A.N. I've had this chapter written for a while now. It happens much later on from where chapters 1 and 2 left off, but I really wanted to upload this story sooner rather than later. There is a bigger overarching plot, but the chapters will most likely be posted out of order (mostly depending on how inspired I am to write).

Essentially, Mari and Adrien sneak away to goof off and have some fun in a hidden meadow. They are friends at this point, and have a huge crush on each other, but neither of them have the guts to say it to each other's faces... yet.

Warning: Chapter contains lots of fluff!

Adrien used his massive wings to ascend himself, shooting upwards several feet with every flap until he disappeared into the clouds. I counted to ten silently in my head and went after him, not stopping until my head broke the surface of the clouds. All I could see was a vast valley of white, with patches of green peeking through from the grass below, all of it under a vivid blue sky. I searched for him using my raptor vision, but it was practically useless through the thick cumulous clouds.

"Adrien~" I half sang. But I received no response. I continued to search for him, but still had no luck. "Adrien, where are you! This isn't funny!"

My wings were starting to fatigue from keeping myself aloft, but I knew I couldn't fly down just yet. "Adrien! Where are y- AH!"

I yelped as I felt something warm grab my leg. I turned around and sure enough, he was right there, sitting in the cloud right below my feet. He was laughing hysterically, but the only part of this I found remotely funny were the small bits of cloud tuft that lingered in his hair and the feathers of his butterfly-shaped wings.

"For someone with impeccable vision, you sure suck at hide and seek," he teased.

I gave an over-exaggerated gasp that only made him laugh harder. My astonished expression quickly turned into a smirk, and I proceeded to climb slightly higher in the air. I waited until he saw me before diving downwards. "Hey, what are y- WOAH!"

I flew towards him, aiming at his shoulders with my hands then hooking them under his arms once I pushed him through the small cloud he previously sat on, causing it to disperse in the process. I tucked my wings in slowly as we gained momentum falling towards the ground. I looked to Adrien again and brought my wings closer to my back. He finally caught on to what I was trying to do, his face lighting up with an idea to make this more exhilarating. "Hold on!" he shouted over the air noisily whipping against our ears as he grabbed my waist tightly. The next thing I knew, our speed doubled. I wasn't prepared, and reacted by squeezing him in addition to my already tight grip on him, unintentionally bringing our chests together. At a glance, I could see Adrien's wings were tucked in like mine were. That explained the sudden increase in speed.

My stomach tightened as my body was trying to adjust to our falling, but in that moment the adrenaline rush kicked in. I flashed Adrien another mischievous smile while his eyes glistened with an equally mischievous twinkle. I turned my attention to the ground below us. We were about 200 feet and counting. I carefully tapped his hands that were firmly clasped at my back, implying that I wanted him to let go. He obliged and I continued the descent. 100 feet. Just a little more.

I spread out my body and wings simultaneously, gritting my teeth silently to hide the pain I just put myself in as I shifted my body position from vertical to horizontal almost instantaneously. My body glided parallel to the ground almost as fast as I was falling. I could see Adrien's shadow quickly drifting behind me. I changed the angle of my wings to go upwards, spiraling my body as if I was drilling myself through the air. I stopped myself when I felt my head spin and my body aching for rest. I flew to the ground and laid on my back, wings spread out under me, and Adrien gracefully coming to the ground next to me, and awestruck look adorning his face.

I panted heavily as I watched the sun slowly sink behind the rolling hills. Adrien sat next to me on the grass and leaning back, using his arms to hold up his body. I felt his pinky finger brush against the edge of my wing. He quickly retracted his hand with a quiet "Sorry."

"No, no, it's fine," I said, sitting up as well. His focus still locked on me. I reached over and hugged him around his shoulders, burying my face into his neck. "Thank you," I practically breathed into his skin. "This is exactly what I needed,". He returned the hug and wrapped his arms around my waist again, his head leaning against the top of mine. I felt the chilling breeze that marked the beginning of the evening against the back of my legs. I expected Adrien to shudder violently like usual, but to my surprise he stayed perfectly still. I pulled back to ask him what was wrong, but he seemed to know exactly what I was thinking.

"I felt it," he paused. "I just want to stay a little longer."

My breath hitched slightly when he brought his hand up to cup my cheek, running his thumb over my jaw with his left hand and wrapping his right hand around my waist. I practically melted into his touch as he trailed his hand from my cheek to the nape of my neck, then caressing my scalp as he ran his fingers through my hair. My eyes traveled to his lips without realizing it and licked mine on instinct. I don't think either of us realized how close we were until our noses touched, bringing both of us back to reality.

I immediately felt embarrassed. My clumsiness once again ruined another potentially perfect moment between us. I averted my gaze from him, my face and my ears burning, most likely a bright red. I mentally scolded myself for ruining everything.

Yet, all of that suddenly didn't mean anything. A long finger gently hooked under my chin and tilted it upwards, forcing me to look into his beaming, jade-hued eyes and warm smile. My wings and body stiffened slightly and my quiet gasp was silenced as he leant down and closed the remaining distance between our lips.

My eyes slowly closed and my heartbeat quickened as our mouths slowly danced against each other.

I sighed in pure bliss as our kiss continued. It was my first kiss that lasted longer than a peck, so I honestly had no idea what to do. I returned his affections as equally as I could, but I was still uncertain. My brain was pounding, worried that maybe I was doing something wrong. Adrien could read me like an open book. He pulled back, but we stayed there in silence, still in each other's embrace. He looked at me, his expression asking me if I was uncomfortable with this or if he had gone too far. I brought my hands up his back and held delicate, soft, white feathers in between my fingers in response, and pressed my other hand against his semi-bare clavicle as I leaned in once again. He pulled my body towards his and soon enough, our lips collided once again.

This time, the kiss had more force. More power. The last one may have been testing the boundaries, but this was a like a dam that gave out, letting the water it was holding back flow freely. My head was swimming in the unfamiliar warmth caused by my body tingling so much. I hardly registered that my back was hitting the bed of grass under me, my wings which were previously bunched up sprawled out beneath me and relaxed against the earth as well. Our kiss remained uninterrupted as Adrien directed me to lay down, and I felt a satisfying shiver travel down my spine as his fingertips ever-so-gently caressed the tough skin of my wings near my shoulder blades.

I opened my eyes in an attempt to process what was going on. Adrien was balancing himself on his knees, one on each side of my waist. His hands moved from carefully grasping the blue leather of my wings to framing my head. My eyes quickly shut themselves again when I felt him nip at my bottom lip with the edge of his teeth. My nerves heating up in the best way possible.

My lungs were desperate to let out the air I had been holding in, and my body released it accompanied with a noise from the back of my throat. I tried my best not make any more embarrassing sounds, but my efforts were destined to be in vain when he began to take advantage of my parted lips.

Our pleasure was cut short as a second breeze, even cooler than before, washed over us. Adrien's whole body shivered and the feathers of his wings ruffled violently. Both of us knew that this was no longer the proper time or place to be doing this.

"We need to get you home," was all I said after catching my breath, still lying with my back facing the earth.


Adrien stood up and extended a hand towards me, still trying to tame his breathing. I took his hand before he teleported us back the cottage.

A.N. No joke, this legitimately the first kissing scene I have ever written. I have read plenty of fics with kiss scenes, and some of my good friends and fan fiction buddies who have experience writing stuff like this gave me some tips beforehand. Other than that, this is the first kiss scene that I have written all by myself. I don't know if that's an accomplishment worth mentioning, but I'm pretty darn proud of myself! I would have made it longer, but I didn't want to botch up the whole thing before it got too long, so I decided to cut it a bit short before that happened (because I'm so damn EVIL!)(Lol, jk. I promise I'm not THAT mean). Long story short, I was suuuper paranoid that this would turn out like crap. I'm so glad it didn't! (at least I hope it didn't...)

Let me know If you think I should write more stuff like this in the story (nothing will exceed the "T" rating). FYI, general adorableness is going NOWHERE!

Next chapter will (probably) have more world/character building in it. And some background of Mari's mission (aka: Why Adrien was wanted dead.)

Thank you all for reading/following/favoriting/reviewing my story!