I know I've been a little lacking when it comes to posting chapters and replying to reviews, lately. I've had a lot going on, so I'm sorry!



Sirens caught our attention. We all looked back in question. I mean, like I said, time was precious to us. We didn't have a lot to start with, so wasting it with cops and bull like that, it wasn't the best.

"We getting pulled over?" Sam asked.

Dean glanced at his side view mirror. "I've got a busted tail-light. It's not like we're in a hurry or nothing." He sighed and pulled over, coming to a stop as he waited for the cop, winding his window down.

The officer walked up to his window, shining his flash light through the glass, and right into my face before he checked out Sam and then stopped on Dean.

Dean stayed calm and focused. "Problem officer?"

"License and registration, please."

Not looking at the cop yet, Dean grabbed his papers and handed them over without another word. If we wanted to get out of here fast, the best thing to do was to just go along with it.

"Do you realise you have a tail-light out, Mr Hagard?"

Dean looked up at him then, though didn't respond right away. His body language gave me the impression there was something wrong. But when he didn't finally speak, I dismissed the idea.

"Yes… yes sir. Uh… you know I've been meaning to… take care of that. As a matter of fact-"

Suddenly, Dean opened his door, hitting the officer in the stomach with it. While the cop was recovering, Dean rushed out of the car and stepped up to him, punching the officer a few times.

"Dean!" I hurried out of the car to stop him.

Sam was right behind me, just as shocked as I was. "Dean!"

Ignoring us, Dean punched the cop a few more times before reaching for his belt and pulling out the knife which he then used to stab the cop. Thrusting the blade through his jaw.

Booby pulled up and rushed over just as we all saw a flash of light had me freeze, recognising that light as the same one every demon glowed before they died from the Colt or the knife. Pulling the knife away, Dean let the body drop before he stood over it, panting.

Bobby was the first to speak. "What the hell happened?"

"Dean just killed a demon." Sam looked to his brother with wide eyes. "How'd you know?"

Still breathing heavily, Dean looked to the demon, then to his brother, just as shocked. "I just knew. I could see its face. Its real face under that one," he explained as he looked back down at the demon.

Seeing the concerned look on everyone's faces, I took a step forward. "Hey." Cupping Dean's cheek, I turned his face so he looked down at me. "You okay?"

Looking into my eyes, it took a moment before he nodded. "Yeah."

"All right." Pulling away slightly, I looked to Bobby and Sam. "Let's get this body in that trunk." I gestured to the cop car. "And then hide the car. We're running out of time. So, let's do this fast, people."

Bobby and Sam got to work right away, leaving me to take care of Dean. Not that he needed taking care of. But I could see more than the others. I could see the fear in his eyes, and what was happening to him. I recognised the looks from years ago, the same ones from my mum...


I might've been freaking out a little. I just didn't get it. First with the nightmares, then with Sam and Liz's face, now I could see demon's. It was weird. Anyone would freak out. Any sane person at least.

Having a job to do helped. Having Sam, Bobby and Liz around helped. If we hadn't found where Lilith was, I would have spent my last few hours sitting on my ass, miserable. They kept me going. Gave me a reason to keep going. It was nice.

Using the broken branches Liz and I had gathered, the four of us worked on covering the cop car so it wouldn't be seen for a while. Chances are there wasn't any DNA or evidence that could tie the kill back to us, but if there was the last thing we wanted was for the FBI to be on our case again.

"So what, now you're seeing demons?" Sam asked.

I shrugged. "I've seen all kinds of things lately but... nothing like this."

"It's not exactly weird, if we're being honest."

I turned to Liz, confused and stunned. "How is it now weird?"

"Well..." She stepped away from the car and gave a short shrug. "You've got, what? Five hours left? The less time you have the closer to hell you are. You're getting a glimpse of the other side."

I still didn't get it. "And that means?"

"You're almost hell's bitch. So, you can see hell's other bitches," Bobby dumbed it down for me.

I was surprised by his bluntness at first, before I rolled my eyes at his attitude. "Thank you."

"Well, actually it could come in pretty handy," Sam noted, looking on the bright side.

Shaking my head, I got back to covering the car. "Oh, well, I'm glad my doomed soul is good for something."

"Damn right it is." Bobby nodded. "Lilith's probably got demons stashed all over town. We can't let them sound the alarm. She knows we're here, we're dead before we're started."

"Well, this is a terrific plan. I'm excited to be a part of it." I threw the last branch on. "Can we go, please?"


"It's the little girl," Dean told us as we all stood by a window, on the second floor of a house across the street from where Lilith was staying. "Her face is awful."

I looked over at the window he was looking through, seeing a little girl around seven or eight. I wasn't sure, all I knew was that she was young, and innocent. Her body being used for the entertainment of a monster, killing a terrorising that family.

"We go now." I turned away from the others, heading for the door.

"Lizzie's right. We're wasting time." Sam was right behind me.

"Wait!" Dean called, grabbing his brother's arm.

Sam spun around, looking at Dean confused. "For what? For it to kill the rest of them?"

"Yeah, and us too if we're not careful. Look." Looking out the window again, Dean nodded to the street. "See the real go-getter mailman on the clock at nine PM?"

Taking a look, we all spotted what he'd noticed. A mailman, out standing by his truck, flicking through the deliveries, clearly bored. They might as well put him under a neon sign saying, 'Demon'.

"And Mr Rogers over there."

We looked to where Dean pointed, seeing an old man sitting on a chair in his living room, facing the window, the light on next to him as he read. At least he looked normal.

"Demons?" Bobby asked.

Dean gave a firm nod. "Yes."

"Ok, fine." Sam sighed, lowering his binoculars. "We- we- we- we, we ninja pass those guys, sneak in."

"Then what? Give a 'Colombian necktie' to a ten-year-old girl, come on!"

I could see why Dean was struggling with the plan now. But what he wasn't seeing, was the bigger picture.

"Dean." Stepping closer to him, I looked into his eyes, trying to be soft and understanding as I spoke. "No one wants to kill the little girl. But there is more to this than just her. There are other people in danger. Innocent people."

Sam stepped closer as well, continuing on from where I'd finished. "This isn't just about saving you, Dean. This is about saving everybody."

"She's gotta be stopped, son," Bobby added.

Dean looked to his brother, to Bobby and then back to me, thinking it through, wondering about his options. But it became clear to him that there were no real options here. It was either run, or fight.

He gave a slight shake of his head, groaning. "Oh, damn it."


I looked over to see the mailman spot me. Right on time. Making a run for it, I ran around the house, knowing he was hot on my trail. As I dashed around the corner, I gave Liz a nod, signalling her to get ready. A moment later, the mailman came running around.

Liz grabbed him effortlessly, pressing her hand against his mouth as Sam came out of the bushes, knife in hand. He plunged the blade into the demon quickly, all of this happening in mere seconds. As soon a Sam pulled the knife out of the dead demon, Liz let the body drop.

We repeated this again, killing the other demon. Once both demons were dead, we hid the bodies in the empty house Bobby was holed up in, doing his own thing.

With the coast hopefully now clear, I went ahead to lead the others to the home where Lilith was. I was quite a few steps ahead, moving through some bushes before both Liz and Sam. I was too far ahead for them to warn me.

Suddenly I was shoved against the fence, my face pressing against the links.

"I'd like my knife back, please," Ruby spoke into my ear, pissed. "Or your neck snaps like a chicken bone."

Just as suddenly as she'd grabbed me, she was pulled off with the knife pressing against her throat as Sam pulled her a few steps away from me. "He doesn't have it. Take it easy."

Liz came through the bushes and towards me, standing protectively and close as the three of us watched the demon carefully. Sam may still think she has some worth, but I was sure Liz was on my side. She was a demon, and that meant she couldn't be trusted.

"How the hell did you get out?"

"What you don't know about me could fill a book." Ruby turned her glare to me.

The moment I saw her face completely, I saw her face completely. The demon one. The one that looked like death times twenty. Pain, misery and torture. Everything that had ever been done to her and she'd ever done to anyone else. All the horrible things in her life and the hell she'd been through. That's the only way I could describe how she looked.

My eyes went wide at the sight. "Whoa."

"What?" She was clearly confused.

Not wanting to see her anymore, I looked away. But curiosity got the best of me, causing me to give another glance before I looked away complete, shaking my head. "Nothing. I just- I couldn't see you before, but you're one ugly broad."

Rolling her eyes, Ruby turned to my brother. "Sam, give me the knife before you hurt yourself."

Surprisingly, he didn't listen. "You'll get it when this is over."

But she wasn't giving up that easily. "It's already over. I gave you a way to save Dean, you shot me down. Now it's too late. He's dead. And I'm not gonna let you die too."

"Try and stop me, and I'll kill you... bitch," he added for emphasis.

"Hit me with your best shot, baby."

"Ah, guys... can we do this later?" Liz asked, an urgency in her voice. "Our time's up."

She was looking through the fence and across the road. The rest of us followed her gaze, seeing several people- their eyes black- standing outside their homes, watching us.

Son of a... "So much for the element of surprise."

"Go." Sam opened the fence gate, ushering us through. "Go. Run. Run!"

We made a break for it, running as fast as we could. The demons were hot on our heels. If Bobby's part of the plan didn't kick in soon, we were screwed.

As we reached the porch I could see the look in Liz's eyes. She wanted to unlock the door. But in the urgency, she might be too loud. We needed something stealthier, which is why Sam fell to his knees by the door and go to work picking the lock.

The demons were closer now, and by the looks of it, we weren't going to get away from them. They would reach and kill us and this would all be over...

Liz lifted her hands and all at once the demons froze and dropped to the ground.

I turned, seeing the struggle on her face already. I wanted to pull her out of it, to make her stop. But we all knew I wouldn't, that I couldn't. Not when it was our only way. Not when we'd all die if she didn't keep the demons away.

But sure enough, Liz was already beginning to shake. It was too much for her, holding all the demons back. She hadn't healed properly from the last time she'd done this.

I sighed in frustration. "What the hell is taking Bobby?"

Looking to Sam expectantly, waiting for him to unlock the door, he looked panicked as he rushed. "I'm trying!"

The sound of water and screaming had me turn back to see Liz let go of the demons as they screamed and pulled back from the grass. The sprinklers were on, spraying holy water around the house, liken a protective shield keeping them out and us in. Bobby had come through.

"Dean I got it," Sam called behind me.

I laughed at the demons and started for the door, only to be stopped by Ruby.

"A little help here?" She was holding a weak Liz up. I hadn't even noticed Liz had nearly fallen.

Stepping up to them, I lifted Liz into my arms. "I got you, sweetheart." Carrying her bridal style, Ruby followed me as I hurried into the house, Sam already inside and closing the door behind us.

All eyes landed on the body of an old woman that sat right in the middle of the walkway.

I turned away from the body, scanning the rest of what I could see of the house. "You think Lilith knows we're here?"

Ruby was the one to answer, and I didn't like what she had to say. "Probably."


Dean set me on my feet. "You okay to walk?"

"I don't know," I answered honestly.

Everything felt weak and sore. I was fighting to keep my eyes open, which gave me the impression fighting and running were off the table for me. Maybe I could walk, but I wouldn't be of much use anymore.

"Okay..." Dean paused for a moment as he thought about what we could do. Looking me up and down, he eventually gave a sort nod. "You come with me." His arm slid around my waist.


He cut Sam off, "I don't trust her." He gestured to Ruby. "Not gonna leave Liz weak with her, and not really up to hanging out with the black-eyed bitch myself."

Ruby rolled her eyes, shook her head and looked away. "Whatever. Can we just do this already. We're wasting time here," she noted, walking off.

Sam gave me a quick, small, sad smile, before he followed Ruby into the next room. Dean's grip on my waist tightened as he gave me a short nod before the two of us started off, right behind Sam.

As we walked through the dining room, a noise behind us caught Dean's and my attention. He gave my waist a quick squeeze as a warning before he quickly let me go, spun around and grabbed a man, covering the guy's mouth with his hand to keep him quiet.

I'd managed to stay standing, but a little wobbly on my feet. Luckily, Sam was right there, offering me any help I might need just in case I couldn't keep myself up any longer.

"Shh," Dean whispered. "We're here to help. Ok? I'm gonna move my hand, and we're gonna talk nice and quiet, okay?"

The man nodded a yes, and so Dean slowly removed his hand, but at the same time was ready to cover his mouth again just in case the man was lying.

When he stayed silent, Sam spoke. "Sir, where is your daughter?"

The man turned to Sam, shaking his head, speaking lowly. "It's not... it's not her anymore."

"Where is she?" Sam repeated.

"Upstairs. In her bedroom."

"Okay, okay, okay." Dean nodded, getting the man's attention again. "Listen to me. I want you to go downstairs to the basement. Put a line of salt at the door behind you. Do you understand me?"

But the man shook his head again, not willing to go. "Not without my wife."

"Yes, without your wife," Dean insisted.


Sighing, Dean lighted his gun and used the butt of it to hit the man in the head, knocking him out. Grabbing the man before he could fall, Dean lifted him over his shoulder and gave the rest of us a look before he walked off, heading for the basement.


We'd left Lizzie with Dean as the two of them dealt with the man. Meanwhile, Ruby and I were headed upstairs, looking for the little girl's room. With the knife in my hand, I was pretty sure I was ready to do this. To kill Lilith. Even if that meant I was going to have to kill a little girl at the same time. That part was what I wasn't too sure about...

We reached the first door. Ruby moved to grab its handle, giving me a quick nod as she started turning it, opening the door. I waited until she disappeared inside and the door closed behind her before I headed for the next door.

I cautiously moved to the next door, leaning in close to it to try and hear anything from inside. When I couldn't hear anything, I opened the door and walked in.

I knew right away that it was the little girl's room. Pink everywhere. Toys, stuffed animals and a princess bed with its curtains drawn, making it hard to see what was on the bed.

Knife still in hand, I moved to the bed slowly and carefully. Never taking my eyes off the bed, and the barely visible figures inside. Shifting the knife in my hand, I got it into a position so it would be easier to stab Lilith with.

Reaching for the draped around the bed, I pulled them back as slowly and quietly as possible, so as not to wake Lilith.

The little girl's mum was lying next to her, awake and afraid, breathing heavily. She looked from me, to my knife. "Do it." Her voice was barely above a whisper so as not to disturb the little girl curled into her.

I raised the knife, getting ready to kill her. I knew it had to be done.

"Do it," the woman repeated.

The girl stirred a little, making a very human and innocent noise as she sighed in her sleep. That noise had me hesitate as I tried to remind myself that yes it was a little girl, but inside her was a ruthless, dangerous demon.

"Do it. Do it. Do it."

The girl moved, beginning to stir. The woman was getting more and more panicked, her fear growing with every passing second. But I couldn't do it. I was frozen.

"Do it! Hurry!"

The girl sat up, her eyes barely opened as she looked towards me. Eyes slowly opened, the girl and I froze as our eyes locked.

She let out a high-pitched scream.

The noise had me moving, lunging towards her, my grip on the knife tighter as I grabbed her arm and got ready to kill her once and for all.

"No!" The knife flew out of my grasp and across the room as a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me away.

Looking behind me, towards to door, I spotted the knife, now in Lizzie's hand as she used the door frame to keep herself standing. It was Dean who had grabbed and stopped me.

When I turned to him with question in my eyes, he shook his head. "It's not her." He gestured to the little girl. "It's not in the girl anymore."

Sobbing, the girl turned to her mother. "Mummy!"

"Mummy's here." The woman held her daughter in a tight hug. "Mummy's here. It's okay."


Sam helped me down the stairs as we followed Dean, with Ruby right behind us. Dean was leading the woman and little girl down to the basement, where they would be safe from both Lilith and the Hellhounds- if they came.

"Alright, no matter what you hear. You, your husband and your daughter stay in the basement," Dean told them.

The woman gave a short nod as she hurried into the basement, Dean going with them.

"Well, I hate to be a 'told you so'." Ruby looked both smug and pissed as the three of us walked past the basement door.

"Alright Ruby, where is she?" Sam was not in the mood to mess around.

"I don't know."

As we entered the living room, Sam looked to the windows. "Could she get past the sprinklers?"

"Her pay grade, she ain't sweating the holy water."

Letting me go so I could lean against the back of the couch, Sam turned to Ruby. "Ok, you win. What do I have to do?"

She looked at him confused. "What do you mean?"

"To save Dean. What do you need me to do?" he asked as Dean walked into the room.

Dean grabbed him from behind, trying to turn Sam as he spoke. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Sam shrugged Dean off. "Just shut up for a second." He looked to Ruby again. "Ruby!"

She just shook her head at him. "You had your chance. You can't just flip a switch. We needed time."

"Well, there's gotta be something. There's gotta be some way, whatever it is, I'll do it." Sam was desperate, we could hear it in his voice. Dean grabbed him again, but Sam fought against him. "Don't, Dean! I'm not gonna let you go to hell, Dean!"

"Yes, you are!" Dean yelled, turning Sam so they could look at each other. "Yes, you are," he repeated, calmer. He looked from Sam, to me and then back, seeing the worried, scared and pained looks in our eyes. "I'm sorry. I mean this is all my fault, I know that. But what you're doing, it's not gonna save me. It's only gonna kill you."

Tears building in his eyes, Sam looked away. "Then, what are we supposed to do?"

"Keep fighting. Take care of my wheels. Take care of each other." Dean nodded to me as he kept looking to his brother. "Sam, remember what dad taught you. Okay?" Sam gave a quick nod before Dean went on. "And remember what I taught you."

A tear slipped from my eye barely a second before we all heard a grandfather click chime as it hit midnight. We all turned to it, knowing what that meant.

Pushing away from the couch, I threw my arms around Dean as I began to sob against his shoulder. His arms wrapped around me tightly, his face buried in the crook of my neck as he pressed a gentle kiss there.

"I'm sorry, Dean," Ruby spoke. "I wouldn't wish this upon my worst enemy."

We all heard the Hellhounds howl a moment before they growled, closer now.

Dean pulled away and turned to look at one of the doorways, his body tense. "Hellhound."

Sam spun to look where Dean was looking. "Where?"

"There." Dean nodded to the doorway. Only he could see it. Maybe Ruby too, but that didn't help us.

Everything happened so suddenly.

Dean slowly pulled away from me, his hand finding mine. He gave it a little squeeze, a quick warning, before he was running, pulling me along.

We ran into another room, Ruby and Sam right behind us. I lifted my free hand and threw the doors together quickly, slamming them and holding them shut. Dean let go of my hand and moved to pour some goofer dust across the doorway before he hurried to do the same to all the windows. The moment the goofer dust was spread, I let the doors go, knowing the Hellhounds couldn't cross.

"Give me the knife." Ruby stepped up to me. "Maybe I can fight it off."

Sam moved closer to me, looking to Ruby confused. "What?"

I shook my head. "Ruby-"

She cut me off. "Come on! That dust won't last forever."

She was right. Sighing, I pulled the knife out of the inside pocket of my jacket. Reaching out, I began to hand it over, only to be stopped as Dean yelled out.


We all paused and turned to him.

"You wanna die?" Ruby snapped.

Ignoring her comment, Dean shook his head. "Liz, that's not Ruby. It's not Ruby!"

Sam and I turned to Ruby again, I pulled the knife away and lifted my other hand to push her away.

But she was faster and stronger, flinging us across the room and against the wall, holding us there. The impact had the knife fall out of my hand and my head hit the wall hard. She threw Dean next, throwing him onto the table, pinning him.

Grunting, Dean fought against her hold so he could lift his head and look to her. "How long you been in her?"

Her facial expressions changed, going from the Ruby we knew to a more childlike look. Lilith had taken over the body. "Not long." She looked down at her body as she spoke. "But I like it. It's all grown up and pretty." Turning back to Dean, she flashed her white eyes.

"And where's Ruby?" Sam strained.

Her eyes going back to normal, Lilith turned to him. "She was a very bad girl, so I sent her far, far away." She tilted her head with each of the last three words, the sound of her neck cracking ringing through the room.

"You know, I should have seen it before... but you all look alike to me," Dean sneered.

After a beat, she turned her head to Sam and slowly began to walk towards him. "Hello, Sam. I've wanted to meet you for a very long time." Grabbing his chin, she forced him to look at her as she leaned forward and kissed him. "Your lips are soft."

Sam pulled away from her as much as he could. "Right, so you have me. Let my brother and Lizzie go."

"Silly goose. You wanna bargain, you have to have something that I want." She clicked her tongue. "You don't."

"So, is this your big plan, huh? Drag me to hell. Kill Sam and Liz. And then what? Become queen bitch?"

Lilith snapped her head to look at Dean. "I don't have to answer to puppy chow." Letting go of Sam with a slight smile, she moved to the door, grabbing the handle. "Sic 'em, boy."

"No!" The word pulled itself from my lips.

But it was too late.

Laughing and smiling wide, Lilith opened the door, scrapping the goofer dust away. There was a bark and a growl before the Hellhound grabbed Dean's leg and pulled him off the table.

Dean screamed as it began to rip him apart.

Sam and I could do nothing but watch as he was torn to shreds, killed right in front of us as Lilith watched it all, a look on her face of pure evil joy.

"No!" Sam yelled. "Stop!"

Dean screamed more as he turned onto his stomach, trying to get away. But the hound kept ripping into him.

"Stop it!" Sam begged.

I couldn't speak. I couldn't do anything except cry with wide terrified eyes as I watched Dean in agonising pain.

Watching Dean brought up so many things. The image of my mother, lying on the floor, cut up just like Dean was now. I felt like the little naive girl I'd been all those years ago, weak and useless.

But at the same time, I felt everything inside me break as I watched Dean. As I watched the man I... the man I had grown feelings for, get torn to shreds. The hope I'd been holding on to, the denial I'd been pushing forward. All of it crumbled as I watched him.


Dean rolled over to his back again, only for the hound to cut into his chest. Blood gushed out from all the wounds, killing Dean.

"No. Stop it. Stop it!"

As the blood kept pouring Dean stopped screaming. He wasn't dead yet, but he was close.


Lilith smiled at Sam. "Yes."

Raising her hand, a bright white light erupted from it. As it built up, getting brighter and brighter, Sam and I looked away, closing our eyes. It was hot, and heavy, the light a physical presence in the room.

I could feel the power behind it. Somehow, I knew this was a weapon, a way Lilith killed. A way she tortured and maimed. Yet, as the light died, I looked over to see Sam still intact. We both were. We were on the ground, no longer being held by Lilith, but we were intact and unharmed.

She looked confused and shocked, even a little afraid, holding her hand up again as a warning. "Back."

Getting to our feet, my strength now back, Sam and I moved towards her.

"I said, back."

With a determined look on his face, Sam bent down and grabbed Ruby's knife. "I don't think so."

I lifted my hand to hold her in place so Sam could take his time ripping her apart just as her dogs had done to Dean.

But before either of us could do anything, Lilith opened her mouth and exited the body in a cloud of black smoke that shot through the air vent in the ceiling above her.

Once the demon was out of the body, it collapsed, the vessel dead.

Neither Sam or I cared. Our attention turned back to Dean, seeing him unmoving and still bleeding as he lay on the floor.

Tears began to form in my eyes again and I fell to my knees by his side, grabbing his hand and lifting it to my lips to give it a kiss.

Sam dropped to his knees, crying as well, as he grabbed Dean and pulled his body onto his lap. "No... no... Dean... Dean."

With Dean gone...

The End...
