Kuoh Academy. Kuoh Town

Town of Kuoh, located in the central part of Japan, was a quiet and relatively peaceful town, especially when compared to the big cities of Japan, such as Tokyo, Osaka and even Kyoto. A nice quite place to settle down, start a family and live happily ever after, as they say in the epilogues of most stories. It was no wonder that the majority of the population were pretty much middle-aged married couples with teenage kids, going through their daily lives in one of the few high schools in town, namely Kuoh Academy, a formerly a school for only girls, but not so long ago it became a co-ed, though the absolute majority of the students in the Academy was made up of girls. Most of the boys in Academy, especially the infamous Perverted Trio, considered it to be a heaven.

But, even in this seemingly male dream come true place was someone who wasn`t all that interested in chasing after girls or said girls swooning over him. While it was nothing too surprising for him, given the fact of him having rather attractive looks, which consisted of short, reaching to the beginning of his neck blonde hair, amethyst eyes and strong, muscular body, a result of regular trainings. Perfectly content with some peace and quiet, he laid down underneath a tree, closing his eyes and seemingly taking a nap, as it was a break from the lessons and he had some time to rest up from all the noise, unwanted attention and his mind picking up the other people`s thoughts, emotions and overall feelings, which was something he had to deal with on regular basis, given the fact that Vergil Grayson, as he was known, wasn`t your average third year student in Kuoh, having transferred into the Academy after his mother and sister had to move.

Nope, he was, what was known to him from his mother, an empath, a human with a developed sense of others` feelings, thoughts and minds, and Vergil had it ever since he was born, and while it was something he did not wish for, he learned how to control his supernatural power and not let it ruin his life. It was thanks to his mom, that he was able to gain a hold of his empathic abilities pretty early on, seeing how she was also an empath and one that was a on a whole different level then him. Along with that, Vergil was taught by his mom that this world wasn`t as simple as it seemed, especially with the fact that supernatural races, like Devils, Angels, Gods and other stuff all actually being real and some of the first ones even attending this Academy, as Vergil managed to find out soon after enrolling here, but decided not to do anything with this, as long as he and his family weren`t disturbed by them.

And now, as he was simply lying on the grass, content with not hearing anything in his head, Vergil had sensed, that he had just jinxed himself, when he felt a familiar presences closing on him. Sensing mental rigidness, a tint of pride, discipline and senses of order and some power within the Academy`s walls, as well as a strong feeling of Demonic energy coming from them, Vergil managed to identify the people that were moving towards him, but didn`t give away the fact that he was already alerted of their presence. Only when the persons that he sensed came close enough that you could hear their footsteps, Vergil opened up his eyes and looked up to see Sona Shitori, in reality Sitri, and Tsubaki Shinra, President and Vice-President of Student Council, moving towards him, before stopping, when he stood up, speaking up.

"Something I can help you with, ladies?" Vergil carelessly asked, already sensing that they had something they wanted to get of him.

"Is it possible for you, Vergil, to refer to us as President and Vice-President? After all, the protocol demands it." Sona simply reminded him, a small tint of irritation sensed in her thoughts by Vergil.

"Well, I could do that, but that would sound weird for me, so sorry, but no can do." Vergil replied to them. "Anyway, is there any particular reason why two beautiful and smart ladies like yourselves have decided to pay a visit to little old me?" Vergil could sense that Tsubaki was actually flattered in her mind, while Sona, even if not revealing it, was somewhat surprised hearing those words.

"Vergil, you`ve been in the high school since day one, as did I and President, but unlike the rest of the class, you are not in any club." Tsubaki spoke up to him warmly, as the two had a more friendly relation, while Sona, with her rigid persona, stayed on a more official note with Vergil.

"Um, Tsubaki, hate to correct you, but I was actually in a club, a Kendo Club. Made it into Captain of the Team and even into the National Championship." Vergil corrected her, with Tsubaki feeling slightly embarrassed at it, if her feelings were anything to say. "Would`ve even taken the golden medal home had it not been for the trauma in the finals… Oh well, maybe when Lucina goes to the National this year, she`ll bring home the golden medal. Heh, knowing her, I wouldn`t be surprised if she also grabbed the bronze and silver as well." Vergil said in a bit of carefree manner, seeing how Tsubaki let out a small chuckle, while Sona simply sighed, in thoughts actually agreeing with Vergil.

"Yes, you have been in a Kendo Club, but after that trauma you`ve been forced to quit the club and after your rehabilitation was over, you didn`t return there or join any other club." Sona noted out.

"Yeah, decided to let Lucina have a shot in Kendo, plus she is doing even better than I did in there. Plus, I rather enjoy having a lot of free time on hands, let`s you focus on some other activities or do other stuff." Vergil said to them.

"Like what?" Sona asked of him.

"Like reading a book, watch a musical or a good film, play computer games and lots and lots of other stuff." Vergil simply responded with a shrug. "Besides, which club would I want to join in with? Going back to Kendo is no option, as I would be stepping on my sis`s toes and I still visit them pretty much every other day, so no point I see. Cooking- I`ve learned how to cook from mom and on my own, so no point either. Literature club- you could find a forum in the Net and discuss all the books you want there, so no point either. Occult Research Club is on top of the clubs I don`t want to end up joining up, so no way."

"And why that one in particular?" Tsubaki asked of him, both she and Sona were really curious about it, not so surprisingly for Vergil.

"Not interested in learning how to summon up some voodoo spirits and selling my soul to Chaos Gods and Abaddon the Despoiler." Vergil clearly felt a strong sense of confusion in their minds, especially on the part of Abaddon the Despoiler.

"Um, pardon me, Vergil, but who are those…" Tsubaki asked of him, while mentally being a bit on the edge, thinking that he might`ve known about the Devils.

"Google up 'Warhammer 40K' and you`ll get it." Vergil said to Tsubaki, putting her and Sona to rest mentally. "And as for Student Council… Nah, no offence, Sona, but I wouldn`t want to end up in your place, with all that paper work, organizing and budget dealings. Plus, wouldn`t want to end up as your rival during the annual presidency elections."

"Afraid you might lose?" Sona asked of him with a very smallest of smirks appearing on her lips.

"Nope, afraid that my back and face would start to kill me, with me getting all that serious and official all the time. How do you deal with that, by the way? Occasional massage, yoga, jazz?" Vergil asked of Sona.

"I have my ways." She simply relied, a little tingle of amusement sensed by Vergil. "But in all seriousness, Vergil. Despite your seeming carefree nature, it is a very well-known fact that you have an organized mind, determination and willpower, all of which are quite the rarity in this particular establishment. With these qualities, you would make an excellent addition to any club, even more so were you to join the Student Council." Vergil sensed that Sona was truthful to him, but there was more to her words, as his empathic senses told him of the fact that she withholds something. "I could make the arrangements within an hour, if you would like. After all, you would have something to keep you occupied, there are certain privileges and the company, as you like to say, is not half bad." She offered to him.

"Dear Sona, if I did not know you, I would say that you are actually trying to use your position and practically seduce me into becoming a member your little President office. I did not even know you were such a seductress…" Vergil said in a bit of a theatrical comedic fashion, earning a chuckle from Tsubaki and a very slight tingle of blush from Sona, while in her mind she was having mixed feelings of embracement and flattery. "Almost makes me, compels me to just outright say 'yes'… But," Vergil`s voice returned to normal, getting a bit more serious tone to it. "Sorry, Sona. As much as I actually like hanging out with you and Tsubaki, plus your little group, save for a certain someone, I simply can`t do what you are proposing to me, and it isn`t the matter of just me being lazy and stuff."

"Then what`s your real reasoning for not joining up with any of the Clubs?" Tsubaki asked of him, curious.

"Well, the thing is that my and Lucina`s mom works for weeks abroad, with her being an archeologist and a professor at that, somebody`s gotta keep the house clean and shiny, along with cooking up all the food, managing the budget and even making sure that Lucina doesn`t catch cold or recovers well from illness." Vergil said to Sona and Tsubaki. "I`ve already had may fair share of club activities, so I`m good with managing all that I just said and letting my younger sis have a time of her life."

"In other words, you`ve basically became a housewife?" Tsubaki asked of him with an amused smile, while actually being amazed at Vergil, as he sensed.

"I prefer a term househusband, but yeah, basically that." Vergil confirmed. "Plus, I`m pretty good in this and I actually like doing the chores and cooking up, it`s relaxing and productive. And if I`m bored, there`s always my PC, 461 different books in the bookshelves and TV. Plenty of things to keep myself entertained."

"You actually counted how many books you have in your home?" Sona asked him a bit surprised, amusement in her mind.

"I was bored and my arm was just put in a cask, so I kinda did it just to keep myself from dying out of boredom." Vergil said to them, looking down at the watch and noticing what time it is. "Whoa, it`s almost the end of the break. Sorry, girls, but I better go or I`ll miss the class." Vergil said to them, starting to pick up his bag.

"Um, Vergil, I don`t know if you`ve heard, but our class is free already. Miss Takaomi is on a sick leave, taking care of her daughter." Tsubaki said to Vergil, who blinked at her a couple of times before face palming his forehead.

"That explains why those perverts were acting so jolly when I saw them in the hall and…" Then Vergil realized something, before turning to Sona and speaking up. "I am sorry, but I really need to get going. I`ve suddenly realized something extremely important. Sona, Tsubaki, see ya later." And with that being said, Vergil practically darted out of the place right towards the Kendo Club building, leaving Sona and Tsubaki blinking.

"He was certainly in a hurry, alright." Tsubaki commented. "You think it`s because he thinks that Hyoudou, Matsuda and Motohama are going to be peaking at the girls again?"

"Most certainly, Tsubaki." Sona let out a sigh, as she already knew what was incoming for her. "Inform the infirmary about those three incoming to them within 20 or so minutes. And as for Vergil… Your hunch was correct: I definitely sensed in him a Sacred Gear, though it seems to be dormant. Can`t believe that I haven`t identified that Vergil had one after so many years, and that it was Rias that found out about it first."

"Don`t blame yourself about it, President. Vergil is a rather nice and carefree person, and he has this air of lightness and easiness around him, you would hardly ever notice anything with him." Tsubaki commented, adjusting her glaces. "Still, now that we know about him having a Sacred Gear, what will be our course of actions? Will you approach him one more time and try to convince him to join your Peerage, Sona?"

"You`ve heard his reasoning for not joining up with Student Council, and they are very solid, can`t blame him on that part." Sona said to Tsubaki. "No, for now we`ll only survey and keep a close eye out for him. With the reports of Fallen Angels in town, it would be best if we didn`t let Vergil out of our sight any time soon. And also have one of the girls keep an eye out for Lucina too, it could be possible that Fallen would go after her to get to Vergil, if their intentions are anything to go by."

"I`ll have Tsubasa tail Vergil, while Momo will look after Lucina." Tsubaki said to Sona, as she already summoned up her communication circle. "Do you think Rias will try and recruit Vergil ahead of you?"

"I wouldn`t be too surprised if she did try so." Sona said, letting out a sigh. "Even though she has an eye out for Hyoudou, I wouldn`t put it past her to want to gain another, potentially powerful Piece in her Peerage."

Meanwhile. Occult Research Club.

Rias Gremory was many things: beautiful girl, school icon, top student, Heiress to a Devil Noble Family and etc. She was intelligent, diligent, caring and kind, as were all members of her esteemed House of Gremory, along with treating her Servants as a part of her own family, seeing them not as mere simple slaves, as most Devils did, but rather as her actual family. It was a prized trait of House of Gremory, something that made the unique among the Devils of Underworld, along with their crimson red hair, which Rias has inherited, along with a curvaceous body and stunning looks from her mother. Because of that, her Servants were loyal to her to the point of being ready to die for her, as was Rias prepared to do anything for them.

She was currently watching out from her window in the Old School building, which was given to Occult Research Club, as a base of operations and, covertly, as a main place for Rias` Peerage to meet. Currently, she was observing how Vergil Grayson, her classmate and former Captain of Kendo Club, was relentlessly punishing an infamous Perverted Trio, which included Issei Hyoudou, a boy in whom Rias has taken a keen interest to. It was a rather common sight to witness, to see the perverts being beaten by a wooden bokken, wielded by one of the most attractive guys on campus. Rias herself had to admit that she sometimes found that sight to be… interesting. And now that she has also taken an interest in Vergil, having recently sensed in him a presence of a Sacred Gear, Rias was now trying to figure out a way for her to get Vergil to join the Occult Research Club and, eventually, her Peerage. For that very reason, she dispatched her loyal Knight, Yuuto Kiba, and her Queen, Akeno Himejima, to look out for Vergil and also look into his and his family`s pasts. And the pair has just entered the cabinet, with Akeno Himejima, a busty, amethyst eyed, tall black haired beauty of a girl, with her hair in a long ponytail, leading the way, while Yuuto Kiba, a handsome blond young man, following her. Rias turned away from the show and spoke up to her Servants.

"Akeno, Kiba, what have you been able to find out about him?" Rias asked of them, as she moved closer to them.

"Well, it took us some digging, but there is something that we`ve been able to uncover about our handsome classmate." Akeno said with a giggle. "Before he and his family moved to Japan, they lived in the US. Vergil`s and Lucina`s father died a victim of an armed robbery when Vergil was only 3 years old, while Lucina was barely 2, as the official sources claim."

"So, he and Lucina lost their father pretty early on." Rias said sympathetically. "Any leads on who he were?"

"From some of our friends in the USA, I`ve found out that Alexander Grayson used to be a US Army soldier, serving up to the rank of Second Lieutenant and even entered Delta Force, but was demobilized after a severe gunshot wound in the chest, entered an early retirement. Served two campaigns in Iraq and partaken in 11 operations, all classified. After he was demobilized from the Army, he enlisted himself in FBI, where he worked in an anti-terrorist division for about 6 years." Akeno said to Rias, who seemed to be impressed. "Your mother`s personal client, the Director of FBI, stated that Alexander was awarded several times for his courage and valor, and was even offered to go into Interpol or CIA, but he refused, staying close to home. Around the time he turned 29, he met Marina Anderson and in a spam of a year and a half, they married and had Vergil."

"Sounds like Vergil`s father was a hero." Rias commented, with Akeno agreeing with her. "Any indications that Alexander could`ve known about the Supernatural?"

"None at all, his paths didn`t cross with anything of Supernatural origin whatsoever, while Marina is an archeologist and specializes in Middle East, Egypt and Greece, but the closest of magical or supernatural origin she came into contact with, according to sources, are old amulets and artifacts with minimal magical power that can be found in the ruins she studies." Akeno said to Rias, who nodded. "Aside from the facts that Alexander was apparently of American-Japanese descent and Marina is a daughter of former US Consul and Ambassador in Greece turned Senator, William Anderson, and his wife, Elena Anderson, who is also a notorious archeologist with a Greek descent, now runs a Historical faculty in Harvard, there is nothing more interesting about them. As for Alexander`s parents and past, he was an orphan, so there is that." Akeno let out a sigh. "You sure are going in deep with Vergil, Rias. If I didn`t know any better, I would say that you are trying to find a way to get into his heart~." Akeno teased, while Rias replied, with a little tingle of blush appearing on her face.

"I just want to know just what kind of person Vergil is, that`s all, plus there is also the fact that when I sensed in him his Sacred Gear, I also sensed that it was different from Hyoudou`s. It felt… I don`t know why, but I sensed danger for myself when I scanned him." Rias said to them, with Kiba and Akeno exchanging glances. "It felt somewhat similar to when you, Akeno, had revealed to me your real self, but also different and… It felt strangely warn, somewhat soothing and yet… I don`t know."

"Hm, it could be that Vergil`s Sacred Gear is a Holy Energy Type." Kiba speculated. "After all, Holy based Weapons, Light Projections and other objects are a threat to Devils. We`ve seen a few Strays that had those Sacred Gears, so it`s possible that Vergil has a similar one with him. If you would like, I could research more about Holy Light Sacred Gears, President." Kiba said to Rias, with her shaking negatively her head at that.

"No, there is no time for that, unfortunately. My Familiar reported that one of the Fallen Angles has been tailing Vergil from afar for the past couple of days." Rias said to them, with both Akeno and Kiba turning serious on this one. "Akeno, keep an eye out for Vergil today, watch over him from a distance and make sure he is protected. Kiba, you and Lucina are in one class, so I want you to walk her home today, just to be careful. Make it look like a simple friendly walk." Akeno and Kiba nodded to that one.

"Lucina should be on a practice right now and will be finishing up in a few hours, so I`ll stay close. As for Vergil…" Kiba looked out the window and saw that he was already leaving the Kendo Club, after dropping there his bokken, moving towards the school gates. "It seems like he has finished up with his daily routine of punishing the wicked."

"Then I will be on my way too." Akeno decided to move through a portal, leaving the clubhouse.

"Kiba, you`ve been a frequent guest to Kendo Club all the time. What can you say about Vergil`s skills?" Rias asked of him, with Kiba responding.

"From what I saw and from several of my personal spars with Vergil, I have to say, that he is really skilled with a sword and even with two swords at the same time." Rias raised an eye brow at that one. "He has no problem with using either of his hands and can switch up his fighting style within a second. During our first sparring match, he was a bit conservative and on a defensive side, but he switched it up in the next round and went on the offensive, being able to intercept most of my attacks on him. To tell you the truth, President, Vergil`s skill with sword is most impressive and is probably even better than mine. In fact… During our last sparring match, not long before his Championship, I`ve tried to use up my Knight`s speed to get the upper hand on him, but managed to intercept me and counter me, even though I was using my speed." Rias looked a bit shocked at Kiba.

To be able to match and surpass Kiba and even to beat Kiba in speed, all the while being a human… Rias was extremely impressed now, to hear that her Knight, who was praised as one of the most promising young Servants, had found someone who could possibly outpace him in speed and swordplay, especially if he were to gain his own Knight Piece. And from his display at the National, which Rias saw, she could tell, that if Vergil were to join her Peerage, he could possibly match in battle and speed some of the best of Knights in Underworld in a few years of training. And if his Sacred Gear really was a Holy Light Type… With Hyoudou`s possible Dragon Type and Vergil`s Holy Light, Rias would be able to not only significantly strengthen her chances against her unwanted fiancée, as it was starting to become clear as day that she would have to win her own freedom from the marriage contract. And if House of Phenex were to stick to their promises and decide to let Riser use their strongest… Rias could only hope that she would have enough strength to beat House of Phenex`s Inferno Lancer.

Sometime later.

Vergil was moving through the streets, feeling internally satisfied, having beaten up the Perverted Trio with a bokken and protected the dignity of Kendo Club`s girls and especially, his little sister, from the lecherous eyes of those guys. And their thoughts and feelings… Vergil sometimes cursed having empathy, as had clearly showed him, just to what point those three idiots were perverted and were bloody proud of it. While, like any guy, he could understand the natural interest of guys into beautiful girls and wanting to see what they were packing, as he was surrounded by pretty nice and cute girls in Kendo Club all the time. Heck, he even had to resist the urge to sneak peak on them in their changing room a couple of times, but he did. And that`s also not to mention him seeing the girls in PE uniform in school all the time…

In other words, it was natural for Vergil to be interested in girls, but there were serious trouble with what those three perverts were thinking about and how far they were prepared to go. Plus, there was the matter of pride and dignity his friends in Kendo Club and his little sister, especially, so it was a sacred duty of Vergil to punish those wicked enough to dare and defile them in such a manner! And it was also a good thing that Sona, even though being a pretty strict and by the book kind of a girl, was letting it slide to him, being aware of numerous complaints from Kendo Club members about those three, so she allowed Vergil to 'correct' them on a regular basis. So, while the Perverted Trio were getting their due, Vergil was getting a small measure of exercise and a fill of being a protective older brother to his little sister, even if she could deal with them three without problem. And now, while Lucina was getting her practice in kendo, Vergil was heading towards their home, as he had to prepare a dinner for them, plus get to play a couple of hours on PC.

Just as he was moving on the bridge, he sensed something not so pleasant right ahead of him, namely malice, anger, even disgust, all of which were directed towards him. That tipped Vergil off, as he raised his eyes and looked forward, seeing a young, beautiful looking girl with long black hair, with purple eyes, dressed in a red and black school uniform with an insignia on her uniform. She visibly was giving away a look of a love-struck girl, but Vergil`s senses were telling him that she was anything but in love. And then there was the fact of her giving away a not so human feeling…

'Hm, doesn`t feel like Devils, like Sona or Akeno, so I`ll assume she is a Fallen Angel.' Vergil mentally spoke up to himself. 'And that uniform… There is only the Academy in Kuoh and no other high schools in town, so that`s a first flop on her disguise. Better be ready to high tail out of her, if that malice starts to get any bigger.' He mentally readied himself, before speaking up.

"Hi there. Can I help you with something?" Vergil made sure to keep up his usual disposition, seeing how the girl visibly blushed and stuttered a little, while mentally she felt prideful of herself. 'Well, as an actress, she`s got some skills, I`ll give her that.'

"Um, a-are you Vergil Grayson?" She shyly asked of him, with Vergil blinking at her, sensing swelling of pride inside of her.

"Yeah, that would be me." Vergil answered, keeping his cool. "Are you lost? Need a heads up to get somewhere in town?"

"Wh-what?" She was honestly confused at what he just asked.

"Your uniform, it`s not from Kuoh Academy and there aren`t any other high educational establishments in the town, so I assumed you are not from around here." Vergil said to her, slightly lying to her. "If you are looking for a way to the Academy, then it`s down this road and when you reach the bus station, turn right and walk until you reach the crossroad and turn left, then you`ll see the place."

"Th-thanks, b-but it`s not what I wanted to a-ask you about." She spoke up. "M-my name is Yuuma Amano a-and I`ve been… watching you from afar for a while." She said, blushing up, while barely containing her ego in check.

"Okay, that`s flattering and a bit weird..." Vergil said the last part much more quietly to himself. "So, is there something I can help you with, Yuuma, was it?"

"Um, I-I was wondering i-if you w-would… like to go o-on a date with me?" She asked of him, practically celebrating her victory in her mind, while Vergil raised his eyebrow upwards.

"Um, sorry, girl, but nope." Vergil replied carefree, clearly seeing her honest shock visible. "I`ll admit that you are quite beautiful and kinda cute, but I am not really a dating material at the moment, plus going out on a date with a girl you`ve met for the first time is simply… It kinda weirds me out, so sorry, Yuuma, but no. No hard feelings between us, I hope. Maybe, if you are okay with it, we could first get to know each other later." Vergil asked of her, as he began to move past the stunned girl, while feeling how her fury and rage were continuing to rise up, until he felt it close to exploding.

"You should`ve taken me up on that offer." Yuuma suddenly said to Vergil in a furious tone and rage, as Vergil sensed that she had snapped finally. "That way, you at least would`ve died after a good date!" She practically roared at him, while Vergil heard a sound of spreading wings and another, forming sound.

Without even wasting time, he turned around to see the furious looking Fallen Angel, revealing to him her pair of black wings and projected Holy Spear forming up in her hand, while rage was rolling out of her, from what Vergil could sense. Just before her Holy Spear was formed up, Vergil thrown at Yuuma his backpack with all his force, which she managed to dodge, but it broke her concentration. This allowed Vergil to get an opening he needed, not wanting to deal with a deadly creature such as Fallen Angel, as he made a run to the end of bridge, focusing his senses on Yuuma, using his empathy to trace when she will attack him and her location. In one jump, Vergil managed to get on the road, dodging an incoming Light Spear, making right towards the closest building, soon about to reach it… Until Vergil sensed how his right leg was pierced in the knee by a sharp, yet extremely light object, making him fall onto the ground with scream of pain.

As he had fallen down, he saw how Yuuma closed onto him, as well as another Fallen Angel, who looked like a young girl, dressed in a Gothic Lolita outfit, smirking at him. Vergil was too focused on Yuuma and didn`t pay enough attention to possible other signatures near him. As Vergil decided to crawl towards the building, a second Light Spear hit him in the shoulder, causing him to groan out of pain striking him, feeling how blood was starting spill out of his wounds. And then, he heard Yuuma speak up.

"I`ll give you a point, you are actually the smartest guy I`ve met out there. All the others I`ve spoke up to were quick to agree and didn`t ask any questions, but you are a different case. No wonder Kalawarner took a liking to you. She always had a soft spot for guys with brains and wits, but she should`ve ended you quickly and not waste time." Yuuma said prideful to him, as she moved closer to him. "Now, any last words before I end you?"

"Y-yeah… Why?" Vergil asked of her, with Yuuma smirking at him.

"Always this question… Okay, seeing how it`s your last moments, I`ll indulge your last wish. It`s because of a Sacred Gear that God has placed inside of you. Azazel has classified you as the priority target number one because of it, meaning your Sacred Gear is an extremely dangerous one, so you needed to be terminated quickly. Satisfied?"

"Y-yeah, I think…" Vergil commented to her, starting to feel dizzy. "O-one last th-thing th-though… Pl-please s-stay away fr-from m-my sister, she is…" Vergil`s fleeing mind caught the surprise of both girls.

"Wow, that`s the first time someone actually asked us of this…" Yuuma honestly replied. "Don`t worry, Vergil, your little sister is off the radar, since there`s no Sacred Gear in her, so she`s safe and sound. Now, time to die." She simply said to him, as she formed up another Light Spear and ran it through Vergil`s stomach, causing him to spill out blood and fall down onto the ground without senses, as his life was leaving him.

'Shit… That hurts like hell… Oh man, mom`s gonna be pissed, and Lucina…' Vergil`s mind was soon to shut down, as his life was starting to leave him. 'Sorry, Dad… Looks like we`ll be seeing each other sooner than…' Vergil`s mind went blank as the last of the strength left him and his life had left him and he closed his eyes.

In less than half a minute after the entire ordeal had happened, a crimson portal with House of Gremory crest on it opened up and revealed coming out of there horrified Rias and troubled looking Akeno, as raven-haired Queen had summoned up her King as soon as she could. Rias looked with anger at Akeno, speaking up.

"Akeno, I`ve ordered you to keep an eye out for him and protect him, and now he is dead!" Rias almost snapped out on her Queen. "You better have a good explanation to this."

"The Fallen Angels had sensed me and I`ve been forced to defend myself from one of them, as he intercepted me and engaged me." Akeno said to her King. "I am sorry, President, but in the commotion I`ve lost sight of Vergil and…"

"Those cravens will pay up for daring to attack members of my family like that." Rias nearly fumed with anger, before turning to Vergil, summoning up a small box of chess pieces. "It shouldn`t have happened like this, but there is no other option now…" She and Akeno moved closer to the dying body of Vergil opening up a box and taking out of there a Knight Piece. "Kiba said that Vergil had matched and even outpaced him in sparring, and he is master with sword…" She placed the Knight Piece onto his body and began the process. "In the name of Rias Gremory, I reincarnate you as my Knight! Arise, Vergil Grayson!" She said, as the process of integration of Knight`s Piece had begun.

Everything seemed to be going normally at first, but then, both Rias and Akeno sensed how an unknown power surged from Vergil, causing them to take step back, as if they`ve been nearly hit by Holy Energy. However, that was not all, as both young girls watched as Knight`s Piece suddenly stopped being integrated and instead was overflowing with energy, vibrating with it and sending it out, showing clearest indications that this Piece was, somehow, was being forcefully made into a Mutated, as it began to glow unnaturally strongly. However, that was not the end of Rias` and Akeno`s shock, as they saw, how crimson Knight`s Piece suddenly began to thrash around and a strongly resonate with Holy Energy of all things, shapeshifting suddenly and instead of Knight`s Piece, it simply began to resemble a crystal it was made of, as if it was reversed from its initial form, further shocking and stunning Rias. In the next second, the crimson red was flushed out of the Piece, much to shock of Rias, instead replaced by near blinding golden, resonated with a powerful Holy Light in it, as it finally stopped and integrated into Vergil`s body, his wounds starting to heal up automatically, while Rias and Akeno stood there is shock and awe out of what had happened.

"A-Akeno… H-his Piece just got changed and…" Rias was reeling out from shock.

"Yes, it did. And it was clearly a Holy Energy, Rias." Akeno snapped out of her stupor, blinking up, looking up at Vergil, carefully stepping closer to him and checking him on his pulse, before beginning to scan him. "He is alive and breathing, so that is good already, but… Rias, the Knight Piece you used… It responds to the scan, but it doesn`t have any attributes of a Knight`s programming or any other Pieces. It`s like it was reversed from its initial form and into a blank slate, which then was changed… into a completely different thing."

"What do you mean, Akeno?" Rias asked of her, as she came in closer to Vergil and her Queen.

"He d-doesn`t feel like Devil, but the Piece will respond to you as a King." Akeno said slightly shocked. "Vergil`s body and Piece now emit Holy Energy instead of Demonic, which could mean…"

"I`ll consult my brother and Lord Ajuka on this matter as soon as possible, but first we better move him home and let him rest." Rias said to Akeno, who nodded to this. "I`ll speak to him tomorrow and have him brought to Club, and we`ll leave our Familiar to look out for him for the night, if something happens."

"Alright, but Lucina will be returning soon, and from what Kiba told me, she will be suspicious and troubled when she finds her brother like that." Akeno reminded her, with Rias nodding to it, looking at Vergil, before she made a small spell and put it on Vergil, making it clear that he was beaten up a bit.

"We`ll stay in his home until Lucina comes and tell her that we`ve helped him get here, after he defended us from a group of thugs that tried get their way with us." Rias said to Akeno, who nodded to this one. "Knowing Vergil, he would`ve done so without a second thought, and while I don`t like lying, it is for the best now. Now, let us do this, Akeno. We don`t have much time left."

Next morning. Vergil`s house.

Groaning out of dull pain all over his body, Vergil slowly opened up his eyes, seeing that it was clearly day and that he somehow ended up in his room, even though he could clearly remember, like it was as clear as day that he was actually murdered on the streets by Fallen Angels. As Vergil shifted his body from the laying position and into a sitting on, when he noticed that on his left side of bed, there was a sleeping frame of his little sister, Lucina Grayson, with her dark blue hair, close to purple, closed her face, as she slept with her hands underneath her head, dressed in her Kuoh Academy`s uniform, while her backpack was thrown onto the floor. It was clear to Vergil that his little sister stayed up here all night and had fallen asleep here, quite probably without even eating a thing.

As if sensing the shifting near her, Lucina`s head rose up, as she slowly opened up her dark purple eyes, looking directly at her older brother. Instantly snapping out of her sleep, she instantly launched herself at Vergil, hugging him tightly and practically crying on his shoulders. Vergil took his sister into an embrace and calmed her down soothingly.

"Hey, hey there, Luci, it`s alright. I`m fine." Vergil spoke up, as Lucina separated herself away from her, while being surprised that his empathy wasn`t back up online, which was possible because of his death and subsequent return.

"Alright?! That`s all that you have to say?! Do you have any ideas how scared I was when I came home and found out that my big brother has been beaten up by thugs?!" Lucina practically cried out at him, slightly surprising Vergil by what he had heard. "R-Rias and Akeno told me that they were about to be raped and then you`ve showed up and got involved… Th-they said that you`ve p-practically saved their lives a-and then you were b-beaten badly and th-they had to w-walk you home and stay here until I-I got here. I-I was terrified out of my mind when I heard it all and saw you here!"

'Beaten up by thugs, while saving Rias and Akeno… Uh oh, if what I am thinking about had happened with me, I`m gonna have a serious talk with Rias.' Vergil quickly put two and two, while looking at crying face of his sister. 'But… In all honesty, better that then being 6 feet under and having my entire family mourning me… Okay, Vergil, let`s roll with the story and then get some answers later on. First things first: calming down Lucina.'

"S-sorry, sis, but I couldn`t just help myself and let my classmates get defiled like that. Plus, they didn`t beat me up that badly, and they`ve just gotten a lucky shot at my head and later it went all dizzy…" Vergil carefree said to his sister, who sniffed, as he petted her head. "I`m really sorry for making you worry about me like that, sis. Now, let`s get out of my room and get you fed. Knowing you, you haven't had a bite since yesterday`s lunch break." Vergil got out of his bed and quickly glanced at the watch, widening his eyes at the time. "It`s already past ten, I`ve got a test today and…"

"I`ve called to the Academy first thing in the evening and told them that you need a sick leave, and I`m staying to watch over you." Lucina said to her brother, as he quickly got into sport`s pants and a plain white T-shirt, while looking at his sister. "What, you`ve looked like hell and doctor that Rias had called told me that you would need at least a day of resting up. And Mom said to stay home until she gets home…"

"Wait, wait, you`ve called Mom?!" Vergil asked of his sister, imagining the horror his mother would be getting.

"She called in the evening a-and I`ve simply told her all that happened." Lucina said to him, as they`ve left the room and headed to the kitchen. "She was out of mind with horror, like me and she said that she`ll be here first thing in a…" And just as Vergil and Lucina reached the hall that connected the house`s all rooms, a bright flash of purple light appeared before the pair, until it dissipated and left only the source of that light standing.

Right in front of Vergil and Lucina stood a hooded figure, dressed in a bright purple mantle ornate with gold, with a black hood and cape over, completely covering her face and only leaving away her the person`s lips. The woman, as it was a woman from the curves, pulled down the hood, revealing a young looking woman, with long purple, close to blue hair, reaching to her shoulders, with a small braid made on her left side, while her worried lilac eyes looked at Vergil, who was practically sweating bullets. Without any words, the woman launched herself at Vergil hugged him tightly, practically crying, as she spoke up.

"Vergil, my little baby…" She separated herself from him and began to examine Vergil hastily and anxiously. "Are you alright?! Where are you hurt?! Why are you not in bed?! What have they done to you?! Where are those swines, I`ll…" The woman was starting to ramble, when Vergil simply hugged the woman caringly.

"Mom, mom, I`m alright, really. Just a few little bruises and a bit of headache, but I`ve had worse." Vergil calmed down his mom, as Marina Grayson, or Medea of Colchis, as she was also known in certain circles of world looked with her teary eyes at her son, before burying her head in his shoulder, sniffing and hugging her son.

While for most of the people it would freaking weird to see a literal sorceress pop into their house, but for Lucina and Vergil, it was nothing too surprising, as they had known very well that their mother wasn`t just a simple Professor of Archeology and Ancient Lingua, but also widely considered to be a Sorceress Supreme in the World, as well as being the literal reincarnation of legendary sorceress of Colchis from Greek Mythos about Jason and Argonauts. Both Vergil and Lucina had known about since they were 7 and 6 respectively, as their mother had told them about it, deciding not to keep such an important secret from her beloved children. While the Mythos of Greeks had depicted Medea as a vengeful, ill-seething and evil woman, in reality she was anything like that, especially to her children. Marina, as she was known to the most, was a caring, kind, protective and sensitive woman, concerned above all else with the safety of her family and it`s well-being, especially after she had lost her husband.

While it was weird at first for Medea to live in the completely new age, with all her memories back, being a daughter of loving parents and even being an Empath, something she had inherited from her new mother. Still, Medea, or Marina as she was known, took the quick liking to the world around her, growing up in a loving and caring family, despite her dad being a US Consul and mom being an Archeologist Professor, with both often not at home. It was from her mom that Medea decided to take up Archeology as a profession, while also regaining her lost magical powers and spells, which she managed to achieve before she turned 25, along with getting a Ph.D. in Archeology. Even though the current state of magical users had severely disappointed Medea, she was actually pleasantly surprised to learn that her mom was actually a Sorceress too and helped Medea out with gaining back her powers, eventually opening up to her parents about her real origins. While shocked, Elena and William didn`t turn away from their little girl and didn`t stop caring for her any less than they did before.

Years later, Marina, while on a conference, had met Alexander Grayson, a man that quickly managed to warm his way into her heart, completely captivating reincarnated Sorceress, and soon making her fall in love with him. He was everything and more than Medea could`ve asked of a husband: caring, understanding, loyal and supportive. He didn`t care for her origin and past life, as he also had his own past which had haunted him for all his life, but with Marina, he found his true happiness and love, as well as family. And Medea was on cloud nine with Alexander, loving him more than anything, as he had given her two greatest presents she could ever ask for- Vergil and Lucina, her two little birds and bundles of life, and the only things that kept Medea from doing something with her, when she found out that her husband was murdered. After that had happened, Medea focused on her children, deciding to make their life as calm and ordinary as possible, not wanting to get them involved in the Supernatural World, something that had taken away from Medea her husband. This was one of the reasons why she decided to move to Japan, Kuoh, with the permission of Shinto Gods, as it was one of the safest and calmest places in the world in plan of Supernatural activities, or at least that was once.

When she found that her son was beaten up by a group of thugs, Medea almost had a heart attack and had to rush right home, but she was held back by her official job in Crites. Finishing it up ASAP, she didn`t take the plane, but simply forgone all caution, she teleported right home and now stood in front of her children, hugging her son, who was okay. She separated herself from Vergil, whipping away her tears and reaching out mentally to her son, noticing that she couldn`t get anything from him, which surprised her.

"Vergil, your empathy… Why can`t I reach to your emotions?" She asked of him immediately, with Lucina also finally noticing it, being also an Empath.

"Oh, must`ve been knocked out. Here, should be back online now." Vergil said, wincing out of headache when he got his senses back up. "Augh… Man that hurts..." Vergil closed his eyes out of pain, while his mom reached out to his head with her hands and began to pour positive energy towards him from the palms of her hands.

Another gift of this new life for Medea, one that was known as Twilight Healing, a Sacred Gear that allowed a person to heal anyone with it. For Medea, it was a near child`s play to master it, but she wasn`t able to completely master it in time, as she wasn`t able to get whom loved the most back to her. However, now Medea had an absolute control over her Sacred Gear and healing something as simple as a headache for her son was nothing. In a second she was done and Vergil smiled to his mom and sister, while Medea let out a relived sigh.

"Goodness, you`ve had me so scared, Vergil." Medea said to her son, as she dispelled Twilight Healing. "How did it happen that you`ve got yourself involved into something like that? I am glad that you`ve went out of your way to protect Rias and Akeno, but you do remember that they are Devils and could`ve handled it on their own, right?"

"Actually, mom, sis… The thing is much more complicated than it is as they`ve said." Vergil let out a sigh, as Medea and Lucina looked at him confused. "Let`s get into a living room and I`ll explain everything, okay?" With that being said, the family trio went to living room, where Vergil explained everything that he knew and guessed.

15 minutes later.

By the end of his tale, Vergil could clearly see two reactions from his sister and mother. Lucina simply decided to hug her brother once more, being seriously relieved that her brother was alive and well. Marina, on the other hand, was practically seething out her immense magical power, as rage and anger were clouding her mind, clearly felt by both of her children, who decided to calm her down via sending out mental responses with calmness and care. It did defuse furious Sorceress a bit, but not completely.

"Those crow-winged, worthless infidels, had the gall to attack my son and think that they`ll get away with it?!" Vergil`s and Lucina`s mother was ready to destroy entire town out of rage. "When I find them and everyone who is helping them out, I`ll show them, why all of Greece had once feared me! And once I`m done, I`ll bloody kill that useless vagabond of a Cadre Azazel for…"

"Mom, mom!" Vergil called out to her, snapping Medea out of her rage. "Not that I appreciate your righteous fury and fear it like fire, but let`s not get all destructive and stuff, okay? After all, we don`t want to explain Shinto Gods where did a good chunk of Honshu go, right?" Vergil tried to defuse the situation by his jokes, with Medea letting out a sigh, calming down a little, as she had also dispelled her magical attire and summoned up her casual wear, which consisted of a blue jacket over a blue sweater, and a long black shirt.

"You are just like your father, Vergil." Marina commented with a small smile, before turning serious again. "However, I will not let this slide like nothing had even happened. If Devils can`t properly protect this town, I`ll bloody make sure to show them how it`s properly done." That one was a clear promise on her part, as Vergil and Lucina knew.

"Wait, if Rias and Akeno had brought you here, then that would mean…" Lucina trailed, as Vergil let out a sigh, with Medea already knowing what her daughter meant.

"Yeah, I am probably now a Servant in service of Rias, `cause that can be the only explanation why I breathe." Vergil said. "She probably used a Knight or several Pawn Pieces to get me, since I fit the Knight thing best."

"Oh, Vergil… If only Zeus hadn`t confiscated my Rule Breaker all that time ago, I would`ve had been able to remove whatever they`ve put into you, but without it…" Marina said with sadness. "Yet, it seems I am in debt before Rias, for saving my son, even though through one of those Pieces and making you… Huh, that`s strange."

"What is, mom?" Vergil asked of her.

"Ever since I got here, I didn`t sense any Demonic or otherwise generally negative energy coming from you, Vergil. Even now, I`m not sensing any trace of Demonic energy, save for a clear link of a Piece with Gremory girl, but aside from that… You don`t emit any Demonic energy, but actually the complete opposite, the Holy Energy." Medea said, shocking and confusing Vergil.

"Um, mom you don`t mean…" He stood up and just as he did, something unexpected had happened.

Out of Vergil`s back sprung out a pair of strong looking, snow white wings, giving away a feeling of warmth, cleanness and calmness, shocking and surprising everyone in the room, with Vergil having only one thing to say about all of this.

"Well… Shit."

Hello there, my dear readers and viewers. My name is Alexander, or Alex, or Ronin, as some of you may already know me. As those of you who know me, you are aware of the notorious reputation I`ve built over bashing Gremories, Devils and also deconstructing them in really powerful manners, coupled with powerful MCs with strong moral codes and hating Gremories? Well, guess what? I`m actually doing a bit of a different thingy here, as I`ve decided to try and be nice to Rias and Gremories, but not to the obligatory ignoring their faults and faults of others. Plus, I`ve also decided to make a bit of different kind of a character, basing him and other OCs from my earlier work on Fanfiction, Dark Crusader of Britannia, dedicated to Code Geass.

Now, as for Vergil, he is a multi-layered character, whom I`ll be exploring for you in different aspects, but he is generally a bit of an easy-going soul, with a serious side to him as well, all coupled with his empathy, which will be playing a role in story. As for pairings, I am at a crossroads here, as I`m debating whether to make it a harem story, but with a small, 6 members tops, or to focus it up in a single pairing. Let me know about it all.

As for what in the name of God-Emperor had happened with our MC and why did he turn not into a Devil but into a bloody Angel… Well, I won`t tell you from the start, but I will give you a hint at that one: his Sacred Gear. Also, what kind of Sacred Gear is it?

Tell me in the reviews, comments, PMs your questions, suggestions about Harem, how should key events happen up and other stuff. Follow, Favor, Comment, I love it all.

Next time: Meeting up with a King and Confusion; First contract.

See ya!