A/N: Thank you everyone for your reads and reviews. Thank you again for those that checked in on me :) that was sweet. I'm fine, though 2020 is wilding out for no damn reason. I've lost some people and I'm still dealing with that. Hope you enjoy this finale. I've had it written for years and now I get to finally post it. LLAP Kerry Lamb

AOS Spock POV-

Spock awoke to Nyota quietly crying in his arms. Not his Nyota. It hadn't worked.

He drew in a slow breath and let his head fall back against the wall with a sigh. " Fuck."

His quiet curse drew Nyota's attention away from the floor and up towards his face. " Sorry. I woke you up."

He sighed again and shook his head. " No, you didn't. And even if you had, it is nothing to apologize for."

A bashful smile crept over her face and Spock felt his side ache with longing. He had tried to send her back to that hellish universe to that blighted version of himself. Her eyes fluttered as she felt his mind lamenting and she placed a hand on his chest. " It's okay. I've made it this far. I'll be fine."

Spock shook his head and took a hold of her shoulders. " I do not care to speculate about things I care a great deal about."

Nyota's smile grew a bit wider though her eyes didn't mirror the happiness. " You need her back. I know I don't belong- I just. Even if I have to leave - I'm so happy to have known you, like this, you know. I-"

A single ran down her cheek and she swiped at it angrily. " Ugh, why am I crying? Ugh, I just- it was really nice to be with you."

He kissed her before he thought too much of it. He felt her body tremor as her crying picked up but she kissed him back with the same amount of passion he gave her.

Spock pulled her closer and opened his mouth to her. A soft moan vibrated his mouth as she leaned into him and sought his tongue with hers. The lighting around them changed as the first tell-tale signs of a ion storm began to swirl outside the porthole of his cabin.

Spock broke the kiss and sighed in resignation against her lips. Nyota, a woman that both drove him mad and made him whole. The essence of who she was, had seen him in love twice over. Their bond to one another was not contingent on the space or timeline. No matter where she was or who, Spock's undying affinity for Nyota would always find her.

True there was that time and space where he and Jim had been closer, where he relied more heavily on his logic to guide him. And that Nyota had been more driven in her career and no romance existed between him. When they had chanced a meld between their minds, Spock could sense his regret, no matter how illogical, in not pursuing Nyota. He had sat by contentedly as the Scotsman engineer swept her up, never knowing what exactly he was allowing to pass him by.

And perhaps there were other places in space and time where the other Spocks or Nyotas had met their demise early on. It was that thought that pained him right now. How could he in good conscience send this beautiful survivor back to that awful existence to possibly meet her demise?

Spock cradled her face and held it against his with the warmest affection he could exude. He did not want to dwell in such a world or place, not even in thought. A place where she couldn't love him or be loved by him. A space where he was alone.

Flinching in his hands, Nyota's hands came up to lay on top of his. " Did I hurt you?" she asked with a quick kiss to his lips. " I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Tell me what you need. Tell me."

Spock's body went rigid as his mind ground to a halt. He remembered her saying those exact words. It felt like a lifetime ago but the tenor and pacing in which she delivered it was a perfect replication. How much of her was different? How much of her remained the same?

As she stared up and waited for his reply, the ion storm's lightning flashed across her face. His brow furrowed as he took her in. Right or wrong, he could no longer deny it; deny her. " I love you, Nyota Uhura."

Her breath shuddered to a halt as she froze. Spock searched her face and mind for something, anything to tell him what she thought when she broke into a sob. She shook her head and tried to rein herself in. She succeeded in regaining her voice but tears continue to stream from her eyes. " I will always love you, Spock."

Like the flip of a switch, the bond between them swelled until he thought it might burst from its distention.

He took her face and kissed her once more.

The space surrounding them-

- Mirror! Spock

He tumbled out of the vent and down into his quarters with a heavy thud. Nyota flew down after him, falling into his arms as he caught her as he tracked her descent.

She looped her arms around his neck and hugged herself close. He started to put her down when she grumbled for him to stop. He paused, huffing through his nose. " Nyota. We do not have time for this."

She laughed derisively and turned into his shoulder. " We'll never have time if we don't take it."

He was prepared to rebuff her when he felt her breath followed by a sharp, wet pinch. He groaned and closed eyes as Nyota's mouth clamped down harder. She held him a second larger before drawing back and kissing the wound.

He held her to him then and buried his face into her hair. She snuggled into him and exhaled as he wrapped his arms tighter. " T'nash veh."

He chuckled and nuzzled her ear. " Ha. T'du, Nyota. You finally understand."

He fingered away the hair at her neck and kissed the bare skin. " You do understand, don't you?"

She answered by turning her face away to further expose her shoulder. Spock edged his face further down and kissed at the skin she proffered. " I love you too, Nyota."

He bit her without warning but made it brief. As much as he wished to take a more leisurely approach in marking her, the knowledge that they were being pursued did not let up. He retracted his teeth from her skin and tenderly licked at her. " Let us get you home."

She turned to face him and examined his face. " You keep on saying that."

Spock ground his teeth and forced himself to focus on his physical pain. " I have to continually remind myself that I have to."

A small but beautiful crept over her face as she placed her hand at his chest. " You'll have your Nyota back and-"

"-It is not that simple." he said. How could it be he thought. He loved her. Loved them both. They were Nyota and he had devoted himself to her completely. He did not want to send her away anymore than he wished to bring his mate back here into this danger.

" It isn't that simple, is it, Spock?"

They jerked their heads around to see Chekov seated in the far corner of the room. A phaser sat on his thigh, leveled at Spock's. He smiled as he took in the shock on their faces and chuckled quietly. " Mmm, maybe you should send her back Spock? She's making you soft, Vulcan. Forgetful. Everyone here knows to check any room they come into. Well...everyone here but her."

He felt Nyota go stiff in his arms and lean in closer. He was going wrap his arm tighter around her when Chekov clucked his tongue against his teeth. " Nit. You don't move."

He glanced back at Nyota. The way he smiled at her, made even Spock's heart stutter. Chekov licked his lips and tilted his head with a delighted hum. " I can't wait to get you alone, Ms. Uhura. I've been watching Spock here-" he said, gesturing to him and then to a corner where Spock could only assume a camera had been planted. "- break you in. I don't know whether to say he was softer or harder on you than he was with our Nyota but he was certainly just as enthusiastic. And who wouldn't be? Everyone knows you have the sweetest, tightest puss on this ship. Though I might be biased. I've wanted you for my own since I first saw you."

He swallowed and panted at the air. " They tore your clothes. I supposed I couldn't trust them to deliver you here unharassed."

Nyota surprised them both when she swore aloud. " You stupid shit. They almost killed me!"

Chekov made a show of pouting with a soft hum of mock concern. " Sorry I didn't stay but I wanted somewhere quiet for us to get acquainted and to be sure that you handler here was...dealt with."

" He's not my handler." she growled.

Chekov drummed his fingers along the arm of his seat and frowned. " No? Jailor then? Perhaps pimp? Nit, he doesn't share you. So fucking sentimental these Vulcans. They try and play it off like they're all possessive but I know what it is." he nodded. His accent was growing thicker as he went on. " He can't help himself. He's so obsessed with you, prekrasnyy, he's sick with it. Sick with you."

He gestured with the phaser barrel at her and jerked it up. " Time's up. Stand up you two. Unlike your boyfriend, I am not a heartless man. Say goodbye."

Nyota looked from Chekov up into his face and shook her head. " I'm sorry."

Spock opened his arms and she went back into them. He kept his hands wear Chekov could see them, rubbing up and down her back before resting them on her rear. " He is right in many respects. You do possess the sweetest, tightest cunt. But he forgot- the toughest."

He dropped his arms as Nyota whirled around with the phaser that Spock had tucked into the waist of his uniform slacks. Chekov's eyes widened as he saw her level it at his chest. They shot in tandem and the air was filled with red.

Chekov flailed backwards before evaporating into nothing. Spock's eyes looked them over and then around the room the bed which had been directly behind them was gone. He gazed down to find Nyota staring up at him with bright, mischievous eyes. " Tough pussy?"

He nodded and shrugged. " The strongest. The best."

She touched his face and he felt his skin burn. Her mind thrummed with the pleasure of completion. She was leaving and he would be safe for now. She was finally going home. Spock clenched his teeth with a pained expression. His side throbbed with the emotion contracting within him. Nyota stood with him at the foot of her bed in growing concern. " Are you okay?"

" I-" he began. " I- don't know."

He held his middle and closed his eyes as he curled around his arm. " I don't know."

Small, cool hands cupped his face and had him groaning. They were so soft, so familiar yet he had not these particular ones until just 56 days before. He felt the warm press of her lips against his forehead and grit his teeth at the bittersweet ache that swelled in response. " I know you're different. A version I don't think I'll ever understand but I love you. I love you Spock."

His arms caught her and yanked her into him. She yelp at the sudden embrace but made no move to break free of it. A mournful rumble, something deep and Vulcan, filled his chest as he crushed her closer.

He loved Nyota, needed her as much as air and here he was letting her go. He had promised to help her return after his near death experience with a sound case. Who would protect her if he were to die?

Yes, logic and his need to preserve Nyota fueled his resolve to see the deed done. But as he stood before her now, the mere thought of her departure and his own Nyota's uncertain return took on a physical pain within the bond. His heart fared no better. He ached as if he were dying. Surak, he needed her. " Must I beg for you to stay?"

" What?" Her voice was nothing more than a huff of air. He swallowed audibly and dug his face into her shoulder. " Please do not leave me. Please do not leave me, Nyota."

" Spock." Her tone had gone tender. She caressed his face and brought it to her mouth where she gently kissed him. " You know I can't stay."

" We are one. I said once but it is true, Nyota. Vulcans do not lie. You came from beyond me but we still remained bonded. You are mine. You cannot leave me."

Spock coughed and sputtered as his own voice faltered and cracked. The emotional conviction raging behind his words threatened to end him. He would plead and beg for her to stay. Crying was not beyond his ability. He would lose himself without her. Nyota, every expression of her, old and new was the sweetest thing he had ever known. " Do not go from me…"

He felt her hands flinch as the first hot trickle of tears made their way down his cheeks. " Nyota!"

She was gasping now and clutching him just as hard. Did she feel it too? The heartache of leaving? The way that they were one? Surely, he wasn't the only one left feeling mad with grief? She had said it for herself. She wasn't the Spock that she had come to know and bond with but she still loved Spock.

Confusion prickled his fingers as he held her and he kissed at the furrow in her brow. " I know." he whispered. " I know how confounding it is. But no matter what form you take, my ka'tra always burn for yours. Nyota."

She was actively sobbing and clutching at his tunic. " I don't understand why it had to be this way. Why did this happen?"

Spock moved the hand threading through her hair to settle along the back of her neck. " I do not know. Perhaps to show us the depths of our bond? The unlimited nature of love. The infinite diversity of infinite combinations."

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. " However, I have found that the universe more often than not doesn't have a reason. It just is."

He stopped talking then and tilted her head back then. This was goodbye. Possibly forever if his Nyota did not come back. Forever if whoever else Chekov employed his coup got to him first. He knew though now without any shred of doubt that he, Spock, would do anything for her.

The lightning sizzled and flashed wildly outside the porthole as he kissed her. She kissed back, clutching at his shoulders as she shared his wonder and grief. Love was never meant to be defined. It simply was, and for them, neither time nor space would keep them apart.

Spock shut his lids tighter and withdrew with a shaky breath. " I love you."

A startled oh had his eyes snapping open. She was staring back at him. Her. His Nyota.

She blinked up at him with an incredulous look on her face. " Spock?"

His body trembled at her voice. It was so soft, more gentle than he had ever heard it. He held breath and slowly reached for her. " Nyota…?"

She looked at his arms as they started towards her and back at his face. He paused and furrowed his brow. Did she no longer want him? Had she ever? He blinked back tears and bit the inside of his mouth. He had never given a reason too. Wherever she had been, Nyota had been happy. And a huge part of him had to wonder if it was because he wasn't there.

His arms fell to his side as he shut his eyes. She had returned but not to him. The ache that had troubled him earlier returned but he hardened his facade. Not right now he thought. Later he could mourn later he could deal with himself accordingly. " Nyota. I'm so sorry. I-"

The air left him as she seized him around the waist. He stared down in disbelief as Nyota snuggled herself into him. " Spock…"

He hesitated for only one moment before he scooped her up and kissed her. Her hands ran all over him and her legs wrapped about his waist with a deathgrip. She nibbled at his lip and he groaned into her mouth.

She broke the kiss and looked at him with glittering eyes. " I love you."

" I love you." he replied automatically. It seemed that after saying so once he couldn't be stopped. " I love you." he uttered again.

She smiled and silently chuckled at him. Cupping his face she grinned down at him. " I want to leave this fucking ship."

" Consider it done." he rasped, kissing her. She kissed back but broke it once more. " And I want to take a whole bunch shit with us."

" As much as we can," he agreed. She was stroking at his face and he was finding it hard to concentrate. He could think of little else but being alone with and in her for the next several days. Surak, she was beautiful. How had he not noticed how beautiful she was?

Nyota winked as she felt his desire and slowly lowered her face to his. " Oh yeah, I want that too baby. That other Spock was nice but no one can fuck me like you. And after all those I love you's…"

She leaned over and whispered into his ear. Spock shivered and growled at her, as he took in every word she sank into him. " Fuck."

" Mmm Hmm. Fuck you, baby." she hummed. "Fuck this place and fuck this crew. Let's go so we can do everything I talked about." she grinned.

" I love you." he said as she scrambled down out of his arms. She nodded and picked up the phaser lying on the ground. " Mmm hmm, keep em coming, hot stuff. Now. Let's get going. We have a whole life to live and a whole bunch of people to get out of our way."

Nyota opened her eyes to find the room not quite the same as it once was. Brighter, lighter and- " Spock?"

Spock opened eyes and gazed down at her. He narrowed them for a moment, blinking over her face and then shot them wide. " Nyota?"

She felt her eyes tear up but she wiped at them even as she was nodding. She didn't want to lose sight of him for even one second. " Yes!"

Her body jerked as he grabbed and took her into his arms. She couldn't control herself then. She clawed at his back and cried into him. He made similar moves as he rubbed his hands over her back and sides. " I am- so sorry. I- I behaved- I did not- honor you." he said between sniffs. She could feel the wetness of his face trickle through her hair onto her scalp as he confessed his sins.

" I forgive me please." he begged, shuddering against her. His sincerity shook her own sense of guilt. She clutched him tighter and made her own admissions. " Spock. I did things there. Horrible things. I- I understand if you can't forgive-"

Spock silenced her with a rough kiss on the lips and held her face. When he finally pulled away he nodded at her. " I understand. It is all right. I- if we could be all right together, work through all this together I will."

She nodded in his hands and felt her face crumpling with tears again. " What if it's weird? What if I do something weird in bed? Or have flashbacks or-"

" -we will deal with everything accordingly." he assured her. He kissed her again and breathed heavy onto the wet flesh of her lips. " Admirably. Ardently."

She trembled as she felt everything within him focus on her and the bond within her respond. " You still love me?"

Spock gleaned her concern from where he touched her face. The Spock there, their time together, the assault and all her emotions surrounding , gently he pushed it away. " I love you even more than this bond can show you. I burn for you. I'd kill for you."

She leaned forward, kissing him and drew away with a wry smile on her face. " I would for you too."