her eyes on the two in the cube.

"Will he be okay?" Rumia questioned but Mikoto didn't reply "Mrs. Uchiha...will he be okay, after this?"

"I-I don't know." Mikoto looked down

"How are we going to save him?" Sistine asked

"We can't." Glenn said as Sistine looked at him then at Mikoto

"Only Rumia can." Mikoto said

Sistine's eyes widened. "What do you mean only Rumia can?"

"Only someone who shares the same feelings as oneself." Albert said

"Rumia, you Love him." Glenn said as Rumia blushed "That's why you're the only one who can save him."

"You're the only one who can save my son because..." Mikoto said

Wrath had blocked the first strike and had evaded the many swift strikes from Pride as he jumped and swung his Muramasa only to be blocked by Pride Durandal easily. Wrath smirked and spun quickly and as he kept landing strikes on the broadsword until Pride was sent flying back and hitting the barrier wall of the cube.

Pride placed his feet on the wall and lunged himself forward as he swiftly appeared in front of Wrath and struck down on him, but Wrath had used his sword to change the broadswords trajectory as he then thrust the Muramasa and stabbed Pride in the stomach. Pride coughed up some blood as he grabbed Wrath by the neck.

"I'll teach you what it means to lay hands upon me." Wrath said

Wrath let out a violent amount of red lightning and black lightning as it fused with the sword and electrocuted Pride and a large amount exploded from behind Pride. Pride let go of Wrath as he stepped back slowly, still having a firm hold on Durandal as his body went slightly limp but did not fall.

"This can't be..." Teresa said

"H-He's losing..." Cecil said

"...we need to do something..." Wendy said

Gibul and Kash had their hands in fists as they slammed their fist on a pillar.

"Damn it!" They shouted

"Stop! Don't get angry!" Mikoto shouted at them

"How can we not?!" Gibul said

"When our friend is beating himself to death!" Kash shouted as he dropped to his knees "We may not ever see him again..."

"...and we can't do anything about it..." Lynn said as she too fell to her knees as she began to cry

"Do not let your anger and negative emotions grow." Albert said as they looked at him "That will only feed Wrath and make him stronger."

"Then what do we do?" Re=L asked

"We have to believe." Sistine said

The class looked at her as they nodded while wiping away their tears and calming down. Sistine then looked at Rumia who had her hands together as she watched Itachi with teary eyes.

"Rumia..." Sistine said softly as she then looked at Itachi 'Itachi, you're going have to make it up to Rumia for making her worry, for making all of us worry...'

Pride out of nowhere lunged forward as Durandal struck Muramasa.

"A word of warning." Wrath said trying to push Pride back "Acting thoughtlessly tough will bring a world of Hell."

"It seems I must acknowledge something." Pride said as he leaned forward slightly "You are indeed a strong sin."

A sizzling noise was heard and fire started closing his wounds. Pride pushed Wrath back a bit as he swung sideways as Wrath blocked but was sent flying as he hit the barrier wall and fell forward but landed on his feet.

"That is, if you're not counting me." Pride stated with a smirk "Now then, shall we continue?"

Wrath looked down at ground as the rocks beneath them were getting crushed and the heat being released from Pride was causing steam. Wrath looked at Pride as he was met with a headbutt which caused them both to step a few feet away from each other.

Wrath started letting out red and black lightning from his body as the lightning grew and clashed with the walls behind him.

Pride stood straight as fire began to release from his body as it engulfed the area behind him.

"What are they doing?" Glenn questioned the palm of his hands facing towards the cube as he flinched "They're letting out a tremendous amount of magic."

"They might be settling things with this attack." Albert said

"No." Mikoto said as the others rose a brow "Pride is holding back."

"What? Why?" Sistine questioned

"If he were to attack with his full potential, Itachi's body wouldn't be able to endure the aftermath." Mikoto said as she glanced at Rumia "What happens next, and if we can get Itachi back, is up to you, Rumia."

Rumia was silent as she watched the two power up. 'Itachi...you promised me...'

Next thing they saw was two dragons made from the lightning behind Wrath,one red and the other black, and they looked at Pride who had a large lion and a large bird made of flames behind him.

"A Phoenix..." Sistine said

"What's wrong? Are you so shocked that I have more magic power than you?" Pride said as he gripped Durandal tightly

Wrath glared at Pride. "You may have more magic..." Wrath lunged forward and appeared a foot away from Pride, sword already in motion to strike "...but my speed is superior!"

"Super Slash!" Pride swiftly clashed his Durandal with the Muramasa

The two dragons were clashing with the lion and phoenix as the black dragon wrapped itself around the lion which in turn bit down into the dragons lightning body. The red dragon did the same with the phoenix but the flames of the phoenix disappeared before reappearing above the dragon and letting out a torrent of flames.

The attacks caused debris to fly all over the place in the cube as the ground began to shake violently around them. Pride looked around as he was then lifted Durandal and spun around quickly and swung the blade sideways, but Wrath had slid down kicked up at Prides' hand making him release Durandal. Wrath then swiftly swung at Prides' side as he smirked but then he noticed his Muramasa had disappeared from his hand.


Wrath looked at Pride who smirked seeing that the Muramasa had been stuck on his side as Pride grabbed the Muramasa and tossed it away like trash.

Both of them lunged forward each throwing a punch which connected with each others faces as they were sent flying back, hitting the barrier walls as they kept lunging at each other no matter how many ties they would be sent flying back.

Wrath landed next to the Muramasa as he lunged forward the two dragons flying next to him. Pride narrowed his eyes as the flames of the lion and phoenix returned to his body. Pride waited as he brought his hand out in a chopping position as he looked at his Mother and Rumia and nodded.

"Here it comes, Rum-"

"I'm ready!" Rumia said with determination as she clenched her fist

Mikoto looked at Rumia and smiled.

They watched as Wrath got closer to Pride.

"Raging lighting, One thousand strikes!"

"Divine sword, Itachi!"

They heard both combatants shout as they saw the dragons hit Pride directly and saw Wrath swiftly appear behind Pride, who had brought his hand down seconds before Wrath had gotten his first attack in.

Their eyes widened as the cube was destroyed and they tried shielding themselves. They waited for the dust to settle as both were still standing, back to back. They then saw Pride turn around facing Wrath.

"Not but an Itch." Pride said as his body seemed to be perfectly fine

They then watched as Wrath fell forward and Pride caught him and held him as Wrath began to thrash around.

"As someone who believed themselves to be a God among the Sins..." Pride spoke as he chuckled "...how does it feel? To be looked down upon by the Sin who stands above all?"

A second later Rumia and the others appeared in front of the two as their eyes widened when they landed on the large gash on Itachi's front.

"Itachi..." Rumia slowly walked up to them

"Stay away!" Wrath shouted as he tried to release himself from Pride hold "You can't stop me! I won't go back!"

Rumia was in front of him as they looked at each others eyes. "You made me a promise." Itachis'(Wrath) eyes slightly widened as he looked at Rumia who was crying as she placed her hands on his face and pulled him down as she stood on her toes "You said you would always stay by my side..." Their faces were now close enough, that their lips almost touched "...so please, keep staying by my side because..." Rumia closed her eyes as she moved forward and their lips touched.

A magic circle appeared behind Itachi(Pride) as it moved across them both as their bodies had become one, once again. A second magic circle appeared underneath Itachi as he began to glow and chains came out of it, pulling out a dark energy from him as it pulled it down into the magic circle and disappeared,but not before letting out a sinister shout.

Rumia pulled away from Itachi as she opened her eyes and they were met with his onyx eyes. Rumia smiled as tears were still flowing from her eyes.

"...I love you." Rumia said

Itachis' eyes were wide as he looked at the Rumia. Itachi wrapped his arms around the girls and pulled her into an embrace. Itachi could feel the tears soaking his torn up shirt as Rumia held him tighter as he rested his head on top of hers.

"I...I love you, too." Itachi said as he felt Rumia shift and look up at him "I love you, Rumia."

Rumias' eyes widened as she smiled and hugged him tighter. Itachi smiled as he wiped her tears away from her eyes.

"Kyaa!" The girls squealed

"Th-They confessed!" The guys shouted

Rumia blushed madly as she tried to hide her face, as Itachi chuckled and slightly blushed.


Itachi looked at his mother who was smiling as she walked up to them and hugged them both.

"Come on, you need to get some rest and recover after everything that just happened." Mikoto said as all three of them broke away from the embrace "Glenn, Albert, could you two help me with him?"

"Mother, I'm perfectly fine." Itachi said calmly

"Oh no you're not." Mikoto said as she stood in front of him "Don't act all tough because Rumia and the others are here."

"What are you talking about, mother?" Itachi questioned

Mikoto flicked her son on the forehead as Itachi fell backwards but was caught by Glenn before he could hit the floor.

"I-Itachi?!" Sistine said

"M-Mrs. Uchiha is strong!" Teresa said

"He used up too much magic and to top it all off, the damage that both Wrath and Pride inflicted on his body is taking its toll." Mikoto said as she moved Itachi's hair away from his face "He's going to need a much needed rest."

"Is there anything I can do?" Rumia asked

Mikoto smiled at the girl. "You've brought him back to us." Mikoto said as looked at the others "Let us take care of his recovery, you may all visit, but I do not know how long it will take for him to get better."

"So he's going to be missing classes." Glenn said sounding more like a statement than a question

Mikoto nodded. "Yes."

"For how long?" Re=L asked

"He could be recover and be back to classes by the beginning of the week, or it could take time and end up being longer." Mikoto replied

-Week and a Half Later-

It was morning as the students were in their seats. Rumia looked up and to the side where Itachi would usually sit as she let out a sigh as he was not there.

"Don't worry, Mikoto-san said he's doing better and he should be back soon." Sistine said

"I'm not worried, it just doesn't feel the same without him." Rumia said as Sistine nodded

Since the incident, the class would go and see how Itachi was doing. The first three days he was still asleep and it wasn't until the fourth day that he woke up.


Rumia was alone in Itachi's room as he lay on the bed, still recovering as he had not waken up yet. Rumia had come with the others, but she was the one that spent most of the day next to him, other than Sistine, Re=L, and Glenn.

The sun was beginning to set as she set a book back onto the bookcase and moved the chair back with the desk. Rumia was about to leave when she looked back at him. She then popped her head out of the door and looked around seeing Mikoto in the kitchen, cooking some food.

Rumia slowly and quietly closed the door as she walked up to Itachis sleeping form as she took hold of his hand in hers. She gently squeezed his hand as her eyes looked at his lips. Rumia blushed as she slowly leaned forward as she gave him a gentle kiss on the lips.

Rumia separated from the kiss as she was about to let go of his hand but she felt his hand lightly squeeze hers.


Rumia heard Itachi say as he slowly opened his eyes.


Mikoto heard Rumia shout as she quickly ran into the room and saw Rumia hugging Itachi who had now woken up. Mikoto smiled as she could feel tears trying to escape her eyes.

Flashback End

Glenn was currently teaching the class as there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Glenn smiled

All eyes were directed towards the door as the door opened and in came Itachi wearing his uniform.

"Itachi!" the class shouted

"Glad to have you back." Glenn said

"I'm glad to be back." Itachi replied

Itachi looked at the class as he was then tackled down by a blur of blue hair. Itachi laughed as he petted Re=L's head.

"It's nice to see you too, Re=L."

"W-Wait, Re=L!" Sistine said

"Don't get ahead of us!" Wendy shouted

Itachi and Re=L stood up as the class surrounded him and welcomed him back, each of the girls giving him a hug as the guys patted him on the back. Then his eyes landed on Rumia who was now standing right in front of him. The class watched as Rumia hugged Itachi who smiled and reciprocated the embrace.

"Are you feeling better now?" Rumia asked

"Yes." Itachi replied

"Good." Rumia said looking up at him with a smile on her face "Now, you'll have to make it up to us for making us worry."

Itachi's eyes slightly widened as he looked at the others nod in agreement as he then let out a small chuckle.

"Of course."

With Mikoto

Meanwhile, Itachi's mother was sitting on her sons bed as she held the book 'Sins' in her hand. She ran her hand over the cover of the book but dared not to open it.

Mikoto smiled. "Thank you..."


It had been the day after Itachi had woken up and Mikoto was sitting on the bed as she finished feeding her eldest son food, even though he had protested and said he could feed himself, she never gave up and he finally gave in, letting his mother have her way. They had been talking about what he felt and what he saw while he was in Wraths control.

Itachi looked at his mother. "I saw the others, and he was there."

"The Uchiha Clan, your Father and Izumi." Mikoto slowly nodded "Yes, we saw them too."

Itachi shook his head. "No, not them." Mikoto rose a brow in question "Before I lost full control, and split into two, he and the others helped me..."

"Who did you see, Itachi?" Mikoto asked

"I saw Grandpa." Mikoto's brows rose "Your..."

Flashback End


Mikoto smiled, a lone tear running down her cheek.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Hope you all enjoyed the fight! I'm trying to get the novels to continue, or I may have to wait for them to make the new season. Also, this time of year my job gets very heavy and busy, causing me to have less time to actually write or come up with stuff for new material and content. So if I don't post in a while it will because of my job and also working on a the new fic Demon Eyes of Remnant. Well, Thank you all and see ya next time! Buh-Bye! :D