Goodness I am so sorry you are reading this because its so E D G Y

Eeeey yeah i dont know how this came too my mind- the brotherly possibilities legit popped into my mind after the episode.

T.K.O didn't understand when he started feeling this way for the child he lived in.

He sighed, laying his head against the cage. This happened every time he thought about the other. A wave of sadness ran over him- his entire existance was to become the strongest, but why couldn't he?

Because he couldn't bring himself to kill K.O.

Unknowingly, he wanted to cry, but having barely any water in his body he just made sobbing noises. "Why do I exist?" he yelled, knowing the other wouldn't be able to hear him.

The other child hadn't returned to the dark part of his mind since the two of them fought, so T.K.O knew he wouldn't find his way here as he did what he was about to do.

T.K.O hadn't reverted back to a ball of shadows. He couldn't. He didn't know how to.

He had to eat or drink something.

Speaking of food, his stomach snarled. His eyes ached from the dryness that surrounded them. He let out a whimper, shivering. As K.O hadn't been here, the place started to get colder and colder.

He could always see his own breath.

He sighed. He didn't want to go there, but he had too now-

Or he would die.

"Help me, K.O


As I swept the floor of the bodega, I heard a cry for help resonate from somewhere. It sounded desperate, as if a final cry for help.

But where did it come from?

I looked around, confused. Enid was listening to music, legs propped ontop of the counter. Turning, I saw Rad, stocking shelves.

"Did either of you hear that?" I asked. My freinds turned to me, Enid taking out her earbuds. "Hmm?" She hummed. Rad gave me a confused glance. "Huh?" He said.

"Er, nevermind." I quickly said as Enid and Rad turned back to what they were doing. I went to the backroom, dragging the broom and dustpan along with me.

Setting them down, i heard another desperate cry for my help.

"Please, K.O! I need your help!"

I couldn't help it. "Where are you at?" I yelled.

"In your head-" The person went into a horrable coughing fit.

'My head?' I thought, suprised. Either way, I needed to get into my head! I thought hard about it, feeling dizzy. I lent against the wall, hoping this would help. The more I thought, the more tired I got. I had one last burst of thought-

And fell asleep.

I opened my eyes. "Great." I said. I was back in the same dark place when that other kid took over me!

I noticed how cold it was in this part of my brain. Shivering, I pulled my arms against my body.

And then I saw him.

He was curled into a ball on the bottom of his cage. Small specks of blood littered the metal flooring. Why hadn't he changed back into a shadow?

He coughed, a small, red bullet of blood bursting out. "P-Please, K.O..." he whimpered. "I-I'm so h-hungry..."

Running over and crouching by the cage, I saw how thin my dopplegänger was.


I tenderly reached into the cage and touched his side- he flinched away from my touch, letting out an agonizing cry and shoved himself against the other wall of the cage.

I let out a breath as I stood up, grabbing onto the cage door.

"A-are you going to let me... Uh, Go?"

"Not necessarily."

Swinging open the cage, the dopplegänger fell out, letting out a cry as he hit the hard floor. Picking him up, I gasped.

He was as light as a feather.

He turned away from my gaze. I could see the barely existant tears forming in his eyes, his bony hand clutching the freezing air.

"How... how long have you been stuck like this?" I asked the feather-weighted edgy child.

"I.. Ever since you left. I don't know how to change ba-" he broke into a coughing fit, small blood specks flying from his maw.

"Im going to get you to the hospital, okay? I'll figure out how to get you out, and then we'll take you."

Humming, I wondered how I would et him out of here. Feeling him shift almodt uncomfortably, I adjusted him so he would be held better.

"I want to die, K.O."

I froze.

"You... You want to.. D-die?"

He nodded.

I quaked, sitting down. "g-goodness... I-I'm so sorry. I'll get you to safety, okay?" Although we were both shaking now, he nodded lightly.

Thinking of how to get him out, I remembered how I first met him.

"wait, didn't we first meet during that game- um, what was it called, The Face Of Fear?" he nodded in responce.

"I burped you out, didn't I?" I asked amd watched as he nodded. Smiling, I responded, "Well then- I'll just burp you out again!" He gave a weak smile.

"Well, I'm going to have to go do it now then, okay?" He nodded as I carried his light body to the cage and laid him on his back.

"I'm going to get you out- uhmm... what's your name again?"

He smiled.

"My name is T.K.O."


Hey look, an unfinished trashy story that was gonna be a TKO redemption arc that i started writing literally when the episode tko came oUT

yeah there's no way I'm finishing this, sorry :(

thank you for reading though!