DZ2's 'What Happens in Vegas' Challenge: HP/Marvel OR HP/DC
Plot: Wanting nothing more than to escape it all, Harry gets a passport, a chaperone and a ticket to Sin City, but what starts out as a night without cares turns into a future filled with fun!
Rules: Light or Grey Powerful Harry (Dark moments are welcome) GREY
The story must either be set in the summer between 4th and 5th year, 5th and 6th year or 6th and 7th year BETWEEN 4TH AND 5TH
After getting obscenely drunk, winning jackpots and having a blast of a time, Harry wakes up the next morning with a few memories of what happened
However, he also wakes up to find he's married magically to a HERO from either Marvel or DC
Who that hero may be is up to you: males are also welcome
His chaperone must be disappointed, but accept that Harry can't back out of it, and so must Harry
Before the end of the holiday, there's an attack from a villain and Harry's mate gets injured
As a result, Harry goes nuclear and reminds people why you do not piss him off!
When Harry goes back to Hogwarts, his new husband/wife goes with him
At Hogwarts, people are surprised, but also displeased to learn the BWL is off the table
At least once, someone MUST try and split Harry and his husband/wife apart
Obviously, other Marvel/DC characters must have some sort of role in the story
Any OTHER pairings are welcome EXCEPT Harems
As a result of their magical bonding, Harry's mate gains magic ACCEPTED
Harry and his mate join the Avengers/X-Men/Justice League/Teen Titans/Other Marvel/DC group REJECTED
Harry and his mate form their own magical variant of above groups ACCEPTED
Slash NO
MACUSA offer Harry protection against British law as he's married to an American citizen/hero ACCEPTED BUT NOT RIGHT AWAY; SITUATIONS WILL FORCE HER HAND
Villains from Marvel/DC side with Voldemort against Harry and his allies POSSIBLE
Forbidden: Dark or Evil Harry
Weak Harry
Harry/villain pairings
Harry OR his mate trying to get out of the marriage
Certain others accepting the fact that Harry's married
A villain NOT attacking Harry and co before they come back to Britain
Harry NOT getting revenge for his mate's injury
Harry or his mate joining any Dark teams/factions
If Alexandia had known the hell and pain that came with a hangover the raven haired witch would have stopped at a pleasant buzz instead of getting absolutely obscenely piss drunk. Chancing one eye open she nearly moaned in pain at the surgical strike of sunlight entering her bloodshot emerald eye before it shut nearly as quick. Morgana above where the hell was she? And what had she done after drinking that much?
-flashback forty eight hours priors, Alexandria(formerly 'Harry') and Sirius' arrival into Vegas-
Alexandria sighed silently as the pilot said they were making their descent into 'Sin City, population: your lost wages' making some of her fellow passengers laugh at the poor joke. Ever since the end of the tournament she'd been in a bit of a funk. Ron had been pissing her off more and more recently, Hermoines know-it-all tendencies were growing more wildly unchecked and with her- technically 'him'- winning the The Tri-Wizard Tournament every other Hogwarts students had tried to flock en mase back to get in her good graces. Of course Harry told them all to take a long walk off a short pier before disappearing into the castle. Finding him was next to impossie after that, every time they thought he was cornered to talk they'd be disappointed to find he was gone.Of course once the train was in Kings Cross Harry had been too glad to disappear with Sirius into the floo.
"I need out of here dad." The visage of scrawny Harry melted away leaving a rather well proportion witch in his place. Long black locks reached mid-back contained in a french braid with her bangs containing red and icy blue dyed highlights, instead of the rags or school robes she was dressed in rather fitting but conservative trousers and a blouse & flats dawned her feet. Tired green eyes met the equally tired eyes of her godfather/blood adopted father. Briefly her mind wandered to the circumstances that led to Pettigrews capture the year prior and shook her head mentally, Pettigrew was executed by Kiss publically and Sirius had been set free. 'With compensation' her mind added. "Before I kill someone and don't give one iota of Morganas cruelty who it is or why they end up a corpse at my feet" she said sagging back against the couch in Black Manors drawing room.
Sirius swept his gaze from Alexandria and sighed softly. Feeling his daughters frustations, it still boggled his mind that James and Lily bad kept such a secret from him, he knew it was in everyones best interest- read: everyone but their own- the two of them disappear for a while. "You aren't the only one. If I stay in this country a minute longer than I'll do actually do something to deserve being locked up in Azkaban" the older wizard said. "Oh I have just the idea to get us away. Theres a Black family property somewhere across the pond in the United States in a city called Las Vegas. The muggles call it Sin City."
"Sin City?" Alexandria asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Its a city where you can do what you want when you want and how you want to do it. You wamt to gamble at 4am? Go ahead, theres a casion open. You want to drink absolutely piss drunk til the sun rises? Theres bars galore open twenty four hours a day" Sirius explained. "Of course theres more to do but most muggles go to gamble, drink and in the case for most guys the stripclubs."
"Morgana above you're hopeless dad. Do you need to get laid that bad?"Alexandria asked with a small empty smirk at his pout. Forcing herself up she crossed the room to him and hugged the elder Black tight burying her face in his chest relishing the small comfort that came from his embrace holding her tight to him. Her inner child relished the contact more than her mental self did, appreciated that even though she was technically adopted and would forever be seen by Pureblood Purists as a a stain- she appreciated having a dad who adored her. "We could leave for the barest parts of the article cirle and I wouldn't care dad. I just need to get out England. Please."
"I'll get our documents ready tonight and a few doses of aging potion for you. I don't need it to gamble but you will. "
"Mom would kill you for encouraging me to fall into a vice." Alexandrias voice was filled with soft tones of laughter as she let herself fully relax in Sirius' embrace. He would make sure that she got away from the vultures, that they both got away.
"Maybe but what Lily don't know won't hurt her. Or me" Sirius said grinning a little mad.
Ok, that was one problem down but that still left a couple of puzzle pieces missing. A vague motion of her hand later the room was in semi-darkness and she sighed in relief. Opening her eyes she chanced a look around and noticed a few things that shocked her. Number one was the four bags besides the bed filled to the brim with US cash. Had she won all that? She thought her luck was horrible with all the shit that went on around her. 'Or its just my Hogwarts luck is horrible?" she pondered idly as the throbbing in her was eased by the small volume of light in the room compared to the dark.
The second thing she noticed was a piece of paper on the bedside table. Normally something so muncdane wouldn't catch her attention but this one looked offical with its gold stamp on the bottom. As she read it her eyes widened both in understanding and somewhat horror. SHE GOT MARRIED TO A PERSON SHE KNEW NOTHING ABOUT WHILE SHE WAS PISS DRUNK! While that fact settled in she felt a second presence with her at last. Emerald eyes shot down and found the sight of a beautiful woman curled up into her and using her stomach as a pillow. Red hair like fire, not quite pale but not tan either skin, no visible scars, curvy in all the right places, a pretty decent size bust and the blanket suggest her butt was nothing to scoff at either- all in all she fit the word beautiful to a T; no, even beautoful was short of what described this woman- gorgeous, bloody gorgeous.
Green eyes opened as the other woman stretched before stiffening. Natasha didn't remember much of the night prior. Hydra had found her on her own and sent a strike team after her here in Vegas. It was only luck she lost them and found herself in a casio in the company of a woman she could only describe as being angelic. Drinks were shared and then things got fuzzy. There was something a funky guy dressed like Elvis but he had on a weird pointy hat and he waved a stick. "Who are you?" she asked pushing herself up on shaky arms. Her eyes caught the glint off something on her hand and froze. The little bit of light in the room had bounced off a ring on her left hand. A wedding ring.
Alexandria saw panic fill into the womans eyes as her eyes landed on the ring on her hand. Her own eyes shot down to her left hand and like the redhead she had on a matching ring. "According to the uh... Marriage certificate here and the rings we're wearing I think its say to say I'm your wife" she said laying the document down on her lap. Her one saving grace was that they were still clothed. Morgana above only knew how much more awkward this would be if they had a night of drunken sex after getting married and woke up naked for this to happen.
Natasha snatched up the document and her hands shook for a moment. No no no no... This couldn't be real. She was here for a reason, not for pleasure fun or anything like that. "That... This is fine. We can forget this ever happened. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" she said to herself and tried to rip up the marriage certificate. Only to find the damn thing wouldn't rip or tear no matter how hard she tried. Ok, if ripping it wouldn't work then burning it might. Stumbling out of bed and over to her leather jacket. Pulling a lighter out she flicked the zippo lid off and hit the wheel sparking a flame before dangling the documents edge into the fire. It wouldn't burn! "What did you do to this?!"
Alexandria unconsciously flinched at the angry and accusatory tone in the womans voice. It reminded her too well of the Dursleys for her liking. "I didn't do anyrhing to it. I barel remember the last two days as it is. Drinking, gambling, you latching yourself onto me in a casino, us drinking more and now this" she said with a scowl on her lips and a hurt look in her eyes. She deserved being accused of things once, once!, rightfully in her life but this was not that. Stumbling over to look at the marriage certicate again her breath caught in her throat. Shit shit shit shit shit! That would explain why it would it wouldn't tear or burn- the marriage certificate was a Las Vegas Ministry of Magic marriage certificate! "Excuse me a moment."
Natasha watched the raven haired woman stumble back over to her bags and pull out a hand mirror. What was she going to do, touch up her makeup? The redheads eyes widened seeing a mans face appear in the surface as a rapid fire conversation too low for her to pick was exchanged.
"My dads on the way ovet here. He knows more about this stuff than I do." Alexandria saw the incredulous look on the redheads face and made a motion to stop her questions before they began. A knock sounded and she crossed to the door finding a dishevelled looking Sirius on the other side after opening the door. "Umm.. Morning dad, you look like you had a-"
"Alex, silence." Rarely did Sirius have to treat Alexandria like a child who did wrong but right not was deserved. "I told you not to go overboard with the drinking didn't I? I told you that there would unintended consequences didn't I" he said asking the questions rhetorically.
Alexandria deflated under the tone and looked away to the side. She hated disappointing people she cared about in general but to disappoint Sirius, her godfather and dad, was worse than murder in her mind. "I... I didn't mean to disappoint you dad..."
Natasha normally wouldn't give two moments notice to family members squabblings but two things made this time different. One, for better or worse the raven haired woman was technically her wife and if anyone had the right to scold her it was herself. Number two was that the man was her best source to understand the sorcery about the certificate not burning oe tearing despite her efforts. Unseen by her, or anyone, minute runes glowed a soft pink on the inside of the band as she crossed the room and pulled the raven haired woman into her arms and wrapped them securely around her. A shiver ran up her spine at the other snuggling into her embrace but she filed it away for later inspection. "Look, come on in and explain to me why this won't burn or rip. Use small words if you feel you have to but I will punch you if you do that purposefully to insult my intelligence" shs said waving the paper at him from between her fingers.
Sirius raised an eyebrow at the interaction and how easily Alexandria shrunk back into the womans embrace but said nothing as he entered. Taking out his wand he waved it erecting privacy wards and silence barriers. "I'll be blunt then. You married a witch, my goddaughter and blood adopted heir to precise" he said parking his butt in a chair.
Natasha scoffed at that as she directed the raven haired woman to the bed and sat them down. "Sure and I'm the Dahli Llama. Witches, wizards and magic are about as real as fairiies" she said with an almost amused look in her eyes.
Alexandria squirmed uncomfortably out of the redheads grasp and went over to Sirius. "May I dad?" she asked holding her hand out. Taking the wand from him, she was still underage so she couldn't prove it with her own wand, she turned back to the redhead and pointed the wand at one of the bed pillows. "This isn't my best subject so bear with me if its not the best. What was one of your favorite childhood toys? A ball with a design, a doll? Keep it simple if you're able to."
Natasha wasn't what the whole point of this was but she would humor the raven haired woman. Evene though her true childhood had not allowed for playing like normal children she did remember one thing that was close enough. "There was a ball that my friends and I used to play with a lot. Red in color with the shape of a star on it that had a gold border on the outside but the inside of the star was red like the ball" she said. Of course the "ball" was actually a gun range target paper and the star was for instant kill spots but there was no need to say that. Her eyes went almost plate wide as right before her eyes the pillow changed into the "ball" she described. "But how? Not possi-"
"I'm afraid so. Magic, witches and wizards are real. I'm one of them and so is my dad over there" Alexandria said wiping her brow with the back of her hand. "Morgana above I hate transfiguration as much as I hate conjuration." Tossing Sirius his wand back she sat back down looking nervous. This was breaking the ISS and she was risking a lot, well her and Sirius both were, by telling the redhead about the wizarding world.
Natasha fell back on the bed trying to process what she just saw. It defied the laws of reality and nature! Then again with what the Red Room did to her so did she by her own logic. "So... You're really a witch? You're not a metahuman like Scarlet Witch?" she asked looking over to the other woman.
"What in the name of the Queen in a metahuman?" Sirius asked with a thoroughly confused look.
"And who the bloody hell is this Scarlet Witch person?" Alexandria asked raising an eyebrow.
Natasha groaned bringing her hands to her face and kneaded her temple. She asks a wimple question and she gets more in return. God help her keep some semblance. A grunt made her look over and blink as her wife looked rather uncomfortable. Before her very eyes the woman seemed to regress in age.
Alexandria cursed as she had to pop her back to adjust a kink. "Morgana above you should have warned me that aging potions have a physical discomfort when they wear off" she said shooting Sirius a glare.
"I did before you chugged it down. You chose not to listen to me" Sirius shot back with a sniff.
"Aging potion? Who is going to tell me precisely what in gods name is going on here?" Natasha said sitting back up. If the girl was not of age than the marriage could be nullified, thank goodness for small miracle.
"My goddaughter here is not quite of American age to drink or gamble but between the shit the two of us have had to deal with across the pond we needed an escape. I suggested we escape here while shes on summer break from school" Sirius said adjusting his position so one peg crossed the knee of his other. "However due to circumstance she is considered of legal age within the British magical community. The aging potion was to settle the locals more than anything else."
"I'm uh..actually just fifteen" Alexandria said scratching her cheek.
"And unless you two" Sirius leaned forward with a grim serious look on his face looking squarely at them both "both want to die, you will find a way to make this marriage. Magical marriages are final and binding. Man and wife, or in your case wife and wife, are bound together at the moment your vows are exchanged. If one of you dies, so does the other in the same instant. If one of you tries to be unfaithful it will bring untold amounts of agony upon you. Magical marriages are not a game and you know that Alex considering your station back home."
Alexandria closed her eyes with a grimace. She did indeed knos all too well since her adoption by Sirius in combination with the Tri-Wizard Tournament had made her a legal adult and catapulted her jnto position as Lady Potter before her majority. "Yeah... I know. Can you give us a bit dad?" she asked opening one eye.
Sirius was already halfway out the door. "I'll meet you two downstairs in ten minutes. Give her the short version and we can do the longer one later" he said before closing the door.
"Well, long story short my dad is right. In the magical community marriage is as bindong & final as any contract. If we're going to make this work I think that proper introductions are in order. My name is Alexandria Grace Potter, the girl who can never catch a break in England and people keep trying to kill but fail. My family and now you are able to call me Alex, Alexandria is a bit stuffy in my opinion" she said offering a hand.
Natashas looked the teenager over and weighed her words for a moment. If it was truly as binding as they were saying it was she could have wound up with worse. The girl was cute enough and she could see she would be a knockout when she was older, she was polite and there was a glimmer in her eyes that spoke to a power & mischief that said life with her wouldn't be dull. "Natalia Alianove Romanov, my colleagues call me Natasha or Black Widow."