AN: This popped in my head and wouldn't leave me alone so I quickly jotted it down. It's not much and it's only been spell checked but I hope you enjoy it!

"Did you do it?" Creed asked.

"Course I did. He hasn't sat down or anything has he?"

"Nah. I've been watching him real close to make sure."

"Good". True settled down beside him. "Are you gonna do it or am I?"

"You got a better shot."

She grinned at her best friend. "I know that! I just wanted to make sure you didn't wanna do it." She plucked her slingshot from his hands and placed a small pebble in the pocket. She waited until Jonathan was in place, pulled back and let the pebble fly. The pebble hit the bees nest in the eaves of the general store and within seconds they were swarming everywhere but mostly on Jonathan's rear courtesy of the honeycomb True slipped in his back pocket.

The two friends fell to the ground laughing when Jonathan hopped around like his pants were on fire before diving into the horse trough. Suddenly True hopped to her feet. "Oh no. No no no. Not again! Why didn't you tell me she was inside?!"

Creed stood and looked in the direction True was and paled. "I didn't see her go in!"

"How could you not see her? You were here the whole time!"

Creed looked down guiltily. "I had to pee and stepped away for just a minute!"

True punched Creed on the arm. "You couldn't hold it till I got back?"

"I didn't know she was coming into town!"

The sound of a throat clearing behind them made them both freeze and then slowly turn around to face an annoyed Chris Larabee. "I can't believe you two tried something like this again."

"Like what Chris?"

"Don't." He stepped closer and put his hand under the girls chin. "If you don't want to get caught don't argue so loud the whole street can hear you."


The bees and crowd had cleared out and Jonathan was on his way home after getting some salve from Nathan for the stings. Both children were surprised when they were led past the store and towards the boarding house where Nettie stood on the porch, belt in hand. The tried to pull out of Chris's grasp but could not break his hold on their ears without risking them being torn off.

True was happy to see that Nettie didn't appear to have but two or three stings, not that it would help their case at all. Upon closer inspection she noticed that the belt in her hand looked like Vins and felt the butterflies take off in her belly. He wasn't supposed to be back until tomorrow. Her suspicion was confirmed when he stepped up behind Nettie and she glared at Creed. "You didn't see Vin come into town either? Seriously?"

Creed was not given a chance to answer as he and True were led up the steps to face Nettie. Once they were let them go they both attempted to make a run for it only to be grabbed by Chris and Vin and frog marched inside and over to the kitchen table.

"I can't believe you two! Didn't you learn after the incident with the eggs?" She held out her hand. "Give me your slingshots." Once in hand she opened the stove door and tossed them both into the fire.

"Aw damn it Nettie! That took me ages to make! Ow!"

"Don't start. And don't even think of making another one until I say ya can!" True looked over her shoulder and glared at Vin while rubbing her backside. "Aw man!"

"I know you know what you did was wrong so there no need to talk about it. Both of you drop your britches and bend over the table."

Creed looked at True and they both gulped simultaneously. They knew they were caught and deserved whatever Nettie wanted to dish out. The did as instructed and sighed when their bottoms were bared, expecting nothing less.

Nettie swung a mean belt and both children were crying out when she finally landed the last blow. They both went to stand only to be pushed back down. "We aren't done yet." Chris took the belt from Nettie and landed five swats to each waiting backside before handing it to Vin who landed five of his own. They were told to stand and fix their clothing before Nettie pulled them both into her arms. "No more of this tomfoolery. Understood?"

"Yes Ma'am."

I've got to pick up my order and get home." Nettie kissed each child and after another hug left them to face the two men.

"That's twice now that you've seen fit to attack the town with your slingshots. Nothing like this better happen again." Chris said.

"No sir."

Vin took one child's chin in each hand. "If it does your both gonna cut a switch and I'm gonna wear you out then I'll hand you over to whoever gets caught up in it."

"Then I'm going to give you a whipping the next day." Chris added. He knew it was harsh but he hoped the fear of such a punishment would keep something like this happening again. "Do you understand?"

The looked at him wide-eyed. "Yes sir."

"Go on up to your room until I call you for supper." Both turned and headed for the stairs. "Oh and you both can explain what happened to Creeds pa once he gets back to town. If he wants to punish you too you'll take it without arguing. Understood?"

"Yes sir." They mumbled and ran up to her room as fast as their flaming backsides would allow. Once in the safety of the room True dropped her pants and flopped onto Vins bed. Creed did the same but laid on Trues bed. After a few seconds True started giggling and Creed looked at her like she was nuts. "What on earth are you laughing about?"

"I always said getting a whipping felt like sitting in a bee hive. Guess we can ask Jonathan about it tomorrow and find out for sure!"