
Last time, Gouenji said something he didn't mean causing Otonashi to think that he didn't like her. Now whatever they had or were going to have rather, has been damaged. But can the Flames of Spring fix this issue and save their romance before it's too late?

Honestly, you gotta just read. But First!


LeGBestfriend: I'm so sorry for calling you Guest! I just felt that I should differentiate that's all! And wait! Back up a bit! You're athenafantasy? No freaking way! We know each other! Kind of…I'm DestinyStyleAnime, I write Pokemon s on Wattpad! I had no idea it was you~! I knew that love for Gouenji x Haruna was familiar~ Also I'm glad you loved the chapter! I didn't think it would be so emotional that it would make you cry; well at least you enjoyed it.

SaltyCandy: Wow, where do I even begin? Firstly, sorry for giving you a rollercoaster of emotions! Secondly, about Katsuya I agree with you on what you were saying. It's true that Gouenji would most likely promise himself to tell people his true feelings as to not make the same mistake as his father did but how I'm playing things out are a little different and there's a specific reason which you will find out now in the last chapter. And I'm glad you enjoyed that chapter!

Feda325: Thank you so much! I really glad you feel that way! And don't worry, I sometimes struggle with English too so you're not alone friend! But anyway, here's the final part so please enjoy! And if you can check out my other stories!

Please enjoy and leave a review. What else did I wanna tell you? Oh yeah, very important [a/n] at the end of the chapter (and story I guess).

Chapter 3 – Haru no Honoo (The Flames of Spring)

Sadness was a real song and it was playing right now.

Gouenji sat on his large spinning chair, his hand supporting his head while the other checked through soccer club documents. He scanned each of them with emotionless eyes, leisurely reading over the papers, not really taking anything in. He slowly reached for the black mug a little further from the papers and took a long drink before putting it back.

He finally came across the documents for Raimon, and his brown eyes saddened.

"So why did you do all this then!?"

"Why did you kiss me?"

"You don't just play with people's feelings like that! It's wrong! I thought you had morals…I thought you were the one,"

Her troubled voice echoed in his head as a shadow casted over his eyes.

"I don't need someone else to remind me that I'll never be good enough to fall in love with,"

"Bye Gouenji-san."


"I…I don't feel the same, Otonashi. I'm…I'm sorry,"

"Why did I say that!? Argh!" He threw all his papers that were on his desk all over his office before holding the sides of his ducked head. "I'm so stupid…"

A black gloved finger pressed the pause button on the music player in the platinum blond phone, causing the depressing music to stop playing.

Gouenji looked up, his shoulder length hair in a mess and dark bags underneath his even darker eyes, to see a familiar sparkly-eyed blunet with a sad smile – not a pity smile but more of a 'I'm here for you' smile. In his other hand was a brown packet encrypted with the logo for Mai Treat, the best bakery in town.

He blinked a couple of times before returning to his earlier deadpan expression. He wasn't sure when Toramaru had left or even when he came in, he was too busy mopin- finishing his paperwork to notice the absence and movements of the younger man. He didn't say anything to him, just kept his eyes on his now empty desk.

"I have to say, sir…I wasn't expecting this mess when I came in," Toramaru said, now carrying the packet with both hands. He mostly meant Gouenji with that statement but he didn't need to know that.

The older man didn't reply and looked the other way. For Toramaru, one of his biggest admirers, to find him in this state was simply shameful. He couldn't imagine if his kohai Tsurugi Kyousuke or even Matsukaze Tenma had seen him this way. He'd never forgive himself.

Toramaru stared at his distraught boss, a thoughtful expression on his face. When Yuuka came up with the plan to get Gouenji and Otonashi together he was hesitant because he had a feeling something like this would happen. The blunet believed that there was a specific reason as to why the platinum blond hadn't found someone by now and that was why he would always avoid the subject of being in a relationship. Toramaru could just ask him why but right now, it wasn't the best idea to go with.

The blunet walked over to his chairman's empty desk and placed the brown bag of pastries on it. Gouenji was not fazed by the action the least and continued to look the other way. Toramaru sighed quietly. He decided to pick up the papers and documents that were all over the office. Once he had picked the last one, he turned back to the chairman's desk only to find him eating the pastries he had just bought.

He sweatdropped. Well, he did buy them for him after all, though honestly at this point he could not recognize the chairman. He now resembled a child who just had a bad day and was now drowning his sorrows with sweet baked treats. Toramaru made his way for the desk and properly placed them down. He then picked up the plastic mug and cleaned the mess of coffee all over the floor with a damp cloth he got from the restroom in the office.

He walked over to the espresso machine and poured new coffee inside the mug before also placing it back on the desk. He stood there and stared at his boss who just continued to ignore him. It was beginning to get irritating. Not even a thank you for like doing…everything.

Toramaru's eyebrows furrowed and he finally spoke.

"Are you just going to give up sir?"

While the chairman had been ignoring the other for some time, the question truly caught him off guard. He halted the donut he was about to take a bite from and directed his attention to his assistant. He continued to stare at him for some time as Toramaru stared back with a solemn face.

"Do I need to repeat myself, sir?" Gouenji was taken aback. Despite its polite form there was hidden irritation and a bit of attitude in the question. "I asked if you're going to give up."

Gouenji took some time to understand his question and eventually ended up asking, "…Give up on what?" Anger flashed on the blunet's features and his tiger spirit came out as he jerked himself forward at the older man.

"On Otonashi-san!" He yelled, as if it was obvious. Though it was, Gouenji couldn't understand how Toramaru knew about their fall out.

"How do you know about that?" Gouenji asked quietly. Toramaru sighed exasperatedly. "Maybe because it was Yuuka-chan who came up with the idea to get you two together and…I happened to have assisted her too."

Gouenji needed a moment to process the information as his mind was still scrambled up from all his heavy emotions.

"Wait...what!?" He finally yelled, "Who gave the both of you permission to meddle with my love life? That girl is so grounded when I get home! And you, I expected more from you Toramaru,"

"I'd like to say the same to you Mr. Chairman,"

"Huh what?" Gouenji was confused.

Toramaru tightened his hands into fists before speaking. "It's true that Yuuka-chan and I shouldn't have gotten involve in matters that were not our own and I warned her that we'd get in trouble if things didn't work out and I'm sorry for that. But to be frank, you didn't exactly do a good job yourself sir."

"Excuse me…?"

"You showed Otonashi-san a good time even after Yuuka and I didn't show up for our planned meetings at Take-A-Bowl. You caught her attention when you told her what she needed to hear and made her feel appreciated and loved.

"But at the last second when it meant the most, you told her you didn't love her! How do you think that made her feel? She probably feels worse than you do right now," He said in which Gouenji just looked away.

When the events of the other day began to flood back he felt even worse. They had such a good time and he blew it! And he couldn't lie to himself that he did love the blue haired teacher. She was cute, funny, chatty and always vibrant. Her smile brightened up his day and her laughter was like music to his ears. Never had he fallen so hard for someone, in fact he had never for anyone until her.

So why then?

'He couldn't save her and now that she's gone, I don't think your father will ever be the same…'

Oh right, that was why. He couldn't bring himself to return his feelings for Haruna, to tell her he truly loved her because of one thing:


He was afraid that if anything happened to her, he wouldn't be able to save her and that he'd end up like his father; a sad old man who couldn't let go of the past. Damn him, why did he have to turn out that way, now Shuuya was doomed for the same.

"Gouenji-san?" He looked back at his junior. He's features were calmer but still held its seriousness.

"I think…whatever's bothering you," He began quietly before looking the platinum blond straight in the eye. "You should face it head on and fix it!"

Gouenji's eyes widened.

"Remember when we were kids and we were playing in the FFI tournament? Because of my past I was afraid to score goals and enjoy being a striker but you helped me see that I wouldn't be stealing all the attention from the team. If I wanted to score a goal then I should just do it! It's because of you that I'm who I am today!

"That soccer ball you hit me with really opened my eyes, I mean it was a little sadistic and really hurt but…it opened my eyes. I may be your personal assistant but I think you've forgotten that I'm also your friend." Toramaru walked closer to the chairman and placed a hand on his shoulder. "And as your friend it is my responsibility to make sure that you fix this mess so I'll ask you again.

"Are you going to give up?"

Gouenji stared at him with awe. Toramaru really matured, though his voice was still on the childish side, he was definitely a man. Gouenji chuckled dryly. He had a sixth sense that the younger male would help him in a situation like this. It was the reason he hired him in the first place. The blunet was just that reliable.

So what was he waiting for? Without a doubt, Haruna was still heartbroken and he needed to fix this before the situation got even worse than they already were. But first he needed to do a few things. By sundown, he should be ready.

"Toramaru, pass me my comb." He ordered and the blunet complied.

He stood up and walked into the bathroom in his office. Nearly seconds later, he walked out completely fresh and neat like he hadn't just gone on emotional rollercoaster just now. He had his signature calm expression, that of the Flame Striker. He tossed the comb back to Toramaru who caught it with ease.

He walked towards his office doors before stopping.


"Yes Mr. Chairman?"

"Cancel the rest of my meetings today. If anyone asks why," He paused and turned to the blunet with a light smirk on his face. "Tell them that I'm needed elsewhere."

Toramaru couldn't help the big smile on his face. "Yes sir!" he chimed. Gouenji sent him a quick smile before walking out the door gracefully.

Toramaru kept the smile on his face before turning to the pastries in the bag and taking out a muffin. "I think we're making progress."

The day was moving into the evening. Raimon Jr. High's Soccer Club was concluding their afterschool practice session. Kidou Yuuto, Teikoku's current commander came for a quick visit. It was more to check up on his younger sister, whom from the looks of it really needed some form of comfort at that moment.

Otonashi sat slumped on the bench, staring into the distance. She wasn't looking at anything in particular nor did she have anything on her mind. If anything she was lost in her head, looking as though she hadn't slept in days, her eyes dead and expression lifeless. How could she? When he heart was in pieces. She couldn't believe how stupid she was to think that someone, like The Legendary Flame Striker would fall for her. She was such an idiot to even consider it. All she wanted to do now was just disappear, maybe then; somehow her problems would be no more.

So she decided to keep her distance from everyone.

Endou and the young team had asked her what the matter was multiple times but she dismissed them harshly, something very unlike the Soccer Club counselor. Eventually they stopped asking in fear of the blunette exploding. Though out of concern, Endou and Akane managed inform Kidou about Otonashi's depressed state and he was able to come over as soon as possible.

If anyone could get something out of her, it would be him. He had to. They weren't used to their usually cheerful and energetic counselor being so sad and dejected.

"I told you it's nothing!" Haruna screamed at her brother. The male was slightly taken aback at her outburst. His eyebrows furrowed as he wasn't ready to give in so easily. "Just tell me Haruna, everyone's worried about you and so am I."

"Well everyone should mind their own business," She scoffed and folded her arms, before pointing a finger at Kidou, "and so should you!"

The dreadlocked man kept his gaze on his little sister, deciding to dismiss her rude attitude in favor of figuring out what was the cause of it. He watched as she looked down a little, her eyelids falling halfway over her eyes.

They were red. Her eyes were red. From her poster, her dead expression and the way she lashed out at him, Kidou could deduce that she was suffering from lack of sleep and constant crying.

She was hurt, he could tell. Someone hurt her. He gritted his teeth but kept his composure. If he was going to get anything out of her, he needed to ask the right question.

"Haruna, did something happen between you and someone else?" Haruna perked up and spun her head to her brother. Bingo.

At her reaction, Kidou eyebrows furrowed even more, "So something did happen? Who is this person, Haruna? Did you get into a fight perhaps?"

Haruna looked away. Her expression become gloomy and her lips began to quiver, "…No…" she struggled out. The former Teikoku captain knew that he was getting somewhere but he decided to slow down as to not make her cry. He placed a hand on hers as he spoke, "Haruna, you can tell me anything. I'm your big brother. It's my duty to be there for you when you need me."

"I…" The blunette sniffed.

By now, the Raimon Eleven ended their practice session and watched as their former coach spoke to their counselor in hopes that he would help her. Still, who could have caused her to be this way? Otonashi was such a kind and friendly person; she didn't deserve this at all! Whoever it was, they're an enemy to Raimon. They mess with one of them; they mess with all of them.

Kariya placed his arms behind his head and watched with the others as Kidou comforted his sister. He felt a little weird watching the scene and also a little sad. He decided to pretend like he didn't care and looked the other way. Yes much better.

As he closed his eyes for a moment, he began to hear a subtle humming sound. At first he assumed it was an insect and decided to ignore it. But then it grew louder and had more bass. He began to hear screeching and at that point, he realized it was the sound of a vehicle, but not just any vehicle. From the bassy sound he could identify the vehicle as a sports car.

As if on cue, the tealnet opened his eyes and was finally able to see the familiar red sports car speeding down the street and making its way past the school gates.

"Gouenji-san…?" Kariya mouthed in surprise, his arms slowly falling to his sides. Tsurugi, who was closest to the mischievous defender, heard his quiet mutter and turned to him slightly only to see what he was seeing. The sports car kept driving until it leaped off the edge and glided above the practice ground, its silhouette getting everyone else's attention. They quickly moved out of the car's path as it landed smoothly, with a slight swerve, just a few feet from the bench Otonashi and Kidou were sitting on. Tenma and Shinsuke were already lost in a "Sugoi!" mantra, while the other stared at the all too familiar vehicle.

Haruna tensed at the sight of it, her mind telling her to leave but her body keeping her in place. Kidou noticed her sudden change in behavior and narrowed his eyes as the door of the sports car flew open. Stepping graciously out of the car was none other than its owner and sole driver, Gouenji Shuuya.

He slowly closed the door before turning to face the stunned group.

"Mr. Chairman?!" The children said at once.

"Gouenji-san!" Tenma, Shinsuke and Kyousuke exclaimed with excitement at seeing their hero and idol.

"Gouenji?" Endou raised an eyebrow, "What are you doing here?"

Shindou clenched his fists, a visible red tick mark on his forehead and eyes sharpening with irritation. "Yeah and did you seriously have to drive unto the practice field like some kind of savage!?"

"He's still the Chairman, Shindou," Kirino sweat drops, "Calm down a little."

"That still doesn't give him the right to do whatever he pleases!" Shindou yelled. "That was super dangerous! He could've injured one of us, damn it!"

Instead of responding to any of them, Gouenji ignored the group and brought his attention to the blue haired maiden sitting on the bench ahead of him. His brown eyes locked with her blue ones and he began to walk towards her slowly. He kept his eyes on her as he finally stopped in front of the woman.

With a calm expression he spoke, "Haruna,"

At that moment, Haruna eyes grew cold and her soft gaze turned into a hard glare. She roughly stood up from her seat and turned to walk away. Gouenji didn't waste any time and grabbed her arm; he spun her around so their eyes could meet again. She gritted her teeth. Her eyes were filled with hurt and pain, she just wanted scream!

"Let me go!" She thrashed and struggled but the platinum blond didn't give in. He held her in place and watched her try and pull away from him. He refused to let go of her not until she heard what he had to say.

So he called her name quietly.


She struggled.


She pulled.


She started to cry.

"Leave me alone!"

"Haruna, listen."


"Haruna just listen,"

"I don't listen to bastards, SCREW YOU!"

By now, all the bystanders were just watching the scene completely stunned.


"I hate you! GO AWAY! GET OUT OF HERE!"


"NO, YOU WILL LEAVE-" The blunette stopped her yelling, her cheeks drenched with tears. She looked at the man in front of her, his expression as calm as it was when he arrived, "Wait, what?"

Gouenji closed his eyes and breathed out, "I'll leave but not without saying this first."

Haruna furrowed her eyebrows but didn't protest. She decided to hear what he had to say and he appreciated that. He released his grip on her arms, allowing her to fold them. He spoke, "Haruna, words cannot explain how I felt after the other day, when I hurt you. The truth is that at the time, none of it felt real. I was actually having a really great time with a girl and she was having a great time with me. I told you what was in my heart up until the last moment when I broke it."

Haruna averted his gaze.

"I'm not going to lie to Haruna, you stole my heart in one day and I'll never forget the way you made me smile and laugh," He said, "I really needed some company after my sister asked if I was ever going to get a girlfriend,"

Haruna turned back to him with wide eyes.

"After she asked me that, I became so conflicted. I couldn't get it off my mind and eventually I realized that...I felt empty," he looked down, "I tried to fill the emptiness by doing more work and eating a little more than I usually did. But nothing I did was working. It wasn't long until I found out just how lonely I was, especially living in that huge mansion all by myself.

"But then just the other day, we bumped into each other at that restaurant and I got to know you and for the very first time, I felt like I had found the remedy for my loneliness; a beautiful women who caused a wild flame to brew in my chest and make me feel like I was on top of the world," the platinum blond said this with a small smile, as he slowly sauntered towards the blunette. She wanted to run, she wanted to leave without looking back but at the same time she yearned to stay.

Why was she feeling so conflicted?

"If you feel this way," she started, getting the chairman's attention. "Then why did you tell me what you did the other day?"

Gouenji looked down.

"Well, tell me!?" Haruna yelled, "I want to know the truth."

Gouenji looked up again, this time with a mixture of determination in his eyes.

[Several Minutes Earlier…]

Shuuya had walked through the doors of the hospital without a single care in the world. He passed the counter without even stating his business, not that the secretary there would have stopped him. After all he was the one and only son of their head doctor, Gouenji Katsuya. The platinum blond walked with haste but kept his expression stoic and unreadable, giving off that mysterious vibe he always had as a child.

This place was like a second home. Back when he was thirteen years old up until he was in his final year of high school, he came to the Inazuma General Hospital practically every day, especially during the time when Yuuka was in her coma. Back then this place gave him mixed feelings, mostly towards his sister's situation but some towards his father and when he was forcing him to be a doctor.

It almost made the young man hesitate on coming here. But he couldn't give up now…

No, he had to keep going.

The chairman kept his eyes straight ahead, ignoring all distractions and every single thing around him. He was heading for one place – his father's office. He and that cranky old man needed to talk and they needed to talk now. He had caught a glimpse of a familiar orange haired male being a nuisance again while an also familiar purple haired nurse yelled at him on his way.

His long walk finally came to end and he reached the door that would lead to one of the sources to his problem.


"Enter," an old and husky voice responded from the other side. Shuuya took a deep breath before sliding the door open.

Sitting in a leather chair and looking over documents on a large table was indeed his father, grey haired and all. The platinum blond gritted his teeth in irritation. Damn it. He really had become his father. He walked through the door, sliding it shut behind him.

"Hello father," The twenty four year old greeted half heartedly.

"Shuuya," his father replied without looking away from his work, "Why didn't you inform me of your visit before hand? You know how I hate unplanned visits."

Shuuya rolled his eyes, "I'm your son."

"That's not an excuse and you know it,"

"You know, most parents would just be happy to see their kids after so long," The platinum blond said while walking towards his father's desk. "But then again…"

Katsuya finally met his son's intense stare before the younger male speaks again, "…You're not like other parents, are you?"

There was a pause before the old doctor spoke.

"Is there a reason why you came?" The man said returning to his documents. Shuuya sighed before moving away from his father's desk in a slow pace.

"I found a woman," The younger Gouenji stated this as if he were speaking about the weather.

Katsuya had a double-take. "Are you serious? You actually found a girl for yourself?" he said slightly pleased, "Why didn't you bring her here then? Or do you not want me to meet her? Well boy? Speak up."

Shuuya was quiet for a while before clenching his fists. He turned around to face his father with a slightly sad expression.

"She was everything I ever wanted," he began. "But at the last moment, I ruined everything."

"What're are you talk-"

"I screwed up, father!" The chairman yelled much to the other man's surprise. "I…I had something, we had something and I messed up everything! I hurt her and she probably hates me!"

Katsuya was surprised by this. Just what had his son said or done that made him like this?

"Son," the man became serious. "What. Did. You. Do?"

Shuuya sighed, his eyes looking as if he was about to cry but of course he controlled himself. Finally he took a deep breath. "I told her…I didn't love her."

"Why?" He asked with confusion in his eyes.

Shuuya gritted his teeth and suddenly his eyes were more angry than sad, "Because I was afraid!"

"Afraid of what?"

"What do you think? I was afraid of not being able to protect the woman I love and turning into you!"

Katsuya's eyes widened. "What?"

"After mother died, you completely changed! Suddenly your children didn't matter as much and neither did our interests!" The platinum blond shouts, "I practically raised myself and Yuuka. We didn't spend quality time together like we used to. You never came to any of my games and then you tried to justify it by telling me that soccer doesn't save lives, doctors do."

"They do-"

"Then why couldn't you save her!?"

Katsuya averted his gaze.

Shuuya turned to face the door, "Even if that wasn't the case, you blamed yourself and you couldn't move on…" Shuuya said sadly, "Fifteen years, father, fifteen years and it still hurts doesn't it?"

His father went quiet. Shuuya spun around to see his father. Did he maybe go too far? He was just spilling his feelings out like an idiot anyway. Maybe he shouldn't have.

His father finally spoke. "Let me ask you something, Shuuya," he said. "Are you afraid of loving this woman because you feel you can't protect her or are you afraid of not being good enough for her?"

Shuuya eyes grew wide.

"Son, I'll admit that I wasn't the best father for most of your childhood and I wish I could've done more," Katsuya said sadly. "But the thing you don't know is that you're much stronger than I am."

Shuuya continued to stare at his father.

"You saved the world from a so-called 'alien invasion' and you then you showed them what Japan's soccer really was," The navy haired male said, "You took care of your sister like she was your own child and despite the absence of your mother, you grew up to be a responsible, competent and independent young man who I'm proud to call my son.

"You done amazing things, Shuuya," He continued, "Things that I could have never done when I was your age, you stuck to your dreams and look at you now. The Nihon Shounen Soccer Kyoukai chairman, I can't live up that. You're a passionate young man Shuuya and you've done great things."

He paused to look his son in the eyes. "So tell me, why you of all people think that you'll end up like me when we're so different? That just doesn't make sense to me son. But you know what does make sense? You going to that woman that you know you love so much and telling her how you really feel!

"If there is one thing I know about love, is that it is a risk! And you can either take it or leave it, what will you choose?" Katsuya concluded his speech and gave his son a faint smile when he saw watery pearls falling down his cheeks

Shuuya couldn't hold back his emotions at this point and just let the tears fall endlessly while he kept his head down. He was shaking. He knew that his father meant every single word. He truly believed that he was different and that he could be a better man. Gouenji Katsuya was not the best father, which was just the truth. But he was Shuuya's father and damn, he wouldn't want it any other way.

He looked up to see his father smiling at him. He managed to crack a smile himself and quickly wipe his tears away.

"Hey…dad," That was a first; Shuuya had never called the old doctor 'dad' before, "Thanks."

"Not a problem, son." Katsuya closed his eyes. "Now go and get that woman."

"Oh I'm going to do more than that, Dad," Shuuya, completely recovered from his crying, smirked, "I can guarantee that."

"That's the Shuuya I know," his father returned his smirk. "Your mother would be so proud of you."

[Back To The Present…]

"I was afraid,"


"I was afraid that if I told you I loved you, I wouldn't be able to protect you," Gouenji said. Haruna stared at him with awe, "Fifteen years ago, my mother passed away. It left my Dad devastated for the longest time, and he wanted me to become a doctor because of it. And while my mother's death affected my father that way, it affected me in another.

"I started to wonder if it was even worth falling in love with someone and that if I ever did, I wouldn't consider my feelings real," He said. Haruna looked away. Shuuya came closer to her and before the blunette could even meet his gaze, she felt a familiar sensation on her shoulders. She quickly looked to see the same red leather jacket that the platinum blond male had given her that day.

When was he even holding this?

His scent still lingering on it, she almost fell into a familiar daze. She looked up to see him with that gorgeous smile he had when they were together that day.

"Haruna," he took her hand into his. "I don't want to be afraid anymore. I want to give you the love and appreciation you deserve because you're worth so much more than what you think…and I'm sorry if I made you feel otherwise."

Haruna cupped her mouth with her free hand and gazed at him longingly. He was doing that thing again. He was making her feel amazing.

"How…" she paused and removed her hand from her mouth, "How do I know you're being real?"

The man grinned and took her by the waist. He pulled her close and made sure that their eyes were locked.

"Because I love you Haruna," he said. "I love you and I'll say it as many times as I have to, to make you believe."

He said it. He actually said it. He confessed his heart and meant every last word. "I believe you," she said before adding, "and you're so late." She chuckled, "I love you too, Shuuya."

"WHAT!?" Kidou finally exploded after watching the scene in silence.

"That's not all," The platinum blond kept his eyes on her as he brought out a small indigo box from his pocket. He proceeded to going down on one knee and bringing his hands towards her. He then opened the box, revealing a beautiful fifty carat diamond ring, which sparkled in the setting sun. She brought her hands to her mouth again once she realized what he was doing.

"Otonashi Haruna," he began with a smile and a slightly raised eyebrow. "Will you be my Mrs. Flame Striker?"

"WHAT? NO!" The bespectacled male was about to lunge himself at the platinum blond when he was stopped by his headband-wearing best friend. "Let me go, Endou! I need to stop this before she says 'Yes'!"

"No you don't," Endou said nonchalantly, not even struggling to keep his friend at bay.

Everyone kept their attention on the two lovers. The Gouenji Shuuya fanboys already had sparkled in their eyes. The hero truly was the coolest.

"Of course I will!" She squealed and Kidou screamed. All the Raimon members cheered as the chairman slowly slipped the expensive ring unto their counselor's ring finger.

He then stood back up and planted his lips unto hers. She welcomed him without hesitation and wrapped her arms around his neck. It truly was absolute bliss. This man had stolen her heart and made her his and she did the same. This kiss was much better than the one they first shared. This was signified their longing for each other and how they'd be together for the longest time. The platinum blond loved the sensation of his fiancée soft and tender lips mashing perfectly with his. He was tempted to go further, to dig deeper but he had to keep in mind there were witnesses and the majority were Junior High kids. So after a few seconds they finally parted for air and instead pulled the other into a warm embrace.

"I can't believe that actually happened..." Kidou said completely shocked. Endou gave him a pat on the back. "Don't you think she's happy?"

The dreadlocked male turned towards his sister and watched as she stared intimately at his platinum blond best friend, and despite wanting to punch him square in the face, he couldn't help but smile at how happy his sister was. So he decided that he'd be okay with them being together.

"You better take care of her, bastard!" Kidou walked up to the chairman and yelled, poking his chest as he did.

"Oh don't worry, I'll take of her," Shuuya whispered deviously. "I'll take care of all of her."

Kidou widened his eyes at the indication and gritted his teeth. "Why you! You better not try anything with my sister!"

"She'll be my wife in a week, so suck it up Four-eyes!" Gouenji flicked the Teikoku commander's forehead and smirked.

"In a week? You can't get married that fast!" Kidou screamed.

"Watch us," The platinum blond took Haruna by the waist and brought her to his side. The blunette didn't object and blushed instead.

"Haruna?" Kidou looked at his sister with disbelief, "Are you sure you wanna marry him?"

"Mmm-hmm," Haruna nodded before narrowing her eyes. "And you better be at our wedding or else!"

Kidou sighed in defeat while Endou broke out laughing. The brunet walked over to Kidou and put and arm around his shoulder. "Don't worry guys! We promise we'll be there," he then turned to the Raimon Eleven. "Right guys?"

"Wait, were seriously invited?" Hamano asked with surprise.

"Of course," Gouenji replied coolly, with his free hand in his pants' pocket.

"YAY!" Tenma, Shinsuke and Tsurugi cheered.

Haruna smiled at the kid's excitement. She was just so happy at the moment that if felt like she wasn't even sad for the past couple of days. And on top of that, she was getting married to the Chairman of the Youth Soccer Board. Speaking of him, that daring platinum blond swept her of her feet and gave her a seductive smile.

"Uh…Shuuya?" she squeaked, her face reddening by the second.

"Let's go back to my house, okay?" he whispered in a sultry tone. She couldn't object because she loved everything about this. So she just let the man do what he wanted. Something told her that from this day forth, things were going to be even more amazing than they already were this very moment and of course, her future husband had to agree.

From atop the hill, the blunet and pinkette who were behind the newly engaged couple's 'accidental encounter', stood silently with wide smiles on their faces. They were happy to know that finally after so long, the two found someone to love them. It truly was a wonderful sight.

"So romantic~!" Yuuka squealed happily.

"I guess the Flames of Spring really do exist," Toramaru thought aloud as they both watched the platinum blond man carry the blue haired women in his arms and slowly walked back to his car.

Yuuka arched an eyebrow, "The Flames of Spring? What're those?"

The blunet turned to face her, smiling softly. His blue eyes sparkling even more than they usually did, "We just witnessed them…"

The pinkette stared at the other for a moment before they both directed their eyes to the red sports car driving down the street, and into the sunset.

"Huh," she whispered with a smile. "I guess we did…"


YAY! I completed the first story (a lot sooner than I thought I would really)! First of all, I'd like to say that I hope you guys enjoyed the story. Second of all, I want to remind you that there are several more where that came from! At least nine…

And I know the sunset thing was cliché but it's romantic alright?

Important A/N:

Okay so as you know, I will be writing a story called Inazuma Eleven Seishun Believe, which though I cannot reveal the plot what I can reveal is that several characters will be together as couples (probably married) in that story. You also know that a few of my stories are interlinked with the Pre-SB stories and of course Inazuma Eleven SB.

Now what I wanted to let you know was that the Pre-SB stories though written in a specific order from 1-10 are also written in different time periods. Two are several years later, others are only a few weeks later, a couple are actually before this one and I think a few happened at the same time.

The point is don't be surprised by the time differences. Another thing I wanted to talk about was that I'm also going to be writing other one-shots for fun, along with one-shot collection that takes place a year after Galaxy.

I'll tell you about that later~

Anyway don't forget to review, favorite and follow the story!

Next Story: My Snow Prince Charming

And here's a glimpse…

Chapter 1 – The Man with Many Names

Cold was the morning, tiny snowflakes scattered across the town area that was in Hokkaido. Here in the north, people were used to being dressed in warm ensembles, getting caught up in snowball fights, dancing gleefully as they ice skated and of course avoiding the very unpleasant and unfortunately frequent bear attacks.

Right now, a young tan haired female, around twenty four years, walked out of her house wearing a long blue puffed-coat with a furry collar, black tights and maroon boots. She adjusted her pink scarf ever-so-slightly before slowly walking down the stairs to her home.

He dark teal eyes scanned the cloudy skies, her breath forming just in front of her. She rubbed her maroon gloved hands together before turning to walk down the street.

"Looks like I'll have to buy a few containers of hot chocolate before the kids come over," she told herself, taking time to look around the snowed area, the one she was so used to.

'It's really been forever, hasn't it?' She mused with a smile, looking up at the snow that fell from the sky. This was her life, her home, her everything. Where she played games as a child, where she went to school and made friends, where she went to college, and of course…

…Where she met him.

'I wonder where that charming prince is now,' she indeed wondered, just a little. It had really been nine years and by now they had both grown up into young adults. The kids they used to be were now nothing but a distant memory. Her eyes closed halfway and she scoffed.

'Like he remembers me…'

That's all for now! See you next time~!

~ Mizuki Kokoa