It has been atleast around a month, a month since I found myself here. A place where there is nothing but darkness. Almost like a tunnel filled with nothingness. I don't know why I am here ore how I came here. All I could remember was my high school graduation ceremony and that's it , everything is blank afterward. I have been walking for days now but I can not find the end of this tunnel or whatever it is. But to my surprise I haven't felt the need for food or water till now. Even I consider it weird, so the idea of being dead and getting tortured for my sins crossed my mind but I still haven't completely agreed on that idea. So I just continued walking without thinking much about the situation. Suddenly I saw a dot, a dot which might me end if this tunnel.

Finally I decided to move toward that dot ,even hell will be far better than this dakness.The closer I move the bigger the light became and finally I could see the end of this tunnel. I ran toward the light and jumped hoping to escape this shitty place. Annnnd snap! it felt like a dream has ended , I slowly opened my eyes only to find myself in a unknow place.This place was surely not my home. So i decided to get up and check where I was .But none of my muscles were doing the thing ordered by my brain. My body was feeling numb.My eyesight was blurry and only a sound of tiiiiiiiiiiiiiii was coming in my ears.

Suddenly a lady ,who was wearing what I guess was a nurse outfit turned towars me. Due to my blurred sight I was neither able to see her face nor her actions properly.But what I could see was that she ran out of the room after seeing me for around 10 sec. So I was in a hospital , as I concludes after seeing the lady in the nurse's outfit.Why was I in the hospital,I asked myself an suddenly the images of the accident flashed in my mind. But as I was tired right now i decide to drop the topic for the time being .

The lady returned but this time she was with a guy who i assume was a doctor . He stated checking my pulses heartrate etc and after around 15 minutes of checkup he went outside the room .The lady did the same.

After around an hour from my awakening,my body regained it's sence of touch but I still was not able to hear , speak and see properly neither I was able my move a single muscle of my body. Then suddenly the door of my room opened and 2 women and a man entered. The man stood in his place like he was paralyzed whereas the 2 women ran towards me and started to cry on my chest.Will you please get off me ladies your weight is like I am being stomped by an elephant.

But neither I was able to say that to them nor I was able to push them away from me.

1 month later

Finally all my senses are back . Now I can speak, see and hear though not perfectly but I can manage.

Both the ladies ,that visited me the first day , comes every day to vist me.

One of them was sitting beside me and was peeling some apples.She was a middle age woman and surprisingly had some resemblace with Komachi.

So I decided to ask who she was .

" Who are you Miss?" I asked politely just to be considerate.

"What are you saying onii-chan?"she replied with a confused look in her face.

I composed and asked the lady to help me to sit.

After I leaned on the pillow , I gave the lady deadliest glare I can and said, in a tone which was enough to show her that I will kill her if she spit out another lie,

" Look lady I am truly grateful to you for taking care of me this past month but that doesn't give you any right to joke about my sister."

The lady started rubbing her temple ,and then she let out a sigh. After composing herself, she asked me a question" Do you even know how many years you have been in comma".

Comma wtf , I thought I was just unconcious due to the accident.

Years what do you mean by years.

"Yes onii-chan years"

"You have been in comma for around 18 years now"she said with tears dripping from her eyes.

I suddenly looked at her face and there was no hidden smile on her face.

So she isn't kidding.

My mind went blank.This is beyond my comprehension. But I don't think somenody will do such a elaborate prank with a hospitalized man.

It took me a minute or two to regain my senses and when I did, the word that slip my mouth were

" Why God, why have you forsaken me.

Why I wasn't there to see my cute little siser grow.

Why my cute little sister has changed into a old hag now.

I promise you god once meet you got a lot of explanation to do".

After blurting out my threat to god I looked at the face of the lady,who proclaimed to be komachi.

There was a look of disgust and suprise on her face.

"Onii-chan you don't even care about that your life had been wasted cause you were unconsious for 18 years. All you care is that I am no longer your cute little sister. Seriously, you have outdone yourself with this time. Your gross level is above 9000." she said in an angry tone.

I pondered over what she said to me and the conclusion that I reach was what I replied to Komachi.

"Oi , Komachi why I will be disappointed huh? I was able to live a perfect life, a life a loner like me could have ever dreamt of.

I was able to pass 18 years of life without any social interaction or without doing any work. Getting food without working it's even better than being a house husband. Why I didn't considered such a awesome option before . Because of all my social interaction I must have dulled my loner's logical thinking ,to not even think of such an awesome option"

All I could see after my answer was disappointed Komach.

So as it is my policy to not dwell about the past.Thus it doesn't matter what happened in past 18 years. As for god,I will deal with himwhen I will find him, for all he has done to my little sister.

"So Komachi what's my age know".

"You will be around 35 or 36 onii-chan." replied Komachi.

36 huh that will make Komachi 34. So just to catch up what I missed I asked Komachi some personal question

"Are you married now?"

"Do you have kids as well?"

"What about mom and dad?"

I shot up komachi with a barrage of questions.

"Wait onii-chan! Calm down" abruptly answer Komachi

"Yes I am married and I have a daughter who is around 10 years of age.

As for Mom and dad they are fine and they must be on their way to meet you." Komachi answered each of my questions one by one.

Then Komachi gave me a brief account of her life.

[ 18 years huh? it surely was a long period,not for me that is , but it was surely long for my family. Well my life is almost over,without me doing anything.

Okay, first as for my search for something genuine was more or less fulfilled.The concerned and sad look on Yui and Yukino's face , just before i got unconsious and landed in this hospital only to sleep for 18 years, was something genuine.And how can i forget the tears of happiness from my mother and sister,which I didn't see but felt, was nothing less than genuine.

As i look back into my life ,the very few good things I did will be

(1) First an foremost being the best older brother for the cutest creature named Komachi.

(2) Help Yukino, atleast according to her,

to break herself free from all the chain and bondages that were restricting her.

To crack the ice that was covring her heart, but i guess Yui did most of it.

And yes we were on the first name basis.

(3)As for Yui. I Finally got to know the sorrows , weakness and emptiness that covered her heart.And force her to show the world her real self, though is wasn't very different from her "nice girl" self but it surely felt more genuine and definitely more beautiful to me.

(4) I am not really proud of this one but still Haruno Yukinoshita a.k.a the lady devil used me as a tool to break herself free from that fake world]

This train of thought of mine was finally broken by the sound of the door , which

got opened reveling 3 people.

One of them was My mother

Other was my father

and third was little girl, who was around 9-10 years old.

"Hat-chan ,I see you are finally able to talk now, huh?"the woman said .

As for my mother she hasn't aged a bit. She looked the same as she did 18 years ago. Is She a witch????

"Hat-chan I will take it as a compliment but it's not polite to call your mother a witch" she said.

WTF, she can read my mind , now i am damn sure she is a witch.

My mother started rubbing her temple

and after letting out a sigh she said " look Hachiman you really need to work on that talking while thinking thing okay?"

"O-okay" I replied in a scared voice.

A smile slipped from my lips.

Then turning my head toward that cute little thing I asked mom" who is that cute little creature there mom".

Mom turned her head towards that girl but before she could reply a sudden voice interrupted her

" She is my daughter " said Komachi .

A smile slipped from my lips.

And the smile has now turned into a all out laugh,a maniac laugh.

"I am sorry god , you are the perfect planner, sorry I doubted you"were the word I was saying in between my laughs.

My family was looking me with a scared look.Even the girl was scared.

So I stopped my maniac laugh.

"What's her name?" I asked Komachi.

"Homura" replied Komachi .

Ok god I take back everything I said to you .

You're the best.

Even current Komachi is damn cute and her daughter Homura, well she is even cuter than Komachi in her teenage. So now I have a cute sister and a god- tier cute niece. No complains god, non at all, first a perfect loner life and now a super cute niece, it's just perfect.

"Ok Komachi,that angle there has earned more points than you ever collected with just that smile" I just wanted to show Komachi that I am no longer a sis-con.

"Well, I am not allowing you to go anywhere close to her".

What that statement just hit me worse than knowing that I was in comma for 18 years.

"Please Komachi don't do this to me. I will do anything you want , I will give you any thing you want. You can't be this heartless.

"O anything you say ……

Then just recover as quickly as you can so we can take you home. Oo this earned me a lot of Komachi point . Now I am ahead of Homura."

6 months passed like this.

My rehab has been started for around 4 months now . And the wish to play with my niece was the only thing that was keeping me from quitting this hellish rehab.

Like any other day I was busy with my rehab when an unknown guy visited me and this meeting just changed everything.

"Come in" I replied to the knock on the door.

A man appeared in the room , wearing a nice suit and a business smile,bowed and said "Good morning Hikigaya-san"

"Good morning" I replied still trying to recollect how I know this man.

Suddenly my sister, who was sitting near me, stood up and started walking towards door.

"Komachi, where are you going?"

"I think giving you two privacy for such conversation will be for the best , Onii-Chan." That reply left me dumb folded.

What this guy wants to talk about and how Komachi knows about it.

And the most important one ,who the hell is this guy.

"Shall we begin Hikigaya-san"said the stranger.

"Mind introducing yourself first" was the obvious question.

"O I am really sorry Hikigaya-san. I am Kaizaki Hiroshi,from RELIFE laboratory. Pleasure to meet you"was the stanger's answer.

" What do you need , Kaizaki-san. Well can I call you just Kaizaki, I am not good with honorific."

"Very well Hikigaya-San , you can call me whatever pleases you. As for my motive to visit you, that topic will take some time, so I suggest we should sit first".

"Okay , will you help me ?" I said.

Understanding the meaning of what I said, the man in the suit came near me and helped me to move to my bed.

After I leaned on a pillow of my bed, Kaizaki took a chair and placed it directly in front of me.

"So Hikigaya-San as part of our experiment ,we would like you to RE-LIVE your highchool life."

What is this guy saying or I must have misheard something.

"Come again".

"Don't worry Hikigaya-San ,you didn't misheard my sentence. As part of our experiment we would like you to RE-LIVE your highchool life." Said Kaizaki.

What is this , a joke , a prank , it's not even funny buddy.

Will stop your joke and just fuck off.

"Hey , as you can see I am in no condition to play along with your petty joke, so if you don't have anything else to say then just leave." I said with clear rage in my tone.

"This is no joke Hikigaya-san, I being serious here" replied the guy with his never fading smile.

We discussed or rather argued, with me spouting words with rage and the guy replying with a simle, for around 1 hour before he was anywhere close to make me believe his nonsense.

" If you are thinking that it's scientifically impossible , then I must reassure you that science have developed quite a lot in past 18 years and changing a guy to look like a highschool student is not a pipe dream. Rest assure we will change you back once the experiment is over." Said Kaizaki.

"Okay , but what will I get by being your lab rat."was my question to Kaizaki.

Better know what will I get from this before arguing on whether it is possible or not.

" Well, we will not be asking you to do this free. First we will be paying for all your expenses during the experiment and second ,if you performed satisfactorily them we'll be offering your a job and believe me they pay really well for the job."

Okay so I will be getting a job and they will be paying my expenses untill the experment is over . But this isn't sufficient to convince me to go back to that hell called highschool.

"No , I'm not interested". I replied ,after considering all pros and cons of the deal.

"Well I can't really force you on this ."

Kaizaki said this and start moving to the door to leave. But suddenly he stopped and turned to me .

Do he still have something to say , just get the fuck outta here buddy.

"So what you gonna do from now onward." He said by turning again towards me.


"I am asking what will you do after getting discharged from the hospital?

Without any degree I doubt you will get any decent job.

Plus your parents have spent there last penny for covering your hopital bills for 18and a half year now. How are you planning to repay them, sir.

Or you are just thinking to be a burden to them aftee getting discharged.

Quite shamefull isn't it"

So you are trying to provoke me now, good but it wont work on me.

But what he said is all true. I have been nothing but burden to my Parents. If I don't get a job sooner I will never be able to pay them back.

Aaah , I got no options left. I have to accept it

"Ok i will do. I will be your lab rat".

"That's a smart decision. Hikigaya-san"

"Bur what if somebody recognises me during your experiment.

"Thats why you are the perfect subject. As you didn't have many acquaintances during your highschool period, plus you have been declared dead 10 years ago"

"Dead what do you mean".

"Well we have connection with this hospital , thus we declared you were dead 10 years ago.

A lot of people came to your funeral as well."

"How can you do that without my permission , you bastard."

"You were in comma but we took the concent of your parent and sister before declaring you dead."

"They are also involved huh"

After that he explained a lot of details relate to this experiment.

"You have to use a alias during your time in high school"

That was unexpected.

"Ok how about Ken Kaneki or Kakashi Hatake"I suggested.

"No sir we cannot you such obvious alias"

Damn it.

"Well you will be keeping you last name. So as to not creat any confusion later.

"Then its decided my name will be Hikigaya Hiroshi".