This is the new version of Skyfall, you really don't need to read the previous version unless you want too, but I advise that you don't, since it sucks in my opinion, but I hope you enjoy this version of the story!

*Update #1! I made a mistake and didn't notice since I was an idiot who didn't save the last chapter and didn't freaking notice, Chapter 2 should be coming out in the next few hours though, maybe, as long as is don't mess it up.

"I can't believe I missed the bus." I mumbled to myself walking through the halls to leave the school, well at least I have an excuse to go to the library, so that's a good thing, not like anything can go wrong in the next ten minutes.

-10 minutes and 2 seconds later-

Welp, I was wrong... I'm dead, deceased, lifeless.

Wow. My life was entertaining yet short, well I'm coming to see you Granny, but before I see you I want to go to the Rainbow Bridge to see Sassy, she always enjoyed your company and I know you enjoyed hers since she's the not only a good girl, she's the best girl, no the best dog to have ever walked this Earth!

...Shouldn't I be in Heaven by now, I pretty sure I've been dead for a while, maybe I'm in Hell actually?

Open your eyes dumbass.

Well no need to be rude ya know.

"Ah, an unknown ceiling, guess I am dead then." I mumbled to myself

Guess Again!

"Huh? Why guess again? Actually where are you?"

First off, try standing up then turn around

"If you sa-Why the hell am I naked!"I screamed as I was sitting up, just noticing the lack of clothing. "Ugh, this better be gooooh my God"

Low and behold, there was a fucking Arceus behind me.


"Don't just 'Yo' me, I can't believe you are fucking real! And where am I!"

Well, I am technically, and where you are, take a wild guess.

"Am I in the Hall of Fucking Origin right now?"

Ding! You are correct, and I am the one who kinda maybe killed you as well.


Yeaaaah, I may or may not have forced that truck that hit you so you can become my champion.

"Hold up! You are the one who killed me, no wait, what the hell is a champion!"

You aren't dead per say.

"Okay then, what is a champion?" My mind and heart stopped racing when I was told I'm not dead.

Exactly what it sounds like, you will fight between other God's champions and become the strongest champion!

"That was extremely helpful yet at the same time no help at all" I mumbled

Let me give you some powers

"Wait! We're moving on, I still have a few questions!"

Yes, I only can hold you in here for so long, and if you want to survive you'll probably need this.

"Point taken, continue."

Okay, for your first power, I'll teach you how to summon.

"I'll take a wild guess what then, I'm going to be summoning Pokémon right, my Pokémon to be specific right?"

Yep, so you have to think of a certain Pokémon and will it to come, but the current limit for you right now is two Pokémon.

"Why two?"

Your will isn't strong enough yet, now start the summoning!

"Okay, thinking, thinking, thinking," I said thoughtfully. "Got it! Okay how do I will it? Ummmm, that may work!"


I was flexing my hand like I was trying to summon a fireball, which I think it's working, something's happening after all, a few sparkles was appearing around my hand. Wait a second, is that a little portal thingy? Yep, that is a little portal thingy! And if that's what I think it is I think I'm doing everything right!

-Five Minutes Later-

Okay, this is really getting boring, the damn Pokéball is only halfway through the little portal thingy! I'm tempted to just grab it but I have a feeling that'll just fuck up everything else, maybe I should've tried to think of a Pokémon in a normal ball instead of a Luxury Ball, well too late now!

-Another Five Minutes Later-

Almost, almost almost, it's done!

"Hey, I'm done!" I panted, this was really exhausting.

Impressive that honestly should've taken longer



"Should I send them out or should I wait?"

I suggest sending her out

"If you say so." I said. "Okay then, come on out!"

I tossed the Luxury Ball straight up into the air, sparkling while it's opening, letting out a small brown fox, a bushy tail, and a very fluffy looking mane, and she landed right in front of me, her chocolate brown eyes looking into my grayish blue eyes and then someone cut out the lights.

Nevermind, I was glomped by an Eevee.

"Lhf Mo" I tried to say but came out muffled since the currently glomped Eevee is currently blocking my airflow. I was using some of my strength to try and get her off.

Why I'm not using all my strength is because she has sharp nails that are clinging to my long hair, and I rather not get it cut at the moment.

"Vee!" Eevee Pokéspeaked (Is there even a correct term for that?)

"Thanks for letting go." I panted.

Well that was certainly entertaining!

Yeah, for you! I felt like I was going to die.

You can't die here ya know.

And can you please stop reading my mind?


"Well so much for that offer." I mumbled. "So how are you taking this Eevee"

"Vee Eevee!" Well she seems to be taking this fine.

"Well I might as well ask, would you like a nickname or do you want me to keep referring you as Eevee?"

"Veeee..." By her expression I'm guessing she is thinking about it then, I think, probably, most likely?

"Well don't stress about it, okay? Good. So what's the other powers?

The second power is to communication between you and your Pokémon.

"Sweet! So how do I activate it?"

You eat this.


"You have got to be kidding me. I'm guessing every champion gets one huh?

Yeah, but it's there choice if they want to eat them or not though.

"I'm guessing you're not going to tell me what power I'm going to get, right?"

Where's the fun in that?

"True true."

"Veeee..." Eevee breathed out staring at what I'm holding.

Ah, it may help if I gave you a description of it, they looked like tiny bananas, but they were brown and swirly, and at the end of the swirls there was a color at each end, ranging to red, blue, and green. Even black and white as well.

A Devil Fruit.

I know it's a tou-


You ate it without hesitation!

Arceus also did a face fault, which was a little funny.

"Holy fucking moly! This is the worst fucking thing I have put in this mouth, I'll never complain about food again!" I continued my rant for a while but it's not all that important, mostly me cursing like a sailor who's in a curse off with another sailor. Well the other sailor is a truck though.

Are you okay?

That actually sounded like he was concerned.

"Of course, I can't swim anyway so what is there to lose?" I said trying to keep my composure, I pretty sure it didn't work.

"Vee!" Eevee shouted something that sounded cheerful, I think?

Point Taken. Also sorry for the whole traumatizing moment gave you.

"It's fine, at least at the moment." I had no problem with death in general as well actually so that maybe a factor as well, since I watch things like Bones, Castle, and Deadly Women on a daily basis, trucks however should all burn and find a place in hell though. That's is what he's talking about right, probably, most likely. I'm pretty sure Arceus was sweating a little bit though, must be my imagination though

"Okay, so question, why are you and Eevee taller?"

We actually didn't get taller, instead you got smaller.

Okay then, can I have a mirror then?"


Not going to ask how an Arceus had a mirror but not going to complain.

"Oh. My. God." I somehow got out.

Like it?

"Like it? I don't like it. I love it! I got ears, and a fluffy tail! And even a fluffy collar." Well the only thing I don't really like about it is that my eyes are brown instead of blue, but totally worth it.

The Eevee-Eevee Fruit, a special zoan, capable of turning into all the forms of Eevee but in return you can't go full beast nor full human, and you have unlock the other 21 forms

"21? Aren't there only 18 types, plus the Eevee evolution line only has 9 evolutions."

Who ever said that?

And with that he basically showed off at least 30 plates, it was almost magical if he didn't have that smirk on his face.

"So how do I unlock those 21 forms?"

Not telling you, since that would be boring!

"Screw you."

"Don't bother asking me though, I don't know either."

"Okay... Who said that?"

"Me" Eevee still spoke, well Pokémon language, but I'm now seem to capable of understanding it! Sweet, language barrier broken! "I would also like a nickname too please!"

"Give me a sec to come up with one then."


Now is the time asking a very important question, "Okay, how does this work actually? I know for a fact that Devil Fruits aren't capable of making me understand animals, much less Pokémon?"

True, but I'm an all powerful god that I can make a Devil Fruit with minimal effort and can make it decide what it can and can't do.

"Make sense, I guess?" I have a feeling he isn't saving everything but I particularly don't care either actually. "I'm guessing you're giving me one more power, right?"

How'd you guess that?

"The rule of three." I simply stated.

"You are smart!" Eevee said surprisingly.

"What's the supposed to mean?"

"Exactly as I said."

Ahem. This is really enjoyable and all but I got about 15 minutes left and if we go beyond that there will be some issues.

"What kind of issues?"

Probably genderbending ones

"Continue now please!" I may be interested in the opposite sex, but not becoming one!

Okay then, your third power is capable of syncing your world and the world you're sent too, but I'm going to let you choice how.

"How? It should be obvious I would like my tablet to to be the bridge between worlds."

No, it really wasn't all that obvious, I watched you often but I didn't watch you 24/7.

I am highly uncomfortable that I've been watched god knows how long, but I guess I should live with it, maybe, probably not bathing for a while though.


"Ow!" Eevee shrieked in pain, well I probably would as well if a tablet landed on my head.

Sorry not sorry.


Is that how you talk to your Creator?

"Please forgive me!"

You are forgiven. Moving on now since I don't want my champion to become, well a championess, I need you too choice a guardian.

"Guardian?" I asked, "Ain't Eevee and the rest of my Pokémon my guardians?"

Yes and no, sure they're guardians but not all the champions can summon companions to fight by their side, so all the God's are to give them a guardian. Get it?

Not at all.

"Well where is my guardian?" Moving on since I don't get it and I bet I probably won't nor do I actually care at the moment.

Well you can essentially pick one, there are going to be three choices for you to pick from. And here they come!

Three animals walked out a bigger portal thingy, but blue instead of yellow, and when they got close enough they stood in front of me and Eevee.

The animal on the left is a robotic bunny, it was painted yellow with green lights as eyes, a lightbulb for a tail, and I'm not sure what the whiskers are supposed to be though, and I bet he's capable of crushing houses. Honestly to me, it looks the Robot Bunny Pet gnome hunter's get in World of Warcraft.

The one in the middle was a giant chicken, nothing else to say about that actually, apart it seems to have a dragon tail.

The one on the right was a cat with wings, it's legs, tip of their tail, and a spot on their back is light gray, while the rest of her fur is pure white, they had blue eyes, and their wings had a very faint blue to it having a very magical aura in general to them.

So which one do you pick?

"Hmmmm, I'm not sure, I'm currently debating inside of my head at the moment." It's not really that important right now so you don't need to see it

Well hurry up the audience is waiting.


Just hurry up

"Hey Clay, can I pick?"

"Huh? Sure, have at it." As long as she doesn't pick the giant dragon chicken I don't find who she picks.

"Yay! Who to pick who to pick?"

"While Eevee is picking my guardian do you have anything else?"

Yes actually, I suggest if you decide to summon a Pokémon do it all the way through, since I have no idea what would happen if you do it. Also all your Pokémon are back to level 10 and most of them are in their first stage. Summoning a Legendary Pokémon is not a smart idea since it'll take forever by yourself and if you do somehow summon it they are going to be temporary and something not exactly pleasant is going to happen to you. Also would you like some clothes as well?

"Okay, I'll keep that in mind, chances of me summoning a Legendary Pokémon is now next to none now, and yes I would like some clothes please."

I'm surprised you got all that. Oh, and here are some clothes. So bippity boppity boo!

Poof* *Bam* *Woosh*

"I admit I really like the design here."

What I've been poofed up to wear was some grey jeans, with black tennis shoes and white socks on, I was wearing a white shirt with a black dragon, flapping its wings with a highly iconic red tail wing with a skull and Viking helmet, with silhouette of a boy on the dragon's back, and too top it off a red flannel and a blue water drop necklace for some reason or other, looks familiar though.

"Not half bad, not half bad." Eevee complimented. "Also I chose your new guardian, meet. Aaylah, the flying talking cat!"

'The flying what cat?"

"Talking cat, nice to meet you Master, my name is Aaylah." The cat spoke, well I got her name and gender anyway.

"Nice to meet ya as well, please don't call me Master, I do have a name, it's Clay. Clay Hylsvegar."

"Clay it is then."

Well we're running out of time walk straight behind you and you will be on your way!

"Well l guess we should go now, you two ready?"


"Ready as I'll ever be!"

Okay! Let's go!"

Also, mind the drop!

"Drop?/Drop?/Drop?" All three of us spoke in sync.

Yes the drop."What drop are you talking aboaaaaaaaaahaaaaa!" I couldn't finished my sentence since I was busy falling, instead I decided by cursing at Arceus, it seemed Eevee and Aaylah were screaming though, no wait, Eevee was laughing her ass off. And with that I ended up blacking out.

That's it, that's the chapter geeks and nerds! I hope you enjoyed the new version of Skyfall! And I hope you'll be ready for more, when I get better since I'm sick right now, yippie. I really shouldn't be writing this honestly. Well remember to RR and I'll be seeing you next time. Bye for now