Disclaimer: I do not own Rosario Vampire, or any other property in this work that I did not make myself.
Rosario Vampire Re-Vamped
Chapter one: A high school out in the country that dad heard about randomly sounds GREAT!
He looked out the window with a bored, vacant expression. Tsukune Aono, a fifteen-year-old living in Japan, was riding a bus to some school out in the country. He had no idea what this school was going to be like. However, there was one prevalent thought that kept playing on repeat in Tsukune's mind over and over, a thought that, if Tsukune were to share it, it would clue anyone in on how Tsukune thought about his current predicament.
"…My dad is an idiot."
Tsukune was in his family's house, sitting at the table with his parents. "…So, let me see if I got everything straight here," Tsukune began, his tone carrying a hint of disappointment and a slightly bigger hint of annoyance, "The reason why I didn't get into any of the High Schools that I looked into, even though I passed at least four entrance exams, is because dad messed up when it came to sending in various forms."
"I'm sorry, son," Tsukune's dad said in an apologetic tone, clearly looking guilty due to playing the primary role in his son failing to get into any High School. It was a real shame too that Tsukune failed to get into any of the High Schools that he was looking at; though by no means a straight-A honor roll student, Tsukune was by no means a terrible student. In fact, he maintained consistent B grades, making him slightly above average. In fact, one of the High Schools that Tsukune was looking into, Azu-Daioh High, seemed like it would have loved to have a student like him enrolled.
…But because of dear old dad, Tsukune was out of luck.
"Dear, why did you forget to turn in those forms?" Tsukune's mother asked as she turned to face her husband, "You said that you'd do so after your interview at Shirayuki Offices."
"I met up with a few friends of mine after I left the office building," Tsukune's dad began to explain, "Seriously. I was literally only ten steps out when I ran into Shigure and Takiya. They invited me out to drink with them, and after a few beers, well…"
"…Okay," Tsukune said to his father, cutting the older Aono male off. Both Tsukune's tone and expression were monotone and dry. Tsukune did not what to tell his friends from school that not only was he not heading to High School, but why he was not heading to High School. His friends, two brown-haired boys (one of which wore glasses) and one boy with orange-brown hair, would be bummed without him.
…But then again, they'd probably join Tsukune in ragging on his dad. They were good friends like that.
"…So other than all of that," Tsukune continued, "How was your day today, dad?"
"Well, I do have some good news," Tsukune's dad began. Standing up from the table, Tsukune's dad put his right hand over his chest while putting his left hand on his hip (clearly meant to be a posture to convey some sense of victory) as he said, "My interview over at Shirayuki Offices was successful. I start work first thing tomorrow morning!"
"Oh, that's wonderful, dear!" Tsukune's mom cheered, getting up from the table to join her husband in dancing around in celebration. Tsukune himself merely sighed in mild annoyance as his parents danced around, celebrating Tsukune's dad being hired. Sure, it was great that his dad got a new job, but without any High School education, what chance did Tsukune have of getting a job in the future?
The next afternoon, Tsukune returned home after helping his cousin with something when he was suddenly more or less blindsided by his mother. "Tsukune, sweetie, I have wonderful news!" Tsukune's mom practically exclaimed, tears running down the sides of her face.
"What is it, mom?" Tsukune asked.
"Your father found a High School for you to go to!" Tsukune's mom explained.
"Wait, what?" Tsukune nearly exclaimed out of surprise, clearly not expecting news of this sort of nature.
Pulling out an envelope, Tsukune's mom explained, "The school is called Yokai Academy. It's a bit out in the country, but there's no need to worry about an entrance exam or anything!"
Gently receiving the envelope from his mother, Tsukune looked it over. "And…how did dad come by this?" Tsukune asked, not being able to help but be a little skeptical.
"Your father's boss at the place he started working at today," Tsukune's mom began as she tried to simmer down a bit, "Recommended this to your father when your father mentioned how he forgot to turn in those forms that were needed for you to get into a High School here."
"…And how does dad's boss know about this place?" Tsukune asked.
"Who cares?" Tsukune's mom replied in an excited tone, "You're going to High School after all!"
Tsukune, still riding the bus out into the country, was thinking back on the circumstances that led to his predicament today. Maybe if Tsukune himself went about turning in those forms, then he might be going to a High School that wasn't located out in the damn frigg'en country. But still, Tsukune would have to give this Yokai Academy place some credit. After all, it was getting him away from his bumbling idiot of a father
"…Hey, kid," the bus driver said aloud, catching Tsukune's interest. After all, only Tsukune and the bus driver were on the bus; who else would the bus driver be talking to? "Going to Yokai Academy, are you?" the bus driver continued.
"Umm…yeah," Tsukune replied, not quite sure where this conversation was heading.
"I hope that you have your final affairs all settled out, then," the bus driver said, "Because as soon as we go through that tunnel that's ahead of us, we'll see the academy."
"Oh good," Tsukune replied, a hint of relief in his tone, "About time that-"
"You might never see anything else ever again," the bus driver said, cutting Tsukune off midsentence.
"…Que?" Tsukune said, clearly looking like a person who wasn't sure of what they had just heard.
Tsukune was standing on a road that was overlooking a cliffside view of what looked like a red sea. Not the Red Sea, but a sea that was literally the color red. Tsukune did not fail science; he knew that water was not supposed to be that color. At the end of the road, Tsukune saw a large building that was practically castle-like. It looked like that one school for wizard students, but only if said school decided to go to some edgy retail store in the local mall. There was even thunder and lightning in the background.
"…Are you kidding me?" Tsukune thought as he looked at that building, figuring that since it was the only building he saw, it had to be his new school, that 'Yokai Academy' place that his dad learned about, "That school looks like the alma mater for all of the characters from 'The nightmare before Christmas'. What's next, am I going to run into a vampire or something?" Tsukune would have continued to think about the appearance of Yokai Academy, but the sounds of someone riding a bicycle at near breakneck speeds interrupted his thoughts.
"AAAA!" a female voice called out, "Get out of the way!" Before Tsukune could even act, he was hit from the side by an out of control bike. Tsukune, the bike and the bike's rider were all sent flying, landing on the ground as a result.
"Ow, my head…" Tsukune moaned, more out of annoyance rather than pain (there was still plenty of pain though). Sitting upright, Tsukune began in an annoyed and angry tone, "Hey, why don't you-" Tsukune stopped short when he saw who it was exactly that crashed into him; it was a girl, one of the most beautiful that he'd ever seen. Fair, flawless skin, an incredibly cute face, deep green eyes, long pink hair (welcome to Japan, where the hair is rainbow and logic doesn't matter) and she was wearing the girl's version of the school uniform that Tsukune was wearing right now.
"Oh, sorry about crashing into you like that," the girl said, "But I got a little dizzy on my ride here. I get dizzy from time to time sometimes and OH!" The girl stopped midsentence, pointed to something, which Tsukune saw was the side of his right hand, which was scraped enough to be bleeding. "Here, let me help," the girl said as she inched forward towards Tsukune, a handcloth in her outheld right hand.
"Oh," Tsukune said, grateful that someone (a cute girl in this case) was looking to try and help him with his injury, "Why thank you very-" Tsukune was cut off when the girl fell over onto him, falling onto his chest.
"Oh no…it's happening again…" the girl said, the dizzy hint in her tone returning.
"Umm…" Tsukune said, clearly a little embarrassed because such a cute girl was so close to him, "Do you need any-"
"I'm sorry…" the girl said, gently holding a hand to the side of Tsukune's face. Reaching her head forward towards Tsukune's neck, the girl bit down, surprising and alarming Tsukune at the same time. The Aono boy could feel the girl actually sucking his blood. The girl let her bite on Tsukune's neck go and backed a bit away.
"…Sorry about that," the girl said, "But you see, I'm a vampire."
"…I hope someone picks up that phone," Tsukune thought, "Because I frigg'en CALLED IT!"
Later, Tsukune and the girl, with the latter pushing her bike, were walking towards the building in the distance. "Oh, I didn't even introduce myself," the girl said to Tsukune, sounding somewhat embarrassed, "My name is Moka Akashiya, and I know that I already told you this, but I'm a vampire."
"You don't say," Tsukune remarked.
"What's your name?" Moka asked.
Figuring that there was no way any further damage could be caused at this point, Tsukune decided to give his name. "The name's Tsukune Aono. I'm glad to meet both your acquaintance and the acquaintance of your bike." Moka had to process what Tsukune said for a second, but after that she let out a giggle.
"You're a pretty funny guy, Tsukune," Moka remarked, "I hope we can be friends!"
"Friends with a vampire?" Tsukune thought, "Well, so long as I don't have to go on any walks with a vampire, I don't really see any problem." Speaking out loud, Tsukune said, "I don't see why not, Moka." Turning his head around so that he could face the approaching school grounds, Tsukune thought that things were actually beginning to look pretty good for him.
"Hi, everyone," the teacher in Tsukune's homeroom, Ms. Nekonome, said as she began class, "I'm Shizuka Nekonome, and I'll be your homeroom teacher. Welcome to Yokai Academy."
"…Huh," Tsukune thought, "So far, so-"
"As I'm sure you're all aware," Ms. Nekonome said, unknowingly interrupting Tsukune's thoughts, "Yokai Academy is a school for monsters." After hearing Ms. Nekonome say that bit, Tsukune only had one thought.
"Anywho, since humans rule the world, us monsters have to learn to peacefully coexist with them," Ms. Nekonome continued, "And that's part of why you all are here. In addition to your standard education, you will learn how to peacefully coexist with humans." Tapping the chalkboard behind her with a yard stick, Ms. Nekonome continued, "And that brings us to rule number one here at Yokai Academy; while here, you must maintain your human forms at all times. Likewise, you cannot tell anyone, even your fellow students, about your true nature."
"…So, I guess that means that I can't tell anyone that I have a Timid nature and five perfect IVs, the missing one being physical attack?" Tsukune thought dryly as he continued to listen to his homeroom teacher's lecture, hoping like hell that she would drop some sort of hint that would help him, quite possibly the lone human at a school for monsters, survive in a place where there was a good chance at least half the school's population might want to eat him.
"Umm, question, ma'am," one male student asked. This boy looked like something of a punk, and he was seated on the row on Tsukune's left and one desk ahead. "Couldn't we just eat all of the humans?" the student asked, "I'm kind of craving a cute human girl right now…"
"You're Saizou Komiya, right?" Ms. Nekonome said as she held up a clipboard to check something, "…Yeah, I got that right!" Lowering the clipboard back down, Ms. Nekonome said, "Don't worry, none of you students will be running into any humans here. Everyone, and I do mean everyone, here at Yokai Academy are monsters, same as everyone in this classroom."
"…Well, some people think that humans are the worst monsters out there," Tsukune thought dryly, "But then again, with such charming examples in human history, one can't really blame someone for making such a-"
"Sorry I'm late!" Moka's familiar voice called out, cutting Tsukune's thoughts off, "I got lost in the halls after the entrance ceremony!" Everyone looked over to the door to the classroom. Thus, everyone saw Moka walk in.
"Oh, don't worry about that," Ms. Nekonome said to Moka, "It's only the first day of class. We're just going to go over some introductory stuff and hand out a syllabus, then the rest of the period will more or less be free period." Pointing to somewhere in the classroom, Ms. Nekonome said, "There's an empty seat right next to Tsukune. Why don't you sit down there?"
Every student in the class, aside from Tsukune since he already met her, couldn't believe Moka when they saw her. She was just at a level of beauty that most until that moment didn't believe even existed. The boys were all besides themselves with elation, with some of them even feeling that life was worth living again.
"Tsukune?" Moka said in a question tone.
"He's that boy right over there," Ms. Nekonome said, pointing Tsukune out to Moka. Upon seeing Tsukune and recognizing him, Moka practically ran right over to him, and when she got up to him, she threw her arms around his shoulders.
"It's you!" Moka nearly exclaimed, "I'm so happy that there's a familiar face here in class!"
"What the hell is his deal?!" one male student exclaimed, clearly upset in an annoyed and angry manner since the single hottest girl in class was practically throwing herself at Tsukune.
"How the fuck does he rate?!" another male student in class exclaimed.
"Now, now, settle down," Ms. Nekonome said to the class, "And can we please watch it with the language here?" As the class settled down, with most of the boys still shooting Tsukune annoyed looks, Saizou wore an expression that clearly indicated that he was considering some options in his head.
Later, Tsukune was walking through the halls with Moka. Other students in the hallway saw it, and all of the boys at least were shooting dirty looks of jealousy at Tsukune. Tsukune, for his part, felt uncomfortable. "Not only can I feel the scorn radiating off of all of the other guys here in the hallway, but I'm technically on a walk with a vampire," Tsukune thought, "If I had known this was going to happen, I would have prepared my last will and testament."
"Hey, you two," a male voice called out, getting Tsukune and Moka to stop mid-walk. Tsukune thought that the voice was familiar to him, and when he and Moka turned to see who it was that had spoken, his suspicions were confirmed when he and Moka saw Saizou. Turning to face Moka specifically, Saizou said, "Your name's Moka Akashiya, right?" Jerking a thumb at his chest, Saizou continued, "My name's Saizou Komiya. Remember it."
"And here comes the typical school tough guy that's a staple in all High School settings," Tsukune thought dryly, "What's next, an eleven-year-old girl who skipped a few grades due to being a super-genius of some kind? And isn't this the guy who suggested that everyone here should eat all of the humans?" To Tsukune's shock (and mild worry), Saizou grabbed him by the front of his shirt and lifted him up. With only one hand.
"I don't suppose you can tell me what a cute girl like you is doing with a piece of shit like this?" Saizou asked as he turned his head to face Moka, "Or is it that you haven't had much to compare him to yet?"
"The teacher was right," Tsukune remarked to Saizou, "There's a serious language problem he-" Tsukune was cut off when Saizou lifted him up and down quickly, still keeping his (Tsukune's) feet off of the ground.
"Did I give you permission to speak yet?" Saizou said, looking at Tsukune with a look of contempt. Setting Tsukune back down (not so gently, by the way), Saizou turned away from him and turned back around to face Moka. "When should I pick you up for our first date?" Saizou asked, giving off an aura of self-assuredness.
"Never," Moka, clearly looking upset, said as she reached forward quickly to grab Tsukune's hand. Turning to leave, Moka said as she more or less dragged Tsukune behind her, "I'm going to be hanging with Tsukune!" After Tsukune and Moka left, the students that were in the hallway started to converse amongst themselves.
"Ginei, dude, did you see that?" one older male student said to another, "That first-year dude pretty much gave that Saizou fellow a middle finger by snatching that cute first-year girl."
"You said it, Haiji," the second older male student, apparently named Ginei, said to the first older male student, apparently named Haiji. Shaking his head gently in a manner that conveyed some mild amount of worry for Tsukune's sake, Ginei continued, "I hope this doesn't end badly for that first-year dude." Looking off in the direction that Tsukune and Moka took off in, Ginei added, "He doesn't look like he can handle too much trouble.
"What was that all about?" Tsukune said as he and Moka had to catch their breaths after running from the scene of the confrontation with Saizou, "What makes a guy like that even think I'm competition for him? I'm pretty much your average-"
"You aren't average!" Moka said, almost exclaimed, cutting Tsukune off midsentence. To say that the Aono boy was mildly surprised wouldn't be too accurate. A girl this cute saying that he (Tsukune) isn't average? Tsukune wondered what the girls from the Middle School he went to would say to Moka if they heard her say that about him. "Besides…" Moka continued, trailing off as she started to blush with embarrassment. "…You let me suck your blood," Moka added, "It's pretty tasty blood, too."
"This girl is saying that I'M not average?" Tsukune thought, "Excuse me Mr. Pot, but Mr. Kettle called and said that you're black." Speaking out loud, Tsukune said to Moka, "So, what, am I like your food cabinet or something?"
"You were my first," Moka said.
"Your first…" Tsukune replied, trailing off in a manner that showed he expected to be filled in.
"The first person that I sucked blood from," Moka replied, "A girl never forgets her first time, you know."
"Her first time where she tried to cannibalize one of her friends?" Tsukune thought. Speaking out loud, Tsukune said dryly, "Well I hope your first time wasn't a bad experience for you." This response of Tsukune's prompted Moka to blush.
"Oh, stop it!" Moka said in a bashful tone as she playfully shoved Tsukune with one hand. However, since Tsukune is a human and Moka is a vampire, the vast difference in power between the two resulted in Tsukune being thrown with such force that he not only slammed into the wall behind him, but that the force of impact actually caused some cracks to appear on the wall where Tsukune's body had hit it.
"…I wonder if my family's health insurance plan covers vampire-related injuries," Tsukune thought dryly as Moka proceeded to grab him by the hand, pull him away from where he hit the wall (at her fault), and drag him along with her.
After they more or less toured the school grounds, Tsukune and Moka made their way over to the dorms. The dorm buildings, although they looked normal enough by human standards, were surrounded by dead trees, in which crows were perched and cawing. Not helping the fact was that the sky overhead was starting to darken somewhat, and Tsukune counted at least a dozen plus tombstones coming up out of the ground among the dead trees. "Mmm, mmm hmm, yeah," Tsukune thought dryly, "This seems about accurate."
"Wow, the dorm buildings look pretty nice, Tsukune," Moka remarked aloud, "Can't believe we're going to be spending our High School days living here, huh? It's a monster's dream come true!" Turning so that she was facing Tsukune more directly, Moka asked, "By the way, what race of monster are you, Tsukune?"
"That's right, miss apple-on-the-book-cover here thinks that I'm a monster," Tsukune thought, "I guess that I'll just tell her that I'm a dragon or something and-"
"Oh wait, I forgot that asking each other for info like that is against the rules here at school," Moka said, unknowingly interrupting Tsukune's line of thought, "Sorry about that! Forget that I said anything."
"…Sure thing," Tsukune replied, "But since you bit my neck to suck my blood, and since you told me so, you're a vampire, right?"
"Yeah, I am a vampire," Moka replied. With something of a mischievous look on her face, Moka gestured to the cross-like item attached to the choker she wore around her neck. The cross-like item itself was silvery, with a blood red stone set where the two lines that made the cross met with each other. "…However," Moka went on, "If I take off this Rosario, then my true vampiric powers are unleashed."
Giving the cross (or Rosario as Moka called it) a look of consideration, Tsukune was about to say something, but Moka, once again, reached forward and bit Tsukune's neck, sucking some of his blood. After a few seconds, Moka let go and got back to where she was at originally.
"Locked-up powers or no, a girl still needs to drink," Moka said with a wink and a smile.
"I don't think I'm ever going to be able to donate blood," Tsukune thought, "Side note, never take Moka here to a Blood Drive."
The next day, Tsukune was walking to the main school building, a letter of withdrawal in his hand. "Well, I wrote up this letter of withdrawal," Tsukune said aloud but to himself, "Now all I have to do is hand this to the principal and-"
"Yo, chick magnet," Saizou's familiar voice called out, getting Tsukune to stop in his tracks and turn around. As such, he saw Saizou come walking up. Reaching Tsukune, Saizou grabbed him by the front of his shirt, picked him up, and slammed him into a wall, keeping the Aono boy pinned there. "I heard that you and Moka spent a lot of time together yesterday," Saizou went on, clearly sounding like he isn't happy, "Just who do you think you are? What race of monster are you, anyway?"
"Isn't it against the school's rules to-" Tsukune began, but he was cut off when Saizou, using his free hand, punched the area of wall next to Tsukune's head, leaving a considerable dent in the wall. To Tsukune's further shock, Saizou's arm that punched the wall was transformed; it had pointed nails, the arm itself was bulked up and muscular, and there were even gross, darkly-colored lines (not veins) going all over it.
Lowering Tsukune to the ground, Saizou said as he returned his transformed arm to normal, "Here's a bit of advice for you, you little shit stain. Stay away from Moka. I got my eyes on her, and I don't need any competition." Turning around to walk away, Saizou added as he proceeded to walk off, "Especially form someone who isn't even any competition at all."
"Duly noted," Tsukune thought, still reeling a bit from what just happened.
As Tsukune made his way to the principal's office to hand over the letter of withdrawal he prepared, he was blindsided by Moka, who threw her arms around Tsukune's shoulders. "There you are, Tsukune!" Moka said, "Come on, we better hurry or-"
"Yeah, I need to cut you off right there," Tsukune said, interrupting Moka as he got out of her grasp. Turning around to face her properly, Tsukune said dryly, "I got a memo telling me that you and I aren't allowed to be anywhere near each other anymore."
With a mildly annoyed look on her face, Moka replied, "Was it that Saizou guy again? Geez, we ought to report him to the school staff! He's nothing but trouble, I swear!"
"Yeah, that's nice," Tsukune replied in a casual tone, "But anywho, I'm considering looking into going to another school."
"Another school?" Moka said, looking shocked and a little heartbroken.
"This place is just too far in the left field for me," Tsukune began to explain, "Any other school would be a breather for me at this point. Hell, even a human school would-"
"No human schools!" Moka nearly exclaimed as she cut Tsukune off, looking very determined about what she was talking about, "Humans are terrible! They're just the worst!"
"Thank you, I'm standing right here," Tsukune thought. Speaking out loud, Tsukune said, "I don't suppose you'd care to tell me why you have such an anti-human policy?"
"I went to school in the human world for a few years," Moka said, a somewhat downcast look on her face, as she began to tell her tale, "Everyone at that school thought I was weird when I talked about monsters. Like I was some sort of freak or something."
"I'm pretty sure that the school's resident tabletop game club would have welcomed you with open arms," Tsukune thought. Speaking out loud, Tsukune said, "Come on, Moka. Surely it isn't as bad as you say that-"
"It was really lonely there," Moka said, interrupting Tsukune again, "And I thought I would still be lonely, even when I came here to Yokai Academy." Shifting gears, Moka continued with a happy look on her face, "That was until I met you, Tsukune. You're making being here at Yokai Academy worthwhile for me." With a hint of concern seeping into her expression, Moka said, "That's why I'm asking that you don't transfer to a different school, especially to one populated mainly by humans!"
"…Sorry, Moka," Tsukune said, a hint of regret in his tone, "But I figure that it'd be the best thing for my health if I were among my own kind."
"…Huh?" Moka replied, not sure what to make of what Tsukune just said, "What do you mean?"
"Here's a little newsflash for you, Moka," Tsukune remarked, a hint of bitterness in his tone, "I just so happen to be a human."
"N…no way…" Moka said, backing up a step out of confusion and being mildly upset, "There's no way that…that can be true…"
"My dad sent me to this place due to some brochure or whatever he picked up about this school," Tsukune explained, "He obviously had no idea, no surprise there, that he was sending me to a place where everyone else either wants to kill me or eat me for dinner." Turing around, Tsukune said as he proceeded to walk away, "Yokai Academy obviously isn't the place for me, so I think I just go and-"
"Don't!" Moka called out, worry for Tsukune clear in her tone. Catching up to Tsukune, Moka laid a hand on his shoulder from behind. "You can't go, Tsukune!" Moka said as she sounded upset, "Is it really true that-"
"Humans are terrible, they're just the worst," Tsukune said, interrupting Moka once again and catching her off guard. Giving her a dry, knowing look, Tsukune continued while talking to Moka, "Is that not what you said earlier?" Turning back around, Tsukune said with a mild hint of bitterness in his tone, "Sorry that I won't be sticking around." Without any further fanfare, the Aono boy took off, leaving Moka behind.
"…Tsukune…" Moka said, a hint of somberness in her tone.
Tsukune was making his way to the principal's office, hoping that this time he'd be able to get there without any interruptions this time. As he walked, Tsukune heard Moka cry out in alarm. The Aono boy was ready to dismiss this, but upon hearing Moka cry out, "Leave me alone, Saizou!", Tsukune decided, against all logic and common sense, to change his mind and go see what the hell that troublesome stereotypical school punk was up to this time.
…But as Tsukune was soon going to discover, Saizou was far from a stereotypical school punk.
In a somewhat secluded area, Moka was struggling with Saizou, who had grabbed her by both of her wrists. "Come on, babe, what's wrong?" Saizou said in a clearly amused tone, "Why don't you just relax and let things take their course?"
"I told you to go away!" Moka screamed at the brute, only for the quote unquote brute to throw her against a tree.
"I said relax," Saizou said as he pointed at Moka, "We're only going to have a little fun."
"You call this fun?" Tsukune's voice called out in a tone that was both clearly disgusted and clearly angry, "Looks to me like it's an attempted rape in progress." Both Moka and Saizou turned to face the direction Tsukune's voice came from, and when they did, they both saw Tsukune, a look of disgust on his face and his arms crossed over his chest. "…Seriously, Saizou," Tsukune continued as he faced Saizou specifically, "If you really wanted to be both expelled from school and arrested by the authorities, there are less disgusting alternatives to-"
Tsukune was cut off when Saizou, with a transformed arm, smacked Tsukune with the back of his hand so hard that it sent him flying into the tree next to Moka. Getting up from his fall, Tsukune saw Saizou transform more and more, becoming a hulking beast with an elongated tongue, spikes on the top of his shoulders, and very slightly pointed ears. The transformed Saizou laughed maniacally before saying, "Cower, weaklings! Behold my true form! I am an Orc!"
"What, you aren't a gamma-radiated mutant?" Tsukune snarked through the pain he was feeling due to getting smacked with such force that he was thrown into a tree.
"Tsukune, I don't think making Saizou angry is a good idea," Moka said in a worried tone of warning, "Orcs are a race of Warmonger-type monster, and one of the more powerful races of that type, too!"
"And I'm the strongest there is!" Saizou declared as he charged forward towards Tsukune, clearly intending to beat the Aono boy into submission, if not going further than that.
Tsukune knew that his options were limited here; Saizou, despite his newfound bulk, was fairly fast, and if what Moka said is true, then nothing short of a monster that was stronger than an orc would be sufficient to-
-Wait, what about a vampire? Tsukune considered Moka, who was next to him, and the fact that Moka is a vampire. Surely a vampire would be strong enough to defeat someone like Saizou. But there was the fact that Saizou, in his untransformed state, was able to throw Moka around without any effort on his part at all. However, Tsukune did remember what Moka said about what would happen if her Rosario, as she called it, were ever removed.
Figuring that he had nothing left to lose at this point, Tsukune turned to Moka and went over to her quickly and reached for her Rosario. Grabbing it, Tsukune was going to yank it off, but he was smacked from behind by Saizou, being sent flying into some trees ahead as a result. "Ah ha!" the brutish Orc cried out in a triumphant tone, "There's no way that someone as weak as you could ever-" Saizou was cut off when an unearthly amount of energy and power began to radiate off of Moka, forcing Saizou to shield his face with his right arm.
Over where Tsukune laid on the ground, his right hand was grasping Moka's Rosario
"…Heh…" Tsukune muttered as he likewise felt the power coming off of Moka, "…Try having your fun with Moka now, you jerk…" Tsukune then passed out, right before Moka began to transform. Her hair went from pink to silver, her fangs became more prominent, and her eyes went from a deep shade of green to a piercing shade of red. Turning herself so that she was facing Saizou, Moka shot him a piercing look, one that made even a mighty Orc like himself tremble in fright.
"…You come out here," Moka began, using a voice other than the one she normally uses, "Attempt to force yourself on my outer person, then you throw my outer person's only friend around like a rag doll." Without even giving Saizou a chance to speak, Moka, this new Moka, jumped forward and sent Saizou reeling back with a single kick to his head. "KNOW YOUR PLACE!" the new Moka exclaimed vengefully as her hit landed on the Orc.
After Saizou was sent flying back, the new Moka turned to face where Tsukune had landed. Running over, the new Moka reached Tsukune and knelt down to check him. "…He's badly hurt," the new Moka thought in a worried tone, "He might not make it at this rate." With something of a smirk as a sudden thought entered the new Moka's mind, she reached forward towards Tsukune's neck with her fangs bared as she thought, "I think that after my outer person took some of your blood, I ought to give you some of mine in return. It should help you heal quickly, so it works out for the best."
The new Moka bit Tsukune's neck, but instead of sucking Tsukune's blood, the new Moka injected some of her blood into Tsukune. After a second, the new Moka released her bite on Tsukune's neck and got up. As she did, she saw that Saizou had gotten back up and was making his way over to her.
"Hot damn, you're strong!" Saizou exclaimed, clearly looking and sounding amused, "This is going to be more fun than I thought!"
"Well this is annoying," the new Moka thought, "He got up even though I dealt him my signature know your place kick? It has been a while since Outer Moka took the Rosario off, so I might be a little rusty due to being locked up for so long." Taking a defensive stance in preparation to face Saizou, the new Moka thought, "I better end this quickly before-"
The new Moka's thought process was cut off when something from behind her rushed forward towards Saizou. To the surprise of the vampire, it was Tsukune, who was radiating some power of his own. The sudden rush of this newly-powered Tsukune, combined with how powerful the hit he dealt was, was enough to send Saizou flying back again. The brutish Orc hit the nearest obstacle, and when he did, it was clear to the new Moka that Saizou was knocked out and thus would not cause any more trouble.
Looking to Tsukune, who was seemingly powering down, the new Moka walked up to him. Seeing that Tsukune was completely back to normal by the time she had reached him, Moka reached forward and snatched the Rosario from him, catching the Aono boy by surprise. "Do me a favor," the new Moka said as she got Tsukune's attention, "And keep an eye on Outer Moka for me, alright?"
The new Moka placed the Rosario back on the choker she wore, and when she did, a bright flash of light shined out. When the light faded, Moka had returned to normal. …Well, what Tsukune has come to consider normal here at Yokai Academy, that is. Moka was knocked out, and she fell over, prompting Tsukune to reach forward and catch her. "…The hell just happened?" the Aono boy thought to himself as he looked around.
Later, Tsukune was walking away from the principal's office with a now awake Moka. The two of them reported Saizou to the school, and he was taken to a nearby clinic for monsters to receive medical treatment; the brutish Orc will be punished at a later time. As Tsukune and Moka walked, Tsukune looked at a small and somewhat ornate link of chain that was wrapped around one of his arms and kept there by a small lock.
"So that Spirit Lock that the principal gave you should keep any side-effects of my inner self injecting you with some of our blood at bay," Moka remarked, "It's sort of like my Rosario, if you think about it."
"Yeah, I've been meaning to ask," Tsukune said, "What do you mean by your 'inner self'? Do you mean how you acted when I took your Rosario off? That Moka also mentioned stuff like this, referring to you as her outer self."
"Well, it relates to the Rosario that keeps my powers in check," Moka explained, "Basically, there are two different versions of me, both occupying the same body. When the Rosario is on, you see the me that stands before you right now. When the Rosario is off, you see inner me."
"…I guess it'd be easy to refer to this you as Outer Moka and the unsealed version of you as Inner Moka," Tsukune remarked dryly. Turning around to face forward, Tsukune said, "So yeah, I'm going to be sticking around this school after all, it looks like."
"Hooray!" Moka cheered as she threw her arms around Tsukune's shoulders again. Tsukune had no idea what the future had in store for him now. But what he did know was that things, himself included, were never going to be the same.
"…Vampires? The strongest, most fearsome of monsters? Ha. Don't make me laugh."
Kuyo, a member of Yokai Academy's Public Safety Committee who is currently moonlighting as a member of Fairy Tale, could not believe it. He and his fellow Fairy Tale members were surprised besieged by only three people. These people were clearly monsters, and powerful ones at that. Kuyo, in his battle form as a Youko, was standing in front of the three monsters who were attacking the Floating Garden, which is where they were all currently located.
All three of them had slim yet healthy builds and fair skin. The one on Kyuo's far left had scruffy brown hair that reached the base of his head, and he wore a green long-sleeves shirt, a pair of pale light-tan slacks, and brown shoes that for some reason had green laces. The one on Kyuo's far right had similarly colored hair at a similar length, but this second one wore a white long-sleeved shirt under a green t-shirt, tan slacks of a slightly stronger hue, and black shoes. The laces were still green, though.
The one in the middle was slightly shorter than his companions. He was also fair-skinned, but his hair was jet black and long enough to reach halfway down his shoulder blades. This third person wore a long-sleeved shirt under a baggy t-shirt hat resembled the German flag, a pair of black tripp pants with red threading, and a pair of black boots (either work or military grade) that had red laces. There were also the eyes of these three monsters; the two on the outer sides both had green eyes, but the one in the middle had red eyes.
Surrounding the three monsters were many of Fairy Tale's most powerful members. The members were all laying on the floor, all of them clearly dead. This greatly disturbed Kuyo, especially considering that at the feet of the slightly shorter monster were Akua and Kalua Shuzen, both of which were personally slain by the slightly shorter monster; Kuyo was a first-hand witness to that, as it happened just now. What made this even more disturbing that it already was is the fact that none of the three invading monsters had ever used any form other than their respective human forms.
"Well now," the monster on the far left said, "I guess that since my brothers and I have had our fun here, we ought to clean up shop here."
"We already killed every last other member of your little Fairy Tale group," the monster on the far right said to Kuyo and the two monsters that stood with Kuyo, "Once you three are slain, the entirety of Fairy Tale will have been wiped out."
"No…no way…" Kuyo said, clearly shocked, "There's no…" Stopping short, the Youko gestured to where the slain remains of Akua and Kalua laid at the shorter monster's feet before exclaiming, "How could the short one of your number even kill those two?!"
"Well me and Haldor's younger brother Draco here is one of the finest, if not the finest, assassins to ever live," the monster on the far left said.
"Heh, you said it, Lothar," the monster on the far right, apparently named Haldor, said to his brother on the far left, apparently named Lothar. The brother in the middle, apparently named Draco, said nothing; he only continued to glare at Kuyo and the two monsters that were standing at Kuyo's side.
"How could you three even get here to the Floating Garden?!" Kuyo exclaimed at Haldor, Lothar and Draco, "The skies around the Floating Garden were surrounded by numerous dragons! No one without clearance could have possibly-" The youko found himself cut off when Haldor and Lothar both laughed out loud, clearly finding what Kuyo to have said to be the height of hilarity.
"Did you and your Fairy Tale friends seriously believe all of those wyverns that were out there were actually dragons?!" Haldor said in an 'are you kidding me' kind of tone.
"…Wyverns?" Kuyo said in a shocked tone, unsure of what to think.
"Yes," Haldor replied, "Every last one of those so-called 'dragons' of yours were actually just wyverns; pseudo-dragons, false dragons. If one of those wyverns was an actual dragon, then not only would it have killed all of the wyverns, but it would have gone on to kill every last one of you Fairy Tale lot. And there wouldn't be a single damn thing that any of you Fairy Tale lot would have been able to do about it."
As he and his two fellows all took a step back out of shock, Kuyo said, "No…no way…"
"The three of you will die here, today and now," Lothar said as he pointed to Kuyo and Kuyo's fellows, "Once that is done, Fairy Tale in its entirety will be no more."
"But we'll show you a final mercy," Haldor said, "You said that you thought those wyverns that were flying around out there were actually dragons, right?"
"My brothers and I killed all of the wyverns too, by the way," Lothar added.
As he, Lothar and Draco all stepped forward towards Kuyo and Kuyo's fellows, Haldor said, "The final mercy that my brothers and I will show you will be correcting the mistake that you made by thinking those wyverns were dragons." The respective eyes of the three brothers all flashed, flashed in a manner that frightened Kuyo and Kuyo's fellows.
"And what better way to do that than by showing you what an actual dragon's power is like?" Haldor remarked, instilling the very essence of fear into the heart of the three sole remaining members of Fairy Tale.
"Feh, those Fairy Tale bastards were no challenge to us, Lothar and Draco," Haldor remarked to his brothers as they searched the ruined remains of the Floating Garden for anything that might strike them as useful.
"They were an annoyance to our race's plans, brother," Lothar remarked to his brother.
"What is the next part of our race's plans again?" Draco asked as he turned to face his brothers; unlike Lothar and Haldor, whose accents both sounded distinctly British, Draco's accent was clearly German.
"Now that Fairy Tale is no more," Haldor said, "The three of us are to head back to where father is leading the rest of our kind. From there, he will inform us about our upcoming trip to the Yuki-Onna village."
"Heh, the snow fairies?" Lothar said, "I don't know what father has in mind for them." When light flashed in his eyes again, Lothar said, "But there's no way they can stand up to our fire."
"That youko that I killed thought that his fire was hot stuff, no pun intended," Draco remarked casually, "But it was nothing compared to us. That youko was a mere birthday cake candle compared to our respective infernos."
"Ain't that the truth, Draco," Haldor remarked. To both of his brothers, Haldor said, "Anywho, unless either of you want to look around here some more, I suggest that we head back to father right now."
"This Fairy Tale place reeks to high heaven, if you ask me," Lothar remarked to Haldor in a tone of agreement, "It holds no candle to home."
"I too wish to return home now as well," Draco said. The three brothers nodded in agreement, and with that, they made their way out. Exiting the main building of the Floating Garden, the three brothers took their leave for home.
It was a flight whose majesty and splendor no number of wyverns could ever hope to match.
Author's notes:
Yeah, I'm actually doing a Rosario Vampire story. It's actually a manga/anime that I'm rather fond of. What I have in mind is a sort-of retelling of the story, but with a few tweaks and changes here and there. For example, this is only the first chapter (which would logically be episode one season one of an anime), yet not only did Moka inject some of her blood into Tsukune, plus Tsukune getting his Spirit Lock (or Holy Lock, whichever one you want to use), but the entirety of the events involving Fairy Tale has just been rendered moot by a far greater power.
But more to the main point here, this is going to be a tweaked story. In addition to Tsukune getting his Spirit Lock and a blood injection from Moka much earlier here than he would in both the manga and anime, but the other members of the newspaper club, in addition to some of them (not all of them) having slightly altered backgrounds, will be appearing in different a different order (I'm not counting Ginei's appearance in this chapter as his official appearance). Likewise, the newspaper club members will be befriended in a different order. This will be starting in the next chapter, with a certain little genius.
By the way, in addition to making Tsukune snarkier, I took his 'averageness' that was prevalent in the earlier parts and replaced it with slightly above averageness. He's not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but he is better than the exact smack dab middle. I figured that the character deserved to have some (but not all) of his rough edges smoothed out for him. Besides, the whole 'average' protagonist shtick has been overdone, as has the 'top of his class' type to a lesser extent. Has anyone ever done a 'slightly above average' kind of character?