A lot of things would be a change for me since I am with the ducks. Things were going good till something nasty happened, their enemy came out of nowhere. I learned that his name is Lord Dragaunus. I learned about him from Wildwing. The Mighty Ducks shield me. They want me to be safe from him. I then realized that he's not alone.

He has other allies with him. He has a dinosaur like creature named Siege and a creature that is like an actual chameleon, and he's called… well Chameleon. He also had this scary looking warlock with him called Wraith. They look totally scary. Mallory said, "Just stay behind us Debbie and you will be safe." I nodded my head telling her yes.

I gulped nervously. Dragaunus noticed the look on my face and he gave out a nasty smile. Wildwing saw this and he got very angry. He then said to him, "Don't you think that you dare harm her. Debbie has no one else in her family and she trusts me." I have to get the courage to speak up. I have to, for them and my late parents. I took a deep breath and sighed. I then said to Wildwing, "Wildwing, I know that you have to find a way to stop this mean guy. Your friend that Phil mentioned to me once Canard would want you to be brave. I know that he will." The ducks got surprised to hear me speak.

Well mostly Nosedive, Grin, and Duke were surprised to hear me speak. They snapped out of it thanks to Mallory and Tanya. Tanya then said to me, "Don't you worry Debbie, we will stop him for Canard." I smiled. The battle was on and the baddies were defeated, but they vowed that they'll be back.

Let's hope that this day never comes at all. I can't believe that I had the courage to speak to the ducks. Not sure what Phil would say. He got amazed when he heard about it. He was actually surprised about it too.

Then I heard some wonderful news. I have been adopted by the ducks and their allies! I can't believe that this is happening. I have a mighty life with them now! Wildwing, his brother and the other male ducks treat me like brothers that I have never had while Tanya and Mallory treat me like big sisters that I have always wanted.