She wasn't sure how long she was unconscious. It could've been only a few seconds, it could've been weeks. Her sense of time was screwed over a long time ago, from being in stasis and testing in the ever-constant environment. And she always had a nagging feeling she forgot something important. This time it was really strong, but she shook it off.

Anyway, the passage of time wouldn't have bothered her much anyway. She was alive, and that was what counted.

But she did not expect to wake up in an elevator. Nor did she expect Her to say anything that could be called compassionate.

"Oh thank God, you're alright."

But there it was. Even electrocution couldn't have felt as shocking as Her saying those words.

"You know," GLaDOS continued, "being Caroline taught me a valuable lesson. I thought you were my greatest enemy. When all along, you were my best friend."

She wanted to tell Her how much of a stretch that statement was, but for the one time she actually wanted to speak in front of GLaDOS, her throat failed her. All she managed to get out was a hoarse cough.

"A mute best friend," GLaDOS added dryly. "Still. That burst of emotion I felt that me an even more valuable lesson. Where Caroline lives in my brain."

"Caroline deleted," the loudspeaker announced.

"Goodbye, Caroline." The massive robot leaned forward, Her golden optic flashing. "You know, deleting Caroline just now taught me a valuable lesson. The best solution to a problem is usually the easiest one. And I'll be honest. Killing you? Is hard." GLaDOS pulled back. "You know what my days used to be like? I just tested. Nobody murdered me. Or put me in a potato. Or fed me to birds. I had a pretty good life. And then you showed up. You dangerous, mute lunatic."

Oh yeah, it was totally her fault she awoke in that relaxation vault. Right.

"So you know what? You win. Just go."

The glass doors slid shut and the elevator began moving upwards.

"It's been fun, Chell. Don't come back."

GLaDOS watched the elevator rise out of view. A little bit in Her felt sad to see Chell go, but she squashed the feeling. If she wanted her freedom so bad, let her take it and never come back. It would be so much easier for Her.

And besides, there was other things to attend to.

"Don't think I forgot about you, metal ball..."

A panel on the ceiling shifted, letting a screaming Wheatley plummet to the floor. The glass on his optic shattered on impact.

"I'm surprised she kept a grip on you. She could have let you fly into space."

With one of Her metal claws, She picked up the core. He shook, too terrified to speak.

"But she didn't," She continued. "And if she thought it worthwhile to save you, who am I to go against her? After all, I don't betray friends."

Wheatley whimpered.

"So instead of sending you to the incinerator where you belong, I've got another plan for you."

The claw tightened around Wheatley.

"I hope you like testing. Because that's what you'll be doing. For a very. Long. Time."

Author's Note:

This was originally posted on AO3, along with several other chapters. This might not be updated very often, because AO3 is kind of my favored site. :3

REPOSTED (previous one bugged out so I redid it)