The girlfriend

I call him. His phone rings, it is my boyfriend, I had been insecure about his meeting with what he had described as the love of his life. I was deeply the hurt by that, but I managed to keep a straight face till he spoke about their meeting. He was maybe joking when i had looked up at him. I could see uncertainty in his eyes, and I knew that he needed to go and so said i, "you need to go." So, he did. Now, I feel a tinge of fear, but reason myself that he loves me now, as I sat in this mansion all alone. As silence became deafening, I noticed that my call was cut.

Were they having really good time that he couldn't take my call? Doesn't she already have a boyfriend? Did they recover their lost love? She thought as she remembered how he described as her love of his life. If they did rekindle their relationship, then what would happen to mine? These silent questions in my head kept on growing and that steady feeling of uneasiness kept gnawing at my heart. I still remember the day I met him for first time, a man with singular purpose to better his city, a man who had closed his heart to love. And yet a year later they were together, somehow i had managed to crawl my way into his heart, and surprisingly he did not push me out. When I woke up from my memories, I felt that urgent feeling again. So, despite my brain telling me not to, my heart took over and called him again.

The call was cut again.

I felt fear, angry and regret rise in me all at once. Why, why won't he answer my call? Why did he have to agree when I told him to go? Why did I tell him to go in first place? Was this decision I made end my relationship? He IS the love of my life. Should I fight for my happiness or for his?

Was it my mistake to have fallen in love with him? it started as curiosity, until it grew to be something bigger and now I am almost completely in love with him. If he breaks up I do not think I want to feel that attraction ever again.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the bell rang. I ran towards the door and swung it open.

And there he was, giving his goofy smile

The Boyfriend

I drove back to my home as fast as I could. As always, she was right, I need to come here tonight. There had always been unresolved and unsaid thing between me and my ex that felt like huge burden to me. But today when we met after so long, I realized that I did not have that burden on me anymore. Instead all I felt was a deep longing, to go back home and see my girlfriend.

I reached the front door and rang the bell. I could hear her running towards the door. I held my breath as the door was opened and I saw her. A smile unknowingly crept up to my.

The couple

"Worried that I would not my home tonight?" the bruce asked her. "I was worried about how to explain to authorities if I had to beat some sense into you" She just pouted and replied.

"how was the meeting?" she asked trying to sound nonchalant.

"you were right , I would've regretted If I didn't meet her today. we talked for a while and I realized that I want to spend the rest of my life with love of my life" Bruce said.

Her heart sank as she heard these words, she thought that bruce had returned because he had chosen her but it seemed that he was just being polite and letting her know what he decided. She lowered her head and her raven hair hid her face from his view as she said " I am happy for you Bruce and I .."

She felt his lips crash onto hers before she could finish what she was saying. She was bewildered for a second before giving into his kiss. They both broke their kiss after a few moments. As if knowing what was on her mind Bruce said " after seeing her today I realized that I just thought she WAS the love of my life" he said as he held her face affectionately "So you don't have to worry about me and her"

She blushed, partly due to the kiss and partly due Bruce seeing right through her worries "Well I guess honest person like me cannot hide my thoughts from the greatest detective in the world" she joked feeling relived "but .. you said .. you realized about love of your life …" she started as she remembered what Bruce had said earlier.

"I don't need to be a detective, to know what you are thinking, Diana. YOU are the love of my life, not Selena and I want to spent rest of my life with you Princess" he said.

"I am sorry Bruce, but I don't think I feel same way about you" Diana said with a look of regret on her face. Bruce staggered for a second before noticing a faint smile flickering across her lips.

"Well, this mortal has his ways to change your mind" He said as he swept her off her feet and carried her into the house.

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