Granger Family Reunion


After the war and battle at Hogwarts, the Golden Trio, Ginny Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini and Daphne and Astoria Greengrass got together and had a long conversation about the future of the British Wizarding World. They were all top masters of their fields, from an ancient and noble family and had a large public following.

Harrison "Harry" Potter was taking up the mantle of Lord Potter-Black- Gryffindor-Slytherin in the Wizimagont and was working his way up the head of the DMLE while his wife Ginevra "Ginny" was an editor for the daily profit as well as a chaser for the Holyhead Harpies. Hermione Granger married Draco Malfoy and worked with him on new legislature; focusing on equality, education and the Stature of Secrecy; in addition to this, she became one a world-renowned healer due to her cures for both muggle and magical illnesses. Draco Malfoy took over the family businesses, the title of Lord Malfoy and was a world-renowned potions master. Ron Weasley married Daphne Greengrass and was an Auror while his wife was a healer and potions mistress; they both managed the Greengrass estate and Wizengamot votes. Blaise Zabini was a curse breaker and researcher for the department of mysteries while his wife Astoria Greengrass managed the Zambini Estate while also working as a charms professor at Hogwarts.

Together they tore the Ministry and Hogwarts curriculum apart and then rebuilt it to higher standards. Muggle-borns and their families were now told about the Wizarding World at the first sign of accidental magic, where a ministry representative would deliver books and give a brief explanation on the history and legislature of the Wizarding World. A family could now schedule tours of Hogwarts so that they would be able to see the school their children would attend during middle and high school. Hogwarts curriculum now had a wizarding customs class for all muggle-born or muggle raised students while magic raised students attended a muggle study and customs course. All students had to take the mundane subjects and exam in addition to the magical exams so that they would be able to work and live in both worlds. New courses were offered, both electives and core classes. Students would take transfiguration, defense, offense, charms, potions, and beginners healing for their core classes. Electives were being added every few years so that students would be able to learn different branches of magic, even ones long thought lost.

A muggle-born family could now open a new house and allow them to start building estates so that they eventually be put on the Wizengamot in a few generations. The wizarding families edited records merged into the muggle world so that new births and deaths could be recorded. This allowed a wizard to have a history, family record and bank account in the muggle world without faking documents or just popping up.

The Malfoy, Potter, Weasley-Greengrass, and Zambini families started a large corporation that worked in both the muggle and magical world. This company, Domum Superbia Industries ( House Pride Industries), had restaurants, hotels, resorts, transportation, shops, a primary school and mastery school. In addition to their businesses, they adapted muggle technology to work in the magical world so that they had a connection to the internet; the magical world officially had two online options- Maginet and the muggle internet. If one wanted to travel they would be able to travel, they could travel internationally to the different hotels and resorts. Each hotel has a shuttle service to nearby international airports, as well as a continental floo and portkey arrival area. Every resort has a private runway for international clients as well as a continental floo and portkey arrival area. The top floors of the hotels were sectioned off for magical families or people knowing about magic, while resorts had sections for magical families to stay in.

The founding families became a tight-knit group that traveled together during holidays, worked together and would eventually become as well known as Merlin and the founders of Hogwarts. Through their travels, they learned new branches of magic, languages and were able to look at magical and muggle ruins to find lost spell books. Due to the fact that they made business enemies as well as any possible enemies looking to overtake the ministry and school systems, they made it a family and house mandate to train all children in occlumency, dueling, sword fighting, and defense. If anyone were to attack their family homes or businesses, they would find wards that were stronger than Hogwarts old wards.

Author's notes-

I changed Harry's name to Harrison because I felt that Harry was always more of a nickname than his actual name. In addition to that, he was born into the house of Potter and Black (through his Grandmother and Sirius) and I think they would have a common name and public name.

Harry's Slytherin lordship is both through his victory over Voldemort as well as through his mother's line.

Hermione became well known in the muggle world because she was releasing her cures publicly in the muggle world as well as the magical one.

I always thought that it was a bad idea not to have muggle records alongside magical ones because people were just appearing after disappearing for years, I am honestly surprised Wizarding Britain survived as long as they did.