Bus Stop:

"Goddam!" Lola thought as she was waiting outside the bus stop alone "why can't I have Stan, it's not like Wendy will ever care that I liked him first". "I would definitely like to get to know him better if Wendy wasn't always in the damn way all the time'' Lola thought to herself.

as she leaned herself against the bus stop pole. Lola took in her surroundings as if for the first time, the fresh snow that fell the night before, the rusted sign that she was leaning on,

Her thoughts cut short when she heard crunching of snow that turned her head to the direction of the sound. "OMG" Lola thinking too herself "its Stan and he's not with the others" finally Lola's wish came true time to talk too Stan alone is finally going her way.

What would've taken a minute for Stan too walk to the bus stop felt like an eternity for Lola, on the outside Stan could say he saw a girl who looked and acted self-centered but little did he know that inside Lola was screaming thinking "OMG DON'T MESS THIS UP!"

Lola tried to think what she could say to him but much too her dismay nothing came up "come on think of something oh I know how about I say "what's up" no I can't say that, it would be too weird" "do only guys say that"? no I can't say that either.

Blinded by her overthinking she's awoken from her deep thought, there the man of her dreams standing five feet away from her "hey" Stan says as he buries his hands deep into his pockets. Lola now a sweating mess blurts out the one thing that comes to mind "what's up" Stan facing towards the road turns his head and lets out a faint chuckle and replies "the sky".

Lola thought to herself "what?... I don't get it" Lola lets out a faint laugh pretending she knew what that meant "so where's your friends" Lola attempting to break the silence oh I don't know "probably faking being sick" Stan replies, your Lola right is that your name? Lola responded with a quick "yea" Lola responds with a quick sarcastic comment "and your name must be Stan right" Stan chuckles again

he moves to say something else just as the bus pulls up cutting him off as Stan steps on the bus Lola fantasy goes wild with thoughts. her and Stan holding hands walking in the hallway, with Wendy in the background crying. And everyone holding up signs "we love you" on pink poster boards her feeling all the happiness in the world right as Stan looks at her he says Lola-Lola wake up as she snaps back into the real world with Stan standing on the top step of the bus calling her name and says "we have to get too school" and lets out a smile and a big laugh Lola blushing full of embarrassment thought too herself as she steps on the bus, full of kids laughing as well "god I must've looked so stupid standing there like that Especially front of Stan.

The Bus

Lola takes her seat next to her closest friend Heidi. Are you going to Reds party after school today? Yes I wouldn't miss it for anything who else is going? Replied Lola as she pulled out her note book from her back pack and started writing down something

Heidi replies "well from who I can piece together Millie, Jenny, Bebe and practically everybody in the freshman class"

"So is Clyde going too" asked Lola in a cute devilish smile. "OMG shut up" Heidi said in a playful girly tone "you know he's coming and I am definitely going to get with him" Heidi also added. "all I'm saying is if he plays you like he did with Bebe I'm going to break his balls" said Lola "don't worry if it ever gets too that point I'll get my dad too do it" Heidi replied.

"it sure is cool to be a freshman" Butters says as leaning over the seat in front of Lola and Heidi" what are you writing" butters asks none of your business replies Heidi. "turn around and worry about yourself butters" Lola added.

as butters turns around Heidi sneaks a peek "a love letter to Stan again?" Heidi says in a whisper. You know he's going out with Wendy, right? I know I just do it too piss her off. Lola said they both chuckled Lola said "look I can't let anybody know it's me that's sending him notes. ill sneak it in his locker today"

Lola writes in the letter

The day I first saw you was the day I knew I wanted to spend my life with you.

With love your secret-admirer

Heidi's voice turns too a whisper again "well lets hope that Wendy doesn't find out" 'she wont" Lola replied with a satisfied sigh." where here again" shouted Craig five seats behind the girls also shouting "another day where we wont learn anything in Mr. garrisons class"

Sit down and shut up! shouted Mrs. crab Tree as she's pulling in to the school bus lot.

"well see you in class" Heidi said too Lola as she got up from her seat. Lola thought to herself " I just have too make it through today and then I can blow some steam off at reds party".

*Authors note please don't hate, this is my first story and will gladly take advice for bettering it. I plan to continue if I get at least 5 favs and if not then "hey I tried my best" peace out.