I did it again! Oh my god! Nitrile did another Villian!Deku comic and it was amazing! Seeing it made me have to write another drabble because, IT WAS THE BEST THING EVER!

So, I hope you guys enjoy this new drabble I did based on the comic nitrile-hero did on tumblr.

I wish you can add links, but I don't know how...


Also, I reblogged the comic with this drabble and senpai noticed it... it made my day...

"Aren't you excited Iida-kun?" Ochako said, pumping her fists. "The sports festival is tomorrow!" Ochako said, bouncing a bit with each step she took.

Ever since Aizawa-sensei told them about the festival, she couldn't help but feel excited about it. She even got some extra training into her schedule in hopes of helping her get better with her Quirk. After all, she's not only against those in her class, but with the others in her grade.

"Aah-yes! I'll give my best!" Iida said, chopping the air with his hands. Ochako giggled at his habit. Iida had also been pretty excited about the festival as well. As he said earlier in class, this was the perfect time to show off their Quirks. After all, many Pro Heroes come to the festival in hopes of finding new recruits and possible sidekicks for the future. Iida's main goal, however, was to show off how much he has grown to his brother who had promised to watch the tournament.

The two keep walking together, talking about the festival tomorrow. However, the two didn't notice the lone figure that was up ahead, sitting on the road railings.

"Amazing! UA students!" The figure said, making Ochako and Iida stop in their tracks. Were they that indulged into their conversation? Iida stood in front of Ochako. Why was he sensing something off about this person? "Sorry to frighten you! It's just that I recognized that uniform you guys are wearing. You are from U.A, aren't ya? You know, where you train to become a Hero?" The figure said. Iida scanned the guy that looked around their age. Then again, it might be a youth Quirk.

Green curly hair with black highlights, round green eyes, small freckles and wearing an all black outfit. Or at least most of it was black. A small portion of his gray shirt popped from under his black hoodie and the boy was wearing a small white bag. But the thing that was bothering Iida the most has the notebook labeled No.13.

"Yes! I guess U.A is pretty popular huh?" Ochako said, walking in front of Iida to get a better look at the boy.

"I think you're the more popular one." The boy said, slouching a bit, maintaining his eyes on Ochako. Iida wanted to pull her back, but something told him not to. What was this feeling?

"Huh?" Ochako said, looking at the boy in curiosity.

"I've heard a lot about you through the sports festival. Aren't you nervous?" The boy asked Ochako, who gave him a huge smile. Iida tightened his grasp on his school bag strap.

When did the announcements of the U.A Sports Festival talk about the students? Usually the public wouldn't know of the students' names until the day of the festival. Maybe things have changed?

"Nervous?! We're excited! Ready to kick and aim for the top!" Ochako said, making small fists with her hands. "I'm Ochako, U.A's student and future top Hero!"

"Ohoho! Uravity, I take it?" The boy said, his eyes turning into an emerald shade.

"Y-yes!" Ochako confirmed, a small blush adorning her face from the sudden attention. Iida pursed his lips.

How did he know her Hero name? They didn't even come up with their names yet. The only one who knew about it was those in the class.

"Nice Quirk by the way." The boy said, making Ochako more flustered.

"Uah! I-It's not a big deal." Ochako said, ruffling the back of her head. Iida felt something surround him, suffocating him. They had to go. After all, Ochako never mentioned anything about her Quirk.

"Uraraka-san, w-we have classes!" Iida said, earning a small glare from the boy.

"Relax!" Ochako said, placing her hands together happily. "Aizawa-sensei is always late anyways!" Iida realized what just happened. Ochako had let her guard down. She was even sitting pretty close to this guy they had just met moments ago.

"Iida, right?" The boy said, a shiver ran down Iida's spine. How did he know his name?

"Oh yes, sorry. I never introduced myself. I'm Tenya, Iida Tenya." Iida said hesitantly.

"Iida, Tenya… you know," the boy said, eyeing Iida. "You have an incredible Quirk. Kind of reminds me of Ingenium's." Iida couldn't help but notice the atmosphere get a little heavier and filled with a tint of pity. Once again, Quirks were never mentioned.

"Thanks, although it isn't unexpected, since he's my older brother, Tensei." Iida filled in, quickly asking himself why he bothered with giving the guy that piece of information.

"Your brother? Awesome!" The boy said. Iida couldn't help but hear a bit of false sense of surprise in his voice. "I always wanted to meet a professional Hero like him." The boy said, clutching the notebook in his hand. "It would be thrilling to have his autograph." The boy looked at his book, a smile plastered onto his face. "Although to be honest, I wouldn't have the courage to ask him."

With that the sound of a bell rang in the distance, making Ochako and Iida snap from their conversation. They were late for class. The two hurried off, leaving the boy behind. Soon, a dark purple warp appeared, the boy slipping into it.

"Welcome back. Got to warn him?" A purple mist told the boy, who was busy filling a small glass cup with some juice. He then handed it into the boy. The boy drank the juice, slamming the glass into his hand.

" 'Course I did! Who do you take me for?" The boy said with a grin, the mist knowing all to well that to masked the murderous intent within the boy.

"So I take it you're going to accompany Stain?"

"Of course! After all," the boy showed the mist being his notebook with the name Ingenium on a page.

"I need to get more information about Ingenium!" The boy said with a smile.

"Just don't too carried away Izuku."

"I won't Kurogiri. You have my word!"

"ARGH!" Ingenium groaned out in pain, collapsing onto the floor, his vision blurring. All in his slight was the red surrounding him and the two figures in front of him. He knew that the one to his left belonged to Stain, the Hero killer.

But he didn't think the boy to his right was a part of the Villain Alliance. He mistook him for another fan who said he also went to the same school as Tenya.

"Hero. You don't have the right to call yourself that." Stain said as he twisted his blade into Tensei's leg. "You're nothing but fake." Stain said, taking his blade out. "Hey kid, you got the notes you wanted from this?" Stain said, stabbing the back of Ingenium. The boy nodded as he quietly wrote in his notes.

"Too bad I couldn't ask him for his autograph." The boy said before smiling madly. "Then again, I guess I can ask the next Ingenium for his instead."