Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Lucifer. They belong to J.K. Rowling and Fox and now Netflix.
Draco, Harry, and Chloe stood on the outside side of the one way mirror, watching the short woman who sat primly in the interrogation room. Her dark hair hung loose around her shoulders and fell over her flowy sundress.
"So is that the murderous little temptress?" Lucifer asked, announcing himself as he walked over to the others.
"This is Jordan's girlfriend, Molly Nielson," Chloe replied. "And unless we can find some sort of connection between her and the other victim, she's not a 'murderous temptress' or whatever you called her."
"It was murderous little temptress actually." Lucifer straightened the sleeves of his jacket. "Right! Let's get our friend Jordan some justice then." He opened the door to the interrogation room and strode in.
Draco and Harry both looked at Chloe, questioningly. She just shrugged. "In my experience, he's usually just projecting his own problems onto the case." She watched as Lucifer sat down across from Molly with a concerning look on his face. "I better get in there before anyone gets thrown across the interrogation room." She shook her head at Harry and Draco's confused expressions. "Don't ask."
Harry laughed and he and Draco followed Chloe into the bright blue room. While Draco and Chloe sat down in the uncomfortable metal chairs next to Lucifer, Harry settled himself in the corner of the room, leaning against the wall.
"Thank you for coming to talk to us this morning, Ms. Nielsen," Chloe said.
The woman sniffed and dabbed her cheek with a lacy handkerchief. "Who did this, Detective? Who could have done this to my Jordan?"
"That's what we're trying to figure, Ms. Nielsen," Chloe replied. "I was hoping you might be able to look at this picture for me?" She pulled out the picture of the other victim who was still yet to be identified.
Molly pulled the picture over to her side of the table and studied it intently, sniffing delicately all the while. Harry watched her closely. He honestly found her prim affect a little difficult to believe, especially the handkerchief. Seriously, who had a handkerchief like that anymore? It was almost Umbridge-esque.
Molly pushed the picture away from her and looked up at Chloe. Harry saw his chance and took it. "Do you recognize that man?" he asked.
For the first time since he entered the room, Molly seemed to notice Harry's presence. "No, I have no idea who that is."
Harry frowned and ran his fingers through his eternally messy hair. Molly immediately stiffened and let out a small gasp. She quickly forced herself to relax and looked back at the detectives in front of her as if she was hoping no one noticed her little episode. But Draco noticed. He saw it clear as day. And so did Chloe.
"Was he," Molly pointed to the picture, "killed with my fiance? Were their bodies together?"
Lucifer began to speak, but Chloe quickly jumped in to keep him from giving out too much information about the case or investigation. "No, he wasn't."
Draco frowned. "Sorry, did you say fiance?" Something about Jordan being Ms. Nielsen's fiance didn't seem quite right to him, but he couldn't figure out what.
Molly nodded. "He proposed a month ago."
"And yet, you didn't live together?" Lucifer asked. "Seems to me his heart wasn't really in it if he made sure he had a place to escape your relationship. That must have driven you mad."
"Lucifer!" Chloe hissed. That was inappropriate, even for him.
Harry had to agree. How did he get away with acting like that at work? Was it because of that ridiculous devil personna he seemed so committed to?
Molly waved her off. "It's okay. I would probably think that too if I saw my relationship with Jordan from the outside." She put her left hand on the metal table, and tapped the extravagant ring on her fourth finger. "He was all in. It was just––living together was . . . complicated."
"Was there a difficult lease? A roommate problem?" Chloe asked.
"No, we actually were going to move in with each other next month. Jordan was supposed to tell George that he was moving out a couple days ago. He was so anxious about it."
Draco shifted in the uncomfortable seat. "Why was he so anxious?"
Molly smiled. It was a bittersweet smile. "Because he hated the idea of putting anyone in a difficult position. He was so considerate, so selfless. It was one of the things everyone loved about him. Though I'm not sure George deserved his concern."
"Well, he is a rather dull fellow," Lucifer agreed.
The sound of chimes rang throughout the tiny, echoey room. A deep red spread over Molly's cheeks and even reached her ears. She pulled out her phone to silence it, checking the caller ID as she set it on vibrate. "I'm so sorry about this, Detectives, but it's Jordan's mother calling me. Is it alright if I––"
"Of course," Chloe interrupted. "You're free to go, but don't leave town." Molly nodded and slipped out of the room, bringing the phone to her ear as she left.
Harry frowned. "Well, it might be worth looking into a potential problem with the roommate, but there's no connection between Moore and the second victim."
"I agree," Chloe said. "We need t––"
She was interrupted by the opening of the door. "You'll never guess what I found," Dan announced.
Lucifer smirked. "A way of coping with your overwhelming douchness?"
Dan ignored him and shoved a scrap of paper at Chloe. "I was checking through your second vic's belongings again to make sure he didn't have some ID on him because that key was a dead end, and I found this tiny pocket on the inside of his jacket. This paper was inside."
Chloe snatched the paper from him and quickly read it over. "It's an address. Do you think whoever lives there could ID our vic?"
"Only one way to find out," Draco said.
"So why exactly do you need to see this apartment, officers?" Mr. Perry, the round little landlord, asked as the five of them trouped up the narrow staircase of the apartment building.
"All I can say right now is that it is part of a murder investigation," Chloe replied carefully. Pierce had been very clear when he said that he wanted to keep the investigation out of the public consciousness.
Mr. Perry's eyes widened. "Murder?! Oh dear, well I can assure you, Mark may be a quiet, standoffish sort of man, but he's not any danger to anybody."
"I'm sure that's true, Mr. Perry," Chloe assured him. "If someone had come to visit, would you have seen them from your office downstairs?"
"Probably." He climbed up onto a landing with three apartments on it.
Chloe pulled out the photo once again and showed it to Mr. Perry. "Did this man ever come here?"
Mr. Perry looked down at his feet and then back at Chloe. "Yes he did. That's Mark Mullins."
Draco's eyes widened. "The man who lives in this apartment? Is there any chance we can take a look around his apartment while we're here?"
"Sure, I guess." Mr. Perry looked utterly dejected. "I have the key right here. I'll just––" he jiggled the key in the lock of the first door on the landing, and pushed the door open. "There you go. I'll be down in my office if you need anything more. The door locks automatically, so don't worry about locking up when you leave."
When Draco entered the apartment, he couldn't help but sneer at the shabiness. The rooms were bare, and the furniture was tattered and out of date. He wasn't quite sure what he thought that he would find in the apartment, but Chloe and Lucifer must have thought that there was something important because they were scouring the apartment. Finally Chloe let out a triumphant shout, and held up a small metal tag.
"What is that?" Harry asked.
"A sobriety chip!" Chloe said. "Which means that we have some sort of connection between the victims."
Finally it dawned on Draco. "They were both recovering addicts."
Draco was on his way home when someone grabbed his arm. Draco whirled around, reaching for his wand in his jacket pocket with his free arm.
"Woah, woah. Slow down, mate," his assailant said.
Draco briefly closed his eyes in exasperation. "Potter! What in Merlin's name do you think you're doing?"
Harry smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, I didn't mean to freak you out. I just wanted to talk to you about something."
"Alright, talk if you must, but for God's sake, take your hand off my arm."
"What did you think about Molly Nielson?" Harry asked. Draco shrugged noncommittally, but Harry continued to press him. "Anything about her behavior strike you as odd? Anything at all?"
"You're referring to the fact that your scar freaked her out." Harry nodded, and Draco scoffed. "You're always one for the dramatics aren't you? Couldn't have just asked me about it up front."
"I wanted to make sure I hadn't imagined it," Harry defended. "I had planned to check for her in MACUSA records but there is no mention of her anywhere. Unless she's using a fake name or unregistered, she's not a witch."
Draco frowned. "You think she's squib?"
"That or she's a muggle that illegally knows about us." Harry checked to see if anyone was around and pulled out his wand. "I'm on my way to go speak with Ms. Nielson again, and I want you to come with me if that's alright with you."
He spoke lightly, but there was an edge to his tone that left Draco with very little room to argue. "Fine."
Harry lunged and grabbed Draco's arm once again and the two of them blinked out of sight without another word. When they reappeared in an alleyway next to Molly Nielson's appartement, Draco violently tore his arm from Harry's offending grip. In front of the pair stood a small, organic grocery with what looked like an apartment on top. The lights were still on in the grocery, and Draco could see Molly Nielson pathetically attempting to busy herself with chores.
Harry made to walk into the store, but Draco called out his name, stopping him in his tracks. "In the future, do resist the urge to apparate before telling me. I would have splinched if I weren't so adept at improvised apparation."
Harry rolled his eyes. "Lucky for us then that you're naturally gifted," Harry answered without turning back to look at him. "Now, come on. We have a job to do." Draco grimaced but followed him into the brightly lit shop.
The door chimed as they walked in, but Molly seemed not to hear it. Harry scanned the grocery for any other shoppers, and found it empty. "Ms. Nielson?" He called out as he and Draco approached her. "Ms. Nielson?"
Molly looked up and started a little when she saw who was in her shop. "Hello, officers. What can I do for you?"
Harry smiled warmly at her. "We just have a few more questions about your fiance if that's alright with you. Is there somewhere more private we can speak since this is a rather delicate matter."
Molly shook her head. "The shop is always empty this time of day. We won't be interrupted. You can ask your questions, but I'll only answer them here."
Harry was slightly taken aback by her refusal, trying to gather his thoughts before asking his questions. Draco quickly grew bored of Harry's floundering and took matters into his own hands. He reached over Harry's head and pushed his fringe to the side. "Does this mean anything to you?" he asked. Molly shook her head, and Harry slapped Draco's hand away. "Really? Because it clearly meant something to you earlier today."
Molly was silent, most likely weighing the risk of asking the question that had been bothering her ever since her visit to the police station. "Is that the . . . Are you really Harry Potter?" she finally asked.
Draco fought the urge to give a long suffering sigh, but Harry just nodded, far too tired of the question to react in any meaningful way. "How do you know who I am?"
"Jordan was super into magical history," she said, looking around to make sure no one had heard her, almost on instinct. "Especially anything involving the rights of No-Maj-borns or Magbobs as he liked to say."
"Magbobs?" Harry asked.
Molly was about to explain, but Draco beat her to the punch. "It's an old term for muggle-borns. It was used back in the tenth century or so and was actually rather positive."
"How on earth do you know that?"
"Binns talked about it all the time. I suppose you had far better things to do than actually listen in his class." Draco turned back to Molly. "But I digress. Ms, Neilson, are you a witch or any sort of squib?"
Molly shook her head. "I'm just a normal human––or no-maj I guess." She blushed. "Sorry I didn't mean to offend you. Obviously you're human––"
"––It's alright, Ms. Nielson. You didn't offend me at all," Harry assured her. "Actually, between us, I hate the term no-maj." Draco nodded in agreement.
"Were you aware of the legality of your fiance's actions?" Draco asked.
"You mean that he was supposed to marry me without telling me anything about your world, and we were supposed to have a happy trusting relationship despite it?" She laughed. 'Yes I was aware of that."
Draco frowned at her tone. "Those laws that you find so inconvenient are in place to protect wizards as a society from muggle persecution which is far more cruel than a little deceit between a few couples."
"I personally think it's cruel and unnecessary," Harry said.
"Well yes, you would."
Molly glared at Draco. "I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess from your accent that you're from Britain, right?" Draco nodded, and Molly continued. "Well, Britain allows wizards and witches to inform their partners of their true nature, and you don't seem to be having many problems maintaining the Statute of Secrecy."
Harry shared a confused look with Draco. "You sure know a lot about us for a muggle, no offense––I didn't mean," he broke off, sheepish.
Molly just gave him a small forgiving smile. "Like I said, Jordan loved history. He used to tell me about a significant event every night before we went to bed."
"Did he tell you that while legal, your marriage wouldn't be considered acceptable or even valid by many?" Draco asked.
"Of course. It's part of why it took us so long to live together. He didn't want to put me in danger by publicly living with me."
Harry leaned against a short shelf of soup cans. "Did anyone ever threaten him or give him reason for concern?"
"You mean, could anyone have killed him over it," Molly said. '"It's certainly possible, but doubtful."
"Even though he was actively worried for your safety?" Harry asked.
"Oh no, it's a legitimate motive, but it doesn't make sense that someone concerned with the State of Secrecy would leave a magical murder for the LAPD to find. No American wizard would."
Draco had to agree. These murders were anything but subtle. "So you think he wasn't killed by a wizard?"
Molly shrugged. "He could have been, but it wasn't our engagement that put him in the most danger. His activism for no-maj rights often got him in trouble with more . . . conservative members of your society."
Harry nodded, thinking of all the resistance Hermione had been facing in her political career because of her pride in her blood status.
"Are you investigating this because he was a wizard or is there some sort of evidence that this was a magical crime?" Molly couldn't stop herself from asking. She looked back and forth between the two men in front of her, simultaneously needing and fearing their answer.
Harry pointed at Draco. "He just happens to work for the LAPD. I'm on this case because of the possible threat to the Statute of Secrecy this case poses." Molly nodded and Harry pulled a card out of the inside pocket of his jacket. "Given the possible danger to you and your close relationship with the victim, please call this number if anything comes up." Molly accepted the card and he and Draco turned to leave. "Also, it goes without saying that the LAPD will not hear about this conversation."
"Of course," Molly said quickly. "Have a nice night and, Detectives, when you find who killed Jordan, make sure the bastard burns in hell." Harry nodded gravely at her, and he and Draco walked out into the twilight.
"You didn't tell her about the markings on the body," Draco noted once they were safely out of the shop and Molly's hearing.
"I don't want to risk her accidentally compromising the investigation. What if she told someone the details of the murder? Or she accidently implicated herself by knowing too much if Detective Decker speaks with her again?"
Draco stopped walking and turned to face Harry. "Speaking of Chloe's suspicions, you should know that she and Lucifer are both questioning your involvement in this investigation."
"What did you tell them?"
Draco shrugged. "Nothing. But I'd be careful if I were you, Potter, especially with Lucifer. As your failure at occlumency showed today, he could get you to say a lot more than you mean to. Watch your back." Before Harry could respond, he turned on his heel and walked off.
"You should too!" Harry called after him.
Draco stopped but didn't turn around. "Are you referring to the fact that I'm the top suspect?"
Harry scoffed. "Is that what Blaise told you in all those secret texts?"
"What?" Draco turned around slowly.
"Did you really think no one knew about your eye inside the ministry?" Harry asked. "I wish I could tell you that Blaise is wrong, but MACUSA is just itching to pin this on you. Be careful."
"And you of course are fully convinced of my innocence?" Draco sneered. "Don't try to pull that with me, Potter. You thought I was a murderer at age twelve."
"Yeah, but people can––" Harry started and cocked his head. "Wait, how do you know about that?"
"You and your little gang are not nearly as subtle as you would like to think you are," Draco replied. "I started putting together the pieces after everything happened in the chamber. I'm still not quite sure what you did exactly, but I know the three of you were investigating me that year."
Harry rubbed the back of his neck, looking sheepish. "Yeah, you don't want to know how we investigated. But to be fair, you weren't exactly trying to look innocent that year."
"Meaning please don't go around spewing bigoted rhetoric if you want to remain free man."
Draco gave a curt nod and promptly disapparated.
I hope that everyone is safe and healthy, both physically and mentally. Y'alls concern for Draco warmed my heart, and I promise I won't hurt him too much . . . or will I?
Thank you for all the feedback and support, and thank you so much to everyone who favorited, followed, and gave Kudos.