How To Train Your Dragon

Toothless perspective

Toothless- Cennig/the bunny killer

"Human talking"

`Human thinking`

"Dragon talking"

Hello, this is the first fiction I have ever written, so if someone reads this, I would love to hear what you think. English is not my first language (you can probably tell), and I'm frankly just very bad at it. But I hope to use this to get better, and I have tried to make sure it is as little errors as possible, but I have no idea if I did any good. That's why I am going to post this story here, so that I can maybe get some feedback if something was good, and what I should do to make it better.

So thank you for giving this story a chance, and I hope you like it.

Cennig watched the puny humans fight his fellow nest dragons. He was flying high in the dark star filed sky making sure no one saw him. Down below him, he could hear the shouts and roars from both races fighting each other. The little human nest was on fire, lighting up and making long dark shadows with small fireballs floating upward in the skies before disappearing. Explosions would come up here and there making the fire bigger, and small but sharp objects would shine in the light of the fire. For now, he would just watch the fight. Only interfere if he felt like too many of his nest dragons was in danger. Even though the humans were so small and weak, they were still able to take down or kill some of his nest dragons. No matter how much Cennig observed the humans, he could not understand how the strange animals did it. Humans are dumb creatures, but they seem to like to kill his nest dragons. He can understand they want to protect their nest and the food we are taking from them, but humans like to kill for fun, they have killed and captured so many dragons. Sometimes, Cennig wonders wats worst, be killed or captured by humans? No matter how puny humans are, they are bloodthirsty fighting machines. And it seems like it was a bad day for his nest dragons to go to the human nest to find food to the queen because it seems the humans are winning this fight. Down in the human nest, Cennig could see with his sharp eyes a small object getting thrown and wrapping itself around a Gronckle making another dragon fall to the human's wrath. It was time for Cennig to do something. He was tired of seeing his nest dragons getting killed for something as stupid as their queen. He dived down and shoot his purple fire at a human-made stone thrower to stop it from shooting down more dragons.

Down in the human nest could he already hear the humans making even more of a ruckus. "The Night Fury is here!" they screamed.

Even in this situation, Cennig became a little proud of how much the humans feared him. He swiftly turned around and shoot at the burning stone thrower one more time making it fall before he flew out of sight again. He spotted another tower, and just as easily as with the first tower, fell the second tower down while burning as his powerful purple blasts hit its target. But not a moment later could he feel something wrap around him, stopping his flight. He shirked in horror as he fell towards the ground. His landing was long and painful, and he could feel trees and earth slamming and scraping at his scales as he skidded to a stop. Lying on the ground, he could feel something wrong, it hurt in his tail, and he was still in shock from being shoot down. How could a human have shot him down? No human could possibly throw that far and hard. He could feel the human-like ropes against his scales, hindering him from moving. It was nothing different about it, it wasn't stronger or sharper, nor even heavier than the thing that shoots down the Gronckle, but it was wrapped around him so many times that he could not even move a wing. He knows he was flying too high for a human to throw this thing at him, especially not with that force it shot him down with. No, no human can throw like that, it must have been a monster the humans have captured. Maybe the humans use it to kill more dragons? He closes his eyes, trying to focus on his berthing, trying not to think about the pain and wrongness he felt.

"I- I did it! I have brought down this mighty beast!"

He didn't know how long time he as lying there in the ground in the forest, but what woke him from his restless slumber was the smell of a human. At first, he was just going to ignore it, let it walk past him or something, but when the stupid human dared to stand on him he pushed the human away. "Whoa!"

He wanted to do more than just push, but he still couldn't move because of those stupid ropes. He opened his eyes and looked at the stupid human that was stupid enough to step on him. It was a human (no surprise there), but it was much smaller than the humans he had seen in the human nest. Shure, he had seen that the humans were in different sizes, just like dragons, but even the smallest humans he had seen had much more fat and muscles on them. But this human stood with little fat and no muscles pointing a little sharp human stick on him, was he just a human hatchling? His breathing was heavy and fast, so he knew it was scared just by looking at him, good.

They locked eyes, and something changed in its eyes, but just for a moment before it was gone and pointed the strange little stick directly toward him again. Cennig went numb with fair.

"I`m going to kill you, dragon. I`m going to cut out your heart and give it to my father." It said, almost in a whisper. "I`m a Viking." It looked him in the eye and shouted: "I AM A VIKING!" Like it was convincing itself. He could not understand everything the human was saying, but he understood enough to get it was going to kill him with that little pathetic human stick that pointed at his chest.

"Just do it." He said. He did not want to be killed by such a human hatchling, he did not want to be killed at all! But he was not going to beg to the human. (not that it would listen)

The human raised the sharp stick and was ready to kill. They locked eyes one last time before Cennig let his head fall back to the ground and closed his eyes waiting for death to come, hoping it would go fast and painless. He could hair the human mumble something and then. Wisp…Wisp…Wisp…The sound of rope cutting. He opened his eyes again and watched the human use the little stick to cut the rope that held him still.

He could feel the rope loosen slowly around him. He was immediately filled with hope and confusion. The moment the rope loosened enough, he jumped on the human with an angry roar. Even just one of his paws covered the human's chest, and he didn't have to use much power to push it to the ground. He stared furiously at the little human hatchling as it tried to crawl backward away from him. (Try being the key word)

He could feel it`s little heart hammered in its chest, it was obviously terrified of him.

Was it stupid or something? Why would it free him, didn't it know he could kill it so easily? He just had to step a little harder down, and then the human would be crushed.

He must have stared a little too long because the humans face change again, it still showed fear, but its face didn`t seem scared anymore. Did it seem almost curious? Witch irked him to no end, could humans even get curious? He stood a little on his back paws, ready to kill it.

"It's my turn to show you what fear is!" he growled. In the last moment of killing it, he stopped himself, and instead, he roared loudly in its face before he turned around and flew away.

The moment he was in the air, he knew something was wrong. He couldn't control where he was flying, he pretty much crashed in every tree that was within 3 feet of him. And no matter how much he flapped his wings, he continued to fall. He hadn't come very far before he no longer was in the air. He had crash landed and slid for several feet before he came to a stop. He got to his paws and shook the dirt off himself before he looked around, he was in a cove with green grass, a few thin trees, and a little pond, but why could he not control his flight? He spread his wings one more time before he jumped into the air. But instead of flying out of the cove like he had planned, he crashed into one of the stone walls and landed on the ground again. He. Was. Trapped. TRAPPED! He roared in outrage and panic. He tried jumping on the stone wall and climb up, but the stone was to smooth for his claws and he just fell back to the ground. He tried several times more until he was exhausted and lay down on the soft grass, he had the time to see what damage had been done to him.

It broke his heart to see his missing tailfin.

He could never fly again.

And he was not just a downed dragon, but a trapped dragon too. That human hatchling might as well have just killed him.