Be Careful About Who Sees What Where
Sabo did not like the look on the strongest Yonko's face. Shanks made a doctor's face when they were going to announce that the unassuming mole is actually the beginning stages of cancer, and this is a situation you will just have to resign yourself with. And do you know the worst part of being the recipient of that doctor's face? You cannot tell him wrong because he knows so much more than you. "This is a serious invasion of privacy. My baby brother's privacy. And with the way he has made friends with everyone all over the seas over the course of his life this situation is going to uncover practically everyone's dark secrets and you're telling me there's nothing we can do but just watch?"
"It's not so much as Luffy's life but the Straw Hat Pirates' journey from the start," Shanks clarified, but knew that it did little to nothing in pacifying the Flamey Overprotective Brother Version Two's ire.
"You knew this, Red-Haired," Dragon spoke, shifting his position so that his back was no longer facing Sengoku, Aokiji and Smoker – the three marines present besides the pink-haired new Admiral and his father. "Why didn't you prevent it?"
"Start talking, you grandson-stealer," Garp muttered, his posture decidedly less tense compared to the other four marines. Sengoku loathed the face he was making, having recognized it. It was his friend's I want to eat rice cracker now this is going nowhere boooooring face.
"When my old Captain found One Piece," the mention of Gol D. Roger no longer made most of the people present startle in fear. Not with how intense things have been the past few days. Not with how utterly chaotic the Straw Hat Pirates had rocked the entire world as they were discovered to be storming through Raftel, not so much as calling. Still, all their allies are converging and aiding them just as hordes and hordes of marines and world government agents were racing to reach the Thousand Sunny. "Roger had arrived at this place with just his crew. The armies of marines trying to prevent his going to Raftel were eliminated before Roger reached Raftel currents. Luffy though, heheheh," Shanks chuckled.
"Luffy-voy pretty vuch led all of us here just to vitness him becoming Pirate King!" Ivankov would have laughed as hard as he could, had his cheeks haven't been impaled by a spear and a sword on each side an hour ago. The tiny weapons were practically toothpicks impaling his skin, but it still hurts to pull off a full smile for a while, but he couldn't stop his body from shaking in humour.
The Straw Hats, originating from the weakest sea of the Four Blues, had riled up the world and dragged them towards the mysterious island called Raftel. The legendary place where once the marines arrived to finally catch the small but extremely destructive crew, the captain had all but ignored them in favour to battle with the only Yonko he hasn't defeated. Their allies and enemies raged against each other with neither Shanks nor Luffy caring, too focused on their chaotic personal one-on-one. The shore became a mess – no other adjectives would work to describe the state it was left.
In the end, Straw Hat won.
And Luffy proceeded to laugh at EVERYONE'S faces before racing to the centre of the island with his crew.
An overzealous Bartolomeo barely followed the Surgeon of Death's blazing trail and Katakuri's wide footsteps. With unusual distress, marine officer Smoker went after them. He was followed by all the marines; Coby, Garp, Sengoku and Aokiji being the closest to him, along with revolutionaries Sabo, Ivankov and Dragon – both sides too taken off guard and frantic by Straw Hat craziness to come up with the thought of assassinating their enemies who were literally running side by side with them. They had to scatter like ants clambering up the walls when the mermaid princess Shirahoshi flew above them with an air bubble; Rebecca and Vivi with her royal pets and Shanks with his sniper holding onto the mermaid. Boa Hancock marched through frantically towards whom she cries as her husband while Crocodile growls angrily behind her—scrambling after them was Carrot who was extraordinarily giddy and Marco in his phoenix form flying high above.
They all arrived in time to see that all the Straw Hats, with their backs to them, bent slightly to touch something and then they were blinded by the light.
Floating among blobs of colours that made Garp wish his old age made him blind already as if gravity was an impossible notion, the recently defeated yonko's awkward laughter prompted most of them to get him to spill the details.
Reactions varied, but the Revolutionary's Chief of Staff made the most violent one.
"Luffy's journey to be Pirate King..." Hancock murmured. Sengoku had known her the longest out of everyone present, and it was bizarre to see that her cheeks were often accompanied with rosy blushes every time Straw Hat was mentioned.
"Luffy-senpai's journey..." Bartolomeo's face was even more perturbing.
"Oh no, Luffy's adventure from the start," Coby paled, privately in extreme embarrassment for how he had been three years ago.
A part of Katakuri was thinking of how he's going to learn useful stuff. The fun side of him was thankful he could snack on himself, though how was he going to be able to tell the time in this space? He has a schedule! This is going to take a long time. But it would at least be fun.
Ivankov didn't mind. The concept of privacy was kind of non-existent to him as his life has been a series of spying and being spied on from the start. If anything, he was giddy. A feeling that was visibly shared by the little bunny mink and the princesses present.
Crocodile too was giddy, but it was quickly offset once the thought of his humiliating defeat crossed his mind. Ah, well, not like no one in the world doesn't know it already.
Aokiji was mulling over how it would mean he gets to see Nico Robin's life. Sengoku was the same as the child whom his protege died for.
Dragon should think of ways to stop this but damn his sentimentality.
Yasopp had known this would happen, but like Shanks he didn't think he'd be here to witness it. It was supposed to be something only for the Straw Hats, but eh, they'd gotten everyone in on it, and he wasn't going to feel sorry to see his son's journey to be the best warrior of the sea.
Marco wasn't sure if the smile on his face was a grimace or not, but he was certainly interested. It's too bad Izou hadn't caught up to them. Or the other Whitebeard pirates. He knew what was going to lay down on the road, but in his opinion, this was going to be a closure.
Law... wasn't looking forward to any revelation on what happened at Dressrosa... or Punk Hazard... we won't be getting any show on what happened at the submarine, would we...? His cheeks burned. Luckily, no one was watching him in particular.
"BWAHWAHWAHWAHAWA! So we're gonna see the snot-nosed brat's trip from home to here? Can't wait!"
Shanks grinned. Anchor and his friends were definitely watching too, though on a different plane he supposed. He could imagine their reactions: ecstatic despite having no clue. He couldn't wait to see their faces after this.
. o . 0 . o .
Tatrin's Just a Young Gun with a Quick Fuse, a Katekyo Hitman Reborn shots. Mare Sky sees their parallel lives. Vongola Sky traverses it not unlike a waterfall. Arcobaleno Sky serves as their anchors. Byakuran can see his alternate-selves' lives. Yuni have visions of the future. Imagine Tsuna being able to catch glimpses of the past.
ExNarutoFan's Down a different branch where instead of just ranting about how cheap of a cheap-shot that final Akame ga Kiru episode, this author completed a Tatsumi/Esdeath story that stays true to what fans desire from the fandom!
Biting Her Tongue by ShanaStoryTeller. A gorgeous Akatsuki no Yona one-shot where Yona grew into her role as the Queen of Kouka that had everyone wondering how she grew so fast from the air-headed princess she once was.