
Furious she stomped down the street, her brown hair falling out of its tidy bun, as she wiped away tears as her mascara ran down her face.

"How dare he, that monster!" She muttered as she walked down the familiar town street as people stared at her in disbelief. How could a fully grown women, look such a wreck! Hair falling out, make-up running, dress half fulling off, and not wearing any shoes in the middle of Japan, at lunch time! The sight was a disgust, especially in this high run little city, she looked like a common whore! A disgrace to the grand high-rise buildings that surrounded her, a peasant out of place! And yet, if we were to rewind the clocks to an hour earlier, she would have looked like a princess! Make up done, hair in a neat perfect pony tail, beautiful golden high heels adorning her small feet, and a red dress that showed off her curvaceous body, she was the essence of any mans dreams!

"Hello poppet!" A mans voice drawled, as she stared at him in complete and utter disgust.

"Don't touch me!" She snapped as she gripped onto her purse and continued her angry march down the city centre. Nobody asked her if she was alright, not that she would allow them the time as she continued to mutter things under her breath about the damned man that had ruined her! She would not put up with this! Not now, not in the future, not ever! If anyone was to make a fool of her the way he did under any other circumstances, they would have been straight out of her sight…but she loved him. That was the problem, no matter how many times he cheated on her, stole from her, her body yearned for him. She was the fool, and she knew it. This time however, she would not be running back into his overly large arms, this time she was going to turn him into the fool…

Or so she thought, for as she walked down the city street everything around her changed and she now marched angrily through what would have been what Japan looked like in an earlier period, with red lanterns adorning the streets, old buildings that she had seen in the small villages in the country a sight she was rarely use to, and the people…no they weren't really people they were more like black essence of beings. She stopped, realising she had absolutely no idea where she was. Had she taken a wrong turning? and ended up in "China" Town or somehow, God forbid, ended up in the Red light district, and what else was strange, was that it was no longer day time, but very much night time. She froze as she did a double take and walked back to try retrace her steps, only to come face to face with the most horrid of creatures.

"Sen?" It croaked.
