Hello Readers. This week is going to be wonderful because...it is spring break! I am very excited to use this time to catch up on reading, writing, and other activities of that nature. Thanks to my break, I was able to finish a new story and post. This story takes place a few months after Lithuania has been conquered by Russia. He is still trying to find a balance between rebellion and submission. Just a heads up, this story can be gross (not in an inappropriate way though!), so read with that in mind.

Now, enough of my talking, please read and enjoy, and if the mood stricks you, please leave a review. :) Most important thank you so much for honoring me by reading.

Hetalia does not belong to me.

Frantically Lithuania hurried around the kitchen. Dinner was already falling behind; in the short time he lived in his new home, the Baltic nation was learning he had a punishing master. While chopping, Lithuania let his mind wander to happier times. I am at home, he told himself. I am at my home making soup and any minute now Poland will come in demanding how much longer 'till dinner. When the soup started to boil, Lithuania carefully looked around. Taking Seeing no one around he carefully took Russia's bowl and spat in it three times. Then he poured in the borscht into bowls. "Dinner is ready!" he called to the other two Baltics who were cleaning nearby. They appeared quickly, and the three huddled near each other nervously. "Who needs to get Mr. Russia today?" Estonia asked thought they all knew the answer.
"Mine," Latvia said softly. His eyes were wide with fear. Lithuania felt a pang of sympathy flare up, last time the little boy had gone, he had stuttered so badly that Russia yelled and threw a candlestick at him. Naturally, that made the youngest member of the house even more terrified and prone to stuttering. Lithuania pulled the small nation to his chest. "I'll go Latvi." He whispered, smiling fondly into light violet eyes.
"T-thank you Lithuania."
However, no one needed to get Russia, as he arrived with a cheery "Hello little ones!"
The three Baltics turned around with a jump.
"Ak! Mr. Russia, we were just about to get you for dinner." Lithuania said, swallowing audibly as his heart sank from his throat back to his chest. Russia smiled innocently. "Ah! Dinner is ready, good! Estonia, you will bring us out our food. Latvia, Litva you will come sit with me as we wait. I am sure dinner will be wonderful."
The smiling giant led the way to the dining room, his two servants right behind. Lithuania's stomach knotted itself up painfully. Why would Mr. Russia make Estonia serve? That has normally my job. What does he have planned?
Looking as innocent as ever, Russia took his place at the head of the table. Lithuania took his place at Russia's right, and Latvia, Russia's left, leaving a chair between himself and the head for Estonia.
It didn't take long for Estonia to bring out the meal, and they were all seated. Russia raised the spoon to his mouth the Baltics watching intently. They weren't allowed to eat until their master had taken his first bite.
"Mm. Very good Litva."
"Thank you, sir."
"It tastes better than normal. You used secret ingredient, da?"
"No sir," Lithuania replied, slightly confused by the sudden interest in the ingredients. Russia never cared about it before. "But, I am glad you like it, sir."
"Da. I do." Russia took another bit. "Oh!" he chirped happily. "I now know what I taste." Still smiling, he leaned close to Lithuania until their noses almost touched and spat in the brunette's face. Lithuania recoiled eyes flashing.
"What the-how dare- you" Russia cut off the angry words with a harsh slap. "Do not speak to me in that tone Litva. After all, I know you spit in my food." Lithuania clutched his throbbing check.
"No sir, I don't sir!"
Whack! Russia delivered another stinging blow, nearly toppling the smaller nation off his chair.
"Are you lying to me Litva?" Russia asked, sticking out his bottom lip. "I hope not. Remember what happened last time. Surely you do da? You don't want a reminder, da?" Russia asked his questions with confused his eyes wide and face innocent and questioning. He truly meant what he was asking. It made it hard for Lithuania to be angry, but he did pale remembering the last time he lied to Russia.
"I'm sorry." He said, not sure if he was apologizing for spitting in the food or lying. "I promise not to do it again. I promise."
Russia smiled sadly. "I want to believe you Litva, but how will you learn without punishment? And you must be punished da?" Lithuania shook his head. "Please don't." he couldn't help but beg. Russia's punishments could be anything from going to bed hungry, to something painful.
"You spit in my food," Russia told him angerly. "And after I treat you so well. That's not a very nice thing to do. I have made you part of my family and-"
"We're not your family!" Lithuania cried. "Poland is my family, but with you, I'm just your servant!"
This time Russia hit Lithuania so hard he was completely knocked out of his seat.
"You are part of my family!" Russia roared. "You are! You are! You are! You're part of my family." The anger faded, replaced by tears as he cried the last words out. Lithuania moved to stand up, trying to think of a way to defuse the situation. Quicker than a man of his size should be able to move, Russia stood up making his chair screech. In a moment he was by Lithuania's side, forcing the Baltic back to the floor with a boot on his throat. Equally quick was his mood switch.
"Look what you did, you stupid, ungrateful little brat. You have completely ruined our dinner, insulted me in my own home and after all I've done for you. Look at poor little Latvia and Estonia, they look like poor frightened rabbits." The two young Baltics really did look like rabbits, with their wide frightened eyes, both of them hardly daring to breathe or move as they watched the scene before them.
"I'm-sorry" Lithuania wheezed. Russia didn't move his foot.
"'m sorry!" he whimpered trying again. "I'm part of your family."
Russia stared down at him. "I don't believe you," he pouted. Lithuania's mouth moved, but no sound came out and his face was rapidly turning an alarming shade of purple.
"Mr. Russia, sir," Estonia piped up. "Perhaps Lithuania can prove he is part of your family?"
Russia thought for a moment. "Yes," he said slowly. "What a smart boy you are Estonia." He glared down at Lithuania. "You should learn something from him Litva." Estonia watched his friend nervously, waiting to see what Russia would decide. "If Litva is truly sorry for what he says, and believes he is part of my family, then he must apologize for ruining our dinner, and accept his punishment without fighting."
Estonia bit his lip and looked from his friend to the large nation holding him down with a foot. If he agreed to Russia's demands on Lithuania's behalf, the nation would be okay, although humiliated. If he said no, then Lithuania was liable to suffer torture, but still keep the only thing he had left, his pride. Taking a deep breath, he made his decision. "I'm sure Lithuania would do that," Estonia told Russia nervously.
Finally, Finally! Russia lifted his boot from the struggling nation's throat. The brunette curled into a ball, gasping for breath, his sides heaving mightily. He bore a striking resemblance to a fish out of water. Russia waited until the smaller nation had a little breath in his lungs before haling him to his feet. "Come Litva. Little Estonia promised you wouldn't fight, so come to the kitchen like a good boy. You two stay here!" he called back over his shoulder. Latvia let out a whimper of fear, while Estonia stared at the table as Lithuania was dragged away.

When they reached the kitchen, Russia stopped Lithuania in the middle of the room. "Stay." He commanded. Lithuania bristled at being spoken to like a dog, but he remained silent. He wrung his hands, blue eyes fixed on the broad back of Russia who was rummaging in a drawer. "I hate punishing you Litvuska. But you must follow the rules here. You can't be so disrespectful." He sighed. "Little one, your life would be so much easier and happier if you just behaved." He sounded so sad, it pricked at Lithuania's heart. But he couldn't behave! He had to leave, he had to get back to Poland, and make sure his friend was okay. He had to protect his people, and himself. The longer he stayed with Russia, the more frightening the man appeared, with his strict belief in punishment for any mistakes. Suddenly, Russia let out a satisfied noise, finding what he was looking for. Lithuania gulped, feeling his stomach sour. Oh, what is Mr. Russia going to do to me? Russia turned around holding a large spoon, one used for soup. "Now Litva, I am going to get this spoon really hot and then place it on your tongue for fifteen seconds. One for each disrespectful word you yelled at me during dinner. That should train your treacherous tongue, da?"
While Russia spoke, he held the spoon over the fire. Lithuania's eyes darted around the room, looking for an escape. Russia saw this.
"Ah-ah-ah." He chided. "No running, Estonia promised you would take your punishment. I would hate to have to punish him for lying."
Lithuania let out a shaky breath. "No sir, I will not run."
Russia turned his attention back to the fire, leaving Lithuania to wait in agonizing silence. The poor Baltic forced himself to breathe, despite the rising panic consuming him. He couldn't fight against Russia, not this time, and that fact made him feel more helpless and scared than normal. However, he forced himself to be resigned to his fate so that Russia wouldn't see how terrified he was.
In a wait that felt both like an eternity and a few seconds, Russia moved the spoon from the fire. "All ready. Come here little one."
Lithuania crept closer, fear making him slow. Russia grew annoyed and closed the gap in two steps. "Open."
Lithuania stared at Russia, trying to glare, but he knew Russia could see his fear. Taking one last steadying breath, he opened his mouth and Russia thrust the spoon in.
Hot! Hot! HOT! Was all Lithuania could think. The pain was worse than he expected, but he refused to back away. A long, pitiful cry escaped his mouth though, but thankfully he didn't cry.
"Good, it hurts," Russia said in a soothing voice. "This means the lesson will stick. Litvuska," he said softly, his voice deep with emotion. "This hurts me so much more than it hurts you. I hate punishing you, you have to stop making me. Please? I hate causing you pain."
Lithuania had no idea what Russia was telling him, focusing only the pain, and how it was so hot and never-ending and just went on, and on, and on
The fifteen seconds passed and Russia removed the spoon. "Ah, all done!" he said happily. "Have you learned your lesson?"
Lithuania gave an earnest nod, but Russia's face darkened. Right, he had to answer with words.
"Yesh, shir." He slurred. His tongue throbbed, leaving Lithuania to wonder how he was going to be able to eat.
"Good, now, let's forget all about this and rejoin the others, da?"
Russia led the way, and Lithuania followed, curious to know why the other was bringing an extra cup with him.

Russia sat down acting like nothing happened. He smiled at the younger Baltics who trained their attention on Lithuania. He forced a smile, trying to calm their fears. It seemed to work, but just a little.
As Lithuania sat down, Russia swiped his bowl. "I think I shall eat this one." The bigger nation said to Lithuania. He sounded so sweet, but the burning pain in his tongue kept the Baltic from being lured in. "After all," Russia continued, "You spit in my bowl, so it's only fair I take yours."
"Yes, sir," Lithuania said because he couldn't say anything else.
Russia did not hand over his bowl to his servant. The small nation cast him a confused glance, but Russia merely waved it off.
"Latvia, Estonia, I am in need of your help." Russia passed them the cup. "You will spit into this cup until is halfway full. Then, Litva, you can drink it."
Lithuania's eyes grew wide, and he scrunched his nose in disgust.
"Mr. Russia-" he started only to be silenced.
"I think it will solve all our problems. You are punished for spitting, and it will certainly ruin your appetite, which will help your poor tongue. Problem solved…da?"
He looked around his table, and the three Baltics mumbled back a da."
Dinner continued with Russia happily enjoying his food and talking about his day. Latvia and Estonia were hard at work trying to fill their cup, which slowly got harder and harder as the mouths got drier. Lithuania sat in silence. He was humiliated, in pain, hungry and angry. Idiotas. IdiotasL ietuva. You should never have spat in Mr. Russia's bowl. You should have been more cautious you were never caught before.
His stomach growled which only made him more angry and embarrassed.
When it was full, Russia took away the spit cup, and Latvia and Estonia started gulping down water. He presented the cup in front of Lithuania. "Drink, apologize and all will be forgiven."
Unable to look at Russia, or the other two Baltics, Lithuania picked up the cup, placed the cool glass to his lips, tilted his head and drank.
It was awful. The slightly warm drink slid down his throat. Several times Lithuania choked and gagged, but he managed to finish every drop. Without a moment to recompose himself, Russia pushed Lithuania into a kneeling position in front of the big, oak chair. Bowing his head, Lithuania forced out his apology, which came out in broken pants as he tried to keep from vomiting. "Mr. Russia, I am so, so sorry that I was so disrespectful to you. It was very wrong of me to spit it your food. Please, sir, don't hold it against me. I promise to never do it again, especially knowing all that you provide for me. Please, sir, I'm begging for your forgiveness."
Lithuania kept his eyes lowered, staring at Russia's boots. He prayed the blonde man forgave him. If he stayed angry-Oh! Lithuania swallowed back nausea as his stomach rebelled, upset by nerves and the "drink". Lithuania shivered as he imagined what would happen if he did vomit. Russia would be furious, and it would get on his nice shoes, and Lithuania would probably have to like it up and-
"Of course, I forgive you, my little Litvuska. Especially since you are so very apologetic. I can tell you are sincere. I most certainly forgive you!" He patted Lithuania's hair, and the kneeling Baltic breathed a sigh of relief. All was going to be alright. For at least another day.