A/N: Hey there, I'm back with another one shot, and possibly a two shot. This takes place in Her Cat in Shining armor, another two shot I made some time back, so feel free to check that out. This time around, we will look into Ruby and Weiss' relationship after Beacon, marriage, birth of their child, and their letting go of that child. Let's get to it then, no?

I don't own RWBY

After graduation, Ruby and Weiss stayed together and worked as huntresses, until the latter got full control of the SDC. Then the two moved to Atlas, although Ruby still did some missions for fun. Word got out by a certain white haired sibling, who shall not be named, that Weiss was dating another woman, and that said woman was a Faunus. The news was met with some mixed responses, some judgemental, some praising this and hoping that human/Faunus relations would significantly improve. Weiss decided to confront this with a speech that was being broadcasted throughout Remnant.

"And let us hope that the relationship between me and Ruby be only the start of future relations for all of human and Faunuskind, and the start of a future that will lead to a prosperous peace between the two races for generations to come. Thank you" she finished. The crowd applauded after as she left the podium to greet her girlfriend. Ruby came up and snatched Weiss in a big hug and twirled her. "That was so great Weiss! I'm so proud of you" the wolf Faunus as she kissed her. "Thank you, Ruby. I truly do hope that this will lead to a future of peace between human and Faunus, especially now that Blake took back the White Fang from Adam and made it peaceful once again" she said as he pecked Ruby's cheek. "Don't worry, I'm positive that peace will be established someday. But now, how's about I take you on a celebratory date? Say, the Crystal Drop and then afterwards, a little walk by Noble Lake to watch the sunset?" she said romantically. Weiss looked at her in surprise. "Why Ruby, I never took you for the fancy type. But regardless, I shall take you up on that. Now then, shall we?" she said as she took Ruby's hand.


Ruby and Weiss finished their dinner and walked out to Noble Lake to watch the setting sun as they held each others' hand. "Beautiful, isn't it Weiss?" Ruby said. "You know this lake was named after the team of huntsmen that lost their lives in the Great War. The last member of the team died on these very grounds. They called him The Lone Wolf because they never got his real name, only his designation that was on his dog tags, as well as the dog tags of his fellow teammates, all except one, though they don't know the fate of that one huntsman and-"

"Ruby, please stop talking and just admire the sunset with me" Weiss cut in.

"Huh? Oh, right, sorry" Ruby said awkwardly. She kept looking at the sunset, and after a moment of silence Weiss spoke up. "Ruby, tell me why you really brought me here, I know that it wasn't to watch the sunset. Now tell me" she demanded. Ruby looked at her in surprise.

"The real reason? Wha- well, Weiss, I never. You know I just wanted to, uh, uhhhhh... Oh my! My shoe is untied, Weiss you can just keep looking at the sunset while I tie it, go on, I insist" she said hesitantly as she got down on one knee to 'tie her shoe.' Weiss rolled her eyes and went back looking. After a while, Ruby spoke. "Hey, Weiss, can you help me tie my shoe? I seem to be having trouble" Weiss groaned in annoyance and pinched her nose. "Ruby, I swear if you tied your hands together, I-" She stopped in her scolding, her eyes widening and hands covering her mouth as she gazed upon her girlfriend, on one knee, holding out a box with a diamond ring inside.

"Weiss Schnee, when I first met you at Beacon, it wasn't the best of greetings. We had a rough start at first, but over time, you calmed down, accepting when Blake revealed her Faunus traits and became her friend, then accepting my own Faunus traits, even calling me your best friend, and soon after, girlfriend. Now, I ask... will you give me the honor of calling me your wife, Weiss Rose?"

Tears ran down her face as Weiss had just gotten proposed to, but she made her decision. "Yes! Yes, a thousand time yes!" she proclaimed as she accepted the ring from her now wife.

"Now, all he have to do is arrange the wedding" Ruby whispered as she hugged the sobbing Weiss.

Months later

After much planning and invites, the wedding for the Rose couple was now going through, the ceremony being held in Patch, with Ozpin as the minister. "I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may kiss the bride." The two kissed as the crowd of friends and family cheered. After the cake cutting and toast, Ruby and Weiss headed a lake house for the honeymoon. After a quick makeout session and long round of lovemaking, the two cuddled in each others arms. "That. Was. Amazing" Ruby panted out. "It. Was. Fantastic" Weiss breathed as she kissed her wife. "Now what do we do, Weiss? Continue on with our lives, just as newlyweds?" Ruby pointed out.

"Actually, Ruby, there is something I wanted to talk about, if that's alright" Weiss said.

"What is it, sweetheart?"

"Since we are now married, I was wondering about... about... I don't want to say it."

"You can tell me anything, Weiss, just go ahead."

"I was wondering about starting...a...family."

Ruby's eyes widened. "A family? As in, you, me, and a...child?"

Weiss nodded. "I know it's a bit early for such a thing, and if you want to say no, I understand, it's just the reason I want a child is to give it the childhood I never got to have, so they don't have to suffer as I did in the past, and-" Ruby silenced her with a kiss.

"I would love to start a family with you, Weiss. And don't worry, I'm sure we'll give it a proper childhood, I'll make sure of that" she said sweetly. "We may want to wait a year or two, but we can figure something out. With the technology we have today, I'm sure we can conceive as any other couple would. Now, lets sleep."


"Yes, love?"

"Would you mind if, I carried our child?"

Ruby smiled at her. "Of course, anything for you. We'll talk more in the morning" Ruby said as she lay Weiss' head against her chest. She lay one last kiss on her wife's forehead. "I love you, Weiss"

"I love you too, Ruby"

Timeskip, a year and a half later

"Well, Mrs. Rose, after looking at the results, I can say only this... Congratulations, you are now pregnant. The Dust experimentation has pulled off"* the doctor said. Weiss sobbed happily in to Ruby's arms. It worked, the Dust experiment has successfully paid off, and now the two were only nine months from having a son or daughter to call their own.

"Ruby, I'm pregnant, we're going to have our own family! I can't believe this is happening!" she cried.

"Shhh, Weiss. I can't believe it either, but it is. Soon, we'll be mothers" she said calmly.

"Come back in a few weeks, so we can take the first ultrasound" the doctor said.

"Thank you, Doctor Alex, we will" Ruby said as she and Weiss left the office.


True to their word, the two came back to Doctor Alex's office for the first ultrasound. Getting everything ready, he laid the device* on Weiss' stomach and moved it around, looking for a pulse. Ruby and Weiss held each others' hands in angst, hoping something would come up.

Then, it did.


A pulse.


Then another.


Then another.

"I am happy to say that the baby is alive and well. Congratulations" Doctor Alex said as he put away the equipment. The Rose couple were ecstatic to know their baby is alive. "Ruby, this is happening, our baby is growing, and soon...and soon..." she said before crying again. Ruby comforted her, rubbing her hair. "I know, Weiss. Soon, our child will come into this world and we will love it more than anything in it, I just know it" she said. "But we still have a long ways to go before it arrives."

Another one

The next few months were smooth for the Rose couple, if you exclude Weiss' mood swings and food cravings. Other than that, it was a pretty normal nine months, with some friends and family coming into help out every once in a while. Everything was smooth sailing for the two.



It was time, the baby was coming, and Weiss needed to get to the hospital. After getting the necessities, Ruby got Weiss in the car and drove to the hospital as fast as she could, while also keeping Weiss from complaining that they were going too fast.

When they arrived, the red-haired woman got her wife out of the car and rushed her in, getting her in the stretcher and holding her hand as she was escorted to their room to deliver the baby.

Everything was prepped, and now it was time for Ruby and Weiss' child to be delivered.





"Come on Weiss, you can do this! Just a little more!"




"It's out, quick cut the cord!"

"Weiss you did it! The baby's out, it's here!"

"Thank gods! Can...Can I see it?"

"Yes, you can Mrs. Rose, just let me get the blanket and you can see it"

After what seemed like an eternity, the baby was finally delivered. After wrapping it in a blanket, the doctor handed it into Weiss' hands, who happily accepted. "It's a boy, in case you were wondering" he said as he cleaned up.

"A boy. We have a son, Weiss" Ruby happily said.

"A son. Oh, he's beautiful" Weiss said as she looked at her newborn son. He was a small thing, with white hair that ended in red tips, with a pair of wolf ears like his mother Ruby. Another aspect he shared with the wolf Faunus was the silver eyes, however they had a slight tint of blue, something he took from Weiss as well as the white hair.

"Hello, little one. My name is Ruby, your new mommy" Ruby said to the baby. He cooed in response, bringing a smile to the woman's face.

"My name is Weiss, I am also your new mommy" Weiss said as she placed a finger on her son's nose, who grabbed it, making her smile as well.

"What should we name him?" Ruby asked.

"I'm thinking Garnet. Garnet Rose" Weiss responded.

"Garnet Rose, I like that. Garnet it is" Ruby said as she kissed her wife.

Both looked at their son with loving eyes.

"Hello, Garnet. Welcome to the world" Weiss said.

"Where you will find lots of adventures" Ruby said.

"Make new friends."




"And find who you are."

"And we want you know one thing."

"That we love you with all our hearts" both said as they placed their hands on him.

"Welcome to the world, our little puppy" Ruby said as she placed an ever-so-gentle-kiss on her son's forehead.

A/N: And that's a wrap! It's something I quickly put together, and right now, it's 11:00 pm, but that doesn't matter. This will probably turn into a two-shot, like Her Cat in Shining Armor, to which this is based in.

Two things to note:

*I just used that whole conceive-thing-with-the-Dust from some of the other stories I've seen that use this explanation, so don't judge.

*I don't know what the device is called. All I know is it's used to look for a baby's heartbeat. I'm not a doctor, so again, don't judge.

Also, I have another story I'm thinking up, and it's, guess what...

Another Halo/RWBY crossover! Are you shocked? You better be or else!

This time, we will look into the life of Garnet Rose, a Spartan IV, as he and his friends make it in the UNSC, all while discovering the power of his silver eyes and learning about the powerful silver-eyed warriors that proceeded him, and using that power to stop one of Cortana's rogue AI from taking over all of Remnant.

If I'm going to be honest, I'm kind of iffy on this idea, and I don't know if I go though with it, I'm getting your guys input. So with that, I say, peace out.