Chopper, caught in the middle of Kaidou's beastman army was fighting for his life to rescue Carrot, who was captured by his men and being held captive. But the beastmen had other plans for her.

"Stop! What are you doing down there?!" Carrot yelled. "You should know what we want, little bunny…" The rhinoman licked his lips. The horseman bumped him away. "Ever seen one of these?" From below, his penis slowly became erect, topping at an even thirty-six inches. Carrot looked amazed. "Wow, your willy is big!" Two more beastmen held her down. "Wait, what are you doing…?" The horseman ripped off her dress and spread her legs.

"You're not gonna try to…" She made a shocked face. "NONONONONONO! Bropper, help! I'm about to be a mommy and I'm not ready for that yet!" From the lonely shed they held her in, Chopper broke in while in Heavy Point. But because this is timeskip Chopper, he has to use…

"WA-CHA! HOO-YAH!" In Kung-Fu Point, Chopper defeated the beastmen and thwarting the rape attempts on the rabbit Mink, who looked in relief and awe at Chopper's daring rescue. "Bropper! You made it!" He took her on his shoulders. "Let's get out of here, Carrot! It's too dangerous !" His wounds were gradually wearing on him. By the time they arrived at the sakura forest, he fell down to the ground, unable to move.

"Bropper!" Carrot was on the verge of tears. "Don't cry, sis. Keep moving. Get us somewhere…safe…"

Chopper awoke to find himself bandaged by Carrot, who was naked and asleep. "We made it?" Carrot perked up. "Bropper!" She nuzzled him. "We're okay…for now." He sighed. "I was overwhelmed by those zoan users," He said. "They're too strong for me, but I managed to escape."

"We'll need to find a way to escape from here and get back to the crew…" Carrot ducked down to him. "I know how, Bropper! I've been thinking about it for a while!"

"Oh? What is it?"

"What if I were to have sex with those guys? They seemed more interested with me than they did trying to go after the crew." Chopper looked confused. "Sex? Why that?"

"If I have sex with them, maybe they'll let us go! But…I don't know how to have sex." She looked to Bropper with eager eyes. "What?"

"Can you…teach me?" Chopper looked shocked. "What?! Me?"

"Please, Bropper! Teach your little sister how to have sex!"

Chopper took out a book on the human anatomy. "Read this." He took off his pants. "I'll need to put my penis in your vagina, located here." Carrot nodded, excited to try the death wish for the American male. "The one penis that horse guy had was huge! I don't think that could fit inside me. How big is your penis, Bropper?" Chopper looked down. "It's not that big…" Carrot sniffed it, causing her ears to spring up. "That's good, it'll fit then!" Chopper went to Carrot and pushed his crotch to hers. "Wait, I think I have to get my penis erect like in the book." He tried to get it up but couldn't. "I wonder why I can't get it up." He read the book.

"Oh, I have to think of something stimulating, like Sanji." He made a face. "But I don't any woman that I'm attracted to…" He trailed off, remembering Milky the Reindeer Mink.

His face grew red, steam shooting from his blue nose. Carrot saw his penis pop up from his chute, as bright and pink as a pistol. "Wow, it's growing!" Carrot said, sniffing it. "Okay, now I can…" He stopped to see his surrogate sister sucking on it. "W-what are you doing?!" Carrot looked at him and stopped. "Sorry, it looked like a red carrot." Chopper took a breath. "Wait, this is supposed to happen. You're supposed to suck my penis until I ejaculate!"


"Keep sucking it." Carrot nodded and continued to suck on Chopper's carrot. She kept licking it, observing and discovering a taste to Chopper's pre-cum. Chopper looked overwhelmed at his first taste of sexual pleasure. "Bropper, are you okay?"

"Y-yeah," He stammered. "It feels great. It's like my body is melting away as you keep sucking." Carrot's ears sprung up, speeding up the blowjob. Chopper's spine shivered, stiffening up. Eventually, he released his carrot juice inside of Carrot's mouth, who jumped back by surprise. "What is this stuff?!" She said, collecting it in her hands.

"Semen," Chopper replied, catching his breath. "It's the bodily fluid used to create life." Carrot played with the puddle of cum in her hands. "It's all white and milky." She swallowed it. "But it tastes strange." Her face lit up. "Hey, suck my penis next!" Chopper sprung up in shock. "You have a penis!?" Carrot looked at her crotch. "Well, not exactly."

"No, you have a vagina and a clitoris. Men have penises, women have vaginas." Chopper went to hers. "If I touch you here…" He poked her clitoris. That one poke made Carrot shift into a different disposition. Chopper poked it again and gave it a lick only to have his little sister tackle him. "W-what's the matter?!" Her eyes were fixated on Chopper's penis, as she pounced on him and inserted it inside her vagina. Chopper's face fell down in a surge of surprise and shock.

"My penis…my penis…" He made a bashful, blissful face. "My penis is in heaven!" Carrot started thrusting down on her older brother nonstop without so much as a word. "Her vagina is wrapping my penis around like a snake on a rat! It's so warm, and soft…and wet…" His heart rate was increasing. "No wonder Sanji goes crazy around women." Carrot put her hands on Chopper's shoulders, squeezing them. She was breathing heavily, generating heat from her body. Chopper slowly stared at her and innately transformed into his Horn Point, grabbing her hips.

His penis also grew considerably, pointing out like a root. Carrot noticed it curling up within her, poking at her hymen. Chopper pushed her hips down and broke through it, causing the rabbit mink to lose her composure for a minute. Blood trickled down from her vagina, making Chopper's already red rocket redder. She moaned as Chopper took control, hitting her cervix and even penetrating her womb briefly. Chopper's primal instincts also emerged from the pleasures of sex. Even he couldn't make an explanation as to why his body was doing this on its own. However, he enjoyed it nonetheless. Before long, Chopper started to release another shot of baby-making mucus inside of his younger sibling.

But for Carrot, it wasn't enough. Chopper saw this and gained an idea, pulling out a rumble ball and chewing it. Channeling its power, he directed the effects of the drug to his scrotum, restoring his semen reserves. The testes swelled up and gave the Straw Hat Doctor his second wind. He grabbed Carrot's legs and stood up while thrusting. She wrapped her arms around his collar and took in his entire reindeery wrath.

Suddenly, Chopper transformed again to his Kung-Fu Point and took the deed to a bizarre direction, spinning and jumping with Carrot attached to his penis. Her vagina's tight grip kept her in place as he leapt around the cave, shouting and flipping. Even I can't describe how this looks, but it was a TKO for Carrot when the affectionately nicknamed Bropper held her close and performed a submission, resulting in his climax and her state of unconsciousness when slammed into the wall.


Finally, Chopper calmed down, falling to the floor. Carrot emerged from the rocks and took a breath. "That was amazing, Bropper." She smiled. "Sex feels great!"

"Yeah! It's even better than cotton candy! We gotta do that again!" He yawned. "But maybe…we should rest first." Carrot also noticed a lack of energy. "Sex really wears you down, doesn't it?" The two fell down, exhausted, but not before cuddling together.

Midnight, Kaidou's beastmen scoured the area, finding the cave where Chopper and Carrot spent the night. To their horror, the three beastmen were knocked away. Chopper in his Heavy Point came out the cave, ready to fight. Right next to him was Carrot, looking more feral than before.

"Time to use those techniques we learned, Bropper…"

"Right!" In the party of beastmen was a beastwoman, one who resembled a moose. From his crotch emerged his penis, thick and throbbing with rage, muscle and testosterone. For some reason, Randolph the Rabbit homedawg and his main crane mang were also with them. Carrot, taking an eye to him started to go into heat, emanating lust, warmth and fury from her body.

The events that took place would be known as the Full Moon Mounting.