The two of them sleepily walked into office only to find out that sometime during the day Keru had made her way back to the office for some reason or another. She was curled up in the corner of her office in a very fox like way papers scattered on the floor.

"Keru honey you need to wake up." Robin said as he gently shook the sleeping fox's shoulder.

"Who? What?" Keru said in a sleepy reply. Slowly her sleepy eyes focused and she saw both Robin and Ari standing there both with a slight smile on their face. Stretching she got up off the floor and tried her best to smooth the wrinkles out of her clothes with little success.

"What are you doing here? You never sleep at the office what happened?"Ari asked as he sat down in one of the two chairs beside the desk.

"I couldn't sleep something about this case just didn't smell right. Weekend or not she should not have been taken down so easy. She was a demonic princess it would take a lot of power to take her out, like a small army which we would have definitely noticed. Also why was she targeted?" Keru asked as she began to pick up the scattered papers and place them on the desk.

"I don't understand either, but as for the small army I can answer that. As you are aware there are other critters that live in different realms. Well there are also critters that train to take out any mark no matter the strength. Hell my family could do it no problem with very little effort, the only difference is that when they kill its much cleaner and unless it was requested for the body to be found there would be nobody it would have been sent to the client as proof of the kill. Ari started in a nonchalant tone. "Oh and one other thing it would only take one to do it." He finished looking at the shocked faces on both Robin's and Keru's face.

"So you can say for certain that this kill was not done by your family, that the MO is wrong?" Keru asked in a soft voice.

"I can't guarantee it wasn't them but the way the kill was done it too savage, the only way the kill would be like that is if they went feral but that would be something most humans would have felt so we would have felt it." Ari replied. 'And besides the only one likely to go feral would be me and i would have killed Robin or Keru first.' He thought to himself. as the three of them talked about just what they were going to do.

"Ari are you ok you seem kinda out of it today anything going on you need to talk about?" Keru asked.

"No my sweet I'm ok i just didn't sleep well last night that's all." Ari said with a smile that was a little more predatory then his normal joking smile would have been.

"If you are sure.. when was the last time you had anything to eat either one of you because i don't know about you two but I'm hungry." Keru said with one more stretch. Ari could help but notice just how easy it would be to kill her.

'It would not be that hard she trusts me and its not like it would violate the terms of my excil I'm forbidden to feed on humans, but she isn't human she is a kitsune. I wonder what she would taste like.' A voice said in Ari's mind 'your starving and after you feed on her you will have enough power to change your mates memories he would never have to know she even exists, by eating her he would be safe from you' the voice continued. Suddenly another voice caught his attention.

"What?" Ari said shaking his head to clear it.

"We asked where you wanted to go eat at since we know that if you get red meat bloody it's not going to draw attention. And as you know I keep blood bags in the office in a hidden refrigerator behind my desk is you want to use one now." Keru said as she gather her things.

"No, I'm ok thank you let's get the two who need real food to eat and no Robin you can't just have dessert." Ari said with a light hearted laugh, as he tried to pretend he didn't just hear his Hunger tell him to eat Keru.

'I have to find a way to shut it up before i do end up killing one or both of them.