Disclaimer: Spirited Away belongs to Hayao Miyazaki.

"Look at her. Why does she get to freely be around Kohaku?" One of the girls whispered disdainfully.

I kept my head bowed low, and I ignored their whispers and murmurs. Haku glanced at me worriedly and asked, "Are you all right?"

My eyes landed on his worried green ones. I faked a smile and nodded.


We continued walking down the hall, and I blocked out the hateful looks and silent insults directed at me.

Fine—I'm just fine . . . OBVIOUSLY NOT! Why do I deserve such misfortunes, after I have reunited with Haku and just received detention for a month?! Well, if the gods are not pleased with me at the moment to the point they make me stumble upon some obstacles, then I shall work to once again gain their favour!

It is decided. I shall work hard and run past these obstacles until there are no more for me to get over for the time being. No matter what, I shall regain the favour of the gods to replace these misfortunes hurdled at me with blessings instead.

My attention snapped back to Haku, who had his hands firmly gripping my shoulders, but gentle enough that I didn't feel any pain.

"Chihiro, I know something is wrong with you. Please tell me, and maybe I can help you."

I shrugged Haku's hands off, and with all the sincerity I could muster, I replied, "Thank you for worrying, Haku. But right now this is something I must fight. I'll let you know when you can intervene."

Haku nodded.

Okay, why did I make a bunch of unlucky situations occurring in my life sound like it is much more worse than it seems? Clearly I can get over this. Godspeed—directed more to myself.

Haku and I had our lunch in peace, much to my delight. We continued with our classes, and the day went off like usual. Haku waited for me outside the school as I worked off my detention hours. When I was done, we began our trek to my house.

"Now that I think about it, where exactly do you live?" I asked.

"I live in an apartment with Rin." He answered nonchalantly.

My eyes widened and I felt my lips tilt upward.

"Rin?! As in, the one from the bathhouse?" I questioned curiously.

Haku chuckled and nodded. "Yes, that Rin."

"Can I stop by for a bit and see her? Please Haku, may I?" I pleaded.

"All right, but I expect you to explain why you've been gone much longer."

I nodded vigorously. We laughed and continued walk, but this time, to Haku's apartment. When we made it to the door of his unit, I seemed to glow in glee like a pretty little bioluminescent jellyfish. Haku unlocked the door and entered.

I was greeted by an overjoyed Rin, who was wearing an apron and gripping a pair of chopsticks.

"Ah Haku, you're back! I just made some ramen for tonight! You really should—" Rin stopped her babbling when her gaze landed on mine.

Her eyes kept switching between Haku and I, until she angrily punched Haku.

"You idiot! I keep my eye off of you for the day, and you bring home a girl! Didn't you make a promise to Sen?! Unfaithful bastard!" Rin roared.

Woah, woah, woah. Hold on a second there. Haku—kind and sweet Haku, the one and only Haku who saved my life back then, a bastard? Now that is certainly something worth hearing, especially from Rin, who was formerly ranks below Haku in title and duty. I was fairly sure he would have thrown her out, had he still been Yubaba's apprentice.

My eyes were wide in shock and amusement. Long before the birth of Hanako, when it came to Rin, sometimes I felt like I was the younger sister, and she the older one. I laughed, which caused Rin to snap her attention to me. I began to laugh, and I wiped a tear that began to form in one of my eyes.

"Calm down, Rin! I don't think Haku would be the type of unfaithful bastard you speak of. It's me, Sen!" I exclaimed.

Rin furrowed her brows, and her face slightly reddened in realization. She looked at a rather irritated Haku, who was trapped under her arm, and released him before she was about to punch him from her already clenched fist. She turned toward me, and brought me into a suffocating hug.

"Sen! I'm so glad to see you again!" Rin declared in happiness, and I weakly returned the hug.

"S-so am I. Uh, can you release me now? I can't breathe." Rin released me from her killer hug and smiled at me welcomingly.

"Welcome to our little cave, kiddo. You've grown quite a bit. Anyway, would you like to spend dinner with us? I made ramen." Rin said and gestured toward the kitchen.

I nodded. "Gladly."

Dinner went off great, and the three of us got the chance to catch up. When it was time for me to leave, I bid Rin farewell with a hug.

"Take great care of your little sister Sen. Maybe one day I'll stop by and meet her." I grinned and nodded.

"Would you like me to accompany you?" Haku asked.

"Yes, thank you; it can get rather dangerous at night." I answered.

We exited the apartment, and Haku and I began to make our way to my house, which fortunately wasn't too far way. I looked at the darkening sky and heaved a happy sigh. Haku turned to look at me.

"Is something wrong?" Haku asked. I stopped turned to look at him. He, too, stopped walking, and we stood there and stared at each other for a moment, until I tore my gaze and once again looked at the sky. "Nothing is wrong, at least not now anyway. Thanks for worrying."

I smiled at him in gratitude, although I'm pretty sure it looked more like I was smiling at the sky. I was gladdened when Haku got the message, because I felt my heart skip a heart when a serene smile graced his lips. I could not resist this tugging feeling, so I quickly went up to him and quickly pecked him on the lips. My face grew hot, and I looked away.

You're treading in dangerous waters Chihiro! You're only thirteen, and you already go and aim for your first! I heard my conscience warn me, but I ignored its protests.

At least it's with Haku, and I'm happy that it is. He deserved every bit of that kiss as I did, and I never really got to thank him for saving me so many times in my life. However I'd consider myself a very fortunate girl if he returns the action. Another side of me seemed to fight back, and it seems that it won, because I never heard a reply from my conscience; my mind versus my heart.

I continued walking. "Let's go."

Adrenaline rushed in me when I felt Haku's hand grasp mine. He pulled me into his chest and brushed his lips against my hair. Our hearts were in unison, and it seemed as if they were beating for each other.

"You now know as well as I do that we're aware as to what we're feeling right now. However long I may have existed, I am currently in the form of one very close to your age, and we're both very young right now. Are you willing to devote yourself to me, every fibre of your being, as I would for you? At this physical age we are not supposed to clearly understand love yet, but in your eyes, do you see me as someone you truly love, or only feel a mere crush for? Do you think you are ready to take on this emotion, when you cannot even fully jump over common obstacles that are being hurdled at you? Please tell me."

I felt my eyes begin to water at his words. They're words, but somehow they managed to cut deep into me. However, I shouldn't let mere questions take me down.

Without thinking, I confidently answered, "I know that I am ready to take on such an emotion and to give you my love and devotion, because I already have years ago, back when we were still in the Spirit World, and when I was just only ten."

All was a big blur, except for my awareness of Haku's lips meeting mine. Ignore everything, even Hanako's distant pleas for me. As much as I love Hanako, she can wait, for the only thing that mattered at this moment was the love that Haku and I shared, even if we—I, am at such a young age to experience it.

Love: an emotion, a feeling. It was Pandora's Box transformed into one, single emotion. So great it was, yet so painful. It can bring blessings to those who experience it, but on occasion, it can also bring misfortune. Ah, love—a feeling that gives one both blessings and misfortunes. This feeling, experienced with my parents, Hanako, and of course, Haku. This feeling, worth much more than any obstacle I'm facing. Much, much more.

A/N: To be honest, I have absolutely no idea as to why I added an emotional twist in the end. It just popped up in my mind, so I decided to follow. Anyway yeah, that's all I have to say, really.

Edit: A few seconds after posting this chapter, I realized that I had also posted this same copy on one of my one shots: Beauty of Two. If you have read it, sorry to disappoint you, but that wasn't an act of mercy by posting another chapter. Just a publishing mistake, hehe~!