I dont own Godzilla, Dinosaur King and Dinosaur King Out of Time and Sapce

First, I'd like to thank Mauselet-AliceAsuka for using her story for this reboot. I found her story absolutely fantastic, and I really wanted to write something like that. I thought about the idea for this crossover because I'm a big fan of Godzilla and wanted something similar. First, i have to say that I do not copy the story completly, but edit something, so a slightly different story comes out of it.

The biggest things that are changing are:
- Fight
- Zoe's love

It is not very much as mentioned before, especially in certain chapters it is hard to build in Godzilla well, as in chapter 1.
I hope it will be some fun, enjoy.

Chapter 1: Goodbye with Tears

Max and Zoe waved to the lost light in the sky. Tears ran slowly down their faces, like a river.

"No ... I will not cry anymore, he would not want to see me like that." Zoe wiped her tears. She felt a hurt in her chest, as something would stab her directly in her heart. It was so painfull.

Max unlikely could not stop, his best friends disappeared before his eyes. They both kept on waving until they got tired.

Taylor's house

Max came to Rex's room. It was so empty. He stood at the door for about an hour, then his older brother came to him.

"Kid, what's the face for?" he asked. "Leave me alone, Cole," Max growled.

"Come on, it's not a big tragedy," laughed Cole. "Say it again, if you lose someone ..."
"Hey, Rex is better now, he's with his real family."

"Shut up..."

Cole could not understand how painfull it really is, to lose one of your best friend you very often almost died with.

"Come on, little boy ..."

Cole threw Max a basketball on the head, which rebounded from it. "Could you stop that?" Max snapped.

Cole began to think about how he could encourage his little brother. He did not like that idea, but it was the only choice. "How about football tomorrow?" Cole asked in disgust, he hated the game. He was much better with hands than feet. "You would do that for me?" Asked Max. "Yes ..." "Otherwise you would keep that good mood ..." thought Cole.

Drake's house, next day, morning

As Zoe came home, she did just go in her room, and locked it up. She didn't want to see or hear anybody. That worried the others.

Finally, her older sister decided to talk to her. She heard Zoe crying behind the door. That wasn't good, Reese knew it, she knocked.

"Zoe, are you awake, can I go in?" For a long time there was no answer. Reese just heard Zoe sobs.

She opened the door. Her younger sister was sitting on the bed staring at the floor.
She knew it. She knew that Zoe cried all night.

"Are you okay, are not you ... sad?" Asked Reese. "No ...", Zoe replied, "why should I be sad? I should be happy for him."

"Do not lie to me, you cried, I heard you."

"And if you know it why you ask then?" Zoe was surprised.

"I was hoping you'd be honest, however, I do not want you to be sad, I do not want you to cry," Reese said. "Go away ..." Zoe whispered.

"I can not, I want you to know that I'm here for you."

"Since when do you take care of me?"

"I've always taken care of you, what can I do for you?"

"Nothing ... I just want everything to come back, I want him to come back."
" Come back ...?" Repeated Reese.

Zoe started crying. "I know how unhappy you feel, you have to eat, you have not eaten for some time, you also need to be tired after all, you just saved the world." "Yes, but we almost destroyed it ..." Zoe sighed between sobs. "I do not want to sleep and I'm not hungry ..." She looked at the floor.

Reese was sitting on her knees, hugging her sister. "You are always so stubborn, my royal sister ..."
"I'm glad you're here, sister, thank you ..."

Sanjo bay, at night

Fishes swam in the bay of Sanjo, some of there in search of a mate, other for food.

But something moved in the water, it was big, about the size of a whale. But it was not a whale. It was even bigger, around 60 Meters in length, and probably 30 Meters at hight.

It was massive, but no one noticed it, everything slept except for a few loud calls from people was nothing, it was absolute silence.

He was looking for something, something familiar. He felt that the day before a lot of energy was released in this area, he her presence. The one he was looking for for so long was here. He risen up from the Water, and his large dark body almost covered up with the darkness of the night.

He was able to stand in the bay, his leg where still in the water, but the rest stand above. He stomped slowly towards the docks, calm as he could. He knew if he was noticed, it would realese pretty much hell.

He walked slowly on the docks, he walks through it, noticing an forest in the distance. He slowly walk to it, cracked trees down like they would be nothing. A path of destruction followed him, even it was not his intention.

After a while, the forest ended and a big lake showed up. It was very deep, and the moon shine at it, reflecting the light.

He had the feeling, it would not be time now, and he slowly walked again into the water, and swam down to the ground. It was very cold and dark at the bottom. He layed down and would sleep, and wait.

Two years later, the way they live has returned to normal, but not for long.

Zoe lay in her bed, she woke up. She sat down and looked around.

When she saw the clock, she dressed quickly and ran to the bathroom. Her biggest problem was her hair, she was not sure if she should wear a ponytail. it was something she wanted to try out, but she did'nt felt it would fit her. She was worried until Reese entered the bathroom.

"Did you oversleep again?" She asked. "Yes ...", Zoe replied.

She looked at her. She stifled a laugh as she saw Sister's ruffled blond hair.

"Stop it, okay, I think you're looking for them." Reese handed her two yellow rubber bands.
"Many Thanks!"

She quickly made double tails. Then she ran back to her room to get her bag, then went outside.
She went to the meeting place. When she saw the brunette with glasses, she was faster, but a few feet in front of the girl she stumbled and fell to the ground.

"Wow, girl, you're really lucky," the girl laughed and helped Zoe to her feet. "Thanks ... I ... I'm sorry, Sue ..." "Sorry for what?" Sue asked, "you're here on time."

"No, but we always wait for Alice, gone from Paris, you sleep every day." Zoe looked a little angry. "S-sorry ..."

After a few minutes, a brown-haired girl with color on her clothes joined them. "Alice!" "Bros again?" Sue asked. Alice nodded and yawned. "I hope we will not fall asleep again on our way," Zoe said. Alice only smiled. "I will not carry you," Sue snapped coldly.

Taylor's house

At that moment, Max fell out of bed. He heard the laughter of his big brother.

He stood up. He looked around, and shook his head. It hurt a bit from the impact, but also, he reminded a strange dream he had. All he knew was wierd sounding roar at the end.

"Did you know that you are sleeping?" Cole asked, "Come on, you're late for school, boy." "Okay okay." Max got dressed, then began to search his waist pack and visor.
"Are you looking for something?"

Cole had both things in his hands. He put his hands in the air. It was too high for Max.
"Give it to me, Cole!" Shouted Max.

Max facepalmed himself, it was so stupid what Cole was doing, it was just anyoing.

"Forget it, it's fun."


It took some time, but Cole put his little brother's things.

North School, class 3-D

When Max was finally in his classroom, he heard a laugh. A group of teenagers harassed a younger boy. They stole his glasses and his laptop. The guy with the brown hairs hit the boy several times. He was bleeding from the mouth, had a wound on his face.

Max could not just stop. "Nicolas, let him go!" he shouted at the guy, "he can not defend himself." "Force me," Nicolas said.

"I do not want to fight you."


He hit the boy again.

That was too much.

Max cracked with his fist, and charged up for a punch. He gave Nicolas an uper cut, that pushed him away. Then he would hit him, in the face for about 3 or 5 times. But Nicolas could pack a punch and just smiled.

Then he punched Max in stomach, so he backed of. Then he grabbed him by his neck, and rammed his knee in Max stomach. Then Nicolas threw him to the ground and stand on his head. He was about to kick his head like a football.

He noticed that everyone was watching him. Max could not give up easily. Suddenly he heard a girl's voice, she said his name. He was not sure if it was his imagination or if it was real. Her voice gave him strength. He knew she would always be on his side.

Then he grabbed Nicolas foot, and throw him to the ground, and he landed on the floor with the back of his head. He was knocked out for a second so Max could get up. A Brown haired girl standing in front of the boy. He smiled at her. When he registered that he was bleeding, he fainted. They had to take him to the nurses' room.

Nicolas just left the scene growling angrily.

Office of the nurse


An approximately one year older girl with short blond and brown hair in the office shook with fear.
"Ally, Max. What happened?" She asked.

"Nicolas bullied Justin again and we wanted to help him," Max said. "You're alright?" She was annoyed, "Max, you're bleeding too."

"Do not worry, Kyra, i can pack a punch." He said as coold as possible, also it was not really true.

Kyra sighed.

"But I still have to treat you. At least let me seal your wounds." Kyra took care of Max. "I'm fine ..." he murmured. He didn't wanted to get help, it didn't maked him look badass as he thinks.

Suddenly Zoe and Sue came into the office.

Zoe's eyes met Max after a very long time. They stared at each other for several minutes. Then Zoe looks away coldly. She and Max where not as conected as they where used to be.

Max sighed and took his earphones, starting to hear some music, so he could relax.

"Zoe, what are you doing here?" Max was surprised. "I have Justin's glasses," she said.

"Niki took them from him and Zoe ... she wanted to see you."
"No Sue!" Zoe punched her friend slightly in the back.

"I do not understand why Nicolas is still bullying him," Kyra said.

"Why school does the school do nothing?!" Sue asked. "It's necessary to talk to parents but Nicolas mother has no time," Zoe said. "Oh, come on, this little guy has a permanent blue eye because of him!" "If he does that again, i swear ..." Max slitghly hear that and became a bit angry.

"Si ..." Justin woke up and sat down. He grabed his head, it was hurting a lot.

"Ivi, how are you feeling?

"Kyra, I thought you only help here."

"The nurse could not come here today, so I had to come along," Kyra explained.
"Sister, Max, thanks." "You're welcome."

Where are they? He looked around nervously and Zoe handed him his precious glasses. "You are my savior, Zoe." He said, as he put her on, "Oh no, the laptop ..." "I'm sorry, but we could not get it," Sue said.

"Why. Why me again?"

"Ivi, I'm sorry, I can not help you," Kyra said, "if I could do something with Nicolas, I'm sorry ..."
"Kyra, you do not have to." "Of course I do, I'm your big sister and he can hurt Ally anytime and I will not let that happen."

The door opened. Cole came in with Nicolas in his hand. He was not so happy. "Guess who I have!" Cole laughed. "Speak of the devil ..."

It was funny to see the bully, getting cared around by an even bigger guy.

"Let me go," he growled, bleeding a little. Max smiled, at least he did get hurt. Kyra treated him. "Kyra, stop it!" She did not listen. After that he wanted to go, but before he said: "You are so lucky that this dumbass and sister have saved you, brother, I am an asshole, but I would never have hurt a girl."

"At least he is honest." Thought Cole.

"How can you share DNA with him or a house?" Sue wondered, "Sometimes I'm glad I'm an single child." "Bullying your own younger brother is disgusting," growled Cole.

Max starred at him, the irony in this was higher then the Everest.

"It's better for me not to go to school and home, I'll stay in the lab until I die, I'll be safe there." "You're just going to show him you're scared of him, Justin, you have to fight him," Max said.

"Also its unrealistic you would life near each other until you die," thought Max.

"Hey, if he does not leave you alone, I'll-" "Cole, don't!" Kyra cried. "Why not?" "Have you ever heard that violence generates more violence?" "So you let him bully Justin?" "Of course not, I want to stop him, but-"

"Arguing does not help us now," Zoe said. It was really needles, a massive waste of time it would only be.

"You're right," said Kyra, "Ivi, Max, I'm going to release you for today." "Well then, I should go to the D-Lab and help Reese with something."

"I will go with you."

Max and Justin went to a hill near the forest to the D-Lab.

"Why did you help me?" Justin asked, "I thought we did not like each other." "Why did you think that?" Max was surprised. "Nicolas beats me like that every day and you did not help me once." Max did not helped really until now, he did not know if it would be an good idea, but today it was too much.

"I could not see it anymore," Max replied, "and Alice would kill me if I did not do anything." "But that's why my brother almost killed you, I know he can, do you think even the worst person can change?"
"We are human, we make mistakes, and everyone deserves forgiveness."

Also Nicolas would not kill Justin, without beeing traumatised or feeling bad. Beating up is one thing, taking someones life, something else.

"Should I forgive him?" Justin asked. "That's your decision, i would," Max answered.

Then they hear something wierd. It was like some noiced as somthing big would walk in the forest. Branches cracked, and the floor shaked just a littel, almost unnoticed. They saw something move between the trees.

It looked like a big animal. Justin screamed and hid behind Max. "No wonder he makes fun of you," Max thought. The creature moved again among the trees. Only one thing Max noticed, a blue skin. "No ... That can not be ..." Max knew the animal, he ran into the forest. "Max, are you crazy, you do not know what the animal is, it can hurt you."

"No, I know what it is."

North School, class 3-D

Cole got into Zoe's classroom and walked over to her. All the girls watched him.

"My dad just called. At some point somebody sneaked into the lab," he said.

"What, did they steal something?" Zoe was surprised. "Two skeletons, Dilophosaurus and Corythosaurus are gone."

"Why did not Reese call me?" Zoe asked. "She's too busy right now, searching the entire lab to make sure everything else is in place, weird that the security system did not get anything," but only our families and Justin can ... "

"You forget someone."

Sanjo's forests

Max stopped in a familiar place. The top of the trees was cut short, only one of them had a big hole in it.
"Ca ... can you ... ... walk slowly ... why ... why ... are you hunting the beast ...?"

The animal was running behind the trees again, it was so fast. But Max knew it could easily outrun them, so the animal did taht in purpose "Why do you hide?" Asked Max

The animal slowly approached him. Blue body with yellow stripes and yellow horns on his head. Ace looked at him, roaring out something and Max and Justin where able to see the teeths of him.
"Carnotourus? But you ..."

"I'm glad to see you, Ace."

Max wanted to pet him, but Justin stopped him: "Max, wait a moment, two years ago you said that he can not return, I have a bad feeling."

Ace growled a bit at them, but Max did not back off or anything else.

"Calm down, Jus."

Ace looked around, and snifed, if something else was there.

"No, something's wrong ... And do not call me that!"

"You're right, Justin," he heard a voice behind Carnotaurus. Someone in the cape went up to the boys.
"Long time, not seen, do you think?"

North School, class 3-D

"Zoe? Zoe, are you listening to me?"

Zoe looked at Sue, she talked to her for a while, Zoe did not realize it. She dived not much into her mind, she also remberd a strange dream.

"Is something wrong?" Sue asked. "N-nothing," Zoe said.

"Girl, you're a really bad liar," laughed Sue.

"I was just thinking about the rubbery."

"Why, you would stole old bones?"

That was acctually very likely, since Dinosaur Bones where pretty expensive and could also bring you some huge amount of money, deppending on the species and the completeness of the skeleton.

"But who could come to the lab? It does not make sense to me. This person ..."

Suddenly Zoe's phone rang. "Sorry ..." "Okay."

It was Reese number, it was pretty strange that she would get a call from her right now.

"Hello, Reese."

"Zoe, please, do not go to the lab," Reese said scared. "Because of the Friction- "

"Stay in a safe place. Zoe, please do not - " Her voice trailed off.

"Reese?" "Zoe."

The voice she heard was too familiar, her blood was getting cold, she wanted to hear his voice for so long and now ... "How. ..?"

"It does not matter how, but why. I'm pretty sure you want to keep your sister and your friends alive."

"No ... you can not ... " "You have an hour to get into the D-Lab, otherwise you'll let me no other choice ..."

Sanjo Lake

He woke up. He felt something, he felt that she was in danger. He opend up his eyes slowly, his vision was slowly getting clear.

He felt the cold water, the darkness, but still, he could see clearly. His pupils strached out, he breathes out air, and giant air bubbles came from his nostrils.

Mud and waterplants where over his whole body, he slowly shook everything away.

Then he began to light up his back, and energy float throw his body, and he shrinked down. He was probably now just 4,30 Meters in lenght and 2,15 Meters in height. He needed to be sneaky

He began to swim up very fast to the surface, he knew he had to be fast. Fishes that where near, fastly swam away, scared from this predator. As he was near the surface, he slowly swam towards the littel shore of the lake, only his back was able to be seen.

And the he slowly walked out of the water, felt the sun shining at his back. He angrily growled, and headed towards the D- Lab

The first Kaiju awakend.