AN: Inspired by TheDragon1010 and way too many late nights watching Hallmark movies. I really should be writing HTTYD Star wars: Eclipse and Eternal Valkyrie 2 but this just won't get out of my head. So I hope you all enjoy it. :3 (Gives readers popcorn)

The Vegas fiasco

Chapter 1

Astrid let out a groan as she came too. She lifted her head and then promptly shut her eyes when the sunlight hit her. A headache was already forming as she blearily looked around. She was in a hotel room that wasn't hers, lying face first on the floor with one of her feet in a planter that held a small palm tree. She squinted and then blew some of her hair out of her face and tried to smoothen the disheveled blob of blond hair on her head.

Standing up on wobbly legs she looked around. Champagne bottles, streamers and party hats lay scattered about. She was going to kill her friends when she found them. Why did they have to come to Las Vegas for a bachelorette party anyways? Astrid sighed while looking around for her shoes. She still had on the cocktail dress from last night and she was sure that her makeup was smudged. She whirled around when she heard the groan of someone else.

"Oh my head!" A voice said from under a mountain of pillows on the floor. Astrid grabbed the nearest thing she could find which was some picture frame on the table and walked carefully to the moaning mass.

"Who are you!" She tried to sound menacing but with her mouth feeling like sawdust it came out raspy. A head poked out from under a pillow and then squinted at her. Auburn hair was sticking out at odd angles as the person revealed himself. He was only wearing a pair of slacks and Astrid got a good look at him as he rubbed his forehead. Lanky, but slightly muscled, forest green eyes, and very very handsome. She had to stop her brain at that point lest it go into some ogling pervert mode again. Her friends always reminded her that with her broad imagination she could think of multiple naughty things while checking out a guy. It was both the curse and blessing of being a writer.

"Who are you?!" Astrid asked again as she still clutched the frame.

"How can you not recognize your husband Milady!"

"HUSBAND!" Astrid now shrieked.

"Yes husband. We got married last night. You are in fact holding our marriage license." Astrid quickly turned the frame over in her hands and her eyes widened upon reading it. Her hands grasped the frame tightly as she read "of the marriage between Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the 3rd and Astrid Maria Hofferson….. Officiated by….. The State of Nevada." She skipped over several things, read it again and then read it once more just to wrap her mind around it.

"I'm married to you!" Astrid loudly exclaimed.


"You're married to me!" She then said.

"Yup" Hiccup said again as he sat on the floor still wringing the sleep from his eyes and willing the hangover to go away.

"You're not freaking out about this!" Astrid now stated as her eyes narrowed.


"Why?" She asked then as she looked Hiccup straight in the eye.

"Because we are both two consenting adults who made the decision together." He mumbled. "It might have been a spur of the moment thing but it was your idea first. You know what they say, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas."


"Don't tell me you're regretting it now!" He asked. "We can always try to make this work."

"No we can't!" Astrid lamented. "I have a wedding to show up to!"



"Wait…. You're the bride?!" Hiccup now asked as he stood up very quickly. "Why the hell did you agree to marry me then!"

"I don't know!" Astrid stressed out and then the familiar ringtone assailed her ears. She looked left and right "Where is my phone?!"

Hiccup was closer to the ringing sound and he looked around. He walked towards a porcelain vase and peered inside before extracting the mobile. "Someone named Martin is calling." He said as he held out the phone for her. Astrid dove for the device and made a shushing motion to Hiccup before answering the call. Why the hell did her fiance have to call at this exact time?!

"Hiiii honey!" Astrid said in a 'sugary voice'. "Oh everything is going just terrific." She managed to get out. "Oh you know. We're just doing girl stuff." She watched Hiccup walk to a bag and bent down. 'Damn that behind.' Her mind supplied as she spaced off momentarily while ogling Hiccup as he was bending. "Oh I'm sorry honey, what did you say?" She asked having missed a portion of her fiance's sentence. She mentally kicked herself. "Yes, yes, your mother wants what? I see. No, I guess that's alright…. How many are on the guestlist now?! Uhuh." Astrid mumbled. "The wedding planner and your mom did what?!" She frowned before going into the bathroom to talk. Not because she wanted any privacy but because Hiccup had been bending down all over the room picking up the clutter. 'Damn him and his perfectly sculpted behind!' her cheeks reddened as she thought that.

When Astrid came back into the room most of the clutter had been cleared. Hiccup proceeded to hand her a few painkillers and a glass of water. "I've ordered us some room service."

Astrid nodded and sat down on a couch. The marriage license had been placed back on the table and she glared at it. "What were we thinking?! What was I thinking?!"

"Good point. Why didn't you tell me that there was a fiance out there somewhere? I don't date attached women." Hiccup sighed as he sat down on the opposite end of the couch.

"No you just marry them." Astrid dryly stated.

"Well you're the one who approached me!" He countered. "I did think you were very special. If I had known that you were already engaged I'd not have flirted with you. Why weren't you wearing your ring?"

Astrid looked down at her ring finger that now held a very beautiful platinum band with three diamonds placed in it. "The ring is a family heirloom of Martin's. He wanted it to be safe while me and the girls went to Vegas. Did you buy me this ring?"

Hiccup nodded and then frowned for a moment. "Seems he cares more about that ring than you."

"He does not!" Astrid quickly replied back. "It was his great great grandmother's. His family values the history that that ring has a lot."

"Alright alright. Didn't mean to ruffle your feathers." Hiccup mumbled as he held his hands up in a supplicating manner. There was a knock on the door. He went to open it and someone rolled a tray of food inside.

"Look let's not get into it." He said as he tipped the guy before opening the tray. "There is breakfast and I'm sure we can get an annulment of the marriage."

"We can?" Astrid asked as the smell of bacon filled the room. Some of her worry eased upon hearing that.

"Yup, you'll be a single woman again, in no time to walk right back down that aisle. Just got to contact my lawyers and have them start filing the petition." Hiccup laughed as Astrid pouted slightly. The smell of food was winning her over and she caved in when her stomach growled loudly.

"So tell me about your fiance. He must be a very lucky man." Hiccup asked between bites.

"Well he works as a hedge fund manager in Berk." Astrid began but Hiccup's choke stopped here.

"You're from Berk?" He managed to ask after catching his breath. "So am I."

Astrid's brows rose. "I'm surprised this didn't come up last night."

"I think we might have been a been a bit too busy with the second round of bodyshots, or it might have been at the roulette table, or…."

"I get it!" Astrid cut him off, her face going slightly pink. "I get it."

"As I was saying. Martin is a hedge fund manager in Berk. We live in a studio apartment in the city but we might soon move to the suburbs."

"You don't sound so happy to be moving to the suburbs." He commented.

"Well, I can, in principle work anywhere I want. I'm a published author. But the suburbs seem so dull. The same types of houses everywhere, mostly same color too, same yard, and he'll be nearer to his mother." Astrid spat out the last part as if it was poison.

"I'm guessing you don't like your future mother-in-law." Hiccup observed. Astrid raised a brow and gave him a look that said 'You think'. "What did she do that was so bad if you don't mind me asking?"

"You really want to know?"

"Well your friends are probably dealing with their own hangovers. So there is really nothing else to occupy your time. Besides wouldn't it be good to vent?"

"Are you some type of therapist?" Astrid asked confused.

"Nah, I'm a chef. I work in my Godfather's restaurant in Berk."

"You want the long version or the short version?" Astrid asked slightly intrigued by Hiccup's job.

"Which one is the most entertaining?" This caused her to scowl at her husband-soon-to-be-ex-husband.

"Let's see….." Astrid thought. "She's from old money. Very haughty. When she was first invited over for dinner she thought I was the cleaning lady. She thinks I'm not 'cultured' enough because I haven't traveled as much or gone to fancy country clubs and parties. She mocked my job as a writer, my choice in clothing and fashion in general."

"Now that's not true." Hiccup interrupted. "You look gorgeous!"

Astrid coughed as she blushed once more "Thank you" She said before continuing.

"As I was saying, she basically has to always be right and seems to think I am not good enough for her son. Now it seems she has taken over my wedding. She changed the cake and dessert selection. The woman knows I'm allergic to chocolate!" Astrid exclaimed. "Now I have a chocolate wedding cake!"

"Have you actually tried to put your foot down?" Hiccup asked, his fork having stopped midway.

"Hiccup, she brought Martin's ex high society girlfriend to our engagement party and tried to get them back together!"

"Yikes, I hope your fiance set her straight." Hiccup stated. Astrid just gave him that look from a few minutes ago.

"He didn't do anything?"

"I love him but he can be a bit of a momma's boy. He takes her side in almost everything."

"Well it also seems that you have calmed down somewhat from having found out you were married." Hiccup commented.

"Oh don't worry. I'm plotting the slow and painful deaths of my bridesmaids." Astrid stated simply. "Speaking of, I should see where they ended up and probably worsen their hangovers."

"You are evil. I like it." Hiccup smirked.

"If you don't contact a lawyer soon then you'll find out just how much." Astrid smiled sweetly before patting Hiccup's shoulder and grabbing her purse and handing him a business card. "Call me!" She said while exiting the suit.

Hiccup just sat there before nervously rubbing the back of his head and letting out a small chuckle.