Stoick and Valka have just had their baby boy borned. He was a little small for his size so as the village law enforcement that the smallest and weakest of the village people are to be named the Hiccup of the village. Stoick named him Hiccup Horrendous Haddock The Third. Three months later Alistair and Ingrid Hofferson had a little girl. They named her Astrid Hofferson. Next month Spitelout and Freya Jorgenson had a baby boy named Snotlout, Hiccup's cousin.

Month later the Ingermans had a baby boy named Fishlegs Ingerman. One week later the Thorston family had twins, a boy named Tuffnut Thorston and a girl named Ruffnut Thorston. Valka sighs thinking about her only son and tells her husband that Hiccup might not make it through winter this year. Five months since Hiccup was born. Valka stitch together a toy deadly nadder for her little baby boy. Stoick played with him and tickled him when he wasn't busy with running the village.

One night Valka came in from the Great Hall talking with Ingrid to see Stoick asleep with Hiccup laying on his chest asleep. She decides to grab a note book and write it as a memory in it. After writing it down in the memory journal but puts a memo in the journal for Hiccup to put his own memories in it. Then she walks over to Stoick sleeping on the couch with Hiccup and taps his shoulder. Stoick, dear wake up darling. Stoick stirrs a little bit to see his wife Valka.

Stoick sighs "hi love, I didn't think you would be back so soon. Did you have a nice chat with Ingrid Hofferson?" Valka smiles "yes dear I had a great talk with her. I thought you said you was going to watch Hiccup, not fall asleep with him asleep on your chest." Stoick looks down to see Hiccup asleep on his chest holding his stuff deadly nadder toy. Valka picks up Hiccup and carries him to his bedroom and laid him down in his crib. Stoick brush his hair back.

Valka smiles at him and says "when you and the guys have your guys night out, I was thinking of having the other moms bring their kids over here to have a playdate with each other." Stoick answers "that sounds good to have the kids come over for a playdate with each other." After watching Hiccup sleep, for a few more minutes, Stoick and Valka walk to their room to go to sleep. Next morning Stoick woke up after a nice sleep. He walks down stairs to the kitchen and begins to make breakfast.

Valka wakes up to go get Hiccup and feed him. She gets dress and walks to Hiccup's bedroom picking him up out of his crib. She carries him down the stairs to the kitchen and sets him in his high chair. Stoick finishes cooking breakfast for him and her. She pulls out a package of oatmeal for Hiccup's breakfast. Stoick sets Valka's breakfast down on the table in front of her. Valka sits down and they have breakfast.

Twenty minutes later they finish having breakfast and walk out to the village. Stoick walks to the elder council meeting room for today's problems to take care of. Valka takes baby Hiccup into the village to pick some vegetables for cooking dinner. She met up with Ingrid carrying seven months old Astrid Hofferson. Ingrid smiles at seeing Valka with ten month old baby Hiccup and ask "how is Hiccup doing?" Valka smiles "he's doing good for now. I don't think he would survive the winter this year."

Ingrid looks at Hiccup and says "have a faith in him. He may be small for his age a little, but he could surprise you." Valka looks down at him in her arms and says "I told Stoick about when he and guys have their guys night out, that the mom's could come over to our house with their babies for a playdate." Ingrid smiles at that and says "that would be a great idea to have the kids get to know each other." Baby Hiccup looks from his mom to Ingrid to a baby girl in her arms.

Valka takes Hiccup to the flower patch to look at some of the flowers. Hiccup looks at the color of flowers red, blue, purple, yellow, pink, white and points to blue flowers. Valka smiles at him and ask "you like blue flowers?" Hiccup reaches his arms out to the blue flowers trying to grab one. Valka bends down to pick one of the blue flowers and hands it to him to hold. He smiles at the blue flower in his hands. She carries him to the great Hall to see some of village people talk to each other.

Freya walks over to her carrying Snotlout in her arms. "How is Hiccup doing so far?" Valka sighs "so far he is doing good. I'm just worry about him surviving through these winter months." Freya sighs "if he doesn't survive this winter months, then Stoick has Snotlout here to be his heir." Valka thinks about it and sighs "I don't want to lose him. He's my only child that I have with Stoick. What does Spitelout think about Hiccup?" Freya sighs "he thinks Hiccup won't survive these months of winter."

"If he does survive then before he takes his place as chief of Berk, he would have to battle Snotlout for it." Valka looks down at Hiccup and says "if he beats Snotlout and becomes Chief of Berk the only question would be who would be his chieftress that he would marry." Freya sighs "we would have to wait till he grows up to find out who he wants to marry." After talking with Freya, Valka takes Hiccup home for his nap. She sits on the couch and rocks him to sleep then sets him in his crib.

"If you survive this winter year, Hiccup you would make me so happy." Stoick walks inside the house to see Valka cooking lunch for them. He ask her "how was her day today?" She smiles "it was good. I talked to Ingrid about having playdate with the other kids. Then took Hiccup to the flower patch in the village. Walked to the great Hall to see some of the villagers chatting with each other. Freya approach me to talk about Hiccup." Stoick ask her "what did she say?"

"She told me that if Hiccup survived the winter months then when he's old enough to take the chief position, he would have to face Snotlout for the throne." Stoick sighs "we will have to wait till after the winter blows over us. Soon he will start crawling around." Valka looks at him napping and both walk out of the room. Stoick walks out to see what the village is doing. Valka checks on what the villagers need help with. Stoick worry about when the next Dragon Raid would happen.

Spitelout walks up to him and ask "how's family?" Stoick smiles "good, how are we doing on food supplies?" Spitelout smile "good, as long as we don't have a dragon raid for the rest of this year." Stoick walks around the village to see everyone doing okay. He walks back to his house to check on Hiccup. He walks upstairs to his son's room to see him crooning at his stuff deadly nadder toy. Stoick picks him up and takes him down stairs to spend some time with him.

Valka walks inside their house to see Stoick holding Hiccup in his arms tickling him. She smiles "it's time for him to be changed." Stoick hands him to her and ask "do you want me to go run the water for his bath?" Valka smiles "sure, and could you bring me a pair of his clothes?" Stoick walks upstairs to Hiccup's room. Looking at the room, he walks over to the dresser and pull out a fresh shirt and fresh pants and clean diaper for his son.

Stoick walked into the bathroom to see Valka washing Hiccup's body in the bathtub and says "I got his clothes for you dear" Valka smiles "thanks honey" after washing Hiccup's body. She dries him off with the towel then carries him to the couch and lays him down. Hiccup croons at the the attention clapping his hands smiling. Valka puts his diaper on him and pants. Stoick finishes putting his shirt on him then picks him up in his arms rubbing his nose with his nose.

Stoick looks at Valka and says "I was thinking of me and the guys have a night out tonight but instead wait until he learns to crawl to shock everyone. Valka smiles at him "okay dear." Stoick walks out to see the villagers doing their chores or other things around the village. Valka sighs "I hope we don't have a dragon raid for the rest of the year." Stoick sighs that would be good for the villagers. Spitelout walks up to him and says "we need you at the docks"

Stoick leaves to go see what's going on at the docks with Spitelout. Valka smiles "I am going to go visit my friend Ingrid." She walks over to the Hofferson's house. She knocks on their door to see Alistair open the door to see Valka, the chief's wife. "Hi Valka, come in, if your here to see Ingrid. She's in the living room watching Astrid." Alistair shouts a little "honey, our friend Valka is here to visit you" Ingrid smiles "Valka I'm in here with Astrid"

Valka walks into the living to see Ingrid holding Astrid in her hands. Valka sets Hiccup down on the floor and sits down on the couch in front of him. Ingrid looks at Valka and ask her "how's things going with you and Stoick, having Hiccup here?" Valka smiles "things are going good." She turns to Hiccup on the floor who is reaching out to her. She sighs and leans down to pick him up. But he shakes his head no to want to be picked up and reaches out to Astrid.

Valka looks at Ingrid wondering what he would want with Astrid. Astrid turns her head to look at Hiccup then back to her mother shaking her head no. Hiccup looks down to his feet looking sad. Ingrid watches them wondering what she is thinking. Before Hiccup starts sniffling wanting Astrid. Astrid looks at Hiccup shedding tears and sighs point down to Hiccup. Ingrid sets Astrid down by Hiccup on the floor. Astrid reaches his hand to hold. Hiccup looks at her to their hands and smiles.

He smiles at her holding her hand. Astrid blushes at him wanting her next to him. Valka looks at them and smirks "when Hiccup is upset he turns to Astrid for comfort." Alistair walks in the room to see Hiccup holding Astrid's hand smiling at her face. Ingrid looks at him and says "don't worry dear, we have a lot of time to decide on approval for Astrid to decide on that." Alistair sighs looking at them and smirks "if they fall in love with each other, they would make the cutest couple."

Valka smiles "he would have to win her love first." Valka looks out to the sun setting and says "well it's time to go home for dinner. Come on Hiccup, let's go home." Hiccup turns to his mom begins to pick him up but leans into Astrid giving her a hug before leaving to go home. Ingrid thinks about Hiccup having a crush on her daughter but decides to not worry about it. Valka carries Hiccup out the door before saying "it was great to visit you all." Ingrid smiles "it was great having you over"