BTW, Tiger's name is not Bà

Bit of a typo that I didn't realize before I went through the chapters XD

As for those asking where the next chapter is.



"So when did this happen?"

"A couple of minutes ago." Ying grinned as she collected her winnings from the betting table as the losers around her groaned at their loss.

"So what exactly was the bet?" Valkyrie asked as she watched her boyfriend stand atop a pile of exhausted Marines and Special Forces alike.

They were standing in the middle of the training fields a few weeks after Tiger had gotten back from his mission and he had healed pretty well and fast enough to the point where Doc considered him field ready. Valkyrie had taken a break from working on her cameras before grabbing some coffee for herself as well as tea for her lovely boyfriend before searching for said man.

"Well, Dominic brought up a challenge called the Ip Man 1v10 that he watched on TV." Ela groaned while looking at all the money that she just lost, "He suggested that we try to do it with Tiger and we bet on it."

"The thing is, they forgot about the fact that he managed to take out most of Team Rainbow while drunk." Zofia smiled as she swiped up her winnings while rubbing the top of her younger sister's head in sympathy, "You should believe in the underdog a bit more as I believed in you. If you did, you wouldn't have lost."

"Hmph." Ela pouted before grinning as Zophia split her winnings with her, "Yay!"

"I know that these guys aren't exactly black belts in the movie but they should've been more than enough for him." Bandit groaned as he watched his money be passed around towards the winners, irritated that he couldn't get his money from betting against the man a couple of days earlier, "Fuck me mate."

"I shouldn't have doubted him either." Castle sighed as he took a swig from his water bottle, having bet against the man and lost a couple more Benjamins, "Looks like he can take on a small damn squad by himself without much effort either."

"What were the odds?" Valkyrie asked as she handed Tiger his usual tea and he gave her a quick peck on the cheek.

"Easily 3 to 1." Ying said as she walked around and collected the money from the losers amongst the crowd, "It also didn't help that a couple of the guys were well known in the camp for the hand-to-hand combat strengths and techniques."

"That's my boyfriend for you." Valkyrie said cheekily while hugging his arms close to her.

"Alright! What about this?" Bandit said while grabbing a baseball bat from the equipment shed, "I saw something on T.V about Karate folks able to break baseball bats with a single kick. 100 bucks says that you can't even bend it."

"I'm down for that bet." A random soldier said as he and couple of his own buddies tossed in their bets, "He kicks that thing and it might break his damn leg and send his ass back to Doc."

"I'm sitting this one out." Castle said as he leaned back onto the pole behind him, "I'll just watch and not lose money."

"I got you on this one Little Brother." Ying grinned as she put down a couple of hundred, "Go knock yourself out."

"Please don't." Valkyrie giggled as Tiger took the baseball bat before jamming it into the ground, asking for a few of the soldiers to hold it down before he rolled up his leg and showing them his toned muscles.

"Is it just me or does his legs look like a nicely carved stone piece." Ying said to Valkyrie as she licked her lips hungrily, "Because that looks nice and hard, yum."

"Oh shut it you." Valkyrie blushed as Tiger flexed his calves before lining it up with the bat, tapping it a few times to test a few spots before rearing his leg back.

"Tiger! Valk!" Thermite shouted as he walked up to them, "Six wants you two in the briefing room for a mission."

"Really? Now?" Valkyrie groaned as she turned around and looked at the entry specialist, "You think we can ask Six for another day off?"

"Nope, it's a big one Meghan." Thermite grimaced as he was informed of the mission weeks beforehand, "We're talking about danger on a potentially continental scale."

The mood immediately dampened in the crowd as the soldiers took threats like these seriously, the casual attitude immediately warped into something more serious as they looked at Tiger and Valkyrie.

"Welp, it was going to happen eventually." Ying said as she patted Tiger on the back, "Go on. Hopefully, I'll see you soon."

"It's not hopefully." Tiger grinned as he quickly bent the baseball bat with a quick and sharp kick at the weak point that he had noticed early before following Thermite, "I will be back."

"It's just mission briefing Ying." Valkyrie said as she followed her boyfriend, "I'll tell you as much as I can after. Promise."

"Come on Meghan!"

"Coming you impatient fuck!"

The surveillance expert followed the FBI member as well as her boyfriend towards the briefing room as the group that had gathered on the training grounds talk amongst each other about the mission.

"I'm saying it's another damn nuke." Bandit said as he sat down heavily on a chair, disappointed that he didn't manage to get his winnings back, "They're practically easy to get a hold off and it's just another bomb for those guys to rig but it's just bigger."

"Maybe another chemical virus?" A soldier suggested, "Maybe it's the White Mask guys again."

"Whatever it is, I'm sure that Meghan and Tiger can handle it." Castle yawned as he stretched his body a bit, "If you guys need me then I'll be napping or grabbing something to eat from the mess hall."

Ying grinned as she swiped up her winnings before making a mental note to split some of it with her fellow Chinese operator and Meghan as she and the rest of the group dispersed to do their only daily routine.


Briefing room

"Nice of you to join us you two." Six said as Valkyrie and Tiger entered the room, "Please, take a seat."

"What's up Alex?" Tiger grinned as he gave his Russian best friend a good arm shake as he sat down next to him and Valkyrie took the seat beside him, "You're here for the mission as well?"

"Indeed, Maxim and Lera vill be joining as vell." Tachanka said as he waved to his fellow Russians, "I did not know that you would be a part of this as until you walked through the door comrade."

"Now that everyone is here." Six said as she dimmed the lights in the room before pressing a button on her remote and lit up the projector, "A couple of weeks ago, our spies in Kaliningrad reported sightings and traces of radiation in a private compound. The area that they were in was supposed to be completely abandoned but there's been a lot of trucks going in and out of the compound with armed guards at every corner."

"So it's obviously not abandoned." Valkyrie joked as she leaned on her hand, "So is this the usual hit and run mission Six? We find and defuse the bomb as reinforcements come in?"

"No, because oddly enough, Kaliningrad has an agreement with the UN that they will do their best to neutralize their nuclear armament in exchange that the UN or any of its members will send in military or official personnel to interfere with their work." Six said while pulling up a picture of the contract, "I suspect that it's the work of some greedy politicians but my informants found nothing."

"So we go in, defuse the bomb, and leave before they even know that we were even there?" Finka asked.

"There's another reason why this mission is so vital." Six said while pulling up another slide, "Two weeks ago, a DARPA shipment of classified equipment had been hijacked on transit from Colorado to a black site testing ground by an unknown group. However, my assumptions is that it is the White Mask organization."

"So we're gonna sneak in, disable the nuke, destroy or take back the stolen tech, and get the hell out of there as fast as we can?" Kapkan asked as he kicked his legs

"Your mission." Six said while sliding a manila folder to each Operator, "Is to go undercover into Kaliningrad under the alias of newly engaged couple with three tour guides and disable the nuclear threat as well as find any kind of connection with the White Mask and the DARPA hijack."

"Alright then." Tiger said as he opened up the manila folder and scanned through the contents before he realized what Six has said, "Wait-"

"Yes Tiger." Six said with a ghost of a smile on her face, "I am well aware of you and Valkyrie's relationship so the acting part of this mission will be more natural and convincing."

"The only problem is that it's too natural and they forget that they have a mission." Tachanka snickered as Kapkan laughed beside him and Finka blushed while not looking at Tiger in the eye.

Valkyrie was trying her best not to blush but her flustered face betrayed her easily, Tiger not doing any better as the two had mixed feelings and thoughts.

"Now." Six said as she turned the lights back on, "Grab whatever you need and a fueled plane is waiting at the airfield to take you to a local international airport to prep you with civilian gear and other things for this mission. Any questions?"

The group of Operators looked between each other before shaking their head.


The sound of shifting chairs and creaking doors sounded the soldiers going off to get their respective equipment and clothes as Six made a few final calls for the mission.

Tiger's Room

As he finished packing his gauntlets along with a few other clothes, the Chinese operator shouldered his backpack before opening his door to find a very nervous Valkyrie with all of her gear already packed.

"Is something wrong Tianshi?" Tiger asked while noticing the out of place behavior from his girlfriend, "Do you need more time to pack?"

"No! It's just." Valkyrie exclaimed as she rubbed her arms in anxiety, "It's just, this mission-"

"Are you not okay?" Tiger asked as he placed a hand on her forehead to try and check her temperature, "If you're sick then I can ask Director Six to-"

"No you idiot!" Valkyrie snapped while smacking him on the shoulder, "I'm talking about how this mission calls for us to you know, be actual lovers."

"But aren't we already actual lovers to begin with Tianshi?" Tiger said with a joking gesture, "Have you already moved on from me?"

"No! I'm saying-"

Tiger had already pulled her in for a hug and rested her head on his well-padded chest, patting the top of the SEAL's head to calm her down and it had worked surprisingly well.

"Calm down angel." Tiger chuckled as he held her close, "I know you wouldn't do that to me. As for the mission, I'm sure that it will be a good learning experience for both of us."

"So do we need a plan?" Valkyrie said as she bit her thumb in thought, "Maybe we should have like secret signals between us or-"

"Oh calm down Tianshi." Tiger said as he leaned down and gave her a small kiss atop of her head, causing the blonde to quiet down and blush even more, "It's not like you to be this planned out for something so natural. Just be yourself and I will do the same."

"Thank's Tiger." Valkyrie mumbled through the fabric before a soft cough broke the two apart as they turned to see a flustered Finka trying not to meet their gazes.

"We're ready you guys." The Spetsnaz said meekly before going ahead first, leaving the couple slightly confused.

"What's up with her?" Valkyrie said as she looked at the Russian's retreating back, "She never-eeeek!"

Tiger laughed wildly as he sprinted past the surprised SEAL that he had poked in the sides before she chased after him, screaming bloody murder all the way towards the plane.

In the plane 30 minutes later

"So what happened comrade?" Tachanka snickered as he looked at a very scratched up Tiger and a fuming Valkyrie as they were flying several thousands of feet in the air in a cargo plane, "If I recalled correctly, you're the one with metal claws and practically unbeatable in hand-to-hand combat."


"So how did Meghan manage to claw you to absolute shit?" Kapkan chuckled as the group except for Valkyrie let out a good natured laugh.

"Let's just say that she hates being one-upped by anyone." Tiger grinned as he wrapped an arm around the fuming blondes waist and pulled her in close, "So I let her vent her anger out on me since I am her boyfriend."

"Oh get a room you two." One of the pilots joked from the cockpit, "You all better get some sleep while you can after we land at the international airport and you all head out to Kaliningrad. We'll be there in about 3 hours."

"In the meantime," Tachanka said as he rummaged through his bag and pulled out a pack of cards, two clear bottles of vodka, and shot glasses, "Let us play a game."

"We're about to go on a potential nuclear mission and all you're thinking about is taking a drink?" Tiger smirked at the Russian, "I knew that you liked to drink but this is a bit much."

"No, no, no comrade." Tachanka said as he pulled a spare crate and set all of the items on it, "We are going to play a little game to learn more about each other yes?"

"How so?" Valkyrie asked as she leaned forward in curiosity.

"Simple." Kapkan said as he started shuffling the cards in his hands, "I'm gonna pass everyone a card and the lowest has to answer the highest person question. A question cannot be asked more than once and you can pass on a question by taking a shot."

"And we're going to play until the deck runs out?"

"Until the bottle runs out." Kapkan grinned while throwing each of them a card including himself, "So the game starts."

"Ah fuck me." Tiger sighed as he looked at everyone's else card and found that he had the lowest, "Alright, what do you guys got?"

"Calling it." Kapkan grinned as he rubbed his hands together, "Now, out of our group of friends on the base, who is the best looking girl?"

The group coughed at the sudden question before Valkyrie looked up at her boyfriend with several situations going through her mind while Finka looked at him with burning curiosity.

"So, what do you answer comrade?"

"Pass me a shot." Tiger smiled calmly as he unscrewed the bottle and Tachanka slid him a shot glass, "Because no matter what I answer, I'm sure that it would cause some unnecessary trouble."

"Really now?" Valkyrie said as she watched him down the shot in one go.

"If I said you then you might've not believed me and if I said anyone else, you would have killed me." Tiger said while taking a new card from Kapkan, "If you ask me, I'd rather not have my anal virginity taken anytime soon."

The whole group chuckled at the little joke before they passed out the cards again with Finka getting the lowest and Valkyrie the highest.

"Well this should be good." Tachanka said as he looked between the two girls, "So what will our dear Meghan ask hmmm?"

"Are you in love with Tiger?"

Finka instantly blushed at the sudden question but at the same time hardened, well aware of the blonde's competitive nature.

"Oooooooh." Kapkan grinned while looking at Tachanka, "This could be interesting."

Finka merely played it safe like Tiger did by taking a shot and slammed the glass down with a satisfied sigh.

"Let's keep it going." Finka smirked at the girl in front of her, "Unless you're scared of us figuring out your little secrets Meg."

"Bring. It." Valkyrie said as she glared at the Russian specialist and the group swore that they could see sparks hitting each other midair, "Bitch!"

"This is going to be a long flight." Tiger groaned as he watched Kapkan pass out the cards and the next victim be chosen.

Logan International Airport

The agent in charge of transferring the Operators into civilian gear and getting their equipment into Kaliningrad was beyond surprised as he saw the team that was supposed to potentially save the world came out of the cargo plane with half of them swaying drunkenly with the other half supporting them.

"Are you the agents that Six had sent to be prepped?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"That we are." Tiger grinned as he tried to shake Valkyrie awake, "We may not look like your SEAL team but we are so yes."

"Alright then?" The agent said slowly before gesturing towards the bus behind him and a few boxes at his feet, "I need for you to place all of your military equipment as well as uniforms into this so we can sneak it into the country without raising any alarms. You'll then change into civilian uniforms behind those changing curtains and grab your aliases gear labeled for each of you before hopping into the buses that will take you to the boarding flight that's leaving in 20 minutes. Any questions?"

"Yes," Tiger said as he raised his hand, "Are we going first class or-"

"Economy." The agent deadpanned, "You're supposed to be an average newly engaged couple traveling with some guides that know the area. Flying first class is just asking for the officials to scan you much harder."

"You can't hurt a guy for asking." Tiger laughed as he started to strip and change into the civilian uniforms and the rest of the guys laughed with him before he looked down at his drunk girlfriend and slapped her lightly in the face to wake her up, "Tianshi wake up please. We're here."

"Are we?" She grumbled as Tachanka tried to wake Finka up as well.

"Yes we are." Tiger said as he helped her stand straight before handing her a stack of clothes, "Now start changing. Our plane leaves in 20 minutes."

"Oh alright alright." Valkyrie grumbled while taking the stack as Finka managed to sober up and grab some clothes as well.

"So anything that we should know as we leave for Kaliningrad agent?" Tiger said as he and the rest of the squad changed.

"I'll smooth out the finer details that weren't covered in your folder." He said while taking out his own folder, "Most of it is self-explanatory but the only really useful thing that I have for you is your extraction procedure. After you have completed your mission and if you are compromised, make your way towards the Baltic Sea where a SEAL team will extract you via air evac. If you aren't compromised, then you will return to the U.S the way you came in."

"Sounds simple enough." Tiger said as he threw on the leather jacket that was on his labeled bag after putting on a simple gray T-shirt and pair of slacks, "So any kind of surveillance gear that we're gonna get?"

"Standard military stealth equipment as well asssssss….."

The agent trailed off as he slowly looked behind Tiger and the latter did the same to see Valkyrie and Finka half naked wearing nothing but their underwear while trying fruitlessly to put on their civilian clothes.

"Oh ho ho." Tachanka and Kapkan mused while rubbing their chins in curiosity as they watched the two eventually dress themselves in civilian clothes with the formers dressed casually in jeans and polo shirts.

"What?" Valkyrie slurred slightly as she looked at the group staring at her in her loose fitting top and tight jeans, "You boys never seen a naked woman before?"

"Ah come off it Meg." Finka grinned stupidly as she bumped into the SEAL member and wrapped her arm around her and swayed shakily, "Boys will just be boys in the end ehh?"

"Excuse me sir?" The driver from the bus said as he poked his head out, "The planes about to depart so I suggest that you all get on before it leaves."

"You heard the man comrades." Tachanka grinned as he hauled his civilian gear in one hand and hopped onto the bus with ease, "Time to stop the sightseeing and push with the mission!"

"We aren't even in Kaliningrad yet Alex." Kapkan mused as he hopped on as well, "After all, the most exciting part to this trip is seeing Val and Fin strip down to their underwear right in front of us."

"I'm just hoping that they'll sober up completely before we land in Kaliningrad." Tiger grunted as he carefully helped the two up onto the bus with their gear and waved the agent goodbye as the bus drove them towards the boarding plane.

Inside the plane

Tiger sighed as he slumped down into his chair with Valkyrie on his right and Tachank, Finka, and Kapkan seated in front of them.

They had barely managed to get aboard the plane as the door was closing and tucked away their luggage before getting to their seats in the back of the plane.

"Attention passengers." The pilot said as they were in the air, "We'll be in Kaliningrad in approximately 13 hours so please do make yourselves comfortable because it's going to be a long flight."

"Wake me when we get there comrade." Kapkan said as he lowered his hood and closed his eyes.

"Same here." Tachanka yawned as he pulled his hat down for shade, "All of that drinking is making me sleepy."

"Seeing as how you were chugging on your own bottle while watching Finka and Valkyrie going at it." Tiger chuckled as Valkyrie snored on his shoulder, "But I'll set my alarm and wake you guys when we're near landing."

"Wake me too Tiger!" Finka yawned lazily as she tried to swat at him from in front of her chair but her attempts were easily deflected before she pouted and sat down roughly in her seat before eventually passing out.

"Guess I have a bit of time to myself then." Tiger grinned as he turned on the inflight entertainment system and played the first movie that he saw.

3 hours later

Tiger moaned as he felt a really, really nice feeling coming from his groin before blinking rapidly to see a blackened screen and a mop of blonde hair right under his nose.

His ears perked up at a sort of slurping noise before his vision focused on a blushing yet focused Valkyrie with her mouth and tongue wrapped around his length.

"What the-"


And there's that.

So, I know you guys have been waiting for this chapter for quite a while now hehehe

Looks at calendar


But tbh, I haven't been feeling that strong feeling to write like I did in the past if you can't already tell.

Maybe it's the fact that I have an actual job now and am trying to worry about what I'm going to do for the rest of my life or just plain out tired and depressed.

Well, not really depressed but just lonely.

Not only that but I recently got my new PC lately and I've been playing all the games that I couldn't have when I was on my shitty mac.

However, it's not the PC that I ordered.

So I got a couple of my buddies that I had met online to put together a PC for me and to take it down to me if I had sent them all the parts. Now these guys have built Custom PC's before and I had evry little doubt that it would fail.

But then again, god hates me.

They brought it down and they then figured out that it wouldn't have video output so the main man said,

"This is on me bro so I got you. I'll bring this shit back to my place, jerry rig one that works just as well with my own parts, and bring it down to you as well as this computer that doesn't work so you can bring it to some specialists."

Now he did and I took it down to the specialists and paid a down payment of 140 bucks to move the parts from the jerry rigged case into the much bigger case which was a NZXT - Phantom ATX Full Tower Case. 3 days later, they ran into the same problem that my buddy had ran into and he builds shit like this for a living.

So all of that led me back onto my shitty mac and to typing up this mini-rant.

But, it's not going to stop me from updating my stories.

Now if you can't already tell, my quality of writing has decayed significantly over the course of several months.

So, what I'm going to do is finish up this little R6 story that I had created due to like a sudden urge after reading about the game.

Or I could just plain out abandon this story even though it should only have about 3 to 4 chapters left.

Idk but here's a pretty big spoiler to the next story that I'm going to do that will hopefully revive my writing spirit.

It's going to be magical.

This is DaiNightcore signing off with a horn song and it has been an honor writing for you all.