Volpina did not know where her child was but hoped he was safe and kept safe. For she could not search for him while she attempted to defeat the villain before her. Hawkmoth could see the new hero and recognized her true identity instantly. He had akumatized Lila Rossi into Volpina a few too many times to not recognize her. The only thing that differed from her teenage costume was that her brunette hair was pulled back without a hair out of place much like a famous Nickelodeon actress.

Luka now daunting the snake Miraculous curtsy of Carapace was able to help the two heroes that stood clueless on who the were and how they came into such predicament. He gathered both ChatNoir and Ladybug quickly. Not knowing if either used their special abilities or not but, could not risk their identities being exposed. He personally did not care whether ChatNoir's identity was exposed or not but Marinette would of surely ended their relationship if he did not. She was very keen on keeping identities a secret.

"Where are you taking me?" Ladybug questioned not knowing who either of the strangely dressed men were.

"I'm taking you both to the wax workshop. I think it is safer for both of you to remain hidden until you resolve things." The snake themed hero, Viperion replied Neither ChatNoir or Ladybug had a reason to argue with him.

"I have to summarize everything quickly for the both of you. For you ChatNoir, you will say "Plagg, claws out." to detransform." Viperion told ChatNoir as he pointed to the flashing ring. Viperion was glad that Marinette had told him the names of all the Kwamis'. Made this situation somewhat less complicated. "But, wait until I leave the room. I don't want to know your identity." He turned to Ladybug. "Say "Tikki, Spots off and..."

"And wait until you leave the room before detranform. Am I right?" She added.

He smiled before he kissed her forehead. "No actually, I wanted to say that I love you. This might be goodbye" He did not know if she would retain her knowledge of today's events. 'Will she still love me if she knows who ChatNoir is? Could I bare the pain of losing her?' Viperion asked himself.

Ladybug stood there and became stuttering mess. "I'm hot... I mean your hot... I mean we just meant. I think?... I... Thank you."

As Viperion and Ladybug said their goodbyes neither noticed that ChatNoir had de-transformed into his civilian identity. Ignoring Viperion's order. Not on purpose; his time just ran out.

"A flying cat!" He yelled as his Kwami flew off and explored the room. Both Ladybug and Viperon turned their heads at the commotion behind the wax heads. The area in which ChatNoir went so, Ladybug and Viperion could have a private moment although, he was still able to hear there conversation. ChatNoir wondered why he was both glad and upset that this flying cat magically appeared.

"You alright?" Viperion asked not daring to check on the superhero himself. 'ChatNoir was now vulnerable and it would be wrong. Wrong to fight him without his powers.' Viperon thought.

"NO! I may not remember anything but, I do know cats are not supposed to flyyyy." He was spooked by the 'flying cat' who possessed a wax head causing this Miraculous holder to trip. His awful landing was followed by snickers from the Kwami.

Ladybug looked at direction of ChatNoir then at Viperon. "You better go." She said those words as if he was a stranger. Viperon admitted to himself that it hurt but she was right. She was always right in situations like this.

Ladybug walked over to ChatNoir who just laid sprawled on the floor. Ladybug had to admit that the man laying before her was better looking without the mask. Although, she did like the skin tight leather suit better then the dress pants and shirt he wore.

"Are you getting up?" She asked as she bent her knees and held out her hand.

"No because I figured the floor is the best place as any to figure out whats going on."

"You're so childish." Ladybug remarked standing up and deciding to sit on a table waiting for this unknown man to decide whether he waited to participate in deducing who they were. Or who they are.

"I am not a childish. Someone childish would say make me." He said looking up at her. Both waiting a few minutes. Ladybug wanted ChatNoir to join her and he wanted her to join him.

"I don't know who either of us are but, I know that I am going to do anything to figure it out. I know the life I have is worth remembering and would like a partner to help me but, if you prefer the floor then be my guest and stay." Ladybug said before giving a pause waiting if the man would attempt to get up. "Tikki, spots off." She added.

Ladybug shrieked at the small doll-like creature loosing her balance off the table stumbling onto the floor along with ChatNoir.

He laughed at her before asking her a question. "Can I say something crazy?"

"What?" She glared. She knew whatever he was going to say could not be good.

"That dress looks good on you better than the spandex." He added not telling her that he got flashed in both meanings of the word. Once with the flash of light caused by her detransformation and the other because of how her legs were parted. Not his fault for being in the right place at the right time.

She kicked his side. "I don't think the suits are made out of spandex."

"Flying cat, am I right?" He asked assuming the flying cat was still in the vicinity.

"It's not spandex it's something else. I don't remember exactly." The red kwami stated.

"He asked me. Not you." The flying cat stated. "And ya, she's right." He said referring to is red counter part.

Ladybug smiled relishing in the fact she was right.

"Who's childish now?" He questioned sitting up resting his back up against a nearby shelf.

"Still you." She quickly replied.

"How come?"

"You looked up my dress."

"Not my fault you don't seat like a lady should." He said slightly embarrassed she noticed that.

"I thought your suppose to be a cat not a dog." Ladybug said.

ChatNoir crawled over to Ladybug. He leaned over her with one arm on the wall behind her to stabilize his weight. "Woof." he whispered in her ear. Her face flushed red. She did not know whether to be turn on or laugh.

Both kwamis looked at each other knowing this was a bad idea to let this continue. There was a villain on the loose and they knew they had to stop him or her and they couldn't do it if their holders were doing each other.

ChatNoir looked down noticing something in Ladybug's bra that wasn't what was supposed in be there. Without a second thought he took in out and this was immediately followed by a loud slap.

"Deja vu." he said as he rubbed his cheek handing the cellphone to its rightful owner.

"You could of just told me instead of invading my personal space." She said not feeling to bad for hitting him.

ChatNoir move himself next to her knowing that the mood was now ruin. "How could you not feel a phone in your bra? Are your breasts not sensitive?"

Yet, again the black cat got smacked. This time however, was on the back of the head. "Pervert." She said as she tried to figure out who she was by the information held in her phone.

"Marinette." she mumbled as was looking at the Instagram photos she was tagged in. The post she found read: 'My boys hanging out with their auntie Marinette.' Dated a few days ago.

"Find anything?" ChatNoir asked. She looked at him and saw that he was also on a phone.

"Where did that come from?" She asked.

"My back pocket. Why?"

"It was there all this time? And you didn't say anything? Is your butt not sensitive?"

"You answer my question and I'll answer your's." Marinette smacked the nameless man once again. She thought he wanted to answer the question about her sensitivity but, was referring to the question of whether she found something or not.

"I found out my name is Adrien Agreste and I am a stalker." He said. His photo gallery was filled with pictures of the women sitting next to him doing a lot of sewing related tasks. All pictures looked as if she was unaware that he was talking them. There was only three in which looked like the people in in were aware. There was him and a young girl wearing a tutu similar to the colors of Ladybug's costume. 'A fan?' he questioned.

"That doesn't surprise me."

"So, did you find anything?" He asked preparing to get smacked a fourth time.

"Actually, yes. My name is Marinette and I've got a daughter named Emma. Or perhaps we've got a daughter named Emma."

"We? Is this her?" He asked showing Marinette the picture of the little girl.

"That's the exact same picture I have." She added showing her copy to him for confirmation. "Do think we are possibly a couple or even married? Just hear me out for a minute. We have a daughter, we both wear rings on our left hand, and I hate to admit it but we sound like a old married couple."

"If we are I want a divorce this is a very abusive relationship." Adrien said getting you guessed it; a fourth smack. "This is the fourth time you smacked me in what? Thirty minutes? Stop hitting me. I'm not a punching bag."

"That's true punching bags don't usually reply."

"Nether do cats but here we are." He said agitated that she keeps hitting him. "If this was the other way around I would be... Never mind. It wouldn't be that way because I couldn't do that to you."

"Now I can see why I married you." She said not understanding why her immediate reaction was smacking him. He on the other hand he wasn't telling her to stop because it hurt. He was telling her to stop because he was a Masochist.

"Are you a Sadist?" He questioned.

"Then again you say things like this and expect me to respond."


"Yah, probably. I do enjoy hitting you."

"Now wasn't that easy to say?"

"Does this mean your a Mas..."

Adrien covered her mouth before she could finish her sentence.

"I will admit nothing." he said realizing he shouldn't of even brought this topic up.

"Shouldn't I be the one making you be quiet?" She asked.

"Only if you want to."

"And what if I want to?" She asked choosing to forget what they were supposed to do. The cat and bug kwami wanted to stop this but they figured the humans wouldn't listen to them. The best they could do was give them privacy.

Erza, the boy in the closet exited. He knew Emma told him to stay put however, it felt like ages since he had seen anyone. He roamed the area he was in and chose not to stray too far from the closet. It work as a quick hiding place encase the akuma attack changed locations. He saw Ladybug standing not to far away. He got closer and notice this Ladybug was the original one as heard the people at the anniversary say. A wax figure. He had to poke it to make sure.

When there was an akuma attack one could not trust if something was as it seemed. He heard noises. 'Bad noises?' he asked himself not sure if he sound follow the sounds or not. 'Ladybug and ChatNoir would.' he added but that wasn't enough. He was easily frightened. 'Emma would.' He knew she would help anyone endanger. However, he was eight. He couldn't wait util he was ten then he could be as brave as Emma. He stole the wax Ladybug's yo-yo.

He carefully tip toed to the door the noises came from. He was either about to be a hero or pee his pants. He was okay with either outcome. He opened the door and was unprepared for what he was now a witness of. He knew the woman to be Emma's mommy and the blonde man he saw a few times in passing. Both adults scattered to cover up when they heard the door open when they saw the intruder was a child they panicked.

Erza started crying because this was the only way he knew how to deal with stressful situations. Marinette dressed in Adrien's dress shirt went over to the crying boy trying to calm him down. "Ssssh.. It's okay." She said kneeling to his height. "Are you lost?" She asked.

He shook his head no.

"If you made your way over hear your definitely lost." Adrien stated as he threaded his belt. He was irritated that his fun was interrupted by a child. If it was an adult he could of continued without feeling guilty.

Erza started crying again. "Adrien!" She scolded. Mad at him for upsetting a child.

"I wouldn't be so upset if he had just given me five more minutes."

Viperon reset the timeline over and over again. Each time his hope in defeating Omission seemed to decrease. He couldn't do this without Ladybug. She knew what to do and here he was trying to fix a problem without the right tools. Stupid, right? He wasn't not a man that made wise decisions. Having the ability to reset time gave him a chance to rethink things.

Did he love Marinette? Of course he did. That wasn't the questioned he needed to ask himself. He need to ask himself if he wanted this. There is pros and cons to every relationship. People are imperfect but, what if Marinette or Emma was killed in an akuma attack? He couldn't live without either of them. He felt as if he needed to ask Marinette if she could give up her superhero days once again for the sake of their future. No, for the sake of his sanity.

He hated himself for thinking on this topic but, the more time he had the more his madness grew. The only way to defeat the villain was to let Marinette be Ladybug. He had many events happen to him throughout his life but why was this so hard to do? Was it because she was his first love? His fiancee? His future? Or was this fear?

Every time his temporary partner got hit by Omission he had to reset. He couldn't exactly fight him one on one. Viperon cursed his mind for thinking of what could happen and not what is happening. "How many times?" Volpina asked as they hid behind a flipped over table.

"Too many." He replied. She could tell he was worn out it was the same worn out look her fellow colleagues had the night after the bar exam.

"I don't know if you have a grudge against Ladybug or not but, one of the people I dislike most in the world took a chance on me. The chance to protect both her son and mine. If you haven't tried all your options then you're not trying your hardest. It may not be the option you want but, it is the best option. It's always a win-lose situation. So, reset and get help."

Viperon reset the timeline according to Volpina. She was right. Maybe, he did have a grudge against Ladybug and had been lying to himself, telling himself he was okay. Okay with not being told the truth sooner. If Adrien had never stepped back into her left would she had ever told him?