(By request I have decided to take on this task of writing a separate Arpeggio fanfic. This will be written in shorter chapters than my first fanfiction. I must again state that I don't own anything pertaining to this story, this is a purely fan based idea. And now that we have all the peculiar's out of the way we can begin.)

Chapter 1. The Vortex

The North Sea was rough and stormy. Thunder boomed and lightning cracked, hitting small pieces of floating ice. The seas swelled and massive waves crashed down. All the marine life that lived near the surface was in hiding from the wrath of the sea gods. It was a terrible time to be sailing. And yet through all the chaos, there was a ship of admirable size pushing its way through the terrible seas. It heaved as it crashed through the waves. It illuminated the waters with it's yellow glow and left behind a long wake even through all the rough weather. The symbol of a lightning bolt was emblazoned on the bow.

"My what a crappy day." Said Prinz Eugen. She was right too. It was terrible. She had been assigned to patrol the Northern waters after the command cruiser that was here before her had reported several picket boats going missing. Suspecting a new human weapon, she had been sent in to patrol. But she didn't want to patrol in this! How did they expect her to find ANYTHING in this? Her sensor range was practically zero and the rough waves forced her to expend a lot of processing power to sustain her 3/4 speed of 60 knots while still keeping her belly under the water. Just then, the bow slammed into a peculiarly large wave, sending water cascading down over the deck, drenching the only girl on board that was standing on the starboard bridge wing.

She was cute by most people standards. She had long blonde hair that drifted down just past her shoulders in a nice wave, though now it was soaked and tangled. Her face was distinctly German in appearance. A slender figure with a medium bust served to complete her. She wore a German women's auxiliary uniform she had happened across in the early stages of the Fog war. She looked good in it.

"Prinz Eugen." She felt the message bounce around inside her head, someone was trying to contact her over the quantum link. She went inside the bridge, squeezed out the water from her clothes, and answered.

"Blucher! I'm glad to hear from you." She responded to the call in perfect German.

"How is patrolling in a storm going?" Blucher asked.

"It's about as fun as you'd expect it to be." Growled Eugen. "Damn that Bismarck. It's like she wants me to suffer."

"You know Bismarck. She's as grouchy as they come."

"Your lucky to be under Tirpitz. I'd much rather be in your fleet. At least we could go on land and take a break from time to time. Explore and things like that."

"One day sister perhaps we will get a mission that involves time on land."

"I look forward to that day." Then Eugen felt another contact poking at her. "I'll have to talk to you later Blucher, guess who is on the horn."

"An angry Fuhrer?"

"Bingo." Replied Eugen. She cut Blucher's link and opened Bismarck's.

"What is it Flagship?"

"The humans are launching an SSTO using the cover of the storm. It contains some kind of new weapon that could be dangerous to the Fog. I'm sending you the coordinates. Shoot it down." Eugen shivered as she received the coordinates.

"Do we have any data pertaining to the weapon flagship?" Eugen asked.

"It contains a new type of cannon shell known as a Distortion Warhead. While the humans have gone to great lengths to keep it's existence under wraps, we know some things about it."

"Explain please flagship."

"The SSTO is loaded with a lot of samples of a new type of shell. It is known as a Distortion Warhead. From what the intelligence division has gathered they have found that it causes a disruption on the spatial plane that can't be blocked by Klein fields. It would be as effective as a Corrosive Warhead. Do I need to explain more?"

"No Flagship, I understand and I am changing course now." Bismarck cut the link. Prinz Eugen felt lucky to actually be doing something besides patrolling. She was one of the few ships who's super-gravity cannon could hit orbital targets. Her hull tipped drastically as the course change was made. Of course she would never capsize. She could use her sidekick thrusters to prevent that. Eugen looked up at the sky. The storm was still escalating. She scanned the air pressure and temperature in the region. If the storm kept going like this, it would turn into a typhoon. She kicked her engine into full. The waters aft churned as the graviton engines shoved against it, pushing Eugen to 80 knots. After sailing for about twenty minutes, she could faintly make out land.

She scanned the shoreline with her enhanced vision. There was the SSTO. It was just about to launch. Her Super-Gravity cannon activated. The Superstructure of the vessel split and a gigantic cannon array arose from inside. Eugen locked it onto the SSTO. She heard the rumbling roar that the shuttle caused as it smoked high into the air. The super-gravity cannon tracked it, charging quickly. "A 56% charge should bring it down at the altitude it's at." She thought. She watched the smoke trail as it flew up and angled in her direction behind the clouds. With a smile, she fired the Super-Gravity cannon. Another roar broke through the storm as the cannon carved a clear path straight through the clouds and hit the SSTO. It exploded, pieces flying in all directions as shuttle disintegrated. Eugen caught sight of a large piece of wreckage falling towards her. Raising her Klein field, she sidekicked the vessel. She jerked as the ship shunted to the left to avoid the impact. The wreckage came screaming down and crashed close by, the explosion washing over her Klein field, saturating it by 12%.

"Another job finished." Eugen pulled a small notepad out of her pocket and wrote down the event in it. It wasn't the first time she had to shoot down spacecraft. Back when the humans had resources to spare, they tried all different ways of attacking the Fog, including orbital attacks from both satellites and spacecraft. It was fortunate they didn't have the same kind of technology she did. Then she noticed something wrong. She slammed her notebook shut and gazed out at the flaming mess that was once an SSTO. Where the wreckage had landed, a large force was pulling at her. Her engines at full, she tried to break free of the pull, but couldn't. She looked through the explosion smoke. It was being sucked down into a gargantuan vortex that had unbelievable pulling power. The ship lurched and slid closer to the vortex. Lightning crackled out of the vortex in all directions. Some of the bolts hit her ship and became continuous. They pulled her in. Prinz Eugen screamed at the energy surge as it damaged her, overloading most of her capacitors. She executed an emergency energy dump. The Klein field flashed and the tribal marks started radiating energy into the ocean, heating the water to steaming. However doing this meant she had no thrust. The ship fell into the vortex. Eugen closed her eyes.

And then everything stopped.

Eugen fell silent. She opened her eyes back up and looked around. She felt a pull on her ship, but it was very light. She was in a dark void. Raindrops from the storm were suspended around her. Smoke from the wreckage explosion was here to. It swirled slowly as it fogged over her vessel. All around her was blackness in every direction. The only illumination was from her own vessel. Curiosity overflowed her. Eugen stepped outside. She touched the rain and it broke across her, still suspended in mid-air. It was quite beautiful actually. It was almost like was under a night sky, the way the raindrops reflected the light of her vessel was like staring at a starry expanse.

"What is going on?" Eugen asked herself. She went back inside and attempted communications. Immediately she screamed. Her comm system blared an unendingly loud noise that blew her eardrums. Then there was a whump as the ship hit something. Eugen felt an unknown distortion. Then the blackness cleared away into a normal nighttime skyline. The ship impacted the ocean. Water flew in all directions and the rain crashed down upon the hull. Eugen was tossed about the bridge like a doll. The ship lurched and rose into normal flotation on the water. Eugen adapted her model to the pain she was feeling and it instantly vanished. She struggled to get up. Reactivating her sensors, she started using spare nanomaterial in her holds to repair the damage done to her systems. It was mostly electrical damage, and some of the damaged nanomaterial could be reused. In the time space of a minute she had regain full operation.

"Heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen to flagship Bismarck." There was no response. Eugen was confused. Bismarck never refused a call. And this wasn't the kind of thing she could just pass off as a side effect of shooting down an SSTO. If the humans had more of whatever created that vortex, the Fog could be in danger. She tried again. "Heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen to flagship Bismarck." No response. She tried to connect to the Concept Communication system. Perhaps she could contact someone there.

She couldn't.

She wasn't being denied access. She just could not connect. Curious she sent a probe across the quantum wavelength. If there was something going on in the Concept Communication system it would return with a signal.

To her surprise. It didn't come back at all.

She sent probes out along the whole wavefront. She tried calling all vessels of the European fleets. No one responded. Not a single probe returned. Her long range radar picked up no friendly contacts. Not even enemy contacts. Eugen was panicking now. With all the evidence presented before her, there was only one possible conclusion.

"I am the only Fog vessel in the world." She whispered to herself. Even the foreign ships she had encountered refused connection. The joint tactical network wasn't there. She wasn't receiving any sort of signal from any Fog vessel. Eugen struggled to compose herself. She thought about her predicament. What if the Humans had deployed more of those weapons around the world? She wouldn't be the only one, and she would still have picked up some sort of contact. There were plenty of Fog vessels humanity didn't even know of. But it was just as possible that there were ships out there and humanity had attacked the Supreme Flagship Yamato, which would be a logical cause of the Concept Communication system going down. Yamato was the keeper of the system. If something happened to her, then the system would be shut down to prevent an information leak. Eugen sighed. The best course of action was to sail towards the last known position of Bismarck. She would have been patrolling off the coast of England. But then Eugen noticed something.

"Isn't that cliffside higher than it should be?" She asked herself.

She saw that the water levels in the region were lower by astronomical amounts. Before the world's water levels had risen due to human mistakes with environmental protection, flooding out large areas. But the water level was the same as before it began to rise drastically. Then Eugen had a thought. She activated her long range sensors.

"Not a single sign of humans near here. Where is the space center that was here before?" Then she detected faint signals. Then she was truly shocked. They were old radio signals from the 20th century period. Because they were so weak, she couldn't understand them. She had a choice, to go find Bismarck, or follow the signals. Against her better judgement, she decided to follow the signals. Perhaps she could report something to Bismarck when she found her. Eugen calculated. She wasn't in her original position. The general landscape had not really changed over the last 100 years, so following a built-in mapping system, she figured from the landscape she was somewhere on the coast of Norway. She decided to go northwards at 3/4's speed. Towards the radio signals.

It didn't take her long to find something.

She had run across the inlet of Oslofjord. A inlet that once was flooded over by the risen sea. And she detected many contacts inside. Engaging her acoustic sensors, she heard very familiar sounds. The sounds of 20.3 cm SK C/34 cruiser cannons and 28 cm SK C/28 battleship cannons.

The inlet contained a very curious surprise. She decided to stay far away from the battle and observe it with her long range sensors. The night would offer her enough cover. She walked out to starboard bridge wing and looked through one of the long range scopes into the inlet. And she gasped. The scopes could light up anything in their field of view. And what she saw made her realize her entire life was changed.

She was witnessing the battle of Drobak sound.

Three large ships occupied the inlet. She knew that one was her sister ship, the Admiral-Hipper class heavy cruiser Blucher. The other two were the Deutschland class pocket battleship Lutzow and the Emden class light cruiser Emden. They were in the process of engaging the fortress Oscarsborg. She knew exactly what would happen too. Prinz Eugen loved watching human war footage and movies about the World Wars and reading about them. She had taken great interest in World War 2 particularly because that was when her historic counterpart had been fighting. She witnessed everything happen. A large 28cm shell struck her sister, causing a large fire in the hangar bays. She saw the explosion of the Infantry ammo that doomed firefighting efforts. She saw the wake of Blucher diminish as she knew one of the turbines was disabled. She was sailing to her doom. Then Blucher surged forward again at 32 knots. Lutzow was taking fire from the fortress as Blucher moved in to dodge the gunfire, right into the 15cm cannons firing range. Bridge steering was disabled and Blucher slowed down. Prinz Eugen wanted to cry. She knew what would happen next. Two spouts of water rose as Blucher took two torpedoes that she never knew the Norwegians had. She slowed, then one of her secondary batteries exploded. The ship began to list. Men were leaping from all over the stricken vessel into the sea. The Blucher rolled over, and sank. Eugen couldn't help but cry a little as she watched. She remembered Blucher from her world. She was nice and kept her company whenever she was bored. And if what she was witnessing was real, she'd never see her again.

In fact she would never see any Fog vessel again, for she had traveled back in time.

To be continued….