Kara smiled as she gathered her stuff and headed towards the door, Cat had surprisingly been in a great mood and gave the young reporter the weekend off. She struggled to answer her phone as she waited for the elevator.

"Lena hey," she greeted the young CEO as she finally managed to answer it.

"Hey what do you have planned for tonight?" the woman asked.

"I was going to do some drills with Mon-El, why what's up?" Lena paused on the other end of the phone causing the superhero to worry. "Lena are you still there?"

"Yeah sorry, um I was going to see if you wanted to go to this banquet with me tonight. I don't really want to go alone."

"Of course I'll go, I'll see if Mon-El wants to go as well.

"Super," she heard Lena mumble before her line went dead.

That was weird Kara thought as she shoved her phone in her pocket.

"Hey you ready to train?" Mon-El asked as he greeted the blonde with a bright smile.

"Just let me change real quickly," Kara replied as she walked passed him into another room.

She quickly changed into her workout gear before setting her phone down with her stuff and heading out.

"Don't hold back Zor-El," Mon-El teased with a smirk.

Bring it Daxamite," Kara sneered as she they both began sparring.

Alex watched with amusement as her sister easily kicked Mon-El's ass, it ended with her on top of him grinning in triumphant.

"I win," Kara said with a smile as she stuck her tongue out at the man beneath her.

"It would appear so," Mon-El said with a smile as she leaned up and kissed the blonde gently.

Kara pushed him away as she looked around, "this isn't the place to do this," Kara hissed.

"So your loft then?" Mon-El said as he wagged his eyebrows.

Kara rolled her eyes as she stood up and went to get a drink of water.

"Look I'm sorry I just really like you," Mon-El said as he came to stand beside the girl of steel.

"I know you do but now just isn't a good time, I'm busy with work and being Supergirl," Kara started but she knew it was all a lie, she could easily be with him, it made sense to be, but she was in love with someone else.

"Just give me a chance at least please," he pleaded as he pouted at Kara causing her to laugh.

"Lena is having a banquet tonight if you want to go."

"Great I will pick you up at six," Mon-El said with a grin.

"You're not really going to that banquet with Mon-El are you?" Alex asked as she entered the locker room.

"Why wouldn't why?" Kara asked as she turned towards her sister who was leaning against a locker.

"You don't like him like that," Alex stated as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"I could try to," Kara snapped as she grabbed her phone and slipped it back into her pocket.

"And how do you think Lena would feel? Alex asked as she crossed her arms and stood in front of her sister.

"What does Lena have to do with this?" Kara asked as she matched her sister's stance.

"Don't play dumb alien with me, I know you like her and you are just trying to put your feeling for her onto Mon-El. It's a pretty mean thing to do and either way someone with end up hurt."

"Lena is my friend that is it," Kara argued as she brushed pass her sister and headed out.

"I swear she is so dumb sometimes," Alex mumbled under her breath.

Kara heard her anyways and swore to not take it easy on her the next time they sparred.

It was the day of the banquet and Kara was nervous, she picked out the most expensive dress she owned it was a crimson red, with a plunging neckline, and the bottom ended at her knees showing off her killer legs, she topped that off with matching heels. She wasn't sure who she was trying to impress but either way she thought she looked great. She jumped when she heard a knock on the door.

"Right on time," she mumbled as she glanced at her clock.

Mon-El's mouth dropped open when he saw Kara's dress, "you look amazing."

Kara blushed, "thank you, you look handsome."

Mon-El puffed out his chest and he grinned, "Why thank you my lady."

Kara just laughed at his antics as she took his arm and allowed him to lead her out the door.

Lena was bored out of her mind, she was on her second glass of scotch and some business man from Gotham was following her around like a puppy. She beamed, and then gasped when she saw Kara walk in. She looked breathtaking and suddenly Lena's mind began to wonder about all the things she wanted to do to her friend one of which involved bending her over the table and making her moan her name.

"Lena hey," Kara said shaking her friend out of her vivid daydream.

"Kara hi, you look great," Lena said with a smile as she looked her up and down causing the reporter to blush.

"So do you," Kara said as she took in Lena's black dress that hugged her curves tightly and showed off just the right amount of cleavage.

"Hi," Mon-El chimed in from his spot next to Kara.

Lena's green eyes left Kara's as she glanced towards the man who had his arm wrapped around Kara's waist. Lena gave him a tight smile as she turned to grab another scotch from the tray.

"So I should get back to mingling, hope you have a great time," Lena said to the couple as she turned to leave feeling her heart break.

Kara frowned, she hated seeing her friend so upset, and she had a feeling she was the cause.

"Want to dance?" Mon-El asked breaking into her thoughts.

"Sure," Kara agreed as she watched Lena dancing with some guy she looked miserable with. Kara wished so badly it was her; she frowned when she felt Mon-El's arms wrap around her and pull her close.

"So are you glad you came?" Mon-El asked as the guests began leaving.

"It was fun," Kara said as she watched the guy Lena danced with slip her his number.

Lena took it with a smile as she accepted the hug and kiss on the cheek.

"Are you okay?" Mon-El asked as he set his hand on Kara's shoulder.

"I'm fine," Kara snapped causing the man to cringe at her tone. "I'm sorry, that came out harsh, tonight was fun. Thank you for coming with me."

Mon-El beamed, "can I take you home?"

Kara smiled as she took his offered hand and allowed him to lead her out the door if she would have looked back she would have witnessed the tears falling from Lena's eyes.

"So did you really have a good time tonight?" Mon-El asked as he and Kara entered her apartment.

"I did yeah," Kara replied as she set her purse and keys down.

"So did that count as a date?" Mon-El asked with a smirk as he stepped closer to the blonde hero.

Kara's mind flashed to Lena and how happy she seemed with that guy, she felt bad about using Mon-El but she wanted to get Lena off her mind.

"Kara?" Mon-El asked worried.

Kara shook her head as she smiled towards Mon-El who immediately smiled back, "I don't want to hurt you."

"What do you mean?" he asked her a confused look crossing his face.

"I like you I do," Kara began frowning as she saw the happy smile on his face, "but I think for now we should just stay friends."

"But why? I don't understand," Mon-El whined causing Kara to get a little annoyed.

"I like someone else," Kara finally told him honestly.

"Who? James, Winn, some other guy?"

Kara felt her nostrils flair that he just assumed it was a guy. "Look it doesn't matter who, it only matters that I'm honest with myself and you."

Lena heard voices inside talking; she hoped it was just Alex as she knocked on the door.

"Who could that be?" Kara asked as she went to answer it. "Lena, hey!" Kara said as she held the door open for her best friend.

Lena smiled as she passed by but it turned into a frown when she saw Mon-El standing there.

"Am I interrupting something?" Lena asked as she put on a stoic mask.

"Not at all," Kara assured her as she ushered her inside. "So what's up?"

Lena's eyes flickered to Mon-El who was watching her as he and Kara waited for her to speak.

"Lena?" Kara questioned as she set her hand on Lena's forearm causing shivers both women couldn't ignore.

"I umm should go, sorry for ruining your date," Lena said as she grabbed her purse.

She was out the door before Kara could think of a response, causing the hero to frown.

"That was weird," Mon-El chimed in.

Kara jumped forgetting he was there as she turned back around to face the Daxamite who was watching her with curious eyes.

"Look Kara I really like you a lot so when you are ready to give me a chance, you know where to find me," he said as he also left, leaving Kara alone with her conflicting feelings.

"So I heard Mon-El asked you out?" Alex asked causally as she and Kara got ready to spar.

"He did," Kara answered as she set her stuff down.

"And?" Alex pushed.

"I do like him you know," Kara snapped as she turned towards her sister.

"But you love Lena," Alex snapped back as she pushed pass her sister to set her stuff down as well.

"She doesn't feel the same," Kara said sadly as she threw a few punches which Alex easily dodged.

"You can't possibly know until you tell her," Alex said as she tried to wipe out Kara's feet, Kara jumped as she avoided them.

"I just don't want to hurt either of them," Kara said sadly as she walked over towards a wall and punched it as hard as she could causing it to shatter.

"Ow what the hell?" Mon-El asked as some of the shards hit him.

"You were saying?" Alex asked sarcastically as she watched Kara run towards the man who was rubbing his head.

"Mon-El I'm so sorry are you okay?" Kara asked as she moved his hands to check for any damage.

"It's nothing," he said with a smirk as he waved her off.

Kara just smiled as she grabbed her stuff, "I have to get to work see you guys later."

"Umm hey Maggie wants to do a game night does tonight work for you?" Alex asked as she eyed Mon-El.

"Sounds great I'll invite Lena," Kara said with a smile as she disappeared out the door.

"Okay cut the crap," Alex said to Mon-El once she knew her sister was out of ear shot.

"Excuse me?" he asked as he crossed her arms.

"My sister is one of the nicest most caring people in the world, you better not be taking advantage of that," Alex threatened him.

"I agree, I really do like her a lot," he promised as he looked towards the door Kara left through.

Alex frowned; maybe she wasn't giving him a fair chance. "Okay then just checking, see you at game night," she said as she grabbed her stuff and stormed out.

"Why does everyone have to come here?" Maggie complained as she watched her girlfriend setting up scattergories.

"Because you wanted to do a game night," Alex told her as if it were obvious.

"I did?" Maggie asked confused.

"Look Kara is so in love with Lena its ridicules I'm hoping to maybe help them out," Alex offered.

Maggie's eyes narrowed, "seriously?"

"Don't judge me," Alex mumbled as she went to answer the door.

Once everyone was settled and had a drink, Alex's eyes settled on Kara and Lena who were sharing a small loveseat causing Lena to practically be in Kara's lap.

"Looks like they can handle it themselves," Maggie whispered in her girlfriend's ear.

"Yeah right," Alex shot back.

"So what game are we playing now?" Winn slurred as he struggled to open his beer.

James rolled it eyes as him as he took the beer and opened it before handing it back to him.

Alex looked towards Mon-El who was looking at Kara who was smiling at something Lena said.

"How about truth or dare?" she asked as she locked eyes with Kara who glared daggers at her causing Lena to frown.

"What are we 11?" Maggie asked as she shot Alex a warning look.

"Sounds fun," James and Winn chimed in union.

"See the wonder twins want to play," Alex argued as she gestured to the two men.

"I'm down," Mon-El said as he continued to watch Kara who was staring back with a frown.

Lena just gave a thumbs up as she looked between Kara and Mon-El as she struggled to figure out what was going on.

"Fine," Kara finally seethed as she continued to glare daggers at Alex who just chose to ignore them.

"Great I will go first, Kara truth or dare?" Alex asked as she looked her sister dead in the eyes.

"Truth," Kara said angrily causing Lena to put a comforting hand on her back which calmed the superhero a bit.

"Okay what is something you have been dying to tell someone but your fear got in the way?"

"Alex," Maggie hissed but Alex ignored her as Kara looked more and more angry.

Kara stood up and she clapped her hands and looked back and forth between a very confused Lena and Mon-El, "well the truth is my sister is an ass, so glad I got that off my chest." With that Kara turned and stormed out making sure to slam to door behind her.

Lena and Mon-El both went stood to go after but Alex stopped them, "this is my mess."

Kara wait!" Alex called as she saw Kara staring down the elevator.

"Just leave me alone," she seethed.

Alex was worried she had never seen her sister this angry before, "Kara talk to me."

"About?" Kara spit out refusing to look at her sister.

Alex grabbed her hand and dragged her into an empty hallway, "what is really bothering you."

"I could have lost her!" Kara yelled as tears streamed down her face. "She is so important to me and you could have cost me that!"

"How?" Alex asked gently.

"What if she doesn't' feel the same? What if her mother finds out?" So many things," Kara cried out.

"You shouldn't let that stop you," Alex urged her. "I see the way she looks at you it's the same way you look at her."

Kara looked away, "Mon-El is just a better choice," she said as if trying to convince herself.

"Bullshit," Alex spit out. "Stop denying your own happiness, you love her, go get her."

"I have to go," Kara whispered as she walked pass her sister and disappeared into the darkness.

"Is she okay?" Lena asked as she saw Alex enter the apartment.

"She's fine," Alex said as she traded a worried look with Maggie.

"I should go talk to her," Mon-El spoke up as he headed for the door.

"I think she needs a friend," Alex spoke up as she shot Lena a knowing look.

Lena knew in that second that Alex knew about her feelings for Kara and she supported them.

"We can go," James said as he pulled a drunken Winn up to a standing position.

"Oh sit down," Alex snapped as she waved them off.

James and Winn flopped back down as they pouted.

Lena grabbed her purse and bid everyone goodbye as she headed straight for Kara's.

Kara sat on her windowsill just staring out at the night as tears kept coming, she loved Lena so much, that she couldn't hide even if she wanted to, but what if Lena just didn't feel the same? Or something happened to her because of who she was?"

"Kara are you in there?" Lena called as she knocked on the door.

"It's open," Kara called back as she turned back around to watch the stars.

Lena set her purse down before walking over to the other girl, "are you okay?"

Kara slowly turned around as she wiped her eyes, "I'm fine," she said her voice hoarse.

"You've been crying," Lena said concerned as she wiped away a stray tear Kara didn't know was falling.

"It's nothing," Kara lied as she went to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

"Please talk to me. I know something is bothering you and it kills me that I can't make it better," Lena pleaded as she placed a hand on Kara's shoulder.

Kara closed her eyes as she set the water on the counter, she was about to speak when a knock caused her to stop and look towards the door.

"I better get that," she said as she walked pass Lena who was silently wishing death upon the person on the other side of that door.

"Mon-El hey," Kara whispered as she waved him in.

"Hey I was worried is everything okay?" he asked as he hugged the hero tightly.

Kara returned the hug awkwardly as she looked towards Lena who had a look of hurt and anger across her face.

"I'm fine I was talking to Lena," Kara said as she shot a shy smile to the CEO which was immediately returned.

"Right well maybe we can talk later," he said as he kissed her forehead before turning to leave.

"Mon-El?" Kara said as she grabbed his arm.

Mon-El turned towards her a hopeful look in his eyes.

"Thank you for being such a good friend," Kara said a frown crossing her face when the look left his eyes.

He just nodded as he left.

"So I believe you were going to tell me what is wrong," Lena said as she went to sit on the couch as she patted the spot next to her.

Kara smiled as she sat next to the woman, who's' warmth made her feel safe, "Lena I have something I need to say and I'm so afraid I'm going to lose you for it."

Lena reached over and took her hand as she interlaced their fingers, "nothing in this world will ever keep me from you, just tell me."

Kara beamed as she heard those words, "God I love you," she just blurted out causing herself to blush as she tried to run away but Lena's hand in her preventing her from doing so.

Lena smiled as she leaned over and placed a kiss to Kara's forehead, "I love you too."

Tears fell from Kara's eyes as she heard those words, the three words she longed to hear falling from Lena's lips.

"I was so afraid I would lose you," Kara whispered as she played with Lena's fingers.

"That will never happen, even if you didn't return my feelings I would still always want to be a part of your life. It would hurt too much not to be."

"I was trying to convince myself I was meant to be with Mon-El," Kara said with a frown.

"So you guys never dated?" Lena asked her voice betraying her jealousy at the thought.

"Not at all," Kara assured her. "He did kiss me, but that was all."

At those words Lena felt a burning rage inside, and she wanted to find the man and punch him.

"Are you okay?" Kara asked gently as she cupped Lena's cheek.

Lena leaned into the touch as she leaned a bit closer her lips inches from Kara's, "I really want to kiss you."

Kara shuddered as she felt Lena's breath on her lips, "Lena please."

Lena closed the distance as she pressed her lips firmly against Kara's, both women moaned as they deepened the kiss.

"I have waited such a long time to do that," Lena said as she leaned her forehead against Kara's.

"I'm sorry I tried to push you away," Kara said as she kissed Lena's forehead.

"As long as you promise to always be honest with me from now on," Lena said as she kissed Kara's lips gently.
