Before we start, this is Important to read. The idea is that Soul mates have each other's conscience, but nobody knows it. Everyone knows about consciences, but no one realizes that it's not their own. Thus being said, the consciences aren't exactly like their person, since they've lived with someone else. If the conscience comes from a bad person, but goes to a good person, the conscience won't be good, but won't be as bad.

T for Language!

Thanks for reading, enjoy!

Blossom tapped her thigh absentmindedly as she waited at the bus stop. Her sisters spent the night at their friend's house, leaving her at the bus alone. She could fly, but she was afraid she would fall out of the air, since she was so tired.

Maybe you shouldn't of stayed up till six in the morning yesterday, then? Her conscience said, and she could practically feel her (him, it, what gender is a conscience?) snicker.

It was a good book, Blossom defended herself. And besides, it wasn't yesterday, it was today, get your facts straight.

If my facts aren't straight, then that means your mind is cluttered. Her conscience retorted.

Blossom fumed, and was about to verbally talk when a voice spoke behind her. "Hey Red… why are you riding the bus?"

She turned around, and met the infamous eyes of Brick JoJo.

She had long since given up trying to pretend there wasn't something she felt for him. Just a glance his way sent her stomach into a barrel roll. She and her sisters (mostly Bubbles) found it funny that they had all fallen for their counterparts (Buttercup wouldn't admit). Bubbles would even say they were 'made for each other', but the girls would just laugh it off.

So, right now, staring into blood red eyes that looked more hot than scary, trying not to look down his muscled arms (not too much, not too little) and straight up passing his ruffled hair because if she looked at that then she wouldn't be able to stop herself-

Calm down you horny girl! Her conscience basically yelled. Damn, so you're going to let puberty kick your ass?

Shut up. And language. Blossom thought, bringing her full attention back to Brick, pursing her lips. "Yeah… I'm too tired to fly."

Brick stayed his same chilled back look. One thing everyone has noticed, Brick is almost always indifferent. An insult could barely even touch him. "And what did you do to get so tired?"

He said it curiously, but the undertone of it made her blush. Oh, so now you see everything as an innuendo, hmm? Her conscience pried.

She ignored it.

"Get your mind out of the gutter. I simply had a book I could not put down. I know you've done the same."

Before she even realized it, they had left the bus stop. She didn't know when she had decided to just walk to school, but her mind seemed to be fine with doing it as long as Brick was there.

Brick shrugged. "I didn't bring anything gutter worthy up."

Blossom scoffed. "And what are you assuming?"

Her heart started to beat a little faster, and she started to wonder where this was going.

Brick laughed and licked his lips. "What made you assume I was assuming something?" Suddenly, he had turned to her. Startled she fell back, just to hit the wall of the building behind her. Brick smirked and stepped closer. Blossom froze. "It seems like your mind might be the one in the gutter. Just what are you thinking?"


Shut it and help me out of this!! Blossom thought, rather panicky. This time, she was positive her conscience laughed.

Have a comeback, isn't that what you do best? Something good and flirty. Her conscience said in an helpful voice.

Yeah… good and fli- wait, what?!

A couple seconds must have passed without Blossom saying anything, and she saw Brick's eyes flash. "The great Puff doesn't have a comeback? What a glorious day!"

Blossom frowned, her head was so cluttered she couldn't come up with anything good. "Sorry, was that supposed to offend me? If it was, then you're losing your touch."

Brick moved a bit closer. "Ah, there's the Blossom I know."

Blossom blinked, her mind slowly organizing. "And why are you so interested in me today?"

Brick shrugged, indifferent face back as he shoved his hands in his pockets. Jeans, she realized, jeans that look good on him. And so does his sleeveless hoodie, and damn his arms…

That's called eye rape. Her conscience said. If you wanna kiss, pucker your lips, hold your breath, and dive in.

Shut it!! Blossom hissed.

"What's to say I haven't always been interested?" He shrugged again. "Why wouldn't I be? But, than again, why would I be?"

She was going to kill him.

Cool, freeze him first, then laser the ice cube in half. Her conscience persuaded.

Why freeze? Blossom asked.

Cause freezing a guy's balls is like a woman giving birth… I think.

Language… Blossom murmured. He was close now, so close. And by looking at his eyes, she knew she would have to make the next move. Move away, comeback, kill him, or something else…

Freeze his balls or fucking kiss him! Her conscience cried. She wondered why her conscience was so vulgar.

Get your language under control please. Blossom said mentally, as she looked up at Brick, before leaning in. Brick's eyes widened, before his phone and her phone went off at the same time. They both groaned.

"Monster." Both phones said at the same time, one in Butch's voice, one in Buttercup's.

Fuck your siblings. Her conscience mumbled quietly to Blossom.

Aren't they your siblings too? Blossom asked.

You're enough for me.


What are you going to do?

I'm going to talk to him!!!

What will that lead to?

… More talking!!!

Her conscience didn't answer, but she knew it was quietly swearing profanities to her. Blossom sighed, dropping her bag by the corner and walking to her sister's table. Since Boomer and Bubbles were dating, he sat with her. And since all six superheros were basically the 'people everyone say is popular but never know it themselves', they kinda stay together anyway. It also had that the Puffs best friend, Robin, and the Ruffs best friend, Mitch, were dating, so they stay with them.

Blossom sat down on the girl's side of the table, Bubbles and Buttercup already there. Mitch and Robin sat down a second later, and the boys weren't in the cafeteria.

When they finally came in, all eyes turned to them. If they weren't the best looking boys in school, that be one thing, but they had also just defeated a monster, and, like the girls, they had no time to clean up. So they were covered in certain areas by bright pink goo. It had become a bit of a tradition, if they beat a monster during school times, they'd wear around their bruises and their monster's goo. Weird, but that's what happens when you let Boomer and Butch decide the new school tradition.

The boys sat down at their table, and immediately started talking to their respective Puff. The cafeteria gained in talking as people went about their day.

Blossom gulped slightly, her thoughts of the morning fresher than the monster fight afterwards. Brick almost seemed to enjoy her uneasiness.

He's teasing you. Her conscience scowled. Don't let him! Bitch slap him to Canada or something!

You are the worst conscience ever… Blossom sighed, pressing her lips in a line. She scanned him quickly, before nodding to a rather large cut on his arm, which was starting to bruise. She remember when the monster did it. "How's your arm?"

He flexed it, and Blossom swore the temperature went up a degree. "S'fine. How are you?"

"I'm fine." She eyed the wound. It wasn't healing. "That doesn't look good. You should get it wrapped." She grabbed her bag, bring out gauze that she always has in her bag, before handing it to him.

Brick shook his head. "I don't need it."

Blossom eyed the wound. It was bleeding, actually bleeding. Boomer was the only other one with a bad scratch, and he was picking at his own as well, One Bubbles had wrapped on his hand. Blossom checked the table, plenty of extra room. In a swift move, she had moved to the other side of the table, grabbing Brick's arm. The others glanced over, but went back to talking. Brick just groaned.

Blossom took his arm, extending it, before touching the sides of the wound, not actually touching it. He would heal, so it wouldn't need to be dressed, but the gauze should stop any blood, and hopefully no one will scream at the 'red eyed man with blood running down his arm'.

Grabbing his bicep with one arm (she didn't need to, but damn, she couldn't help it) she used the other to start wrapping the gauze. "It's more for the school's benefit, not yours."

Brick looked at his arm, then her hand. "Strange place to put your hand." He flexed again, and Blossom felt it easily.

He caught you! Her conscience sang.

Shut up.

She slowly moved her hand, sparing a glare at him, as if to say he was immature. "You need a new thinking method."

Brick shrugged, wincing slightly. "Mine has worked well so far." His head was close to her's. "Just like this morning. Insinuating things." He tsked.

Blossom looked up, almost squeaking. They were basically nose and nose.

If I could, I would of already made you jump his bones. Her conscience said dirtily.

Oh god, wash your mind! Blossom closed her eyes for a second, trying not to imagine anything. Ugh.

With a quick stick, she finished wrapping the wound, picked up her things, and left.


Blossom looked at the boy, Chris, and groaned.

I swear, all the dumbass jock jerks have a name like Chris or Jake or some stupid shit like that.


He was leaning against the locker by hers as she grabbed her supplies for her next class, an AP class that Chris definitely didn't have.

"Yes, Chris?" Blossom sighed, closing her locker. Chris gave her what he thought was an award winning smile.


He hasn't been annoying… Yet. Don't be mean.

"Blossom, you can trick everyone else, trick Brick into thinking you like him-" For some reason, Blossom's conscience was swearing every profanity it knew, before sighing and going silent. "-but I know who you really like. This guy." He gestured to himself. "So, to help you out, I'll take you out on a date."

She Smiled at him. He grinned back. "Chris, your offer had been thought out through. No."

His face twisted. "No?"

"Of course no. It's obvious with what you're doing. Buttercup told us all about you chasing her around, begging for a date. After a while, I'm sure once you figured my answer is staying, you'll try Bubbles. But remember, Boomer will kill you."

That's my girl.

"Why wouldn't you want me? I'm hot, I play football, I'm a great kisser-"

"And your life is going in the direction of a McDonald's worker."

He faltered. "What?"

"You're barely passing class. I know because I tutored you. And you're not really a good football player. I mean Butch and Buttercup would destroy you, and they play soccer. And I don't think they have a hot scale on any application, except maybe a model, and you're not model worthy. So, unless you're rich, your next job is McDonald's cashier." She took a moment. "Nothing wrong with McDonalds, though."

Dude, harsh. Her conscience laughed. Keep going.

She did. "Unlike you, Brick is smart. One of the smartest people in the world." She leaned in closer to the jock. "He's the best basketball player you guys have, he's 'hotter' than you, and I'm damn sure he would be a better kisser." She leaned back. "He's also not a conceited jerk like you, so I don't get how you think I don't like him."

Chris was opening and closing his mouth like a fish. She continued. "Oh, and stay away from my sisters, Robin included. It might not seem like it, but they are all taken."

Chris's face turned red in embarrassment. Blossom glanced around with her eyes, seeing she had gathered a crowd. The only person she knew she could see was Buttercup, clapping at her words. She didn't hear what she said about Brick, though. No one but Chris did.

"You…" he started. "You bitch!"

Blossom rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, ready to retort when the crowd parted slightly and the devil's son (quite literally) walked out. "Really, Chris? That's the best comeback you got?" He mumbled something under his breath and the entire crowd cracked up.

Chris looked like he wanted to kill him, but, of course, Brick had powers. He'd dodge some punches, and when he got bored, that's when his opponent got a concussion.

Brick casually walked up beside Chris, to his other side. He was trapped between two superpowered teens, one he just called a bitch, one who was always hot headed.

He gulped.

Can we freeze this one's balls off?

No… Maybe later.

Brick leaned against the locker on his side, his shoulder the only thing touching the locker. His ruby eyes flared as he narrowed them slightly, he looked disappointed. The crowd sucked in a breath, Buttercup looked surprised, but she was still smiling.

Blossom understood, they had never seen Brick explode. They wanted to see what would happen. She guessed they thought messing with her would mess with him. The thought left a flutter in her stomach.

Pay attention! Stop eye rapeing the boy.

Brick sighed, before grabbing the guy's arm and pushing him away. It wasn't much force, but he slammed back first into the opposite lockers. "Get lost." Was all Brick said.

Chris looked enraged, and his anger overthrew the little intelligence he had.

He took his time getting himself from the lockers. The crowd didn't move, trapping Brick and Blossom from getting too class. Another part in the crowd let Mitch and Boomer through.

Boomer stood to the side, crossing his arms and staring at Brick. Brick glanced at him and nodded, causing Boomer to relax a little.

Mitch moved over to Brick, just as Chris finally detached himself from the lockers. As if to surprise, he flung himself forward, looking to punch Brick, but not noticing Mitch, who was in front of him.

Mitch took the punch, his head flipping back before he slammed into the lockers behind him, bashing his head against it.


Then, four pairs of eyes turned on the jock.

Said jock gulped.

"Boomer." Brick said, eyes flashing as he knelt next to the unconscious Mitch. "Call Bubbles."

Boomer took out his phone, but Blossom had stopped paying attention.

You're the sadist of both of us. Blossom thought. What are you thinking right now?

I am not a sadist. Her conscience said. But if you would please- tear him a new asshole.


Before Brick could do anything, Blossom had moved in front of Chris, 'dainty' hand grabbing his throat, pushing him to the locker then up the wall. He choked silently.

The crowd thought they'd see Brick explode. Not Blossom.

Blossom could imagine some of their thoughts. 'If this is the righteous Puff angry, what would Brick do--She just pushed him up the wall, like that--her eyes are glowing--there's ice by her feet.'

There is ice coming from you.

She tightened her grip anyway. "Do something like this again." She snarled. "And you won't just be dealing with me… You'll be dealing with us, all of us.

She dragged him away, to the outside of the crowd before throwing him away, running back inside the crowd.

Bubbles was there, healing Mitch. She barked about needed space, and the crowd dispersed quickly.

Brick came up to Blossom, the ice around her feet steaming and disappearing. "There's the Blossom I remember."

Blossom raised an eyebrow. "A Blossom who hurts people?"

Brick's hand went under her chin, bring it up so she would look at him. "A Blossom who would protect friends. A Blossom who wouldn't take people talking back to her. This morning she was gone."

Blossom smiled slightly. "She was tired. Her conscience is an annoying prick."


Brick just laughed. People usually don't talk about their conscience, but everyone knew about them. "Want to switch?"

Blossom looked him up and down. "No. I rather not have that in my head. My conscience is enough."

It was only then that she realized her siblings had brought Mitch to the infirmary, leaving them alone in the hall.

And they were really, really, close.

And coming closer…



They separated, and Blossom, with red cheeks, hurried to class.

To bad they didn't know they already had each other's conscience.

Things would be so much easier.


Blossom hurried down the empty hallway, hand wrapped around Brick's. School had just ended, but she had a good half hour before basketball or swimming started.

Brick, surprisingly, was letting himself be dragged through the school, quiet with no expression besides a barely raised eyebrow.

Finally, she stopped at a corner of the high school, a corner many people (but not her and her friends, she had only heard of it in passing, but she was sure thinking about it) called the 'makeout corner'. The place in school horny teenagers could go were adults almost never did. Good thing about it was that no one would be there, even for any clubs, because, why stay at school with your partner, and not go home instead? The thought made her shudder.

Blossom had put all her stuff in her locker, as had Brick, so they had nothing to carry. Brick leaned against the wall, hands in hoodie pockets. He looked around with bare interest, scanning the empty halls. "Weird spot to bring me Blossom… the 'makeout corner'..." he smirked slightly. "I'm I going to have to worry about my purity?"

Blossom almost snorted, hiding the fear that he knew what this corner was. Of course he knew.. "Like you're still pure."

In her head, she could see her conscience smiling, a grinch-like smile. She didn't know why, though.

Brick shrugged. "That's a very strong accusation you're making." His smirk turned into a tilted smile, that looked a little dorky. Blossom hated him, messing with her feelings like this. "Maybe I am, you wouldn't know, would you?"

"I wouldn't." She agreed. "Anyway, I brought you here because I knew it would be empty at this time."


He's playing with you.

I know.

Then do something about it!

Blossom set her mouth, eyes narrowing slightly. "I came here to talk about what's happened today."

Brick's head stayed slightly tilted, but his smile morphed into a frown. "The monster? Do you think something was wrong with it?"

Blossom forced down a glare and shook her head. Either he really thought she wanted to talk about the monster, or he knew. "You know that's not it, Brick."

Brick's eyes flashed, mirth filling them slightly. It was the most emotion she's seen out of him in a while, and she was enjoying it, even though he frustrated her. "Oh, you're talking about the, What, three times you've tried to kiss me today."

Blossom's eyes narrowed more. "I was thinking it was the other way around," she shook her head. "I want to know what you're trying to accomplish."

Brick shrugged. "What do you mean? Your acquisition can hardly be proven, and from my point of view, you tried to kiss me."he looked around, still on the wall. "But if I did try to kiss you… you wouldn't rebuke me."

Blossom didn't know when he turned the conversation onto herself. "We'll answer that question after you answer mine." Blossom stepped closer to where Brick was leaning, pink eyes never leaving red. "What were you trying to do?"

Sheesh girl, calm down with the interrogation. Her conscience chided. She ignored it.

Brick looked bored for a second, before a smirk inched its way on his face. "Are you really so surprised that I would try to kiss you? You're acting as if I committed a crime. You think that, maybe, I might just like you?"

Blossom didn't answer. Of course it came up, but why would Brick like her? She's pretty, but not as pretty as others, she's a know-it-all, she's not a first choice. "Of course I've thought that." Against her will, she stepped up even closer to Brick, looking up at him fiercely. Not even a foot apart as he leaned against the wall. "I've just concluded that that wasn't it."

Brick laughed, laughed. "Bloss, you're finally wrong on something." He seemed to find it funny.

Blossom wouldn't believe it.

Idiot, believe it.

She wouldn't. "No."

Brick's eyebrows raised. "Really? Kiss me and you'll be proved wrong."

Bitch I swear if you don't do it then I won't let you sleep for the next month. Her conscience threatened.

He doesn't like me. Blossom thought. No, he just wants to say he's kissed Blossom Utonium.

You imbecile.

Shut it, or I'll get so drunk, that it'll take you months to finally crawl out of the hole you've made yourself in my mind.

Silence for a moment.

Your inner bitch is showing. Her conscience said slowly. She could hear it's smugness.

Blossom snapped.

Watch your fucking language!

And before she could stop herself, she wrapped a hand around the back of his neck, pulling him down while going on the tips of her toes to reach his lips.

Instantly, her body was on fire, something's she never felt with her ice powers. Lips moved hungrily against hers as she pressed herself against him as much as possible, making him press farther back into the locker. They never broke away, and you better know, Blossom was making sure she tasted every inch of his lips.

Her conscience never lost it's smugness. You fucking hypocrite…..



I sense a disturbance in the conscience-verse. Like a conscience had dirtied a soul with language.

Brick had absolutely no idea what his conscience was rambling on about. He was busy.

Cause, damn, Blossom kissed rough.

Can you fucking shut up? Brick asked, only half paying attention.

Language. His conscience chided. I can and will give you a headache.

The way it said that made him chuckle against Blossom's mouth. It sounded so much like-

Like Blossom? It said, and it sounded exasperated. Imbecile, you're the smartest boy alive, and you can't even figure this out? I'm going to be long gone when they finally figure out conscience soul mates…

Mmm hmm… Brick hadn't heard anything. Blossom had moved her hands up to his hair, tugging at the strands. She was so fucking distracting.

He would later wonder what the conscience-verse was. Years later, he would be the one to finally figure it out, figure everything out. But, at the moment, there were more… pressing matters. Literally and figuratively.

Horny boy…